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Malachi has 152 points because he's Welsh.

SEVENTY POINTS go into promoting to ARCHER

Malachi is now A REAL BOY

From this promotion he benefits from: STR+ 2, SKL + 4, SPD + 2, LCK +1

The scarring Malachi now has around his body also gives him a natural protection others lack, +2 HP, +1 DEFENCE


What costs 82?


Malachi gets +1 HP, +1 STRENGTH, +1 DEFENCE, because he's A MOTHERFUCKING ARCHER


+3 HP

+3 STR

+4 SKL

+2 SPD

+1 LCK

+2 DEF

+0 RES

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Caslan levels up from 0/1 to 1/1 Mage and purchases Armour!

Points 204 - 50 - 70 - 30 = 54

0/1 -> 0/2

Hp+1, Ski+1, Spd+1

0/2 -> 1/1 Mage

Mag+4, Ski+4, Spd+4

1/1 Stats:

Basic HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 12 SKL: 9 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 4
Simplified HP: 15 MT: 12 HIT: 10 AS: 8(13) AVO: 9(14) DEF: 1(6) RES: 4

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Has the old man proven his tank?

Why yes, yes he had! He's ready to shine like he's never had, like a true Cavalier!


From his 143 points, 70 are used to make Alfonso Promote!

Cavalier Promo gains: + 3 HP + 2 STR + 4 SKL!

Extra points to Alfonso's specifications: + 1 HP, + 2 DEF! One can't just ignore the tank!

Current Raw Stats: HP: 13, STR: 6, MAG: 0, SKL: 8, SPD: 4, LCK: 2, DEF: 6, RES: 2

Current Simplified Stats: HP: 39, MT: 6, HIT: 9, AS: 4, AVO: 5, DEF: 6, RES: 7

From his leftover 73 points, he uses another 70 to block things better with actual defensive equipment. Alfonso learns Shield!

Leftover points: 3

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Ernce ascends from mere recruit to an almighty Soldier with the power of 70 Points! (73 current)

Soldier Gains: STR + 2, SKL + 2, SPD + 2, DEF + 3

Level up: +HP +STR +SPD

Raw stats: HP: 7 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 6 RES: 2

Simp Stats: HP: 21 MT: 9 HIT: 8 AS: 8 AVO: 9 DEF: 11 RES: 2

Getting his ass owned by the (miraculously still alive) Senian Officer has strengthened his Resolve to do better in battle.

Ernce buys Resolve (-70 Points)

Mini-Resolve/Tenacity stats: HP: 21 MT: 9 HIT: 12 AS: 12 AVO: 13 DEF: 11 RES: 2

Resolve+Tenacity stats: HP: 21 MT: 11 HIT: 14 AS: 14 AVO: 13 DEF: 11 RES: 2

Current points: 3

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Zeff has been gaining combat experience. Heck, he even managed to stand his own against Commander Whyrass! He's even dished out a couple crits now. It may be safe to say, he's a true Mercenary now.


Zeff uses 70, of his 182 points to promote!

Mercenary Promotion gains: STR +3, SKL + 3, SPD + 3

Extra Gains: HP +3

Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF:5 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 MT: 9 (11) MAG: 0 HIT: 9 (11) AVO: 9 AS: 8 DEF: 5 (7) RES: 1

()= Stats when Zealous is active.

Leftover Points: 112

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Apparently, being knocked over the head is the catalyst needed for Raelyn to improve herself. If she can jack their weapons, they can't attack her, right? :P:

Total before spending: 170

Raelyn promotes to Thief!

She steadies her hands a little, gaining +1 SKL

She learns how to hightail it out of the way, gaining +4 SPD

She hasn't died yet, so she gets +4 LUK

What hasn't killed her has made her tougher! She gains +1 HP!

She helped to haul dead bodies (hey, I'm running out of witty things to say), which grants her +2 STR!


HP: 5

STR: 7

MAG: 0

SKL: 7

SPD: 12

LCK: 8

DEF: 1

RES: 1

Total so far: 100


"Ooh, a shop? What do you mean I'm not allowed to shoplift?! Who said I'd do that?!"

She picks up a Killer Sword and Defensive Armor C (that's a -1 modifier on the Killer, because Wrath doesn't go that way)!

Points remaining: 30

NEW SIMPLIFIED STATS (counting that armor):

HP: 15

MT: 7

HIT: 11

AS: 12


DEF: 6

RES: 1

If I made any errors, lemme know~!

