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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Hoshi shrugged. "Like I said, I'll return the book. Bye then." Turning her back to Tia, she walked back over to her desk, set the book down next to Lumi's sword, and picked up Lumi's tome and started to thumb through it.

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Alphonse gave a shrug "<Father is from Kigen, Mother is Neviskotian, I picked up things from both cultures.>" Holding out his sheathe sword as an example "It's been passed down in the family for generations, not exactly the same blade it was originally. It's been reforged and repaired an incredible number of times. There's also been a few... modifications along the way." Fingering the trigger held against the grip.


"Huh... yeah you did fix one of my shirts a while ago on the ship didn't you." Zach muttered as they walked away from the rooms "So how have you been recently Kat? We haven't gotten to talk much, I've been meaning to but you always seemed to be busy with someone else."

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Well, it wasn't much of an answer, but from the sound of things, Synthia was more or less okay and just sort of emotionally drained. She noticed Sinbad enter the dining hall, but the man sat down elsewhere. That was fine; he could sit where he wanted. She would wait with regards to telling at least him about the ball. Instead, she went to answering Synthia's question.

"I'm doin' a lot better 'n most people from th' looks o' it," the mariner answered with a bit of a brief, pitying look-around, "both emotionalla n' physicalla. I was healed up right quick last night -- thanks fer that -- so all I have t' worra about is gettin' that pair o' pants fixed. Even then, not like I don't have spares."

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“Well, I’m glad you’re doing alright,” was Synthia’s sincere reply. She took a moment to finish the last of her food before shrugging at Gytha. “I don’t think I can help with your pants. I’m glad I was at least some help last night though, so thank you as well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t help everyone, but I suppose that’s how things go.” Specifically, the mage was thinking of Mushirah. If she had gotten to the girl sooner there may have been something they could’ve done to save her arm, but with the healer’s lack of experience she doubted it. At least the injury hadn’t been worse, she mused.

Gathering together her breakfast dishes, the mage got up to make her way back to the kitchen. “They’re understaffed today,” she said in way of explanation. “When I get back, maybe you could tell me about the less depressing events of last night?”



“Yeah, I did,” Katrina answered with a smirk. She still thought it had been hilarious to make him walk around the ship shirtless, but then the memory of sparring in the cargo hold reminded her of Marella, which in turn reminded her of the woman’s demise. Shit. Her smile faltered for a moment before she was able to continue on normally, “Well, I’ve been alright. It’s a bit strange traveling through Ursium, and I’ve gotten a few dirty looks when I’m with Volga, but up till last night I’ve really been alright.” Though none of the deaths had affected her directly, she still felt for the victims of the demon invasion. How many people had lost loved ones last night?

They were about half-way to the dining hall when Kat had a thought that caused her to stop suddenly, an apologetic expression on her face. “…Zach?” she began tentatively. “I’m… sorry I’ve been neglecting you, lately. I didn’t mean to, really.”

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"<Is that right? Where'd you stay, then? In Kigen or 'Skotia?>" She had asked, but she figured it hadn't been Neviskotia. His grasp of the language wasn't the best. I won't blame him for it, though. If he's got three different languages swimming up in his head, that's impressive enough. Eva marveled at the sword for a moment, even going as far as to stand a bit to get a better look, but eventually sat down, not entirely sure of what to say about it. "It's a good looking sword, but I can't see the point in repairing something so much. Why not just get something new? Well, sentimental value I'd assume. Never mind me~." Then she glanced a look at the handle, wondering what the trigger was about. "So is it, like, a gun too?

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Gytha finished her own breakfast a little before Synthia did and she brightened at the mage's suggestion of talking about the happier points of the previous night when she returned. "Aye, that I will! Here, d' ye mind takin' me bowl with ye, since yer off t' th' kitchen, 'r should I go along with ye?" Gytha asked, thinking that maybe the latter would be the better suggestion. She glanced around the table to see if anyone else had empty bowls, too. She figured she could take those as well, since they were heading for the same location.

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"We lived on the border of Ursium and Neviskotia actually, I'm not sure which country I might technically belong to, if either, battles sort of made our home swap back and forth a few times if a map was updated quick enough." Al replied in common, he really wasn't that great in the language of his mother's homeland, or his father's for that matter. Sure he might be better than most non natives, but it was easy to tell he wasn't a true natural speaker. "Well, yeah sentimental value really. It's been in the family for so long that I couldn't dream of ever throwing it away. Family tradition to pass it down to the eldest child when he or she comes of age, after that we pick up a different weapon of course, but this blade will probably be mine for another seventeen years... minimum."

