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Beneath the Shadows Information and Sign-up Thread


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Beneath the Shadows

GMs: scorri and Snike

We're on IRC! #BeneaththeShadows on DarkMyst

Invisible Castle account details:

name: BtShadows

password: shadows

[spoiler=Overview]Beneath the Shadows is a stat-based RP, similar to RotE and LoAF. Please read through the topics in whatever order you want, but make sure to read the starred topics as those are needed to understand what's going on in this RP. Hope you think it's interesting!

[spoiler=World Map]http://i.imgur.com/AntqMYQ.png

[spoiler=Brief History] Nebuios has been a peaceful continent for the past 100 years. 100 years ago, a war broke out between Antar and Senia, with Celisa being thrown into uproar because of the side effects. During that war, it was said that demons were found much more frequently than in the past. Now, after 100 years, things have started to stir in the shadows once more.

[spoiler=Plot*]You will be signing up as a recruit to a mercenary band, lead by Andre Harrop, in a small town in the Republic of Celisa. Around you, the world has slowly been approaching the edge of yet another war as tensions between Antar and Senia rise. Reports of mysterious creatures attacking in the wild have also been tossed around the taverns, though they are widely viewed as ravings of madmen and attention seekers.


[spoiler=Humans (PCs/NPCs)]

[spoiler=Inthus]The desert country. There is no main ruling entity, rather there are many warring tribes of nomads. Because of this, there are very few permanent cities, and instead, the nomadic tribes use tents to make temporary cities that move as needed. The tribes are used as bands for hire by other countries, however there is a treaty between all the tribes that states in the case of another country attempting to invade them, all of the tribes will band together until the threat is defeated. Thunder and Fire dragons live here, but are viewed largely as myths since they prefer to live in isolation away from humans. Those who see dragons are thought to be lying or have been hallucinating and will be mocked if they continue to insist that the dragons they saw were real. In the north desert, there is an area that is called the Shadow Desert and is viewed as cursed. The only ones who go there are the foolish or those who have committed an extremely severe crime and are outlawed there. Few return, and fewer still return whole.

Main tribes: Ekkoul: Currently the strongest tribe, has multiple smaller tribes under its rule, viewed as the most civilized by outsiders.

Haukeim: Second strongest, tend to be more around the coast, more comfortable around the ocean than other tribes.

Akmaek: Keepers of the Shadow Desert. This tribe is highly spiritual and guards Desert to prevent wanderers from going there if possible. Fear dark magic and tend to distrust other magics as well.

Religion: The tribes as an overall group acknowledge the existence of both The Shining God and the Queen of Night but do not strictly worship them. Instead, they worship their own gods of Sun and Rain, as well as other minor gods that vary from tribe to tribe.

Main Magic strength: Anima: Fire/Thunder

Main Class strength: Nomads, Myrmidons, Thieves, Mages

[spoiler=Senia]A monarchy, Senia used to be viewed as a weak country that preferred to farm and mine over strengthening its military. As such, it was easily defeated by Antar almost 100 years ago and has been paying tribute ever since. However, in the past years, their military has become famous for its devout clerics and steadfast knights.

Capital City: Ashover

Current Ruler: King Derrick Vesiatia

Others of Note: Princess Melanie Vesiatia (studying at a Temple of Stars away from the capital)

Religion: Worship the Lord of Stars and respect the Ruler of Shadows. Do not believe that dark magic is evil, but rather is simply the complement of light magic. Preach that both light and dark magic must exist or else neither could. Few study dark magic in Senia, but that is more due the difficulty of controlling it than any other factor. No dragons live here and they treat the talk of dragons in other countries as if the dragons are simply wild animals and not the intelligent species that they actually are.

Main Class Strengths: Mercenaries, Clerics, Knights, and Archers

Main Magic Strengths: Light

[spoiler=Feaole]Mostly mountains and rocky foothills, very little of their own agriculture and as such are largely a trade based culture. The need for imports leaves them vulnerable in war time, so they usually remain neutral during conflicts. It is an oligarchy based country ruled by current heads of the five main noble families. The mountains are largely unsettled by humans, instead are largely inhabited by dragons, wild animals, and dwarves. There are rumors of settlements further up the mountain, but no evidence has been found to support these rumors.

Capital City: Falminster

Current Rulers:

The noble house of Rith: Marcus Rith

The noble house of Radtmor: Josephine Radtmor

The noble house of Tagin: Kenneth Tagin

The noble house of Brath: Frederick Brath

The noble house of Suith: Elaine Suith

Religion: They believe in the Lord of Stars and worship him, but believe that the answers to defeating the evil in the world can be found through the magic that comes from this evil. As such, dark magic is studied extensively. They have developed ways to limits the corruption that can come from misusing dark magic, but no way of stopping it using dark magic has been found. Wind and Ice dragons inhabit this area and are viewed as minor gods.

Main Class Strengths: Pegasus Knights, Fighters, Mage Fighters, Shamans

Main Magic Strengths: Dark, Anima: Wind/Ice

[spoiler=Antar]The monarchy of Antar has always been a bountiful country. Their farmlands have always thrived and they have developed many of the advances in both magic and weaponry. Their army for many years was considered the strongest in the land, however the years of war have passed and peace has been had for many years. Due to their military superiority, they receive tribute from Senia in the form of cloth, gold, jewels, and other precious materials. The current ruling family has been in control for almost 100 years. Water dragons and earth dragons are common here and are viewed as lucky and are protected by the military. No one would dare attack one of the Antarian dragons. They have strong ties to the elves and often will intermarry with them.

Capital City: Tairyn

Current Ruler: King Theodore Kaino

Others of Note:

Queen Joanne Kaino

Prince Alexander Kaino

Religion: Worshipers of The Lord of Light and staunch opponents of the Dark Lady. Recently their priests were gifted a mysterious artifact called the Shadowed Star that had been discovered deep in the Forgotten Woods. It was brought to the temple in Tairyn where it has been carefully studied but not used. They are aware of the dangers that exist in such a dark artifact and are unwilling to risk using it. Dark magic is frowned upon by the religion due to its connections to the Dark Lady but not forbidden.

Main Class Strengths: Cavaliers, Troubadours, Dark Fliers, Bard/Dancer

Main Magic Strengths: Anima: Water/Earth

[spoiler=Republic of Celisa]A former oligarchy, after a rebellion 75 years ago, instead it has been ruled by an elected council. Each city elects its own council of three members, but the Council of Verden is the main ruling force. Every three years, a new council is elected. Members of the councils hold the title of Primos. A strong military force can be found here, including the strongest navy on the continent.

Capital City: Verden

Current Rulers:

Primos Cassandra Iyama

Primos Nathaniel Cisiril

Primos Gabriel Therough

Others of Note:

Religion: Worship the Shining God and fear dark magic. As such, it is completely outlawed in Celisia, and most inhabitants have no idea of what it even entails. They have never seen or experienced it and will not recognize things created of dark magic for what they truly are. Anyone accused of using dark magic will likely suffer severe consequences, possibly even being put to death, usually without trial unless the person is of high status.

Main Class Strengths: Wyvern Riders, Soldiers, Monks, Pirates

Main Magic Strengths: Light

[spoiler=Elves]Elves are long lived and community oriented. Family, both immediate and extended, is very important to them due to how long they live. There are multiple elf communities throughout the continent. The largest one that is open to non-elves, called Mareester, is found in Celisa. However, basically every country has at least one small community of elves. The elves have led to many advances in magic, especially in light magic and earth magic. Rarely will a full blooded elf be found using dark magic, as elf religion frowns upon using something that is so tainted. Most elves will tend to avoid spending too much time around humans, however often “teenager” elves (in the age range of 40-80) will be sent to live with the humans for a decade or so to learn what they have to teach and to continue good relations and trading with them. There is a community of elves called Silverstar living in the Forgotten Woods, but it is rarely open to outsiders.

[spoiler=Dwarves]Dwarves live in all of the main countries as well. However, they will typically not live in separate communities. Rather, they live among the humans, and work alongside them. The only community of only dwarves is up in the mountains of Faeole, known as Ilddan, which is the ancient home of the dwarves where they lived before their elders decided they needed to join the rest of the world. They are famous for raising pegasus even though they will rarely ride them themselves. They respect elves and believe that the elves should come and join the world as opposed to shutting themselves away. Dwarves will typically distrust magic as they prefer to rely on their own strength to get the job done as opposed to the strength of the Gods and Dragons.