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Name: Elysia

Gender: Female


Race: Elf

Class:1/1 Mage



Occupation: Traveller

Nationality: Celisan

Personality: Rather friendly on the outside, but somewhat jaded on the inside. Sometimes the inside leaks out.

Inventory: Speed Anima(Ice) C, Offensive Anima(Ice) C, Defensive Armour C

Skills: Dampen(Spd), Overcast

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 12 SKL: 9 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 4

Simplified Stats: Hp:21 Mt:12(17) Hit:10 AS:6(11) Evd:7(12) Def:6 Res:4

Backstory: Elysia was a fairly normal elf girl living in Mareester, learning magic as a child, not taking well to the dark arts, thought experiences in her life intensified this, as she tends to have... unfavourable experiences with it, as we've seen. Upon leaving Mareester to see the world, Elysia took up a multitude of trades on the road, from light mercenary work, to singing, dancing, telling tales, and bartering. Eventually upon returning to Mareester for a time, she found that her family, as well as her magic teacher, had fallen victim to a serial killer as she had been away... the perpetrator having been banished, with no leads for her to follow, Elysia departed Mareester once again, and continued her travels. Over time, her multitude of quirky talents helped to bring together a small travelling party, which had managed to mend the hole left in the young elves' heart.

Or it had, until one fateful day in a small Celisan town in the middle of nowhere, when the citizenry, along with her entourage, were slaughtered by invading Senian troops. One of the few survivors, Elysia felt the darkness sinking in once again...

Remaining points: 10

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Elysia approved.

Psych: Your second character has some issues. Namely, the skill you picked requires T2 and cannot be your starting free skill. Fix that, and it should be ok assuming you also update your point totals.

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Name: Zeke Tarren

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Race: Human

Class: Pegasus Knight



With some light armour covering his vitals.

Occupation: Mercenary (Ex-Pegasus Herder/Breeder)

Nationality: Feaolin

Personality: Rather light-hearted and lax. Fights for money although he doesn't care for it and as such doesn't take it that seriously. A sociable person.

Inventory: Offensive Lance C, Hit Lance C, Defensive Armour C

Skills: Revival, Miracle

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 9 LCK: 6 DEF:3 RES: 5

Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 12(7) Hit: 8(13) AS: 9 AVO: 12 DEF: 8 RES: 5

Backstory: Zeke was born into a family of pegasus breeders and had since his youth tended to the winged steeds. As a young lad he was adventurous and often wandered away from his family's property. Although his little escapades did nothing more than worry his mother and earn him a scolding they suddenly stopped when he reached his teenage years. The reason: he learned how to ride a pegasus and preferred flying to walking.

Unfortunately his freedom in the sky did not last long. Somewhere around his twenty-first birthday a sudden decrease in orders for pegasi left his family nearly bankrupt meaning that the men, he himself included, along with some women in his family were forced to find money through other means, mainly mercenary work. The plan was that they would split into teams of two but he ended up alone due to being the youngest and the odd one out. Somehow he ended up in Celisa with a rather fanatical man named Conan.


Mount Name: Srene

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: Typical white pegasus.

10 Points.

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Rimsky has had enough of being hit by the enemies! He buys a SPD bow C to bring up his AS to 16.

Since he's been target of mostly the mages, he also buys RESISTANCE ARMOUR C

He's not a fan of putting the healers in danger by healing and becoming prey to the enemy, so he buys a TONIC.

To get his offence cranking, he also buys an OFFENSIVE SWORD C. Brings MT2 to 11.

Points before Purchase: 113

Points after purchase: 3

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Linn promotes or sth and gets some resistance armor '3'

173 - 70 - 30 = 73


New Raw Stats:

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 4 DEF: 4 RES: 3


Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 13 (8) HIT: 9 AS: 9 AVO: 11 DEF: 4 RES: 8 (3)

Soooooooounds good.

oh also offense tome
43 points left

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Aeson finally figured out how to heal on the battlefield! Who would have guessed it was just running around and stopping people from dying? He also acquires a Healing Staff C! How swell!

Aeson promotes to Cleric/Priest/Somethinghealy! (93 points remaining)

+3 Mag, +3 Spd, +3 Luck! (promo gains)

+1 HP, +1 Lck, + 1 Res (personal points for promo)

Aeson Man-Cleric HP:21 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 5 SPD: 7 LCK: 6 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simp: HP 21 MT1: 13 HIT: 5 AS: 7 AVO: 10 DEF: 9 RES: 4

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Name: Franklin O'Donnel

Gender: Male

Age: 83

Race: Halfling

Class/Level: Thief, 1/1

Appearance: UMVMIs4.png

Occupation: Thief!