Taking a seat as well, Al held the weapon at eye level. "The trigger interacts with a series of runes engraved on the blade, it's a rather simple set up, designed to amplify the force behind a swing. It's pretty damn useful for getting through the hide of a demon, as I found out last night."


"That's good.... it's a bit weird being in Ursium yeah. I'm just kinda thankful I don't speak with much of an accent, if I were talking like I was actually from Ohka... it probably wouldn't end up pretty." Zach chuckled for a moment.

When the smaller of the two stopped suddenly, he was curious what was wrong. A puzzled look on his face as she started apologizing. "Kat, it's fine, really don't worry about it." Hesitating for a second, before placing his hand on her shoulder "So what if you were busy with others for a little bit? We're still friends aren't we?"

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After a few more moments of sleeping in, Jam finally decided that it was time to start the day. After leaving the room, she noticed the state of the mansion, something her weary eyes from last night could not do. The shiny interiors and architecture she admired upon her arrival met the art of war, leaving behind grime, dirt, and blood. The dancer wondered what her role in all of this would amount to; was this to be the standard all across the continent? It was a thought she kept in mind as she rejoined the others in the dining hall.

Jam noticed that Alphonse was striking up conversation with someone she didn't recognize. Looks like someone was getting used to the idea of sticking around with this party. As she wandered around the table, Jam passed Greta talking with the pink haired merchant that supposedly ran things. The dancer didn't want to bother her friend, so Jam simply grasped Greta's shoulder as she passed by; nothing more than a silent hello.

The person Jam really wanted to speak to was Erion. She hadn't seen him since the ball. Last they met, they parted on bad terms. Combined with the demon attack, Jam wondered if she would even see him again. The dancer caught sight of him out of a window. She quickly hurried out the door to meet up.

"Hey," Jam said to Erion, looking up to him in his tree, "do you think we can talk?"

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Dining Hall

"It works out well enough- maintaining strict order in a group this large and diverse would be quite the challenge," Veronika said. We probably could do with being more organized, but people don't want to hear that. "You can speak your mind, but if you come into violent conflict with other people in the group, your pay will be docked and you may be terminated. We have no time to be fighting each other with so much to do," she warned.

Grand Cathedral

Alastor and his squad were managing security detail in the cathedral. It was busier than usual due to the refugees, but he managed to spot a familiar face looking around.

"I see you are relatively unharmed after last night- did Lady Joanna remain unharmed as well?" he asked Valter.

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"<Ahhh, I see. I also see I'll have to go back to talking with Erion if I want to hold a conversation in 'Skotian... Not that I blame you, I'm honestly impressed you can speak three languages. I'd be quite proud of that if I were you.>" For his sake, though, she went back to common, sighing slightly. But she didn't have to talk yet, as Al went into speaking of his sword. She listened with intent, enjoying the little tale concerning coming of age and being the eldest child. At last he went back to the sword, which, while his past was interesting, the sword was more so. "Runes, huh? I can't say I know the first thing about magic. All I know about the thing on my back," she said with a gesture towards the claymore that was strapped there, "is that it makes getting hit by magic hurt less. Couldn't tell you how it works. Maybe you could help me figure it out?" she added with a coy smile.

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Erion sighed and leaned against the trunk of the tree. This wasn't a conversation he had been looking forward to exactly. "Yeah. We can talk. First off, how are you? I heard the fight got pretty rough here. How'd you do? Kill any monsters?" He smiled at her slightly, before having the smile break. He quickly settled his expression back into a neutral one. How do I tell her I'm considering asking Raquel to hire me instead of continue to work with Greta. I mean... best case scenario is that Greta will work with Raquel and then Jam can come with us. But... then I'd have her white knight policing my every move. Ugh.

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“Oh, I can take that,” Synthia said, reaching for the bowl. She noticed Gytha glancing around the table though, and guessed what was on her mind. “If we’re going to clear the table off, just come with me. I can’t carry everything on my own,” she stated matter of factly.



The wyvern rider was honestly relieved that Zach wasn’t feeling left out, based on his reaction. “Of course we are,” Kat replied, brightening back up a little. “I just need to show my older friends a little more love. I haven’t spent much time with Aneda lately either…” she mused.

“Welp, I can fix that later, can’t I? Onward to breakfast!” Katrina took an exaggerated step forward before continuing down the hall normally.



As soon as Valter had spotted Alastor, he had decided he needed to talk to someone else, but it was already too late. The officer was approaching him and fleeing at this point would probably arouse suspicion (though he had done nothing, he was pretty sure). It was a bit awkward speaking with someone who’d run him through with a lance. He still had the scar from that…

“…Yes,” he answered the first statement hesitantly. “Joanna didn’t receive a scratch,” he assured. Though a fallen architect had lobbed dark spheres at her, Valter decided that part was… mostly irrelevant. “We did run across something odd though, while escorting two wagons of civilians. Would you happen to know who was in charge of the soldiers at the North gate last night?”