[spoiler=Dragons]Intelligent, powerful beings of magic. They prefer to live by themselves, away from humans. Will often build a den in an isolated area. Rumors claim that they are attracted to gold, but this is largely untrue. Rather, they tend to gravitate towards places that are strong in their element since they gain strength from that.


The Shining God (The Lord of Stars, Lord of Light)

Queen of (the) Night (Ruler of Shadows)

God of No Face (death god)


Combat is made up of three phases. The Player Phase (or PP), the Enemy Phase (or EP) and the Other Phase. PCs act during the PP, enemies act during the EP, and NPCs (if there are any, which typically will not be the case) act during the Other Phase. PP ends when the allotted number of combat posts have been taken (a combat post is defined as posts made by one RPer who has max of two PCs act in combat during those posts), or if the phase is ended by consensus of the RPers. The EP is ended when all active enemies have acted or is ended by the GMs. The Other Phase is ended when all active NPCs have acted or is ended by the GMs.

During the PP, PCs will be able to attack, defend, heal, or use a consumable item. An attacking character will, if possible, be countered by their target. If attacking a defended unit, the defender will take the first attack, after which the defendee is open to attacks. Free actions do not take up a combat post (aka changing weapons and doing nothing else) and non-combat posts are allowed during this phase.

During the EP, characters can do nothing, including counter attacking, unless their skill says otherwise. Non-combat posts may be made during this phase.

During the Other Phase, characters can do nothing. Non-combat posts may be made during this phase.


HP=3*HP stat

MT=STR or MAG stat






Weapon/Magic Triangle:

During combat, different weapons/magics have advantages over the other. Those advantages are as follows:

Swords have the advantage over axes, lances have the advantage over swords and axes have the advantage over lances.

Anima has the advantage over light, dark has the advantage over anima, and light has the advantage over dark.

If you have weapon’s advantage, you gain [tier+2] HIT. If you have weapon’s disadvantage, you lose [tier+2] HIT.

If you have magic’s advantage, you gain [tier+2] MT. If you have magic’s disadvantage, you lose [tier+2] MT.

Bows do not operate on the WTA. However, they have their own rules. When using a bow, your first attack on a combat team cannot be countered unless it is being countered by another bow. In addition, when using a bow, your DEF is reduced by 1.

Combat Teams:

Combat teams of four, one designated leader of the team. Every member of the team gains some boost based on the class of the leader. If the leader were to die, that bonus is lost. Points earned by a member of the combat team are shared by all members of the team.

[spoiler=Class boost]

Cavalier: +2 SKL

T2: Eliminating an enemy squad leader causes a 25% boost in AS and Hit for the whole squad next PP.

Knight: +2 DEF

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, all incoming physical damage on that squad is cut in half.

Myrmidon: +2 SPD

T2: Once every 3 turns, by using an action, all squadmates double if their AS is higher.

Thief: +2 LCK

T2: Eliminating an enemy squad leader causes Panic, which reduces all their squadmates’ hit rates by level/2.

Fighter: +2 MT

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, all squadmates Ignore half their targets’ DEF when attacking.

Mercenary: +2 MT

T2: All squadmates’ SKL and SPD stats are increased by Tier+1.

Archer: +2 SKL

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, all squadmates’ hit stats are replaced with the squad leader’s hit stat.

Peg Knight: +2 RES

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, no squadmate can be doubled by the enemy.

Wyvern Rider: +2 DEF

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, hits that deal 25% of the enemies health from this squad automatically stun for 1 turn.

Mage: +2 LCK

T2: After eliminating an enemy squad, all squadmates gain the squad leader’s might/4 for the next phase.

Shaman: +2 MT

T2: Once every 3 Turns, by giving up an action, all squadmates will ignore half the enemies’ RES when attacking.

Cleric: +2 LCK

T2: Once every 3 turns, all incoming magical damage on that squad is cut in half. This is an action (?)

Troubadour:+2 RES

T2: Healers from this squad always heal as if the target was inside their squad.

Mage Fighter:+2 RES

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, all squadmates hit lowest of DEF/RES.

Soldier: +2 DEF

T2: When combined HP of squad is below 50%, all gain a + or -1 to skill die modifier

Nomad: +2 SKL

T2: After eliminating an enemy squad, all squad members are placed at siege range.

Bard/Dancer:+2 SPD

T2: Once every 3 turns, by giving up an action, a squadmate can act twice.

Pirate:+2 MT

T2: After eliminating an enemy squad, all attacks directed at the squad during the next EP will inflict half the damage dealt onto the attacker.

Monk: +2 SPD

T2: After eliminating an enemy squad leader, all members of the squad automatically regains 25% of their HP.

Dark Flier:+2 RES

T2: Enemies always target squadmates’ stronger defensive stats.


Lord(Recruit) +2 MT
Lord(Journeyman) +2 SPD
Lord(Riding Novice) +2 DEF
Lord(Acolyte) +2 LCK
Lord(Apprentice) +2 SKL
T2: Leadership: Starting Phase 2, all allied units have their non-hp simplified stats increased by (Tier). Not applicable when the unit is Sneaking.


Roll a 3d6 on IC. First die is hit die, second is damage, third is skill die. If first and third match, autohit, if second and third match, critical hit (results in damage being multiplied by two after defense is taken into account). This means that you can have an automatic critical hit.

Add first die to your hit stat. If that number is greater than your target’s AVO, you hit. This means that if HIT+Hit die-AVO=0, you do not hit. You then take the second die, add it to your MT, and either subtract target’s DEF if using a STR based weapon, or their RES if using a MAG based weapon, and that result is the amount of damage you dealt.

If your AS is (tier of opponent+1)*3 above that of your opponent, you double them and can attack again after their counterattack.

So, for example if your AS is 12, your opponents AS is 6 and his tier is T1, then you would double because 6+(1+1)*3=12.

PCs do not counterattack on EP.


Instead of attacking, you may choose to defend someone inside of your combat team. This will protect that person from one enemy attack. If defending during the PP, defend works like this:

A defends B

B attacks C

C counterattacks A

A counterattacks C

If the target of the defense does not receive a counterattack during the PP, but is attacked during the EP, the defend works like this:

A defends B

C attacks A instead of B

A successful defend (A is attacked and doesn’t die) results in X number of points.

If A KO’s the attacker while defending, they only receive defending points while the defendee receives that points from the KO.


Healing takes up a combat post like an attack or defend would. Gives X number of points.


Different enemies will have different behaviors that allow both the players and the GMs to have a general idea of what that enemy will do during the EP. These behaviors will be listed at the start of each PP.

Passive: Will not act during their turn, but will counter attack if able.

Aggressive: Will attack the last unit that attacked them unless unable to do so. If unable, they will instead target active targets (aka characters that acted during the last PP). Will heal themselves or allies if HP has fallen below 50%

Defending: Unit is defending one or more of their combat team. Who they are defending will be marked.

Subvert: Will target the target they have the best chance at KO’ing. Will work together with other subvert units if possible.

Erratic: IC reasons control what this unit does

Behaviors can be mixed together (eg: Passive-Aggressive, Aggressive-Subvert) which means the unit can switch from one to the other at some point in the future if conditions trigger it.


If you injure an enemy, but don’t KO them, you gain 1 point.

If you heal or defend, you gain 3 points.

If you KO an enemy that is within 2 levels of you (tier jumps count as 2 levels), you gain 5 points.

If you KO an enemy that is 3 levels higher than you, you gain 10 points.

If you KO an enemy that is 3 levels lower than you, you gain 3 points.

If you KO a boss, you get points you would have gained plus 5 extra points.

If you are KO’d on PP, you lose 5 points unless you were defending.

No matter what, a PC will earn, at minimum, the average number of points gained in a battle.


