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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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The Archives

Amon scratched his head, recalling the new information. Unfortunately, he was still trying to organize it in a way he could explain to others. Not having any frame of reference for something made sharing a little difficult, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. For now, though ... "It feels obvious now that I know, but ..." he paused and conceded the point with a couple of nods, "I guess it is pretty big as far as information goes."

"What do you mean, obvious?" Malik asked, clearly annoyed for some reason.

"I'll try to explain once we're out of here."

Very close by, Raquel was trying to figure out how to proceed. If this was the same Sardis she was after, and he was in Europa, then her father might be here too. "D-Darksider," Raquel struggled using the ridiculous moniker, "I need to know if you've seen someone with Sardis. He has red hair, short and grassy, really dull colored armor ... and his eyes are the same color as mine."

Simon took a step back, not wanting to be so closely involved in this. "I do not want any part in this."

"Please," she insisted, countering his back step with a forward one.

"Every time you and Sardis have come in contact with one another, people have fallen by the sword," Simon snapped at her. "All you could possibly do at this point is get civilians involved this time around."

"If he's here in Europa, we're bound to get attacked anyway," Reign noted.

"I assure you, he is not here to cause trouble for you people. Let the man be," Simon insisted, regaining some calm.

Simon's original answer wasn't a 'no' like it should have been, and so Raquel was convinced. "I can't do that ..." She could feel it in her gut, now. She was done here, and the situation was more complicated than she first thought. As she made for the entrance to the archives, she realized that she had to decide whether to try to track down the winged cleric about her emblem piece, or track down Sardis and try to get to her father. She had reasons for both and reasons for neither, but feeling as she did in that moment, she wanted to see her father in person, if it was at all possible.

Outer Chamber

"Alright then. Please wait here a moment," Ryder instructed before turning to leave. It wouldn't be possible to produce that much coin out of one's pockets, and they weren't even going to pretend they could. Ryder was off to the bank, it seemed, but apparently could get back relatively quickly. "Try not to damage it while I'm gone," Ryder teased.

It took a minute to track down the whimsical pegasus, but Ryder eventually found Phoebe wandering around near the main hall. "I should have put her in the outer chamber, but ..." Ryder left the thought unfinished and approached the pegasus. "It's time to make a purchase, so let's get going." Once Ryder was mounted up, the two vanished, leaving a Truthian acolyte thoroughly startled.

From the Dining Hall to the Workshop

While eating her lunch, Gabbie mused about various things. What came to mind more often than anything else was wondering how the others were doing. Knowing them, it was probably a good thing she decided to head back first. She wanted a day off and the only chance of that happening was not following Raquel and the others into that cathedral ... or anywhere for that matter.

She finished off her panini in no time and dropped the plate it came on off in the kitchen before leaving the dining area behind. Having decided on checking on Connor first, she headed for the workshop. She kept to a normal pace, not seeing the need to rush anywhere, and when she finally arrived at the workshop, she saw four people all working on the same thing.

"D.W.?" said one of the surprised workers, dropping his part of the load by mistake. As the weight came down on another's foot, he said, "Oh damn, sorry!"

"Would you focus?! This is dangerous equipment," the other snapped while his foot throbbed. They quickly got the thing hoisted again and began moving to the other side of the workshop. As her eyes followed them, Gabbie got another look at the Dauntless. It was stripped of its deflectors, she suspected. She could also see some of those devices lying on a workbench not too far away.

"So, how's progress?" she half greeted, half inquired. That was around the time she noticed what Anna was working on, which looked like a small scale ballista. Were they putting a ballista on this thing?

"Still behind schedule, but we're catching up," Anna inattentively replied.

Mushirah's Room

Eventually, a knock came to Mushirah's door, Damiana again. "I have your food here," she called from outside. "Is it alright if I come in?"

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Veronika looked back and forth between Synthia and Katrina, trying to discern the meaning before she finally caught on that Synthia was having difficulty speaking. "We should ask the maids to make you some hot tea when we get back to Weyland's," she suggested.


Well I guess it woulda been silly to think he could make money come outta nowhere, she thought to herself. What kinda rune is in this thing anyway? she thought to herself, squinting at the statuette to try and peer inside it.