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Well, Malik's was the only other empty bowl at the table, but Gytha didn't mind taking that for him. Seeing as he was a bit of a temperamental sort, though, as she stood up, she asked, "Hoy, Malik, did ye want me t' take yer bowl fer ye?"

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Tempted though the cowboy was to reply in Rexian to the woman's repeated comments as she struggled to recollect the occasion, Sinbad was pretty sure he would be rather rusty if he tried speaking it, plus there was no point embarrassing the poor girl any worse than she already was. He waited till the sun rose in her cheeks, and she stammered out a query in common, before making any move to elaborate.

"Reckon it musta been the first day outta port, heard it while I'd come up ta share yer fire. Think I were probably yappin' with Reign or Raquel at the time, though can't quite recall. Nice light soprano though, you was, and a stirring rendition o' the Ballad o' Al Hazrad, if I do say so myself. Always were a sucker for tales o' gallant bravery, and fer one of the heroes, he treated the women better then most. Can't rightly recall if ya made it through all the verses, though, think I got distracted by that Dragon Head fella poking hisself outta the wagon."

An honest grin across his face, Sinbad concluded with a reassurance. "Really tweren't nothin' ta be ashamed of, so you can go ahead and settle down a bit. No need for fluster or blushin' on my account. Little surprised you didn't remember, but mebbe you just forgot I was around at the time."

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"Well I said speaking and I meant speaking." Jericho reiterated for Veronika, understanding the gist of what she said. "Hmm... Well, I can't think of much else at the moment, is there anything else you need to know about me or need from me?"

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"Well if I may ask, where are you from and how did you end up here? It's always good to know the people you're working with," she commented.


"I am afraid I do not- my duties are here protecting the Grand Cathedral. What was this oddity that you encountered?" he asked Valter. Odder than armies of demons suddenly arriving must be quite the tale.

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Dining Hall

'Make sure you're sure,' Gar's words echoed in Raquel's mind. She thought she knew what he meant, but couldn't be certain. She ceded that Hypnos didn't have a moral compass to speak of, but didn't think he would ... try anything nefarious. He'd had plenty of chances already, hadn't he? There was still Eva's question to answer, which Raquel didn't even know where to start with. "He's ... difficult to explain." Could you maybe show yourself or something? I know it's weird but if I tell her you're just a voice in my head, she'll think I've lost it.

What would she think you lost? It's the truth is it not? Hypnos replied.

You CAN appear in front of people, right? Can you do that now? Just for a second? Raquel winced as if she was on the receiving end of some undesired commentary as the mental conversation continued.

... I'm still shy, Discovery ...

Well that was that; there was no arguing with shyness, Raquel felt. At this point he was just being silly about the whole thing. "He ... doesn't want to come out right now," she said, feeling she'd just saddled herself with even more questions. Hoping to nip a few of them in advance, she quickly but nervously said, "He's a ... s-spirit." And there she had it.

Meanwhile, Greta listened to Eva's other exchange with Alphonse. That sword of his was pretty good at slicing through things, and it was no surprise with runes behind the scenes. Jamilla had certainly taken off in a hurry, but that was starting to feel normal. She didn't have anything to contribute to any of the current exchanges, and so ate her gift from Chip, picked up her empty bowl, and made for the kitchen.

Over at the rexian table, Malik slid his bowl away from him and toward Gytha, not saying a word or making eye contact. Haythem lightly smacked him in the back of the head for it, but the irritated sancturan ignored him. "Sorry about that. He meant to say thank you but he's come down with a case of 'ungratefulness'," Haythem growled out an excuse. Haythem then quickly finished off his bowl since the two were getting ready to make their rounds and said, "I appreciate this," and handed Gytha his and Malik's bowls. "Thank you very much."

Steinn nodded once, and slowly. There would be a great cost to secure a final victory over Valdimarr, but he was going to try to get a discount here and there. Speaking of which. "Well, I suppose there's no express need to wait for Weyland to arrive. He'll be here soon enough with his own news. Once I'm finished with this," he gestured to his breakfast "I'll be speaking with them about this situation. They have their own problems, their own goals and agendas, yes, but my brother is as great a threat to their goals as he is to mine."

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Gytha was somewhat indifferent, though a little discontent about Malik's behavior, but with Haythem covering for his companion, the slight frown left the mariner's face. In it's place was Gytha's smile. As she took up the bowls, she replied to Haythem, "Yer welcome!" Then, to Synthia, she gave a cheery, "Let's go, then!" before walking towards the kitchen to drop off the dishes.