[spoiler=Trainee Classes]

Recruit (can promote to: Knight, Mercenary, Fighter, Soldier)

Base stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 2 DEF:2 RES: 1

Journeyman(can promote to: Myrmidon, Pirate, Archer, Thief)

Base stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Riding Novice (can promote to: Cavalier, Nomad, Wyvern Rider, Pegasus Knight)

Base stats: HP: 4 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 3 LCK: 1 DEF:3 RES: 2

Acolyte(can promote to: Dark Flier, Bard/Dancer, Troubadour, Mage Fighter)

Base stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 2 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 3 DEF:1 RES: 2

Apprentice(can promote to: Monk, Cleric, Shaman, Mage)

Base stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 2 DEF:1 RES: 3

[spoiler=Advanced Classes]

Cavalier: Offensive horse mounted unit that is skilled in multiple types of weapons.

Cavalier ---> Great Knight---> Paladin

Gallop (T1): If, on an attack, an enemy is defeated, you may initiate another attack in the same combat round once per round

Charge (T3): The once per round limit is now twice per round

Knight : Armored defensive unit, strongest when protecting others.

Knight ---> General --> Marshall

Guardian (T1): Adds MT/2 to DEF when defending

Bastion (T3): Adds MT to DEF when defending

Myrmidon: Skillful sword users known for their quickness and accuracy

Myrmidon ---> Swordmaster ---> Trueblade

Vantage (T1): All attacks may be performed before enemy counterattacks

Keen Edge (T3): Gains a permanent +1 or -1 modifier to skill die

Thief: Sneaky and swift units preferring to act in the shadows

Thief ---> Rogue ---> Assassin

Mug (T1): May steal an enemy's consumable as well as attacking

Lethality (T3): Deals x3 damage instead of x2 damage on critical hits

Fighter: Robust axe wielders specializing in crushing defenders

Fighter ---> Warrior ---> Reaver

Crush (T1): Every other turn, may bypass the defensive stats of a defending unit

Cleave (T3): May always bypass the defensive stats of a defending unit

Mercenary: Combat ready and always looking for a job

Mercenary ---> Hero ---> Vanguard

Zealous (T1): Increases STR, SKL, and DEF by tier+1 until the start of your next round, but costs you tier+1 HP every round this is active.

Valor (T3): Increases STR, SKL, and DEF by (tier+1)*2 until the start of your next round, but costs you tier+1 HP every round this is active.

Archer: Skilled bow users known for their deadly accuracy and powerful shots

Archer ----> Sniper ---> Marksman

Snipe (T1): May bypass defenders

Deadeye (T3): May every three turns use a stun shot that if it hits prevents the enemy from acting until the end of the EP

Pegasus Knight: Acrobatic sky warriors

Peg Knight ---> FalcoKnight ---> Seraph Knight

Miracle (T1): Once per battle, when KO’d, may instead remain alive with 1 HP

Escape (T3): When T1 skill activated, may not be targeted by enemy until the end of the EP

Wyvern Rider: Mounted flying unit known for their strong defense

Wyvern Rider ----> Wyvern Knight --->Wyvern Lord

Intercept (T1): May defend outside of combat team

Savior (T3): Defending is now a free action

Mage: Powerful magic users

Mage ---> Sage ----> Archsage

Overcast (T1): May shift up to [level] points from any stat except HP into MAG

Arcane Power (T3): May shift up to [level] points from MAG into any stat except HP (points are returned back to their normal place at the end of the EP)

Shaman: Dark magic users, revered by some and feared by others

Shaman ---> Druid ---> Dark Druid

Leech (T1): Can recover HP by half the damage dealt by their attack once every other turn

Drain (T3): Can recover HP by full damage dealt by their attack once every other turn

Cleric: Holy men and women known for their healing abilities

Cleric ---> Bishop ---> Saint

Faith (T1): Can heal a whole combat team once every three turns

Bless (T3): Can heal a whole combat team every other turn

Troubadour: Magic users blessed by the Gods, able to bring back even those at death’s door

Troubador ---> Chaplain ---> Valkyrie

Raise (T1): Can rez someone at HP=Mag once every three turns

Resurrect (T3): Can rez someone at full HP once every three turns

Mage Fighter: Skillful magic users who have trained their strength as well as their magic

Mage Fighter ---> Magic Knight --> Spellblade

Runic (T1): May shift up to half of your points from MAG to STR or STR to MAG

Mystic (T3): May also shift up to half of RES stat to MAG or STR (points are returned back to their normal place at the end of the EP)

Soldier: Dutiful lance users, known for never giving up even when injured

Soldier ---> Halberdier ---> Sentinel

Tenacity (T1): Skill and speed are increased by (tier+1)*2 when below half health

Pierce (T3): Damage from crits is doubled before DEF is applied when below full health

Nomad: Wandering horsemen known for their skill in fighting

Nomad ---> Nomadic Ranger ---> Nomadic Trooper

Canto (T1): May use a personal item as well as attack or defend

Galeforce (T3): May attack and defend in the same round, or use Canto.

Bard/Dancer: Magic users with the ability to strengthen their teammates through their music/dance.

Bard/Dancer --> Minstrel ---> Court Bard/Dancer

Encourage (T1): May buff a stat of one combat team by tier+1

Dishearten (T3): May also de-buff a stat of one enemy combat team by tier+1

Dark Flier: Airborne magic users that are skilled in physical weapons

Dark Flier --> Dark Striker --> Skyfire

Runic (T1): May shift up to half of your points from MAG to STR or STR to MAG

Arc Strike (T3): May fully shift from MAG to STR or STR to MAG (points are returned back to their normal place at the end of the EP)

Monk: Skilled magic users who never miss the chance to counterattack

Monk --> Ascetic --> Templar

Counter (T1): During the EP, if attacked, may attack with a counterspell that deals MAG/2 in damage, does not auto hit.

Blast (T3): Now deals full MAG

Pirate: Sea loving axe users who grow stronger through battle.

Pirate --> Corsair --> Buccaneer

Rage (T1): After KO'ing an enemy, character gains +1/-1 on the skill roll modifier which lasts until the end of the next turn.

Fury (T3): The bonus is now +2/-1


Tier 3: Command: If this unit is a combat team leader, once per turn, as an action, it can use one of three orders:
Attack Order: Designates a non-player target. For that turn, Allied units attacking that unit gain 1 HIT and 1 MT for every consecutive attack made on it. Can only be used once every 3 turns.
Defend Order: Designates an allied target. That unit is placed at Siege range and defending this unit is a free action. Can only be used once every 2 turns.
Promotion Order: Designates an allied target whose team leader has been defeated. That unit is now their unit’s team leader.

[spoiler=Class Proficiencies]

Recruit: Swords, Lances, Axes

Journeymen: Swords, Bows, Axes

Riding Novice: Swords, Lances, Axes, Bows

Acolyte: Anima, Light, Staves

Apprentice: Anima, Light, Dark, Staves

Cavalier: Swords, Lances

Knight: Axes, Lances, gains swords at T2

Myrmidon: Swords

Thief: Swords, gain bows at T2

Fighter: Axes, gains bow at T2

Mercenary: Swords, gains Axes at T2

Archer: Bows

Peg Knight: Lances gains swords at T2

Wyvern Rider: Axes, gains lances at T2

Mage: Anima, gains light at T2

Shaman: Dark, Staves, gains anima at T2

Cleric: Light, Staves

Troubador: Anima, Staves, Light

Mage Fighter: Anima, Light, Swords

Soldier: Lances

Nomad: Bows, Swords

Bard/Dancer: Anima, Light, Staves

Pirate: Axes

Monk: Anima, Light, Dark

Dark Flier: Anima, Dark, Lances


Lord(Recruit): Swords, Lances, Axes, Light, Dark, Staves
Lord(Journeyman) : Swords, Bows, Axes, Dark, Anima
Lord(Riding Novice): Swords, Lances, Axes, Bows, Light, Anima, Dark, Staves
Lord(Acolyte): Anima, Light, Dark, Staves, Swords, Lances, Bows
Lord(Apprentice): Anima, Light, Dark, Lances, Axes, Staves

[spoiler=Personal Skills*]

Each player starts off with a personal skill. More skills can be purchased for points. At T1 and T3 promotions, a class skill is gained. Each promotion has a cap for how many skills you can have (T0:2, T1: 3, T2: 4, T3: 5)

  • Resolve: Boosts raw MT, AS, and HIT by [level/2] (rounded down. Min. 1), when unit is at raw health or lower.

  • Imbue: Heals the character by their lower raw offensive stat*[tier+1]. Excludes any hybrid classes (Dark Fliers/Mage Fighters). May be used twice per battle.

