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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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Lumi grinned. "Well, isn't that part of the fun? We have plenty of healers here, so I doubt any of us will die. So the fact that it's a challenging fight is what makes it fun! If they weren't strong, it'd be over too quickly and just be boring. This is supposed to be a test or something. So just enjoy it!"

Meanwhile Erion was caught by surprise at Eva's response, and fell back into his natural tongue because of it. <"What... punish me?"> Quickly recovering though, he raised an eyebrow. "Very well, missy. But just be careful. You might end up biting of more than you can chew if you try to mess with me. Wouldn't want you getting in over your head, now would we?" He grinned at her.

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At the sound of gunfire, Jam poked her entire head into the room. She was so sure that fighting was going to break out this time. The dancer was very surprised that it didn't; even more so when the envoy left without further retaliation. Jam made it a point to get out of Aaron's way as he swiftly left the premises.

Jam couldn't help but overhear the conversation between Weyland and Steinn. All of this was to avoid the interrogation of everyone in the mansion, possibly including herself. Though she wasn't sure about the avian at first, she had a bit more respect for him after all of this.

Feeling the need to give her congratulations, Jam stepped into the room.

"You sure showed him," Jam remarked to the group.


Io's remark about the group not having anything to give stirred Eli out of his silence.

"W-wait! I'm sure all of us could come up with something! I happen to know some random trivia questions- oh, I see."

It seemed the knights weren't waiting to play a high stakes edition of Trivia Pursuit. Eli readied his staff and prepared for severe lacerations to ensue.

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“Well isn’t today lucky for you?” Katrina’s grin at Erion was all teeth. “<And usually I’ve got Volga with me, but I’m perfectly capable on my own!”> Kat told Eva, in way of explanation. The anticipation of the coming fight was making it hard to stay still, resulting in the rider bouncing back and forth on her feet every few seconds. “Come ooooon. Aren’t we going to fight yet?!”

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Robin gave a small stretch and yawn as she struck the rock again, sending a small shard flying off and well into the hedges a good distance away. A personal record for the entire time she had been keeping track, though she was certain she had gotten farther in the past. No matter, this wasn't about her being the best, especially in a competition against herself. She doubted anyone even cared, but that was fine. It was almost time for her to do something else she felt certain no one else would care about.

Namely, lay down upon the grass, her hands gripping the lawn as she flex her arms, legs, and ribs, letting them writhe and squirm about as her palms and heels dug into the ground in as mighty and epic a YAAAAAAWN as she could muster! Then, with a calm and relaxed feeling, her eyes slid down closed as she fell into a gentle nap.

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Zach felt his eye sort of twitch, hearing the comments that were coming from a few of the group members. "A healer means nothing if you're dead before you even hit the ground. Assuming that having healers means you'll always come out alive is foolish, we need to be serious about this and play safe, not treat this as though it were a game." He said in a stern voice, they were adults, blowing off a life and death situation as if it were nothing but a fun day out.

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"Oh ignore him. None of us are going to die here, he's just being a wet blanket," Lumi said to Orville, loud enough so that the man who'd been commenting on her attitude would hear it. "Besides, it's perfectly possible to have fun and still fight to the best of your ability. And besides. If you go into a fight all stiff and worrying about dying, you're going to just end up screwing up anyways. You need to be loose and relaxed, otherwise you won't be able to respond as well. And that's just a recipe for getting hurt. So ignore him, it's perfectly ok to be relaxed and having fun." She grinned at Orville and stretched, ready for the fight.

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"Yeah..." Oh wow, so it's not just me? Amazing! Perhaps my assholish nature will still eek out a bit too much regardless. "Just focus on not dying, have fun when fun is a thing to be had. As for you," Jericho pointed at Lumi, just sort of staring for a moment, "I ain't gonna sit here and debate how to fight, but predictions far outweigh reactions. Reactions are good and well enough to have, but being in control of the fight is much better than simply reacting. You do... what you want." He finished with a sigh, making more mental notes about the group.

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Rolling her eyes, Lumi groaned. "Yes, yes, knowing what's happening is important, of course. And I'd say that being super tense and worrying about everything is also going to prevent you from being in control of the fight. If you're constantly worrying about what your opponent is doing and how you're going to die if you mess up, you're more likely to mess up. You'll end up tripping over your own feet if you're too focused on the negative sides." She shrugged and turned her back to both Jericho and Zach, muttering under her breath while she did, "Lets just get this started already."

