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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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“I was being simplistic about that,” Synthia replied to Gytha, sighing. Then came the clarification from Steinn, which ended with her glaring at him briefly before staring down at the table. “Fine. Looks like I’m cursed to misunderstand everything today, nevermind that my comments are worthless to begin with,” she said, muttering the last part to herself.


Kat had kinda dazed off, worrying about people back home. She was startled out of her thoughts when Eva approached though. “<Yeah, of course. That’s a much better idea than sitting around here anyway…,>” she replied.

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"No one died so..not as bad as it could have been I suppose," Connor said, not quite sure whether the group's injuries counted as badly wounded or not. "You probably should get lunch if you're hungry, this will be more like days than hours."


Veronika heard discussion over the map going on in the dining hall. Giving Zach a quick nod, she went back into the dining hall where several were gathered around the map.

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"<So you do speak Neviskotian. I was worried for a moment there. I kinda just kept speaking it since I'd been speaking it beforehand, but looks like it worked out fine.>" Eva brought herself back to standing and proceeded to crack her neck, sighing. "<Let's be off then. Ohhh, I can't wait to see your wonderful wyvern again. Volga's just at the stables, right? That shouldn't be too hard to find.>"

It had just dawned on Eva that, although she'd been talking to Erion, she was now brushing him off to do something else. Letting Kat get herself up from her chair, she brought her along to the door, stopping to ask Erion something. "<Hey, you wouldn't want to come with Kat and I to go and get my wyvern, would you? It'd probably be a pretty fun ride, and it doesn't seem like there's much to do around here. Ever experience flight before?>"

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<"Hmm, I haven't really but... I think I'll stay here for now. Besides, three people on a wyvern is a lot. Wouldn't want to overburden them, no?"> Erion shrugged with a slightly sad smile on his face. <"You have fun. Maybe you can take me flying some other time.">

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That was a bit disappointing. <Still, I get to ride on a wyvern for a bit, and Kat seems like a nice person. I don't need Erion around twenty four seven to enjoy myself.> Eva sighed but ended up shrugging with a smile. "<Alright, suit yourself. But wyverns are bigger than you give 'em credit for. I'll show you later, personally. Let's go, Kat!>" Her charming smile changed into excitement as she called to the woman, leading them from the dining hall.

Finding the stables didn't take very long, especially with Kat's instructions on where to go. Volga was, of course, there as expected. Eva would've been worried if she hadn't been, though probably not as much as her owner. "<Alright so... You should probably get on first. I think it'd be fairly rude if I just started flying your wyvern, after all.>"

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Gytha tried to shift her frown into a sympathetic smile. "Aw, don't be so hard on yerself. Me point b'fore was more that, well... Me job is t' fight. I've a lot more combat experience than Raquel. She's still gettin' used t' it. Doesn't seem t' like violence too much. As fer ye, if yer not trained in combat, have t' say, I wouldn't'a guessed it. Yer realla a reliable ally," Gytha explained, grinning more legitimately at the end.

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Initial Spawn Point

"While the avians would be a high value target--long term--I doubt Valdimarr can juggle four unique opponents without losing the eastern gate in the process. What I'm trying to figure out is if he realizes that ... and if he does, would he factor it into the plan? Hmph," Steinn paused, shaking his head in amusement at the thought. "Perhaps I've been over thinking this. Valdimarr doesn't have the patience for such meticulous planning ... wherever the gates are built will be the decision of the architects, which should make this much easier to deduce.

Shadrak sighed. "It's going to be what ... weeks, a month before we ever get to Neviskotia, meanwhile there's an emblem piece nearby and that's what they'd rather focus on right now? Fine," Shadrak muttered to himself before sitting down at a different table. To his surprise, not everyone was spellbound by Steinn's gate prospecting, take Eli for example. "The Order of Truth's headquarters here in Europa has an archive. We were originally going to try to go there for information about the Fire Emblem but it turns out that there's an actual emblem piece being kept there," he explained, his expression growing more serious over time. "The archive entrance is guarded by a pair of armored knights and according to a woman there, we'll have to beat them down to gain access." He paused to sigh once again and began to relax. "I'm not sure if that's legal but it's the only option she gave us," he shrugged. "Obviously we need some tough people with us if we're even going to have a chance here ..."