  • Combat Medic: May heal outside of combat team without any reduction

  • Weapon/Tome Slayer: Reverses the effect of the Weapon/Magic Triangle. (pick weapon or tome not both for hybrid classes)

  • Sneak: Twice per battle, user may not be targeted during EP.

  • Dampen: Choose any stat but hp when buying this skill. Twice per battle if the attack hits, that stat is reduced by [tier+1] points for the duration of the battle. May not be used twice on the same opponent.

  • Demon Slayer: Halves the Def or RES of a demonic target during attacks once every other turn.

  • Wrath: Up to a +2 skill roll modifier is granted when at half HP or below. Stacks with killer weapon bonuses.

  • Far Reach: May ignore siege range rules

  • Hard Hit: Before rolling your attack, you may choose to lower your Skl by tier+1 amount, and for that attack, you will gain tier+1 MT

  • Block: Reduce the damage taken on your opponents attack by half after defenses are applied. Can be activated during EP. May only occur twice per battle.

  • Dodge: Twice per battle, speed gives 1.5x evasion, but DEF and RES are halved.

  • Revival: When KO’d, may roll a d6. If the roll is lower than LCK-LCK of opponent who KO’d them, user is revived at quarter HP. May only occur twice per battle and once every 3 turns.

  • Weapon Swap: At the end of your combat round, you may freely swap which weapon is equipped

  • Aggro: May pick one enemy and draw their attack for the next EP. May not use on a defended enemy and may not use while defending.

  • Shield: Allows user to defend whole combat team three times.

  • Lucky Hit*: Only need 2 of three dice to match to autohit. (If damage die and skill die match, player must choose either auto hit or crit) 100

  • Dual Attack*: You and one other player with this skill may execute a dual attack on one enemy. Both automatically deal critical hits. Must still hit. 80

  • Triangle Attack*: You and two other players with this skill may execute a triangle attack on one enemy. All three autohit critical attacks. 90

  • Blessed*: May not be automatically hit, unless evade exceeds 30. 100

  • Negate*: Cancels enemy skills. Does not work on select enemies. 130

  • Armor Breaker*: Ignore enemy’s armor bonuses 130

  • Sword Breaker*: Ignore enemy’s weapon bonuses 130

  • Astra*: May launch up to four consecutive attacks on an enemy in a single combat round. The MT of the attacks is halved(before rolls), and Astra may only be used once every three turns. It must be activated at the start of the combat round and negates the PC's regular doubling for that round. 100

* cannot be free starting skill, require T2


weapon series that upgrade

max two types of weapons, 1 type of armor, 1 consumable

can swap out for different weapon but don't regain points and start at lowest weapon upgrade


Vulneries: Heals up to 10 HP (3 uses)

Elixir: Heals 25 HP (3 uses)

Antitoxin: Removes poison effects, may not be re-poisoned for three turns (3 uses)

Tonic: Heals 5 HP and increases HIT/MT by tier+1 for the following three turns, uses do not stack but do reset counter. (3 uses)

[spoiler=Weapon lines]

Plain (T): gives no advantages

Offensive (T):

C: gives +level to MT up to +8

B: gives +level to MT up to +12

A: gives +level to MT up to +16

Defensive (T):

C: gives +level to DEF up to +8

B: gives +level to DEF up to +12

A: gives +level to DEF up to +16

Resistance (T):

C: gives +level to RES up to +8

B: gives +level to RES up to +12

A: gives +level to RES up to +16

Speed (T):

C: gives +level to SPD up to +8

B: gives +level to SPD up to +12

A: gives +level to SPD up to +16

Hit (T):

C: gives +level to HIT up to +8

B: gives +level to HIT up to +12

A: gives +level to HIT up to +16

Poison (T):

C: subtracts level from enemy HP up to -8 at the end of EP for three turns

B: subtracts level from enemy HP up to -12 at the end of EP for three turns

A: subtracts level from enemy HP up to -16 at the end of EP for three turns

Brave (T):

B: Get 1 extra attack that occurs after the enemy counterattack, up to 3 attacks total if doubling

A: Allows for an extra attack for every time you can attack the enemy, up to 4 attacks total if doubling. Extra attacks occur after enemy counterattack.

Killer (T):

C: Adds a + or -1 modifier to the skill die (+ or - chosen on signup)

B: Adds a +/-1 modifier to the skill die

A: Adds a +/-1 modifier to the skill die and subtracts level/2 from enemy DEF/RES

Siege (Bow/Tome):

C: Allows attacking from siege range, prevents counter attack

B: Allows attacking from siege range, prevents counter attack, adds +level/2 to MT up to +6

A: Allows attacking from siege range, prevents counter attack, adds +level/2 to MT up to +8


C: heal MAG+level inside combat team, (MAG+level)/2 outside, up to +8

B: heal MAG+level inside combat team, (MAG+level)/2 outside, up to +12

A: heal MAG+level inside combat team, (MAG+level)/2 outside, up to +16

Slayers (T):

C: give +(2*level) to MT up to +16 against whatever slayer set is decided upon at purchase

B: give +(2*level) to MT up to +24 against whatever slayer set is decided upon at purchase

A: give +(2*level) to MT up to +32 against whatever slayer set is decided upon at purchase

Slayer Types: Recruit, Journeyman, Riding Novice, Acolyte, Apprentice (each affects the four promotes from those trainee classes as well as the trainee class)

S-rank Weaponry: Adds an additional C-rank effect to A-rank weapons. Cannot be own weapon line. For Healing Staves, it cures all status effects.

[spoiler=Armor Lines]


C: Negates Slayers up to level C

B: Negates Slayers up to level B

A: Negates Slayers up to level A


C: Negates Poison up to level C

B: Negates Poison up to level B

A: Negates Poison up to level A


C: Adds level to DEF up to +8

B: Adds level to DEF up to +12

A: Adds level to DEF up to +16


C: Adds level to RES up to +8

B: Adds level to RES up to +12

A: Adds level to RES up to +16

Iron Rune:

B: prevents critical hits

S-rank Armor: Adds the effect of a basic personal skill skill (70), or the effect of an Iron Rune (100) to the armor. This skill is not negated by Negate, but will be negated by Cleave.
S-rank(Iron Rune): Adds the effect of an A-rank armor, or a starred skill to the rune. This skill is not negated by Negate, but will be negated by Cleave.

Class C weapons/armor have no tier requirements

Class B weapons/armor require Tier 2

Class A weapons/armor require Tier 3

Consumables have no tier requirements

Each playable character may have only one S-ranked weapon and one S-ranked armor.

[spoiler=Item/Skill Costs]Offensive Weapons: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Defensive Weapons: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Resistance Weapons: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Speed Weapons: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Hit Weapons: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Staves: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Poison Weapons: 40 points --> 70 points --> 100 points

Siege Bows/Tomes: 40 points --> 70 points --> 100 points

Slayer Weapons: 40 points --> 70 points --> 100 points

Killer Weapons: 40 points --> 70 points --> 100 points

Brave Weapons: 80 points ---> 100 points

Defensive Armor: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

Resistance Armor: 30 points --> 60 points --> 90 points

AntiPoison: 40 points --> 70 points --> 100 points

AntiSlayer: 40 points --> 70 points --> 100 points

Iron Rune: 150 points

Vulnerary: 15 points

Elixir: 25 points

Tonic: 20 points

Basic Personal Skills: 70 points

Starred Skills: varies, need to be T2

Second Weapon: Cost of weapon, need to be T1

S Rank Weapon: 80

S Rank Armor: 70/100 (see description)

S Rank Iron Rune: 100

When promoting from trainee to main class, you may swap out your current weapon for a different type of weapon of the same line (so speed sword for speed lance, etc.) for no cost if the main class you want to promote to cannot use your current weapon. Otherwise, when wanting to switch weapons, you must sell the current weapon you have for half price (so if it was worth 30 points you'd get 15 back) and buy a new weapon.