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"Yeah that's totally what I said..." Jericho mumbled in as sarcastic a way as he could, shrugging and shaking his head. He likely would have thrown out some form of insults, in fact had he not talked with Veronika about that specifically, he would have been perfectly OK with it, but he wanted to just drop it and let things go at this rate. Maybe afterwards? Doubt that'll change anything, people rarely want to hear they're in the wrong or not doing things right, ever, really.

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Giving a sigh, Zach shook his head as he stood next to the shorter man "Figures... let's just get this over with as quickly as possible and get back home." It was starting to seem like he and the red head were last sane men left... Veronkia too... and with this group that might a distinct possibility.

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"Staves can't fix everything ya know," Nadya chimed in to the discussion, recalling Mushirah's severed arm. I hope they don't lose too many limbs- makes me look bad when I can't fix it.

Marella's death must still weigh heavily on him... Veronika noted of Zach as she listened to the argument. She refrained from commenting herself however, having people tell her how to fight from the outside would be quite irritating and she assumed they felt the same way.

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"You're all too serious," Eva chimed in, not taking any sides, before pointing her sword at the knights. "Come on, tin cans! Let's get this started already!" I won't tell anyone else how to do their fighting so long as they don't tell me. Seems pretty fair in my head. And if something happens to me...let it happen. She grinned and pulled her sword back; she at least knew having it out like that would be a terrible position to counter from.

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Koray 51/51 Erratic
Tuncay 48/48 Erratic
Shadrak 21/21
Eva 30/30
Erion 24/24
Nadya 21/21
Theodore 21/21
Hoshi 18/18
Eli 18/18
Katrina 24/24
Zachary 18/18
Synthia 15/15
Lumi 18/18
Orville 24/24

Class: Rune Knight
Raw Stats
HP: 17 STR: 14 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 7 LCK: 1 DEF: 12 RES: 6
Simplified Stats
HP: 51 MT: 14 Hit: 13 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 12 Resistance: 6
Weapon 1: Artemisia
Special Item: Iron Rune
Special Item: Champion Ring
Book: Nihil II
Overall Stats
HP: 51 MT: 14 Hit: 13(27-A) Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 12 Resistance: 6
(Artemisia: Functions as a Seeker Weapon (Sword), but may also attack at range and counter at any distance.)
Traits: [Enigma]-Immune to all status ailments.

Class: Rune Knight
Raw Stats
HP: 16 STR: 16 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 7 LCK: 1 DEF: 11 RES: 6
Simplified Stats
HP: 48 MT: 16 Hit: 13 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 11 Resistance: 6
Weapon 1: Cynthia
Special Item: Iron Rune
Special Item: Cloak
Book: Nihil II
Overall Stats
HP: 48 MT: 16 Hit: 13(27-C) Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 11 Resistance: 6
(Cynthia: Functions as a Seeker Weapon (Sword), but may also attack at range and counter at any distance.)
Traits: [Enigma]-Immune to all status ailments.

Rune Knight Challenge Begin!


-BP limit is 6.

-There was an IC issue due to how much time had passed since my last post so the Rune Knights are going to get in their turn first.

Enemy Phase #1

Suddenly two swords came flying at the group at incredible speed, one, Koray's, twirling toward Nadya, and the other, Tuncay's, flying like a javeling toward Zachary. Both weapons struck their targets during their violent passes and embedded themselves in the ground a short distance away. Amon's first instinct was to rush in and distract them, but he hesitated when he saw that the knights had indeed thrown their swords away. If they were disarmed now then the danger had passed.

"Son of a ... urgh" Shadrak snarled at the surprise attack. We wasted too much time bickering. "Hit them now before they can come for their weapons," he called out, trying to get a counterattack started while there was still time. He had a bad feeling about what would happen next when he noticed both knights standing their ground with their arms outstretched, waiting for their weapons to return to them. Sure enough, the amount of dark magic in the area was starting to increase dramatically, which meant those two were probably casting at range.

Reign had to fight the urge to get involved just like Amon had, sparing a glance for the other knights he could see from where he was standing. They weren't moving a muscle, but that's probably because no one else had stepped in just yet. He wasn't sure which would be harder, fighting these guys or sitting back regardless of what happened to make sure the others did the same.

The swords Artemisia and Cynthia freed themselves from the stone floor and flew swiftly back to the hands of their wielders, and like before, the two knights assumed their stances, Koray in his heavy defensive stance, and Tuncay in his swift offensive one.

Koray attacks Nadya! Rolls 4,6,3
-20 hp!