Nationality: Antar

Personality: Franklin is a career thief, taking his time in life to keen his skill at moving silently, and out of the way of prying eyes. He's never stolen in excess, and only does it as a means of living. He's jolly, and quick to talk, mostly because that's quick to distract. He's not an evil thief, though, and will never steal from someone for just the fun of it. He knows to make friends, and enjoys doing so, because it keeps him happy, and keeps him from having to face down multiple swords if he's ever caught.

Inventory: Offensive weapon C, Defensive armor C

Skills: Sneak

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 10 LCK: 12 DEF: 2 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 18 Mt: 8 (3) Hit: 12 AS: 10 AVO: 16 DEF: 7 (2) RES: 2

Backstory: The product of many generations of human and dwarf breeding, Franklin is a curous case of a half-dwarf with little resemblance to his mountaining ancestors. He has little facial hair, and little body hair, but there is some left on his legs, and feet. However, he has kept the height, and the size, of what is typically a half dwarf. And he used it, growing up in Antar, to great effect. He learned to remain light on his feet, and quick with his hands. He was so good at it, that he turned it into a career or sorts! He'd help the homeless by taking a few things he knew the rich folk wouldn't miss; an earring here, a necklace there. Nothing huge, never too much. And he was rarely ever caught, either by his talents, or some luck intervening.

Eventually, though, this life was too much for him to bear. He became too worried about being caught, and he knew that just stealing here and there wouldn't do much for his life. He set out on a journey, to see what riches he could come by, and perhaps he'd be able to give up (most of) his stealing.

points: 40


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Ok, so things.

Trent: your dude's approved, I'll get him into the sheet soon.

Psych: Your new dude's approved but you can't points for Leon. He had 134 points, so leveling once would leave him with 84 points, not 4.

Oersted: You can't stats. You're missing three of them in your new signup.

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Leon finds some spare points in his pocket and levels up to promotion! His acrobatics and agility blossom as he becomes a Jester Dancer.

HP: 5 Str: 0 Mag: 6 Skl: 3 Spd: 7 Luck: 4 Def: 1 Res: 3


HP: 7 Str: 0 Mag: 9 Skl: 6 Spd: 11 Luck: 4 Def: 1 Res: 3

HP: 21 MT: 9 Hit:6 (7-12) Avo: 13 (18) Def/Res: 1/3

Healing: 14/7

14 Points remaining, for real this time.

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Jacob has decided to stop faceblocking axes, and thus, he buys a shield and promotes to Mercenary!

+1 HP!
+3 STR!
+4 SKL!
+4 SPD!

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 10 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 10 LCK: 2 DEF:2 RES: 1
Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 10 HIT: 11 AS: 10 EVD: 11 DEF: 7 RES: 1

73 points remain.

With those he buys a handy dandy Offensive Sword C.

Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 15 HIT: 11 AS: 10 EVD: 11 DEF: 7 RES: 1

43 points remain. But why stop there?

Jacob buys a Tonic! 23 points remain.

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Name: Vera Reinhart

Gender: Female

Age: 85

Race: Elf

Class: Monk

Level: 1/1

Magic: Dark, Light, Thunder

Appearance: She wears plain black robes, often with the hood up to conceal her identity as an elf. She has long brown hair and sparkling green eyes.


Occupation: Magus Slayer

Nationality: Antar

Personality: Being an elder sister, she has a side of her that is quite loving and compassionate. However, this is a side now known to only a select few, as she has gained a an abrasive attitude towards people she cares little for. She’s become slightly egotistical and finds petty amusement in making caustic remarks - should the opportunity present itself.

Inventory: (AC) Slayer Dark Tome, Plain Light Tome, DEF Armor C

Skills: Counter ; Block

Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 12 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF:1 RES: 4

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 MT: 12 Hit: 8 AS: 7 AVO: 8 DEF: 6 RES: 4

Backstory: Originally she was a student of magic, learning the ways of her forefathers and delving deep within the magic of light. Her half-sister however, was less interested in light magic, and chose instead to pursue knowledge of dark magic. Though Vera was apprehensive of Dark Magic, she didn’t want the elders to know of her sister’s pursuit and subsequently scorn her for it. So she chose to instead send her off to live among humans for a time - as was customary for growing elves. Senia was the perfect destination, as their beliefs coincided well with that of her sister.