The other workers stopping caused Connor to shift his attention towards Gabbie while still working on the new Dauntless. "We're making pretty good progress now that we have the equipment we need and aren't getting attacked. How have things been going with everyone? Wasn't there a meeting or something today?" he asked her.

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Tia looked up, watching as Gabbie came down. She knew the woman wasn't part of the construction team, and as such, was curious as to why she was down here. Inquiring about progress?

"Yes. Connor has been working hard to get this upgraded." she said, her voice a bit weak and nervous as she spoke up. "But as he said, things are going good. I suspect he is looking to turn the Dauntless into a more combat-focused vehicle based on his choice of weapon emplacements. Erm... Why are you down here anyways? This doesn't seem like something most people would be interested in."

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Along with Lumi, it seemed someone else decided to shoulder the blame for Synthia’s injury. The mage glanced at Faatina, looking skeptical. The girl hadn’t been anywhere close enough to block that knight in time. Unfortunately she couldn’t express that thought without writing it out, and she was getting a bit tired of doing that unless necessary, so she hoped a nod and her calm expression would suffice.

Her message for Veronika, though, couldn’t be conveyed so easily. She stood with her tome and scrawled out a few sentences before presenting it to the swordswoman. “That would be lovely. More importantly, I might know how to find the winged cleric. Lumi told me she has information on the emblem piece.”


Kat determined not to say anything else, lest she bumble her words again. Instead she started playing with Shadrak’s hair. It was clearly payment for getting to use her lap as a pillow while he was out.

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Looking very out of place, Ranyin sat down and started painting the archive walls and shelves in black and white on a parchment. He might have a question or two about magic but imprinting what he saw on paper was a top priority. While doing so, he reminisced about the battle at the mansion where he caught a stray blast and then inned under some rubble. Thankfully his last use of vulnerary was enough to fix him up before breaking out of it with wind magic. But by then the battle he could contribute to without too much risk(ie. not the battle between fallen royals) was over.

"I should consider expanding to painting with more than just black and white," the Kigenese mage mumbled to himself, "Oh man, carrying a bucket of paint in the university, pffft.". Which made him think back about the 'good old funny days' of Raquel's troop when Amon was just another member, Nanahm owed him a wyvern carving that he had to search the university for a bucket of green paint, meeting the water mage Tim and his exploding university baths, the ever omniabsent Chelsea, Aneda's sickening rainbow hair.


The recent past had been horrible for Mireille. Not fighting in her armour made her old techniques obsolete. She was shifting too far and too fast, her measured attacks were failing to connect and half the time she forget that she could not afford standing still and ward off a blow. Suffice to say she did not perform well at all.

Standing a few feet away from Raquel, the Ursian knight wondered if she was even still fit to act a bodyguard for her.

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With the help of a friendly priest, Eli found himself in the crowded (and possibly makeshift) sick room of the church, where dozens of last night’s wounded were getting treatment. He was so sure the clerics would be here, and indeed a few were. However, none of them could be defined as “winged”. Perhaps one of the patients knew. Eli turned to a pudgy man waddling towards him.

“Excuse me, do you happen to know of anyone known as the ‘Winged Cleric’? I really need to see her.”

“No, you really need to see this wart on me bum. Haven’t been able to sit down in a week!”

It happened so fast, Eli didn’t have time to turn away. With ninja-like speed, the pudgy man turned around and revealed the glaring angry sun plastered on his bare bottom. Eli grimaced at the sight of the butt wart, yet he couldn’t look away. Was it pulsating? Whatever was wrong, it was nothing a healing staff couldn’t fix. He was grateful that he had a physic staff; he wanted to stay as far away from that thing as possible. When he started applying the healing magic however, the wart only seemed to get “angrier” for lack of a better term. It wasn’t going away without a fight.

“Can’t stop staring…still staring…why…”

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Feeling impatient, Itsuki wandered over to the crowd gathering around Shadrak and asked in his native tongue, "What's wrong with the boy? Magic not working? Need old fashioned medical attention?" The Kigenese man cracked his knuckles and wore an excited grin. It had been about a few months since he last resuscitated a fellow soldier.


Noticing Raquel was about to leave, Ranyin hastily packed his belongings. He had just finished adding Nyx to the painting as well as vague silhouettes of the other archive occupants. He knew he could always add more detail later. Rushing close to Amon, Ranyin remarked, "So, our merry group seems to have grown much larger, eh?"