Each level up gives you three points to add to stats except during promotes. Promoting to T1 gives you +9 set points and 3 free points. The other promotes give you +6 set stat points. Max a mortal (PC) can be is 3/4

[spoiler=Points per Level]

0/1: 26

0/2: 29

1/1: 41

1/2: 44

1/3: 47

1/4: 50

2/1: 56

2/2: 59

2/3: 62

2/4: 65

3/1: 71

3/2: 74

3/3: 77

3/4: 80

[spoiler=Level Costs]

0/1 ---> 0/2: 50 pts

0/2 ---> 1/1: 70 pts

1/1 ---> 1/2: 80 pts

1/2 ---> 1/3: 90 pts

1/3 ---> 1/4: 100 pts

1/4 ---> 2/1: 120 pts

2/1 ---> 2/2: 130 pts

2/2 ---> 2/3: 140 pts

2/3 ---> 2/4: 150 pts

2/4 ---> 3/1: 170 pts

3/1 ---> 3/2: 180 pts

3/2 ---> 3/3: 190 pts

3/3 ---> 3/4: 200 pts

Total: 1670

[spoiler=Tier Promotes]

[spoiler=To Tier 1]

You gain three free points to spend as you wish here as well as the 9 set points.

Knight: HP +3, STR +2, DEF + 4

Mercenary: STR +3, SKL + 3, SPD + 3

Fighter: HP + 3, STR + 4, DEF + 2

Soldier: STR + 2, SKL + 2, SPD + 2, DEF + 3

Myrmidon: STR +1 , SKL +4, SPD + 4,

Pirate: HP + 4, STR + 4, SPD + 1

Archer: STR+ 2, SKL + 4, SPD + 2, LCK +1

Thief: SKL + 1, SPD + 4, LCK + 4

Cavalier: HP + 3, STR + 2, SKL + 4

Nomad: SKL + 4, LCK + 1, SPD + 4

Wyvern Rider: HP + 2, STR + 4, DEF + 3

Pegasus Knight: SPD + 4, LCK + 1, RES + 4

Dark Flier: STR + 3, SKL + 3, DEF + 3

Bard/Dancer: MAG + 3, SKL+ 3, SPD + 3

Troubador: MAG + 4, LCK + 1, RES + 4

Mage Fighter: STR + 4, MAG +2, SKL +2, RES + 1

Monk: Mag + 1, SKL + 4, SPD + 4

Cleric: MAG + 3, SPD + 3, LCK + 3

Shaman: HP + 1, MAG + 4, RES + 4

Mage: MAG + 3, SKL + 4, SPD + 2

[spoiler=To Tier 2]

General: +2 HP, + 1 STR, +3 DEF

Hero: +1 STR, +2 SKL, + 1 SPD, +2 DEF

Warrior: +2 STR, +2 SKL, +2 DEF

Halberdier: +3 SKL, +3 SPD

Swordmaster: +3 SKL, +3 SPD

Corsair: +2 HP, +3 STR, +1 SPD

Sniper: + 2 STR, +3 SKL, + 1 SPD

Rogue: + 3 SPD, + 3 LCK

Great Knight: +2 HP, +2 STR, +2 SKL

Nomadic Ranger: +1 STR, +2 SKL, + 3 SPD

Wyvern Knight: +3 STR, +3 DEF

FalcoKnight : +2 SKL, + 3 SPD, + 1 RES

Dark Striker: +1 MAG, +1 STR, + 2SKL, +2 RES

Minstrel: +1 MAG, + 2 SKL, + 2 SPD, + 1 LCK

Chaplain: +2 MAG, + 2 SPD, + 1 LCK, + 1 RES

Magic Knight: +2 STR, + 2 MAG, + 2 RES

Ascetic: +2 SKL, + 1 SPD, + 3 RES

Bishop: +3 MAG, + 1 SPD, +2 LCK

Druid: +2 HP, + 2 MAG, + 2 RES

Sage: +3 MAG, + 1 SKL, + 1 SPD, + 1 RES

[spoiler=To tier 3]

Marshall: +1 HP, + 2 STR, + 3 DEF

Vanguard: +2 STR, + 2 SKL, + 2 SPD

Reaver: +1 HP, + 2 STR, + 3 SKL

Sentinel: +2 STR, + 2 SKL, + 2 DEF

Trueblade: +1 STR, + 2 SKL, +3 SPD

Buccaneer: +2 HP, +2 STR, + 2 SPD

Marksman: +2 STR, + 3 SKL, + 1 SPD

Assassin: +3 SKL, + 3 SPD

Paladin: +3 HP, + 1 STR, + 1 SKL, + 1 DEF

Nomadic Trooper: +1 STR, + 3 SKL, + 2 SPD

Wyvern Lord: +4 STR, + 2 DEF

Seraph Knight: +2 SPD, + 4 RES

Skyfire: +1 MAG, + 1 STR, + 2 SKL, + 2 RES

Court Bard/Dancer: +2 MAG, + 2 SPD, +2 LCK

Valkyrie: +1 MAG, + 5 RES

Spellblade: +1 STR, + 1 MAG, + 2 SKL, + 1 SPD, +1 RES

Templar: +3 SKL, + 3 SPD

Saint: +1 MAG, + 1 SPD, + 4 LCK

Dark Druid: +4 MAG, + 2 RES

Archsage: + 3 MAG, +1 SKL, + 2 SPD


To Lord(Recruit) > Baron
+4 Offensive stat(s), +2 DEF > +1 HP, +4 Offensive Stat(s), +1 DEF
To Lord(Journeyman) > Great Lord
+1 Offensive Stat, +2 SKL, +2 SPD, +1 LCK > +1 Offensive Stat, +1 SKL, +2 SPD, + 2 LCK
To Lord(Riding Novice) > Knight Lord
+2 HP, +2 DEF, +2 RES > +2 HP, +1 SKL, +1 SPD, +1 DEF, +1 RES
To Lord(Acolyte) > Rune Lord
+1 HP, +1 Offensive Stat, +1 SKL, +1 SPD, +1 DEF, +1 RES > +1 O-stat, +1 SKL, +1 SPD, +1 LCK, +1 DEF, +1 RES
To Lord(Apprentice) > Chancellor
+2 Offensive stat(s), +1 SKL, +1 SPD, +2 RES > +2 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 SPD, +2 RES



Recruit: HP: 9 STR: 9 MAG: 4 SKL: 8 SPD: 7 LCK: 6 DEF:8 RES: 4

Journeyman: HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 4 SKL: 10 SPD: 9 LCK: 9 DEF: 5 RES: 5

Riding Novice: HP: 10 STR: 7 MAG: 4 SKL: 6 SPD: 7 LCK: 5 DEF:9 RES: 7

Acolyte: HP: 7 STR: 6 MAG: 8 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 6 DEF:5 RES: 6

Apprentice: HP: 7 STR: 4 MAG: 10 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LCK: 8 DEF: 5 RES: 8

[spoiler=Tier 1]

Knight: HP: 14 STR: 15 MAG: 5 SKL: 10 SPD: 8 LCK: 8 DEF:16 RES: 7

Mercenary: HP: 12 STR: 15 MAG: 5 SKL: 14 SPD: 13 LCK: 8 DEF:10 RES: 6

Fighter: HP: 16 STR: 16 MAG: 5 SKL: 11 SPD: 10 LCK: 8 DEF: 11 RES: 6

Soldier: HP: 12 STR: 14 MAG: 5 SKL: 14 SPD: 11 LCK: 8 DEF:13 RES: 6

Myrmidon: HP: 10 STR: 10 MAG: 5 SKL: 16 SPD: 16 LCK: 12 DEF: 8 RES: 6

Pirate: HP: 15 STR: 15 MAG: 5 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 11 DEF: 7 RES: 6