Tuncay attacks Zachary! Rolls 1,3,1
-18 hp! KO

Koray 51/51 Erratic
Tuncay 48/48 Erratic
Shadrak 21/21
Eva 30/30
Erion 24/24
Nadya 1/21
Theodore 21/21
Hoshi 18/18
Eli 18/18
Katrina 24/24
Zachary 0/18
Synthia 15/15
Lumi 18/18
Orville 24/24

Player Phase #1

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Eva had been ready to defend the people she was standing around, but the knights hadn't waited for their bickering to end. Zach hit the floor like a sack of potatoes and this other woman didn't seem very well off. Assuming a proper defensive stance, she was ready to guard Erion and Shadrak from any advances these knights were going to make. "<Come on, you piles of scrap! Try and hit someone your own size!>"

Eva bulwarks her team

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The fact that he had literally just been cut open by a flying sword wasn't the primary thing on Zach's mind as he crumpled to the ground, his side already heavily bleeding.

'Well... there goes my last shirt... maybe a kidney too. I really should have just stayed back at Weyland's with Phee.'

Shock from pain over load was a hell of a thing

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Eli tried to keep his spirits up, just as Lumi was doing. He really did. It was rather inspiring to put on a brave face in the midst of battle. But when those swords started flying across the room,he thought he felt a little pee come out. Eli was out of his element. He wanted to be in the sky, far from the reach of these fiends.

As he backed away behind the others, Eli began to regret his decision of coming along.

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Erion grinned. Tapping Eva on the shoulder, he gestured for her to follow him. Charging forward, he managed to cut into the man, watching the spell on his blades do the work. The man started to swing what looked like a devestating counter, but thankfully Eva managed to block most of it. She managed to get a swing in as well, but it clanked off his armor. Quickly retreating, Erion quickly commented, "Be careful. Don't risk yourself too much for me, ok?"



Erion hits!

9+4-6=7 damage!

Koray hits!

14+2-9=7 damage

Eva attacks!

5+4-8=1, hit!

10+2-12=0 damage!

Koray: 44/51 HP

Eva: 23/30 HP

Hoshi gulped and pointed at the knight standing in the offensive stance. Chanting, she sent a large ball of dark magic hurtling at him. It slammed solidly into him, but his thrown sword did the same to her side. Wincing, she grabbed her side but managed to stay standing.



Hoshi hits!

18+1-6=13 damage

Koray hits!

14+1-5=10 damage

Hoshi: 8/18 HP

Koray: 31/51 HP

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Robin smiled happily as she snoozed ever so softly, letting the comfy grass cradle her. She was certain that the group didn't need her or anyone else, so why bother? Especially in the middle of her ever so lovely nap?

"Oh my Lord Zachary!" she said as she sat with Zach at a small table in the wood, a dress of fine clothes with a wide-brimmed hat and several glamorous rings upon her fingers. "Yet another ring for me? You have been ever so nice of late."

"Indeed, my dear Lady Robin." replied Zachary, dressed in a fix tuxedo worn by the upper class topped with a rather large hat and a monocle over his left eye. "It has ever been so nice since we stumbled upon Gytha's secret pirate treasure and became the wealthiest people in the land. Who would have thought she was actually an undead pirate whom had been plundering the seas since times forgotten that could only be defeated by an obsidian arrow through the heart?"

"To tell you the truth, I never expected it either. But I would rather not complain about the sudden abundance of luck we have had ever since you returned to me."

"Indeed. I was quite the merry old fool to chase other women. More tea my dear?" asked Zachary, dipping a small bag of tea into a pot of hot water, up and down, up and down, up and down.

"Tia! Keep that water nice and hot!" replied Robin as she raised her cup for Zach to pour the tea into with a smile.

Robin's eyes cracked open a bit as she rolled onto her side a bit. That was a weird dream. Oh well. Maybe the next would be better.

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Going along with Erion's plan, she jumped in right after he'd swung to take the knight's counter. Putting up a halfhearted block, the swing sent her sliding back a few feet, one of her legs almost buckling under the pressure. I guess I really shouldn't underestimate these guys... Her leg had taken most of that impact and it was hurting fairly badly, but she quickly tried to swing back against him. Her sword bounced off of his armor, a startled look on her face. "<Wow... These guys are great!>" Eva then smiled wide, and took up defenses back in front of Erion and Shadrak. "<No way, Erion! This is already the most fun I've had in a while!>"

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Suddenly, the sword flew out and struck Nadya hard in the shoulder, causing it to bleed, the force and shock of it nearly causing her to fall unconscious. She let out a loud yelp of pain before looking around the battlefield. Zach seemed to get it even worse than her, so she decided to heal him.