Keeping pace with Raquel, Mireille asked, "Raquel, as of late have I my services as a bodyguard to your troop been diminishing drastically?"

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"Any information you could provide would be quite helpful," Veronika said to Synthia before turning her attention towards the older man who appeared to be speaking at them.

"Sorry. No. Speak. Kigenese," she said slowly and loudly in hopes that he would understand her meaning.

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Outer Chamber

"Huh?" Until just then, Raquel hadn't given people's battle performance much thought. She just didn't have the eyes for it, especially since they were changing locales so frequently and with new battlefields came new situations. "I ... don't really know. I haven't really been focused on how good or bad people are doing ... not individually at least."

Reign, following behind since he didn't have anything better to do, said, "If you think you're in decline, you're probably right." He spared Nyx and the mountain of books behind her a glance and wondered if she could do something about his eye without getting inside of his head. The answer he settled for was no, and he still suspected she'd already taken a peek at some point anyway. Though, if she had already done that ... So was I robbed or is she going to say something eventually? Or do I have to say something?

As they emerged from the archives, Raquel finally noticed Shadrak unconscious and rushed over. Reign looked back into the archives and still saw Nyx standing there in the distance, though from that distance it was hard to tell who, if anyone, she was looking at. Next, he noticed Nadine coming back around to the archive entrance. "Hey, one last thing," he waved her over.

"What is it?"

"Can you ask her how much it'd cost to get this fixed?" he pointed to his eye patch.

Nadine nodded gloomily. "Yeah, sure."

"What happened to Shadrak?!" Raquel practically yelled. He was fine a little while ago, but apparently Nyx had caused enough damage to put him on the ground eventually.


I could ... probably reach the cathedral from here and see how they're doing but ... nah. "Last toime I saw them they were just reuniting with their long lost nomad and getting ready to go emblem hunting in the cathedral. I suppose as long as they don't go in too deep, they'll be foine ..." After a moment she sighed, "but that's loike expecting someone to go into a bonfire and not get burned ... it's pretty much inevitable that they're going to run into some koind of trouble in there."

In response to Tia, Gabbie said, "I live here. Besoides, it's not the first steel wagon I've seen slapped together on a whim ... though some of the others were a lot more impressive."

"Correction," Anna chimed in to clarify something she'd heard, "The Dauntless is retired. It's not being upgraded at all, and the specifications for this new transport are my own."

"You seem tense so I'm gonna go over here for a bit," Gabbie pointed toward the transport base Connor was working on before walking over. "Are you ever going to come up for air or do you just live for this?" she teasingly asked him as she knelt down to get a better look at the work.

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"He's asking if Shadrak here would like some non magical medical help." Jericho clarified for Veronika. Good thing he spoke his native tongue and could translate. This could be the beginning of a new awesome friendship!

"Yeah, you can come in!" Mushirah said in an actually happy tone. Thinking of the food was just making her stomach grumble more and more but she could smile through it, closing up the notebook and awaiting the maid.

"I wouldn't say I'm trying to identify or figure anything out but... Well if it's a fight you want..." Punching it one more time, she turned her attention towards Al, a grin on her face, "I can oblige~."

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"Oh. I'm sorry then. I thought you were upgrading it and I just missed a key step. If you're going with a whole new design, though, why not incorporate specifically designed weapons? At least that's what I hope the mini-ballista is for, the archers in the party. But what about the various other members as well as basic survival? Even something as simple as a method to seal food off from the outside to preserve it will go a long way to aiding us, for example. And if you build it fast enough, you could even seal Connor inside so he will always be working on the D2!" she said, giggling as she did so in the hopes that they would realize she was kidding. Of course she didn't want Connor sealed away! That would be mean.

"Actually, I'm curious. You say that this is not the first steel wagon, yet I haven't heard of such things being used at all before now. The Dauntless showed it was a decent design so... maybe there is some value in steel wagons? Possibly improvements that can be made for both combat and casual use? Even something as simple as a way to fire out of the D2 without exposing ones self to incoming fire would be valuable for combat. Like, say, a way to detect where people are so mages inside can call down lightning on them."