Archer: HP: 10 STR: 11 MAG: 5 SKL: 17 SPD: 14 LCK: 14 DEF: 6 RES: 6

Thief: HP: 10 STR: 10 MAG: 5 SKL: 15 SPD: 16 LCK: 16 DEF: 5 RES: 6

Cavalier: HP: 16 STR: 11 MAG: 5 SKL: 12 SPD: 10 LCK: 8 DEF:13 RES: 8

Nomad: HP: 14 STR: 11 MAG: 5 SKL: 14 SPD: 13 LCK: 9 DEF: 10 RES: 7

Wyvern Rider: HP: 14 STR: 16 MAG: 5 SKL: 9 SPD: 10 LCK: 7 DEF:15 RES: 7

Pegasus Knight: HP: 13 STR: 10 MAG: 5 SKL: 10 SPD: 14 LCK: 8 DEF:9 RES: 14

Dark Flier: HP: 10 STR: 10 MAG: 11 SKL: 13 SPD: 10 LCK: 8 DEF: 11 RES: 10

Bard/Dancer: HP: 10 STR: 5 MAG: 15 SKL: 11 SPD: 15 LCK: 13 DEF:6 RES: 8

Troubador: HP: 10 STR: 5 MAG: 15 SKL: 11 SPD: 11 LCK: 12 DEF: 5 RES: 14

Mage Fighter: HP: 10 STR: 12 MAG: 12 SKL: 12 SPD: 11 LCK: 8 DEF: 7 RES: 11

Monk: HP: 10 STR: 5 MAG: 14 SKL: 12 SPD: 14 LCK: 10 DEF: 7 RES: 11

Cleric: HP: 10 STR: 5 MAG: 16 SKL: 10 SPD: 11 LCK: 14 DEF: 6 RES: 11

Shaman: HP: 10 STR: 5 MAG: 18 SKL: 9 SPD: 8 LCK: 11 DEF: 8 RES: 14

Mage: HP: 10 STR: 5 MAG: 16 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 11 DEF: 6 RES: 11

[spoiler=Tier 2]

General: HP: 19 STR: 17 MAG: 7 SKL: 12 SPD: 10 LCK: 9 DEF:22 RES: 9

Hero: HP: 14 STR: 19 MAG: 7 SKL: 19 SPD: 15 LCK: 9 DEF:14 RES: 7

Warrior: HP: 18 STR: 21 MAG: 7 SKL: 15 SPD: 12 LCK: 9 DEF: 15 RES: 7

Halberdier: HP: 14 STR: 16 MAG: 7 SKL: 20 SPD: 17 LCK: 9 DEF:14 RES: 7

Swordmaster: HP: 11 STR: 13 MAG: 7 SKL: 22 SPD: 22 LCK: 13 DEF: 9 RES: 7

Corsair: HP: 19 STR: 21 MAG: 7 SKL: 14 SPD: 15 LCK: 13 DEF: 8 RES: 7

Sniper: HP: 11 STR: 15 MAG: 7 SKL: 23 SPD: 18 LCK: 16 DEF: 7 RES: 7

Rogue: HP: 11 STR: 12 MAG: 7 SKL: 17 SPD: 22 LCK: 22 DEF: 6 RES: 7

Great Knight: HP: 21 STR: 15 MAG: 6 SKL: 17 SPD: 12 LCK: 9 DEF:15 RES: 9

Nomadic Ranger: HP: 16 STR: 14 MAG: 6 SKL: 19 SPD: 19 LCK: 10 DEF: 12 RES: 8

Wyvern Knight: HP: 16 STR: 22 MAG: 6 SKL: 11 SPD: 12 LCK: 8 DEF: 21 RES: 8

FalcoKnight: HP: 15 STR: 12 MAG: 6 SKL: 14 SPD: 20 LCK: 9 DEF:10 RES: 18

Dark Striker: HP: 11 STR: 13 MAG: 14 SKL: 18 SPD: 11 LCK: 9 DEF: 13 RES: 15

Minstrel: HP: 12 STR: 7 MAG: 19 SKL: 15 SPD: 20 LCK: 16 DEF:7 RES: 9

Chaplain: HP: 11 STR: 7 MAG: 19 SKL: 13 SPD: 15 LCK: 15 DEF: 6 RES: 18

Magic Knight: HP: 11 STR: 17 MAG: 17 SKL: 14 SPD: 13 LCK: 9 DEF: 8 RES: 15

Ascetic: HP: 11 STR: 7 MAG: 15 SKL: 17 SPD: 18 LCK: 12 DEF: 8 RES: 16

Bishop: HP: 12 STR: 7 MAG: 22 SKL: 10 SPD: 14 LCK: 19 DEF: 7 RES: 13

Druid: HP: 14 STR: 7 MAG: 23 SKL: 10 SPD: 9 LCK: 13 DEF: 9 RES: 19

Sage: HP: 11 STR: 7 MAG: 22 SKL: 16 SPD: 14 LCK: 13 DEF: 7 RES: 14

[spoiler=Tier 3]

Marshall: HP: 23 STR: 21 MAG: 8 SKL: 14 SPD: 12 LCK: 10 DEF:28 RES: 10

Vanguard: HP: 16 STR: 24 MAG: 8 SKL: 24 SPD: 19 LCK: 10 DEF:16 RES: 8

Reaver: HP: 22 STR: 26 MAG: 8 SKL: 20 SPD: 14 LCK: 10 DEF: 17 RES: 8

Sentinel: HP: 16 STR: 21 MAG: 8 SKL: 25 SPD: 19 LCK: 10 DEF:18 RES: 8

Trueblade: HP: 13 STR: 16 MAG: 8 SKL: 27 SPD: 28 LCK: 15 DEF: 10 RES: 8

Buccaneer: HP: 24 STR: 26 MAG: 8 SKL: 16 SPD: 19 LCK: 15 DEF: 9 RES: 8

Marksman: HP: 13 STR: 19 MAG: 8 SKL: 29 SPD: 22 LCK: 18 DEF: 8 RES: 8

Assassin: HP: 13 STR: 14 MAG: 8 SKL: 22 SPD: 28 LCK: 25 DEF: 7 RES: 8

Paladin: HP: 27 STR: 18 MAG: 7 SKL: 21 SPD: 14 LCK: 10 DEF:18 RES: 10

Nomadic Trooper: HP: 18 STR: 17 MAG: 7 SKL: 25 SPD: 24 LCK: 11 DEF: 14 RES: 9

Wyvern Lord: HP: 18 STR: 29 MAG: 7 SKL: 13 SPD: 14 LCK: 9 DEF: 26 RES: 9

Seraph Knight: HP: 17 STR: 14 MAG: 7 SKL: 16 SPD: 25 LCK: 10 DEF:11 RES: 25

Skyfire: HP: 12 STR: 16 MAG: 17 SKL: 23 SPD: 12 LCK: 10 DEF: 15 RES: 20

Court Performer: HP: 14 STR: 8 MAG: 24 SKL: 17 SPD: 25 LCK: 18 DEF:8 RES: 10

Valkyrie: HP: 12 STR: 8 MAG: 23 SKL: 15 SPD: 17 LCK: 17 DEF: 7 RES: 26

Spellblade: HP: 12 STR: 21 MAG: 21 SKL: 18 SPD: 16 LCK: 10 DEF: 9 RES: 18

Templar: HP: 12 STR: 8 MAG: 17 SKL: 23 SPD: 24 LCK: 14 DEF: 9 RES: 18

Saint: HP: 14 STR: 8 MAG: 26 SKL: 11 SPD: 17 LCK: 26 DEF: 8 RES: 15

Dark Druid: HP: 16 STR: 8 MAG: 30 SKL: 12 SPD: 10 LCK: 15 DEF: 10 RES: 24

Archsage: HP: 12 STR: 8 MAG: 28 SKL: 20 SPD: 18 LCK: 15 DEF: 8 RES: 16


Tier 2
Lord(Recruit): HP: 13 STR: 17 MAG: 17 SKL: 9 SPD: 9 LCK: 13 DEF: 17 RES: 9
Lord(Journeyman): HP: 9 STR: 13 MAG: 13 SKL: 17 SPD: 17 LCK: 17 DEF: 9 RES: 9
Lord(Riding Novice): HP: 17 STR: 9 MAG: 9 SKL: 13 SPD: 13 LCK: 9 DEF: 17 RES: 17
Lord(Acolyte): HP: 13 STR: 13 MAG: 13 SKL: 13 SPD: 13 LCK: 13 DEF: 13 RES: 13
Lord(Apprentice): HP: 9 STR: 13 MAG: 17 SKL: 13 SPD: 13 LCK: 9 DEF: 9 RES: 17
Tier 3
Baron: HP: 16 STR: 20 MAG: 20 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 16 DEF: 20 RES: 12
Great Lord: HP: 12 STR: 16 MAG: 16 SKL: 20 SPD: 20 LCK: 20 DEF: 12 RES: 12
Knight Lord: HP: 20 STR: 12 MAG: 12 SKL: 16 SPD: 16 LCK: 12 DEF: 20 RES: 20
Rune Lord: HP: 16 STR: 16 MAG: 16 SKL: 16 SPD: 16 LCK: 16 DEF: 16 RES: 16
Chancellor: HP: 12 STR: 16 MAG: 20 SKL: 16 SPD: 16 LCK: 12 DEF: 12 RES: 20