"Hmm ..." Steinn's gaze settled on the mountain range nestled right between Kievan Rus and Makarov as he played war games in his head. "It's a little risky if the Avians decide to launch a preemptive attack, however it's a considerable trip for them, and if the gate is completed and activated, they'll likely fall back and focus on their own defense," his finger tapped the mountain range a couple of times. "The area is difficult to reach, and relatively easy to defend despite multiple attack routes. All the targets are within reach and can be scattered from one another if the initial attacks are successful. There are abundant resources to the east and south and plenty of sources of fresh water. It must be here. Anywhere else and this becomes needlessly difficult for them at certain stages of the invasion. I could be wrong about the exact location of the gate but this mountain range is the best location for it given their objectives, whether they realize it or not," he tapped the mountain range a couple of more times. "This is it. Focus everyone's attention on this area. If they come from any other area, you can still rally together effectively though you'll still lose a lot of ground initially."

"Do you think they'll reach the same conclusion you just did?" Weyland asked. Like Steinn had just been hinting, it was the best spot 'whether they realize it or not', and there was always the possibility they didn't realize it.

"Well the architects aren't stupid, they'll do whatever they must to learn about the country before invading it, which would include acquiring a map much like this one. If they reach a different conclusion than I did, I'd take it as a sign that they're altering the plan in some way. If that's the case, they may have a few more assets I'm not aware of." <Of course, given how old this plan actually is, I'd have made some revisions to it myself if I had been supportive.>

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A Man Called Gar

"Yeah, I'm not gonna think too highly of Vradamir's planning abilities because 'attack every nation at once!' is like, the dumbest thing I've ever heard of, and I once knew a man who spent a fortune making a apparatus to kick himself in the groin." Gar shook his head. "But alright, I know a few people in that area. Get me some funds and I can get them moving."

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Dining Hall

Well, what he's saying does make sense... Veronika thought to herself as Steinn explained the likely location for a siege gate. Trusting a Fallen to stop the Fallen seems questionable- but we don't have much else to go on and he has little obvious incentive to mislead us.

"What sort of 'people' are we talking here Gar?" she asked quizzically. She didn't see Gar as being involved with the imperial military, that was certain.

The Sleeper Awakens

Nadya finally awoke in her bed. How long was I out for anyway? she wondered to herself, eventually getting out of bed and doing her morning routine. When she finally went downstairs to the dining hall, she found Steinn talking with some of the group over a map. Way too early to be dealin' with this, she decided, quickly exiting the dining hall and heading outside for the stables instead.

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Zach followed after Veronika as they went back to listen to the plans, choosing to just stand back and listen for the moment... except something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye... something he really felt like hurting himself for not noticing before.

Walking slowly towards one of the tables, he fully saw the child... wings and all. "Phee?" He muttered, a bit of excitement growing in his heart. "Ma'am, I feel like an idiot for having to ask this but, is this child from the egg that our group brought along? I just.... I need to be certain."


"Why Jam, I'm heartbroken, I thought we were the best of friends." Alphonse replied with mock hurt. "Got a hidden best friend somewhere that I don't know about?"

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A Man Called Gar

"All sorts of excitable and eccentric fellows," joyfully answered. "And only about half of them want me dead!" he plastered a smug-bastard grin all over his face. "The other half want me tortured every day for the rest of my life, but eh, details." He shrugged because he didn't give a damn.

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Well... This was so... BORING! Tia practically slumped down into a puddle of boredum in her own chair as she looked about for something to do. She was certain they were doing important things, but for now, all she wanted was some activity to do. Something, anything, and... well... there was a baby right across the table from her so... Hey. Why the heck not?

Forming up a few animal bubbles again, she slowly started to bring them down lower and lower to the baby until the bubble-pony was floating with a slow trot right over the baby fallen's head with a bubble knight upon its back as Tia tried to make some googly sounds to try and make the baby interested.