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"Well, I suppose non-magical medical help could be useful..." Veronika said to Jericho hesitantly. It's a bit odd working through a translator, but I suppose not everyone in Sardius speaks Common.


"Uh, well, I ate today I think?" Connor responded to Gabbie defensively, before turning to Tia. "You don't need to be an archer to be able to operate a ballista- I've never fired a normal bow but I should be able to work this just fine. A food storage unit is an interesting idea," he commented, leaving the pros and cons of steel wagons to Anna. This was her design after all.

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"Boy name Shadrak?" Itsuki muttered in response to Raquel then nodded to himself. Then he approached Synthia bent over to examine Shadrak's breathing. To his disappointment they were there, so there was no need to resuscitate the shaman. But there were techniques employed by his superiors to jolt people awake. Reaching to Shadrak's sides between the ribs, the Kigenese old timer poked very hard with his armoured thumb. "Boy, fast wake up."


Searching the crowd for the rare few other Kigenese that was not his grand uncle in the room, Ranyin moved swiftly to Hoshi who he perceived seemed relieved or happy to a certain degree at perhaps some new discovery and asked, "Hey, you seem pleased. Did you learn something new and exciting?"


"Shadrak appears to be comatose," Mireille observed, "perhaps we should carry him back to the wagon and let those with the proper expertise to look into his condition?"

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The Outer Chamber

"So wait, you already tried healing with magic?" Raquel asked those nearby.

"Could you also ask Nyx what the hell she did to Shadrak?" Reign added to his previous request. "I'm sure he's fine but ..."

Nadine nodded and went into the archives just as Amon and those following him came out. When Amon saw Shadrak mostly on the floor, he grimaced, wondering what the real extent of his injuries were.

<"I guess he didn't make it after all,"> Malik mumbled, being sure to keep as few people from interpreting it as he could.

"Oh no ..." Greta covered her mouth, not knowing exactly what was going on.

After Nadine went inside, a short distance from the group, Ryder came trotting in atop Phoebe out of thin air. The latter's saddlebags had two large sacs full of coins, shaking with every couple of steps she took. The two rode right on past the group, around the Archive's outer walls and over to where Nadya was. "I trust it's still in theft condition?" Ryder teased her some more.

"Well don't hurt him," Raquel said, wincing as she got a look at what the man was doing to the druid. It didn't seem to matter, though, as the only noticeable response that came from Shadrak was the slightest tightening of his muscles. She wouldn't have even noticed if not for the twitch of his eyelids.

Mushirah's Room

"As requested, fried fish and rice pilaf," Damiana greeted as she carefully entered with Mushirah's food. "Sorry to interrupt your reading."

The Workshop

"You 'think'?" Gabbie echoed.

"Pioneering things like this leads to a lot of quirky designs but the Dauntless served its purpose," Anna replied, a little surprised Tia hadn't at least heard about the tanks Weyland Enterprises had made. "The main flaw with any wagon designed for combat is that the horses are out front and exposed, as is the driver. I already addressed that in this design, but we need to run a few live fire tests at some point."

"That frame is smaller than the Dauntless'," Gabbie noted. She should know, she'd been underneath the Dauntless at least once.

"Yeah this thing isn't going to be as big but it's still going to need some pads ... I haven't decided on the type yet."

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"Yep, good as stolen. Any way to guarantee that you're givin' me the promised amount?" she asked Ryder. Biting into two hundred eighty thousand coins was not an appealing endeavor.


"I don't always remember if I ate or not, it's easy to forget when your mind is focused on something else. The smaller frame probably means more members of our group will have to walk, which will slow down our overland travel speed some. It's hard to fix everything though."

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"Well, maybe you have a small frame, but you can compensate by allowing for wagons and carriages to be hitched up, possibly in a manner that allows for easy detachment. Then, at the least, you can make it so that the group can have transport for the heavier items and thusly speed up the entire group. Doesn't matter if it travels at the speed of wind if your slowest member is a rock after all. Plus, you can store additional ammunition in the cart allowing for an increased rate of fire and less need for ammo conservation maybe?" offered Tia. Truth be told, she didn't know what she was saying at all. She had read about some basic tactics in the past but, as they had not been magical, she hadn't paid much interest. What she wanted was to show that she was worth it, had something of value to offer, and could still be useful even in a field like this.