[spoiler=Sign Ups*]

To start off, 1 PC/RPer limit, starting at 0/1, so a trainee class. After the RP has progressed some, we will allow second PCs. NPCs are allowed, but no tagalong characters unless they’re controlled by the GMs. To sign up, use the following form:












Raw Stats:

Simplified Stats:


Mount (don’t need one, but can have one)

Mount Name:





For stats, you start with the base stats of whatever trainee class you pick, then add four free stats and four stats based on the race you pick. These race modifiers stack with the caps for each level. So, if you pick a human, your STR cap will always be increased by 1, no matter what class you pick, etc. The modifiers based on race are as follow:

Humans: STR/MAG + 1, SKL + 2, SPD + 1

Elves: MAG + 2, SPD + 1, RES + 1

Dwarves: HP + 1, STR + 2, DEF + 1

Half-elves: STR + 1, MAG + 1, SKL + 1, SPD + 1

Half-dwarves: HP + 1, STR + 2, SKL +1

Dwarf-Elves: STR + 1 MAG + 1 DEF + 1 RES + 1

Starting Points: 338

In addition, you may start with one free skill

Note: If you don’t buy a weapon, you start with a Plain. Those are free, and can be sold for 0.

IMPORTANT RULE: This RP will have something we like to call the stupidity clause. If your character does something real dumb that would likely result in their death if they tried it in real life, the GMs reserve the right to kill your character. This may not happen every time per say. If you can argue a valid reason for why said character is doing said thing and act like a reasonable person about it, you might get away with a warning. The better thing to do though would be to check with the GMs before hand to see if the thing you're considering doing would be ok.

TL;DR: You don't get plot armor while doing incredibly stupid things.

Stat Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AibxY2JMHM2BdDJXU3k1WmJnbzd2TU9ocU9SdkpfVkE#gid=2

Example Signup:

Name: Rayil Haunt
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class/Level: Journeyman 0/1
Appearance: Tallish (around 6'1"), wirey, strong build, pale skin, dark grey hair, typically with shadow of a beard, blue eyes, scar across his nose and cheek, usually wears loose shirt/pants combo with a long jacket if needed.
Occupation: Mercenary
Nationality: Feaolian
Personality: Fairly easy going, takes jobs he knows he can complete, doesn't risk his life, enjoys fighting. As long as he has a sword in his hand, he could die happy.
-Speed Sword C
Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1
Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 4 HIT: 8 AS: 7 AVO: 9 DEF: 1 RES: 1
Backstory: Born into a poor family, Rayil joined the Feaolian army when he was only 15. There he learned how to fight, but quickly grew bored of the day in and day out toil that was the army. Leaving his homeland behind, he set out and soon joined Andre's mercenary band. Now he lives a fun, combat filled life which is all he could hope for.

Points: 0

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Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Human
Class/Level: Journeyman 0/1
Appearance: Tall, strapping young lad. Maybe 6'2". Broad shoulders, but quite rangy overall. Mop of chestnut hair, freckles, pale skin. Wears leather armour. Always carries his hand-crafted longbow, but there's a short-handled, efficient-looking axe and dirk at his belt, should he need them.

Occupation: Mercenary (formerly militiaman)
Nationality: Republican
Personality: Easy-going, religious in a vague sort of way, not unintelligent but doesn't let facts weigh him down. Fancies himself with the lasses. Moderately brave.
-Offensive Bow C
-Hard Hit
Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 8 HIT: 7 AS: 4 AVO: 5 DEF: 0 RES: 1
Backstory: Malachi always felt he owed a debt to the mercenaries; a militiaman in a local town watch only a year ago, he noticed how brutally efficient the mercenaries were at killing people without dying. Given that they pretty much saved the entire town, and his own life as a result, he ran away from the shop and enlisted with them the next day.

Edited by Yohan Kebab
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Name: Aina Balke

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Race: Human

Class: Recruit 0/1



Occupation: Mercenary

Nationality: Antarian

Personality: Strong work ethic, and fairly serious when said work is involved. Generally laid back when work is not a topic of note, harbors a certain disdain for sleevy salesman, as well as sickles.

Inventory: Plain Sword, Defence Armour C

Skills: Resolve

Raw Stats: Hp:6 Str:6 Mag:0 Skl:5 Spd:3 Lck:2 Def:3 Res:1

Simplified Stats: Hp:18 Mt:6 Hit:6 AS:3 Evd:4 Def:4 Res:1

Backstory: The daughter of a Antarian farmer, Aina was injured at a young age on the farm, losing sight in her right eye. Because of here injury, she was pulled off of the land by her father, not wanting her to slow down the harvest due to her impaired sight. Being a hardy young girl, Aina felt the need to keep herself occupied aside from assisting her mother with menial chores, and eventually found an old broadsword used by her great-grandfather in the war. Taking an interest in the blade, Aina began to train herself to handle it when she could find the time, eventually becoming used to wielding the heavy blade and defending despite the loss of her right eye. When adulthood reared it's ugly head, and Aina was to be married to an acquaintance of her father's, she instead stole away to begin a life on the road, preferring to fend for her own than slave beneath some inconsequential upstart merchant.

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Name: Raelyn Lekken

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Race: Human

Class: Journeyman 0/1

Appearance: About 5'7", medium build, dirty blonde shoulder-length hair, tanned, green eyes, sharp nose, I'll sprite this later

Occupation: Barmaid (or that's what she said she was when she joined Andre's band)

Nationality: Haukemian (Inthus)

Personality: Her outward personality is materialistic, talkative, and pushy, because her customers seem to like that the best. If a customer needs a different kind of woman, she'll change her personality in an instant. She has an excellent memory, but does everything possible to hide this.

Inventory: Plain Sword

Skills: Wrath

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 7 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 9 MT: 5 HIT: 7 AS: 7 AVO: 8 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Backstory: She was found as a baby amidst flotsam by fishermen one day, and handed off to the tavern owner to raise. The little girl grew up among drunkards, and learned how to glean information from the slurred speech of the patrons. The regulars thought of her as pretty and stupid, which suited her just fine. The dumber they thought she was, the more likely they'd let loose while inebriated! She also learned how to snag coin out of the pouches of those who were unable or unwilling to pay their tabs. Her father looked the other way, as the profits helped to keep him in business. One day, she overheard something she shouldn't have. No matter what she did with her information, she'd ruin someone's life. She bid a quick farewell to her adopted family, told the fishermen who had rescued her all those years back to stop and board the ship with the red masts at all costs, and fled Inthus. Perhaps the kidnapped women on that vessel would find better lives.

Points: 30 (this is intentional)

If I messed up (which I probably did), do let me know~!

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Name: Leon

Gender: Male

Age: 90

Race: Elf

Class: Acolyte

Appearance: Black swept back hair, typical pointy ears. His right one is pierced with a blue ring and he wears a cream colored tunic with a blue vest. He wears black trousers and black laced boots for his performances.

Occupation: Street Preformer

Nationality: Celisan

Personality: A veritable ladies man, he tries to impress all those he comes across. He's a charmer and not much of a fighter, preferring to use his tongue to combat aggressors. He's a bit shy about his ears.

Inventory: Heal Staff C

Skills: Sneak

Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 3 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF:1 RES: 3

Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 5 HIT: 5 AS: 6 AVO: 8 DEF/RES: 1/3

Backstory: Leon grew up in a close family, his father being a carpenter. When he discovered his love for dance though, they weren't too happy after his decision to quit and make a living off the streets. Leon joined a circus troupe where he learned some skills like cooking and healing from a few of the older elves in the group. They spent several years together performing, but eventually they were bought by a new owner. Change brings several things, and due to a few creative differences, he left the group. With his very rusty healing skills he decided to set out and look for some real work for once.