Nadya uses Raise on Zach! 0/18--> 13/18

Veronika clenched her jaw as she watched her allies get skewered. The temptation to run in there was high, but she held herself back knowing that there was little she could do to assist.

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<"Hey, I didn't say you couldn't have fun, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful, ok? Just make sure you don't make too good friends with one of their swords, ok?" Erion grinned slightly at Eva, unable to completely ignore her attitude.

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As the two swords whizzed past her head, Kat stood in shock for a moment. That was not the kind of attack she had been expecting, nor one she had been prepared to block. She glanced behind at the damage and was given quite a scare by Zach crumpled on the ground. Though injured herself, Nadya managed to patch him up before he bled out and Kat was thankful for that.

The wyvern rider couldn't protect everyone at once, but with Eva defending those who had drawn the knight's attention Katrina felt comfortable moving back to keep her friend from getting hit again.

Kat defends Zach!

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Chamber of Flying Swords

At this point, Reign was beginning to wonder if calling out with advice and such would be seen by the other knights as interfering and Nadine was wondering the exact same thing. Of course, the latter's only advice for them right now was to not die. Whether chiming in with useful information was interfering or not wasn't really on Raquel's mind, though. "Be careful, there's something not right here," she warned.

What the returning swords? Yeah I noticed that too. They shouldn't be able to do that, even if they're mages, Shadrak mused to himself while waiting for an opening. The trouble is this place is a little strange to begin with. There's dark magic just idling here and I think that has something to do with these shenanigans but I'm not sure what it really means. I guess we can always blast the answers out of them ... yeah let's do that.

"Well it's possible to get earth-like results with moving around objects if you're good enough, but these are a couple of the best mages I've ever seen if that's the case," Reign chimed in, figuring that's what Raquel was on about.

"There's no way," Raquel disagreed, shaking her head at the scene. She didn't think it was physically impossible, just not something anyone young enough to still wield a sword properly could pull off. Either these two knights were getting help from somewhere--she glanced around at the other knights idling by--or they were much older than they appeared.

"Pff." Io was clearly amused by Raquel's reply.

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Defend one of the healers huh? That had been Hoshi's suggestion, and it seemed a perfectly reasonable one. "Got it," he'd replied before turning his attention to the squabble that was breaking out amidst some of the participants. However Theodore didn't spend much time distracted, as the Rune Knights had sprung into action, and upon seeing one of the massive swords come speeding out a the knot of people who'd been bickering, he spun and tried to figure out where the other was headed. Almost in time with the yelp of pain, he'd spotted one of the healers having been neatly skewered through a shoulder, yet in spite of that the woman had still managed to push on and heal the other man hit. With a low whistle, the adept shuffled over to her, and made to grab her by the elbow and drag her back to a relatively more defensible position near the alchemist while the group attempted to regroup and get their heads in the game. "Don't worry too much, I've got you covered, just come with me for a bit here."

It was with some disappointment, then, when Theodore looked back to see Hoshi already engaging a knight, and taking a nasty hit for his efforts. What was she thinking, going in alone like that? Sighing he shook his head. Well, at least she was all right so far.

Theodore defends combat team with bulwark.

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Rather than attacking like Tuncay was preparing to do, Koray stood his ground for a moment, his grip growing ever firmer around the hilt of his sword. At first, Shadrak was more concerned about Tuncay since he was clearly about to toss his sword at someone, but as dark energy, concentrations thick enough to be visible to the naked eye, began billowing from Koray's body, he knew something was up.

That didn't have anything to do with Tuncay though, and the taunts didn't seem to be having any effect on them since the moment Synthia blinked, Tuncay sent his sword speeding toward her. For a second, Shadrak thought she'd been taken out instantly by that but she did survive. "Urgh," So they're only really interested in hitting people who aren't covered, is that it?

"Synthia, are you alright?!" Raquel called out. The only thing that stopped her from running to her companions' aid this time was Nadine grabbing her by the arm, though if she had been determined to get involved, that wouldn't have made any difference.

Enemy Phase #2

Koray uses Champion Ring; Mt is now 24!

Tuncay attacks Synthia! Rolls 4,4,3
-14 hp

Koray 31/51 Erratic
Tuncay 48/48 Erratic
Shadrak 21/21
Eva 23/30
Erion 24/24
Nadya 1/21
Theodore 21/21
Hoshi 8/18
Eli 18/18
Katrina 24/24
Zachary 13/18
Synthia 1/15
Lumi 18/18
Orville 24/24

Player Phase #2

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