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Dining Hall

"The plan is only feasible at this point due to a few relatively new innovations at their disposal," Steinn noted. <Though, that doesn't account for more powerful obstacles. I'm not sure how they plan to deal with this country's guardians. No one ever informed me of a method and I wasn't able to learn anything on my own before leaving Corvus.> "As for funds," he grinned faintly at Weyland, "that's another's domain." He got a nice good scowl for that one.

Haythem shot up from his seat when Nadya turned to leave. <"What the ...">

Malik had just enough time to glare at Haythem before he was grabbed by the man and dragged along. <"Are you out of your mind?! Let go of me!">

<"You need to get some exercise anyway, Malik. Let's go~,"> Fizza said, taking Haythem's side, apparently. She stood up and followed after the two while Malik struggled. Of the three, she was the only one who bothered to wave goodbye back at Gytha and Synthia.

"Umm," the woman caring for the infant was a little surprised to be getting so much attention all of a sudden. At least no one was poking at the baby directly for the moment. She'd have to put a stop to that ... forthwith. "She was only born last night, so I wouldn't expect any kind of response just yet." She was a little curious after having mentioned it, though and asked, "Have you seen a baby avian before? I certainly haven't. She's light as a feather," smiling as she did.

When Zach asked her about the child's origins, she wasn't sure what to tell him. She certainly didn't know; she'd only had the baby brought to her after Siv was taken to the conference room. "I'm not sure, but I suppose she is. I don't see how else we would have ended up with her ..."

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"Right... And the reason she's so light is because her body is made for flight, like a bird's really. Less density so easier time in the air" Zach explained before zoning out for a moment, lost in his memories of the dream world, when he'd met the girl when she was a redheaded Raquel... no doubt the child had no memories of the even and wouldn't know who he was, but he could remember their short time, and that was enough. Sitting down at the table, he asked "Could I hold her please?"

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Frowning, Hoshi asked quietly, "Uhm, can I take a look at the map of Kigen? I'd like to see if there's a likely location for a gate based on what I know about the area. Though they may just attack us in the normal way. But still."


Spying Eli, Lumi grinned at Aneda. "Hey, lets go join Eli, he seems to be talking about something." Jumping up, she walked over to where Eli and Shad were talking and placed her elbows on her head and leaned on him. "Heyyyyy Eli. What are you guys talking about? Your plans for what's going to happen with this group split? I suppose you're probably going to go with Raquel cause of your job and all. But maybe not. You could always come with me. Sorry, did I interrupt something?"

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"Ummm... Not to question your skill with a baby Zach, but if she really is a newborn, don't ya think making sure she's in the hands of someone experienced with holding babies would be smart?" asked Tia, watching as her own little bubble-knight quickly rode down between Zach and the baby. "So, what's her name then? Did Siv name her yet? Or is she still a blank slate?"

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"Her name is Phee, it's... a long story you probably wouldn't believe anyways, but it fits her pretty well." A small grumble escaped Zach as he continued "I know how to hold a baby as well, so that won't be a problem."

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"That's a stupid name. It's more of a nickname than an actual name I'd say. I would have called her Aquilla or something but, bah, what does it matter? I'm not her mother." said Tia before narrowing her eyes at Zach. "And I don't believe you. Have you ever held a baby before in your life? You look more like me, the kind who would read about baby care rather than actually care for one."

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Dining Hall

"I hope you're joking about these people wanting to kill and torture you- it would probably be best not to contact them if there is that much conflict between you," Veronika warned Gar. He is...difficult to read.


Nadya leisurely made her way outside, lost in her own thoughts. Guess I can eat later, when "his Highness" ain't around, I ain't hungry after all that ball food anyway...though I did get a few treats for Luca. I should go back and get one... When she turned around, she noticed Haythem, Malik, and Fizza walking in her direction.

"<Howdy y'all. Out for a mornin' walk?>" she asked the trio casually, waving at them.

