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[FE7] Screw FE13


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159 turns isn't bad at all for a first time FE7 drafter.

In my first FE7 draft on this site, my TC was...190 turns? >_> I got better and I get under 150 turns a lot now, but still.

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That shouldn't be a problem at all? As long as you know what you're doing, you won't need to not promote Farina.

Giving Hector the boots is definitely a smart idea, though.

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I really have no clue what I'm doing, haven't played this game in a while and have never gone for LTC. Not having someone to ferry Hector/Not promoting Farina probably isn't that big of a deal though.

Boots on Hector sounds like a good idea, thanks for the tip.

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Chapter 17 - 11 turns (47)

Got the hero crest and the knight crest (not like I'll need this, but w/e). Hector and the others truck to the throne, and Florina gets as much EXP as she can during the trucking.

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Chapter 25- 6 (87)

Farina costs me a turn on this map, even without a flier because Sain is so godly and can get to the top right fort in 5 turns. Better be worth it~

Chapter 26- 11 (98)

Staffspam and Hammerne get. Legault steals a Knight Crest for money. Lyn and Guy promote.

Chapter 27- 6 (104)

Kenneth's map, hurray!

Crappy levels for everyone! Drops were such a waste on you Farina! Farina and Sain ferry Hector to Kenneth, Sain gets da bosskill.

Chapter 28- 15 (119)

No Jaffar don't run into a group of Mages and Archerers. Y u do dis. Legault gets all of the chests, Sain kills Ursula.

Chapter 28x- 19/Free (119)

Erk gets his A in staffs, Lyn gets some bow WEXP, Speedwings get, levels for everybody! Legault promotes, but he's useless with his 12 strength so it probably won't even matter. At least he can silence people now.

Chapter 29- 4 (123)

Screw this map.

Farina, Lyn, Merlinus, and Heath (for shopping) all go left toward the warp village. Sain, Isadora, Erk, Guy, and Ninian go to the middle to take out the bulk of the enemies. Mainly Sain and Erk. Legault takes on the right side with the 2 nomads and 2 cavaliers, which was actually the shakiest part of the map, being that Legault had to hit nomads on forests and refrain from damaging the cavs to the point where they'd run away. Hector stays back, recruits Vaida, and takes out wyvern reinforcements. Sain ORKOs Linus with the Brave Lance. Erk doesn't max magic :'(.


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Guess I'll finish up this draft.

Chapter 30- 4 (127)

Warp Boots!Farina carrying Hector

Chapter 31- 11 (138)

Defend some more. Thank god those NPC soldiers came at the end of the chapter, I don't know what I'd do without them.

Chapter 31x- 5 (143)

Killer weapons and silver weapons get.

Chapter 32- 4 (147)

Farina promotes mid-ferry and Hector get 3 crits with the Killer axe on Limstella. Farina too weak to do any damage.

Chapter 32x- 1 (148)

Warp Guy

Final Chapter- 4 (152)

Legault + Farina vs. Ursula + Jerme
Guy(warped) + Lyn vs Uhai
Isadora vs. Brendan
Sain vs Darin
Hector(rescue staff'd) + Erk vs Linus + Lloyd
Athos vs Kenneth

Athos and Hector take out Nergal

Athos, Hector, Sain, and Erk take out the Dragon

Final Turn Count: 152 turns

Edited by King Marth
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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 17x - 4 turns (51)

holy shit it lives

Florina ferries Hector over, Eliwood kills a bunch of pirates and Damian, and Rebecca and Bartre do their own thing.

Chapter 18 - 3 turns (54)

Rebecca is SO CLUTCH with the longbow.

Florina's gaining quite a bit of STR, but no SPD. :< Oh, and Eliwood is WTF insane.

Chapter 19 - 5 turns (59)

Florina ferries Hector to Uhai, then the two of them tag-team the trooper.

Fiora's also the best NPC in the game.

Chapter 19x - 4 turns (63)

I realized Florina entered the chapter with 18 HP. She needs the angelic robe pronto.

Florina ferries Hector, kills Aion before Kishuna arrives, and everyone else trains. Bartre has 15 STR and 8 SPD at level 9, which is really nice. Eliwood's pretty beast, as always, and Rebecca's...Rebecca. Yeah.

Chapter 20 - 5 turns (68)

Flawless victory! Hector, Eliwood, and Florina GO UP (BTW, a competent foot unit and Florina are an amazing combination when aiding Hector in seize missions), while Rebecca and Bartre stay back and do their own thing.

Bartre I might sacrifice you.

BRB changing avatar to Florina.

Chapter 21 - 3 turns (71)

If only Hector could get a 3% critical hit against Oleg, but that's just impractical. At least it gave Eliwood time to get a few door keys just because, Hector and Bartre to get some more EXP, and Rebecca to do her own thing. Elysian whip get. Will promote Florina either next chapter or during the desert IF I can find a way to three turn C22 without her getting some extra MOV. XD


Goddess of FE7.

Chapter 22 - 3 turns (74)

lol i couldn't not promote florina

Her stats are pretty solid, for the most part. I hope her STR keeps up, though, since she didn't gain a point in any of her two levels this chapter. No biggie. Hector gets Heath, Lyn gets Rath, and we prepare for the desert.

...It'd be awesome if we also get Genesis.

Chapter 23 - 3 turns (77)

Uwwaaaah Florina why won't you gain STR. ;n;

At least she can do quite a bit of training to get it to improve. No Genesis, but ah well. Saving the Afa's drops for Pent. Bartre's promoting for Crazed Beast at level 15.

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (79)

Bartre promotes! Oh yeah, and we got Hawkeye, which is awesome. Some stuff is bought at the armories, and Florina goes up against Lloyd.



Chapter 25 - 4 turns (83)

Hector and Bartre go to Pascal's fort, Florina goes to the bishop's throne, Hawkeye goes to the warrior's fort, and Eliwood, Rebecca, and Ninian stay put.



I made Bartre retreat to save me the hassle of Jerme's map. Sorry bud, but Kenneth's map is faster. It sucks I don't get Karla, though. :<





Chapter 26 - 11 turns forced (94)

Trainin' trainin' trainin'.

Florina buys an elfire tome and a hella ton of ranged and killer weapons respecitively. Pent uses the Afa's drops and gains two levels, but neither of which contained MAG, which really blows. Eliwood promotes at level 20 and gets to C lances already, as well as some great levels. Rebecca gains some EXP, but is still rather lackluster compared to the others, and Hawkeye is the best wyvern killer.

So...yeah. Whoop whoop. Oh, and Hammerne get.

Edited by ZMeister
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Yeah. Remember when I killed Bartre? Assuming I'd go to Kenneth's map? Well... Dorcas tanked more than Serra during the 13x gaiden, so he has 2 EXP compared to her 1 EXP, which means I'm at Jerme's map.

Words can't describe how stupid I feel.

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