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"Ah... It's nothing personal or anything like that, I just... I promised myself I wouldn't sing again... if it happened then, it would have been when I was... how much more of a disaster can that night become...?" Faatina muttered, supporting her head with her palms. First the incident with Reign, and now this?


"Of course, Lord Steinn. What would you have me do?" Annelise replied, it seemed Steinn's plans were in motion once again.

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Raquel had come back to their little conversation, saying her friend didn't want to come out. Come out? What the heck's she mean by that? Then she claimed he was a spirit, which made Eva choke back a small laugh. "You're kidding me, right? Like, a dead guy or something, hanging around you? That only you can see? Come on, Raquel," she said with a laugh, "you can't expect me to believe that. If you don't want to tell me about this friend, that's fine." She didn't hold this assumption long, as the other man at the table spoke as if he'd interacted with the spirit. If it was just Raquel, that'd be fine, but if another person was going to claim the same thing, that put some amount of proof into her words. "...You are kidding about this, right? There's not actually some spirit floating around you right now... Right?"

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Without regard to his answer, Robin started to head Orville through the manner, perfectly willing to let him go and merely lead, or just leave him behind if, somehow, she made him too uncomfortable. It was getting later after all and she was certain Raquel would probably try to talk to the group about what had happened yesterday. Even if she didn't, well... Robin actually wasn't sure then, but if she wasn't, then then would be a good time to go Zach-hunting. Why was it so hard to talk to him? He was her friend after all, right? Same with Gytha, and... and everyone else, right? Right?

Bah. Didn't matter now. As she headed to the dining hall, probably the best place to start since, even if Raquel herself wasn't there, someone who might know where she was would probably be eating. Thankfully, as she entered, she could see Raquel easily.

"There she is." she said softly, pointing to Raquel.


Tia shook her head as Hoshi turned her attention to the tome and sword. "Don't let her in. She just doesn't understand who you are. You are Tia! TIA! Water mage extraodinare! You may be young and inexperienced, but you are quick and clever! If she can't see you doing alchemy, either ignore her and learn it, or find some new way to do it that hasn't been done before. Don't let her rattle you. Don't let her know. Just be the best Tia ever!"

With that, Tia turned around as she started to head out. She still needed a new dress, and Raquel probably knew where to get one. If she didn't, oh well. At least this shirt kept her nice and covered. So with that, Tia headed towards the dining hall, arriving there a short-while later.


Alex yawned as he slowly woke up. He had just had the best dream possible. He had been in a soft forest full of dappled leaves and summer warmth. A young woman had been resting upon a large stone, the boughs of a tree sweeping down around her as she softly wove the flowers and leaves into her hair, a bright and sunny smile on her face. She had been beautiful, gorgeous! And... and he couldn't even remember what she looked like anymore. Ah well, that was the nature of dreams.

Getting dressed, he took his healing stave and started to head down to the dining hall. There would, doubtless, be news about yesterday, and if there was, he wanted to know about it. Obviously the demons had been repelled, but what were the losses like and would his employment be continuing?

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While Synthia was annoyed with Malik’s behavior, Haythem’s reaction more than made up for it. Her lips curled up in the beginnings of a smirk, before following the mariner to the kitchen where they dropped off the dishes. She was about to turn to leave again when Maw on the counter caught her attention. “Gytha, your cat’s in here,” she said. The mage was a bit worried about that. Animals tramping around where food was prepared probably wasn’t the most sanitary situation.



The horseman wasn’t surprised that Alastor didn’t know who had been in charge, but that also meant he probably hadn’t heard about this yet. “When we neared the gate, the group was stopped by an army official and ordered to take another route to safety. The excuse was that the area was unsafe, but he was probably just trying to cover up his operation. The soldiers under his command were capturing demons, for what reason I don’t know. Based on his behavior, I don’t think he was authorized to do so.”

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Al gave a shrug in reply "<If you want, you could always help me out with the language. I'm always glad to improve upon a skill I have.>" Really it'd been too long since he'd held a conversation in the tongue, the mercenary felt it would probably be best to get reaquainted with the language, never knew where you might in up in the world after all. "Not too much of an expert on magic myself, Father was the one that had the blade imbued with them before he gave the sword to me. Sounds like you have a standard barrier enchantment though, always good to have around. I certainly don't know how to put magic into it, but I could take a look at the runes if your sword has any."


"Breakfast indeed! Maybe we can hang out with Aneda later, for now, food is the priority!" Zach proclaimed with a fist to the air, before following after Kat.

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