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Name: Zeff Falassion

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Race: Human

Class: Recruit
Level: 0/2

Appearance: He’s 5’10”, with a slender build and white hair. He wears a white coat to match his hair and a black shirt underneath with blue jeans. He has grey-blue eyes that seem to darken his gaze, but more often than not, he’ll still appear to look content with the world around him. He wears a metal glove on his right hand.


Occupation: Merchant
Nationality: Senian

Personality: He's a courteous fellow who knows how to deal with others. He lacks belief in his abilities, and this seems to hold him back a great deal in combat. He's very inquisitive and he has a great appreciation for magic, despite lacking any magical proficiency. His time spent as a merchant has honed his communication skills and he loves to strike up a conversation when the mood provides.

Inventory: Plain Sword (Aina's Sword)

Skills: Wrath

Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF:5 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 MT: 9 (11) MAG: 0 HIT: 9 (11) AVO: 9 AS: 8 DEF: 5 (7) RES: 1

()= Stats when Zealous is active.

Backstory: Zeff was born into a merchant family, and began to help his father manage the business from a rather young age. His aptitude for the job was rather astounding to his father but made him believe that Zeff held much promise. After slogging through the merchant business for a few years, he began to long for adventure. Oftentimes he would play with the weaponry his father had in stock (much to the disdain of his father), though his weak build would prohibit him from carrying anything of respectable size.

It wasn't long until Zeff was ready to branch out and manage his own shop, selling his own wares. He handled the independence well and soon he had established himself in town as a thriving merchant. Oftentimes traveling from town to town in Senia in order to conduct business deals with others and 'size up' the competition.

Zeff's desire for adventure was answered when he met with a half-elven girl named Reva. It wasn't long before the two became enamored with each other, however it seemed fate had other plans in store. Just as quickly as love had blossomed in his life, it withered away, leaving him with nothing. The loss of a loved one was a pain Zeff hadn't been expecting to feel so soon.

A few years passed before another misfortune befell his family. His father had been robbed of his wares, and the only remaining item was a simple gauntlet. Zeff’s father tossed it aside, grief stricken by his loss of fortune. Zeff grabbed the glove and used it for his own private swordplay sessions, but he wasn't expecting anything from it. However, in time, it became clear that this glove was no ordinary thing, and that quite possibly it was worth more than what his father had lost and then some.

The time had come for him to get new meaning from life. He closed down his shop, and took whatever money he could gather, along with his sword and glove and set off. It wouldn't be long until he would get caught up in something much bigger than he could imagine.

Points: 112

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Name: Jacob Roswell

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Race: Human

Class: Recruit

Appearance: 5'11”, broad build, slightly tanned skin, short, brown hair, green eyes, usually seen in light colors and his armor.

Occupation: Novice Mercenary

Nationality: Celisan

Personality: Straight-laced, serious, and dedicated to improving himself, physically and mentally.

Inventory: Leather armor (Defensive Armor C), Plain Lance

Skills: Resolve

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF:2 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 6 HIT: 6 AS: 5 EVD: 6 DEF: 2(3 if DArm) RES: 1

Backstory: Born as the third of five children to a merchant, Jacob never intended to take up the family business. With the military being too rigid for his liking, he turned his eyes to mercenary work. As a new recruit to Andre Harrop's merry band of mercenaries, he hopes to carve a new life out for himself.


Jacob approved.

I love this job.

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Name: Rimsky Beardnut

Gender: Male

Age: 64

Race: Dwarves

Class: Riding Novice

Appearance: Since he's short, he's about 4'10 in height, pretty well built and not stout, has a pretty long beard and a moustache, wears an ordinary worker's clothes, his complexion is wheat-ish and his hair colour is brown.

Occupation: Novice Mercenary

Nationality: Antarian

Personality: Somewhat serious always, is proud of being a dwarf, pretty jolly and loud in nature, is smart though he doesn't act like it. He also has knowledge of rearing horses, pegasi and wyvern. More knowledgable about horses though. He's streetsmart too. If angered, he's known to be very violent, but only if.

Inventory: Plain Bow

Skills: Resolve

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF:4 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP:15 MT: 5 HIT: 4 EVD: 6 AS:5 DEF: 3 RES: 2


Rimsky's family used to run a business where they would raise and sell horses, which was a good business in Antar considering its military strength consisted of cavalry. The family moved to The Republic of Celisa since they had relatives over there and thought it'd be easier with relatives around. But the business ended up in a loss instead. After years of getting meek profits, Rimsky decided to learn a bit of archery and maybe have a go as a mercenary.

Point: 30

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Name: Ernce Breit

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race: Human

Class: Recruit

Appearance: Ernce is 5'9", with a medium build and hazel hair that stops just above his blue eyes. He often wears a black shirt and brown slacks and on most occasions wears his armor all day due to nothing more than habit.


Thanks a lot Lyunn!

Occupation: Novice Mercenary (Ex-Novice Knight)

Nationality: Republican

Personality: Somewhat carefree although he tends to come off as serious to most people. He enjoys training although he hates losing and is somewhat reluctant to divulge any information about his past. He's extremely loyal to whoever manages to earn his trust or signs his paycheck so that also gives question to why he became a mercenary in the first place. Also his time as a knight has instilled a habit of protecting into his mindset. However because of this he feels like he needs to do things by himself on occassion.

Inventory: Defensive Armor C, Plain Lance

Skills: Block

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF:3 RES: 2 (base + human + HP+1, RES+1, DEF+1, SPD+1)

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 5 HIT: 6 EVD: 5 AS: 4 DEF: 3(4 if DArm) RES: 2

Backstory: Ernce comes from a long line of soldiers loyal to the Republic. From an early age he was taught how to fight with the lance by his father and pressured by his both his parents to join the military like his father, his grandfather and so forth. At first it seemed like joining the military would be his ideal profession like it had been for his father; however, shortly after he was knighted his hometown was attacked by brigands and he didn't have the freedom to go and help the town's militia being on his first assignment. When he returned from the more than successful mission he was informed that the village had been utterly destroyed and everyone in it, including his father who had tried to save it, was killed. The news rattled his resolve and without either of his parents to pressure or urge him to stay in the military he found leaving easier than he thought it would be. However he still needed work and with the freedom that mercenary work would give him it seemed an obvious choice.

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Name: Caslan Song

Gender: Male

Age: 65

Race: Elf

Class: Apprentice

Appearance: Sleek black hair tied to a pony tail that reaches his neck. Not too pale skin complexion due to exposure to sun from the Inthus desert and crystal blue eyes and a small sharp nose designed to keep sand out of his lungs.


Occupation: Water maker/seeker(Hey they should be well loved in the desert~)

Nationality: Inthus

Personality: Tends to come off as slightly or extremely arrogant to non-elves, very confident in his mediocre abilities as a water mage.

Inventory: Water Tome(Spd)

Skills: Sneak

Raw Stats: Hp:4 Str:0 Mag:8 Ski:4 Spd:3+1 Luk:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 8 HIT: 5 AS: 4 AVO: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 4

Backstory: Long ago, the Song elven family were sent from the Forgotten Woods on an important mission to keep information on the happenings in the desert nation of Inthus. Being skilled in water magic, but not important enough to keep within the woods, the Song family packed and left for the desert, never really writing home for many elven generations, empire lifetimes, and had settled down selling their skills in using their water magic to discern hidden water sources and finding the shortest routes to the few oasis in the unforgiving land.

Thus Caslan grew up mastering the craft, but following elven tradition, he was sent to the first tribe his family passed by and spent the past three years in human company. Extended human company. He had only just began to get used to how wrinkly humans can get in the desert while his water magic kept his skin relatively moist all year round when some of the young tribesman cajoled him into going to Celisa to join a mercenary band in order to practice the combative side of his craft.

Being young and foolish, Caslan sent his parents a letter informing about his new journey and that he will promise to uphold his family's tradition of looking for a mate on such ventures, preferably an elf from one of the scattered elven communities, in order to ensure new blood always runs into the family.

Leaving the tribe at Celisa, Caslan searched for a mercenary band to sign up with.


Mount Name: Joey(The latest one to stay with the many years an elf will hopefully live)

Species: Horse Can I has purple unicorn or silver pegasus?

Gender: Male

Age: 17


Points: 0

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So here I was going with a war cleric build when I failed to notice the proficiency section. turns out mage fighters can't use staves or axes. I'll have to rethink Ahava's bio, stats tomorrow.

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