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A Man Called Gar

"Oh no, I'm quite serious," Gar crossed his arms and smirked. "I mean, they totally want to do all sorts of bad things to me, but they're not going to, not with what I have on them. It's really just not worth it to risk getting on my bad side. I've made that abundantly clear to them."

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Dining Hall

"Oh really? That does make sense," the woman nodded before looking thoughtfully at the infant. She would have let Zachary hold her for a moment but he ended up getting into a minor tiff with Tia, first about baby holding, and then about names. "Hmhmhm, be careful, now" she decided to give him a chance, offering the baby up. It would give her a minute or two to finally get her own breakfast and see about getting that same baby something to eat.

Meanwhile, over by the map, Steinn slid the whole thing closer to Hoshi as requested. It gave him a moment to consider a few more things about the attack in the east and there was plenty of time to figure out the Kigen scenario. "So," his gaze fell on Gar, "what can you tell me about these people you seem to have in your pocket?"

Shadrak sighed once again. "Not necessarily ... I'm just trying to see who'd be interested in helping us defeat the knights blocking us from the archives. if we're going to take on the organization AND the fallen--possibly one after the other--we're going to need a new emblem piece in our arsenal."

Main Entrance

"Yep!" Haythem accidentally choked Malik while holding him in a headlock. His expression loosened after that as he began to calm down and he asked, "How are you doing? Last night was pretty rough. I know that couldn't have been easy ..."

"I only got to kill one of them. It was really a let down," Fizza muttered before walking off in some random direction. She wasn't planning on wandering far, or even out of earshot for that matter, but just standing around was starting to remind her that she really should keep her blood flowing right now, even if that meant pacing a little.

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Zach practically beamed as the child was handed over to him, cradling the lil future angel of death against his body as he looked down at her with a genuine smile of happiness "Hey kiddo... remember me? It's Uncle Zach, I'm the one that gave you your name, Phee. Sorry that we didn't get to have a proper good bye back then... but I promise I'll make it up to you."

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Mushirah scanned the first few pages of Shadrak's journal, smiling to herself in a moment of calm. The silence was a welcome guest in the room, not out of annoyance but her mind could properly shut itself down now without the distractions. Heavy eyelids gave her the final cue to fall asleep, so she closed the notebook and let herself collapse back on the bed, immediately falling asleep, or close enough to it anyway.

Aneda laughed, smiling at Lumi's actions, mentally noting She really likes to tease that guy, huh? I wonder if she'll actually find out one day, heh. Unfortunately, Aneda's attention to people around her was unfairly human and erratic, so she only caught Shadrak's last statement clearly. "An emblem piece? Huh?" She said, a bit confused. "I'm sorry, what's this about an emblem piece?"

Jericho caught a glimpse of Robin heading the opposite direction, remembering the woman's fervor that she spoke with earlier and noting that she seemed to be on a mission. "Hey!" he called out, turning about to catch up to her, "Are you alright? You seem... off. Granted, I have no real basis as this has to be one of two or three times i've met you, but.. still."

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"Why Jam, I'm heartbroken, I thought we were the best of friends." Alphonse replied with mock hurt. "Got a hidden best friend somewhere that I don't know about?"

"I'm just saying, there's more to life than following little ol' me around." Jam replied. She wasn't quite sure what kind of social life Alphonse had other than being around her and Greta. Jam at least also had Erion (not that she'd tell Alphy that). With all these people around, perhaps he'd make a couple of friends.

Dining Hall

Shadrak sighed once again. "Not necessarily ... I'm just trying to see who'd be interested in helping us defeat the knights blocking us from the archives. if we're going to take on the organization AND the fallen--possibly one after the other--we're going to need a new emblem piece in our arsenal."

"Well, yes, I'm afraid so," Eli replied to Lumi. "And apparently, our first assignment is to...invade a library?" He looked back at Shadrak to get confirmation. The tome of his voice suggested that he was having a hard time believing such a place could have any kind of weapon. Then again, why would they have armed guards? Shouldn't such a place be open to the public?

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