Gulping nerviously she then put forwards her next question. "Or is that not doable with your designs?"

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Synthia had written some more in her tome, but with the proceedings in front of her she had gotten distracted. Everyone was hovering around Shadrak now, and she was a bit peeved she couldn’t just tell Raquel she’d already tried healing him. Thankfully, she didn’t have to because Katrina spoke up.

The wyvern rider hadn’t been sure if she should let the older man jab Shadrak in the side, but she hadn’t stopped him either. Kat wasn’t particularly surprised when the shaman didn’t wake from it. “Shadrak just collapsed out of nowhere. We already tried healing him,” she confirmed for Raquel.

Meanwhile Synthia presented Veronika with her writings. “Do you remember the avian that arrived with your group last night? I think that was her. Valter should be able to contact her, if anyone knows where he is.”


It hadn’t taken long for Elliot to become fidgety, and so Kimiko elected to take him on a walk through the Cathedral. As long as they were permitted inside, it would be a waste not to admire the rest of the building.

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After the group had finally left, Zach was once again left standing in the back. He wasn't a medic, and there certainly wasn't anything he could do for Shadrak. Though it didnt seem like magic was actually having an effect on him... maybe they should pick up an actual doctor.


"Well, I'm always up for a good spar." Al said with a grin. His weapons had been placed to the side, removing the weight that would slow him down even more. "Any special rules aside from no hitting below the belt?"

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"Ah, I do remember an avian last night now that you mention it. Unfortunately, I don't know where Valter went," Veronika responded to Synthia's writings with a sigh. Why do we lose track of our group members so easily? Maybe our group size is too large or we're too undisciplined or something...

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Back at the mansion, Jam entered a quiet room to rededicate herself to her staff study. That room turned out to be a supply area, of which had a spare sparring dummy (possibly left behind by whoever pulled the other dummies out). The temptation overcame the dancer as she approached for a duel.

“Oh, you think I’m weak because of this staff?” Jam said to the dummy. “Well, watch this!”

Jam sidestepped the dummy and stood behind it. Wielding her staff like a mace, she gave the dummy a good whack. The satisfying thud left the dummy teetering side to side.

“Yeah, I’m faster than I look. And you won’t see this coming either! Or this! Or even this!”


The dancer’s flurry of attacks proved too much for the weak staff. The heal staff laid upon the floor in two pieces. Jam stood there in brief silence before reaching for both pieces of Eli’s old staff.

“Uh oh…guess who can dual-wield?!” Jam said as she charged the inanimate dummy, swinging both pieces at the target.


“That should keep it away for a while,” Eli said, trying to hide the mental damage done by focusing on that wart for so long. His mind felt relieved as the man dressed himself once more and went on his merry way. Eli turned to speak to the other clerics, only to find a dozen other patients surrounding him.

“Wait, where are the other clerics?”

“Lunch. Good thing you’re here to pick up the slack huh?”

Eli’s plan to impersonate a volunteer worked too well as he ended up actually healing people instead of tracking down his target. Still, he took a deep breath and started with a young boy. Eli knelt down to the boy’s level to examine him.

“Hello there. What’s your name?”


Eli was immediately immobilized as an impossible volume of vomit left the child and spilt onto his new coat.

“I wish I was the winged cleric. Then I could fly away from here. Far away…”

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As Raquel caught bits of the conversation between Veronika and Synthia ... Veronika's bits and that was it really, she realized that she was going to have to find a way to at least address the emblem issue. "Umm ..." She winced as once again, she'd spoken up before figuring out how to say what she wanted to say.

"Raquel, whatever you do, don't split the group up again; that's just going to cause even more problems," Reign pleaded, though it sounded more like an order, he realized. "We might have enough people when divided up to track down this winged cleric, but not enough to deal with Sardis ... and you know he's done negotiating."

"Urgh ..." That's what she was afraid of. If she went after the emblem piece and her father, she'd end up compromising one or both in the event something happened, and they were already down a good number of people. "Maybe we should ..." she paused, trying to figure out if there were any other pressing matters, "Hmm, maybe we should head back to Weyland's estate first and then figure this out. We've got too many people missing as it is ... but I can't ignore Sardis being here in Europa. I still have enough energy to last a little while, so ..." so finding out more about her father and potentially stopping Sardis here and now, today ... that was a bigger priority for her, even though she couldn't quite say it just yet.

