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So why do some people think this is a dating sim?


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It has some dating sim elements, but calling the game as a whole a dating sim is a serious stretch.

I think it's just because that aspect of the game has gotten... well... blown out of proportion, particularly for some who dislike the game and/or have dealt with some of Awakening's more... controversial fans.

Frankly, I'm sure there are a few people who focus more on that aspect on the game more than anything else.

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Robin is supposed to be the player's self-insert thing. As a result, Robin can support with every other playable character - and by extent, marry anyone of the opposite sex. Every pairing is the player's choice, too. Honestly, the more I think about it, the less able I'm able to see Awakening as anything but a shipping game, especially with the fanbase's problems.

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Er, dating sim is a bit of a stretch. There's no actual dating going on at all in the game, just supports, a proposal, and that's it. And there's WAY more to the game than just having characters marry each other.

Also, I've never seen anyone call FE4 a dating sim and it has the marriage system too.

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Also, I've never seen anyone call FE4 a dating sim and it has the marriage system too.

It's funny because before you posted this I was about to post "remember when everyone called FE4 a dating sim?". It did happen, the seriousness of it though was questionable. I see why people could think this game is a dating sim, perhaps secondary in nature, but a big part of the game is pairing people together and you can pair almost anyone. Hell, when it comes to your self insert, you can pair anyone. Of the opposite gender. Which honestly really blows. But that's not my point.

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I personally really like it. Since this is my first FE game, I kinda would be mad if they took the marriage mechanic away, especially child units.

It would be cool if they brought back Light Magic.

EDIT: The only reason why I like the marriage mechanics is because of the child units.

No marriage = No OP Children.

Edited by Game Over
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Biggest reason: Avatar exists. If it werent for that, i dont think people would be claiming dating sim. Since pairing is such a big deal, i would say that this game was made for people who like that kind of thing in games.

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I've been mostly seeing comments saying this on GameFAQs lately. Are the people who say this trolls who know very little of the game?

I think I spotted the problem.

That said, it's got dating sim elements, but plenty of RPGs do.

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I like the marriage system too and the fact that there's an Avatar character. It's because I can feel more attached to the character I chose for Avatar to marry since the Avatar is the player (although it's hardly the main reason I like Frederick so much).

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Have those people actually played Dating sims?

Is GameFAQs the place to be looking for well-founded opinions?

Is this game a dating sim?




It has Dating sim elements, but even then it's just the start and the end of the bargain. Finding someone and getting married. Why is Awakening presenting this comments while FE4 isn't? Simple. It's the most popular game on the series, and some fans are just way too vocal about it. But saying this game is a shipping game is stretching it, every FE game can be a shipping game.

Elicia X Ike OTP

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Why is Awakening presenting this comments while FE4 isn't? Simple. It's the most popular game on the series, and some fans are just way too vocal about it. But saying this game is a shipping game is stretching it, every FE game can be a shipping game.

Fe4 doesn't have shitloads of gimmicky anime-styled conversations that bolster the generalization of Fe13 being dating sim-like. The self-insert character that can marry any other character helps explain why everyone views 13 as a shipping game in comparison to any other game.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I never take those dating sims remark too seriusly. Most just sarcastic in nature, though maybe the frequencies of it might make it questionable. Although they have reasons to called it that, since the game is mostly about pairing your character and build their relationships to marriage. But calling it dating sim in serious manner is outstretched. Visual novel? Maybe. Shipping game? Absolutely.

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I never take those dating sims remark too seriusly. Most just sarcastic in nature, though maybe the frequencies of it might make it questionable. Although they have reasons to called it that, since the game is mostly about pairing your character and build their relationships to marriage. But calling it dating sim in serious manner is outstretched. Visual novel? Maybe. Shipping game? Absolutely.

A visual novel is just literature accompanied by still images, music, sounds, and stuff, regardless of romance. Ex. Steins Gate, Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. Awakening is definitely not a VN.

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The "marry your self-insert to the most desirable love interest by building their relationship points" is not disimilar to a dating sim, though obviously there's enough non-dating sim mechanics that we can safely say the game's primary market is not fans of dating sims, unlike dating sims.

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A visual novel is just literature accompanied by still images, music, sounds, and stuff, regardless of romance. Ex. Steins Gate, Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. Awakening is definitely not a VN.

Okay, I got your point. I'm wrong, so calling it visual novel is outstretched too since it doesn't have any one-big meaningful story to back those support conversations. Shipping game might be more appropiate here since FE13 also lack the game mechanics usually found on dating sims.

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It sure have some shipping but it also still retains the SRPG theme.

While I know you mean FE in general. But there is a game with an SRPG theme that is also a Dating Sim [the Dating sim segment and the story take priotirity in this case though]. Sakura Wars.

But yeah Awakening isn't even close to a dating sim.

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