Reign shrugged, ready to go along with whatever was decided.


"You should really pick up tendril magic. Wouldn't want to ruin that smile of your with a week's worth of coin checking," Ryder pointed at Nadya before hopping down and loosing one of the bags. It was filled with higher valued coins, which lowered the total amount, but there were still enough to make the bag obscenely heavy for someone with a light build like Ryder's.

"I value my reputation more than my coin collection." With that, the bag was open and some very clean, well kept coins glittered as the little light there was revealed them. "You know how hard it is to take care of these when amateurs deal with them like savages?" Ryder asked, recalling a few times where some coins they'd acquired had to have a substance they'd never encountered before painstakingly scrubbed off.


"Raquel only has two horses and neither of them have that much endurance," Anna began explaining her issue with attaching extra vehicles. "The thing's already optimized for storage space and it's up to Connor and her to work out how to best make use of what the design offers. Attaching trailers is just going to slow the horses down, force us to use even more pads, and make it harder to maneuver in an emergency."

"Just make them roide with someone; we've got more than enough mounts for that," Gabbie reasoned, not giving the issue too much thought. If it was so inconvenient to double up and at least keep a mount's pace, then why were some of these people around?, she figured.

"My thoughts exactly," Anna said, still mostly inattentive. "If Raquel's hiring more people than she can handle then she needs to cut back a little, at least enough for you people to travel without having anyone on foot."

"So who's the lucky bastard that gets to ride with you, D.W.?" asked Cody, one of the workers. "It's not Connor since he'll be living in this thing once it's finished, hahah."

"Ringo doesn't handle passengers who are heavier than I am too well so hopefully a girl," Gabbie answered disinterestedly. She almost called the wyvern by his real name but remembered that doing so would have just confused the hell out of most everyone there and prompted her to explain things she just didn't want to bother with right now.

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"Sardis is in Europa!?" Veronika asked, surprised. This revelation must have come after she left the archives. "We should look for him first- he might be here for the Winged Cleric's piece if she has one," she theorized.


"That'd be handy, but it ain't exactly my specialty," Nadya said, picking up some of the coins and examining them carefully, they seemed legitimate enough. She opened the bag to look into it and it appeared to be full of the same type of coins as well. "Mind if I see the other bag? Just to make sure," she said to Ryder. Doing some mental estimates in her head, the amount of coins seemed correct so far. Though I don't think I've ever seen so much gold at once...


"If we're going to have a decent selection of weapons, armor, and other items as well as my workstation, I'm going to need most of the interior," Connor admitted. "I don't really have any say into who Raquel hires, we just seem to pick up people along the way mostly," he said, shrugging.

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As Eva wasn't getting an answer from Erion, maybe he's still thinking about what he said, she decide to bother one of the only other people she knew there; Kat. Slowly bringing herself over to the group of increasing size, she slid over to the woman messing with poor Shaddy's hair. "D'you think he's gonna appreciate getting knocked out, and having braids when he wakes up?" She smiled to show she wasn't being serious. It was rather amusing, despite the situation... Which wouldn't be amusing if he didn't actually wake up. Eva was hoping he would.

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"Oh, you didn't interrupt, I'd much rather be eating right now than anything. My stomach is really upset with me, like... like it actually thinks I'm trying to stop feeding it or something. I don't know how else to explain it haha." It was certainly a nice turn of events for Mushirah's well being to laugh and joke around.

"Fists and elbows only. No kicking!" Aneda blurted out, admittedly very excited. It was most likely the adrenaline kicking in but just thinking about punching someone was as good a distraction as any for her at this time.

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So far Katrina had made a couple braids in the longer sections of Shadrak’s bangs. The rest was too short to do anything quite as spectacular with, but was pretty mussed up from running her fingers through it. When Eva came over with her question, Kat smiled and stopped messing with his hair for the moment. “Probably not, but I’ll fix it back for him. I’m just anxious. Need something to do with my hands, you know?”


Sardis was in Europa? Well wasn't that just their luck. To be honest, Synthia would rather head back to Weyland's than go looking for him though. Not being able to speak was becoming increasingly frustrating the more things she wanted to say.

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