But for reasons known only to her and a few others, she too picked up the pursuit of dark magic. She now makes a living as a magus slayer - a professional mage killer.


Plain Light Tome - 0 Points

Level - 50 Points

Level - 70 Points

DEF Armor - 30 Points

Acolyte Dark Slayer Tome - 40 Points

TOTAL: 20 Points

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Doot de doot de doot

same points costs, except defense armor instead of res armor

new raw/simp stats:

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 4 MAG: 7 SKL: 6 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF: 2 RES: 5

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 4/12 Hit: 8 AVO: 10 AS: 8 Def: 7 (2) Res: 5

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Name: Conan MacDiarmait

Gender: Male

Age: 62

Race: Halfling

Class: Knight

Appearance: 4'8" tall with brown curly hair and BOOTS



Nationality: Celisian

Personality: Pious, believer of the Light

Inventory: Power Axe, Res Armour

Skills: Imbue

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 6 MAG: 5 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 4 DEF:6 RES: 5

Simplified: HP: 21 Mt: 6(11) Hit: 6 AS: 4 Eva: 6 DEF:6(11) RES: 5(10)


Conan grew up in the right parts of the republic. Well raised to be a good light fearing citizen, Conan took it to heart to guide those deceived by darkness from their wicked ways, whether by book, by axe or by fire. The latter method being a resort no one in the organisation that trained him had used thus far.

As soon as he was given his holy armour to protect him from vile magic, an axe of might, blessed by the Shining God according to his mentors and with the power to heal himself by his faith alone, Conan set off to rid the world of darkness...or save the poor souls who delve into it.

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After much handwringing, Chandra stays with her current path and promotes to Shaman.

Original Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF:1 RES: 3

Shaman points: +1 HP, +4 MAG, +4 RES

Free points: +1 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 SPD

New Raw: HP: 6, MAG: 12 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 7

New Simple: HP: 18 MT: 12 HIT: 8 AS: 6 AVO: 7 DEF:1 RES: 7

-70 points

Among the enemies' possessions, Chandra gains a new weapon:

Terrorvolt: Siege Dark Magic C -40 points

Finally, Chandra gets some new duds:

Res Armor C -30 points

With epuiment: HP: 18 MT: 12 HIT: 8 AS: 6 AVO: 7 DEF:1 RES: 7 (12)

points remaining: 3

P.S. She calls dibs on surviving Senian's pegasus :P.

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Name: Celine Hartway

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Human

Class: Pirate

Appearance: 5'9", wiry, pale, brown hair kept up in a bandanna, clear blue eyes (I'll get to her once I'm done with Raelyn's mug).

Occupation: The one who does odd jobs

Nationality: Feaolan

Personality: She's still learning how to socialize with the better half of society. . .along with things like empathy, talking like a normal person, manners, bathing on a regular basis, etc. She's very quiet about her past, but is willing to talk with other people. . .as long as they don't reject her outright. Her time as a pirate has given her an eye for detail, as well as the annoying habit of following orders without questioning them (she's getting better, slowly).

Inventory: Hit Axe C, Resistance Armor C, Tonic

Skills: Dampen (Luck), (class skill)

Raw Stats: HP: 10 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 30 Mt: 9 Hit: 10(15) AS: 8 Eva: 10 DEF: 1 RES: 1 (6)

Backstory: She has no memory of her biological parents. She was told that she'd sneaked on board a pirate ship, and didn't flinch when the captain pointed his sword at her. Amused by her bravery, he allowed her to work as one of his crew. Rather than manners, she learned how to raid, kill, forage, and wreak havoc on the open sea. The captain worked his own crew hard, and any who dared to turn on him were swiftly dealt with; thus, she learned not to speak up against him. When she was twelve, she went to get food from the stores for lunch, as usual. When she tried to get back to the main deck, she found that the entrance was barred. Shortly after that, she heard shouting and clashing steel. They were under attack! She wasn't sure why she'd been trapped in the hold, but all she could do was wait. Something shook the ship, and water began to leak in. Panicked, she gave the entrance one last shove, and it opened. She caught a glimpse of another ship, in flames, before an explosion blasted her clear off of her ship. A nearby plank of wood kept her afloat, and she did her best to guide it towards the burning ships. Bodies floated by her, some which she recognized. One of them was the captain that had taken her in. She'd seen many corpses before, but this was the first time she felt. . .something that she couldn't give a name to. She found a larger piece of wood to serve as a raft, and some food and water. Several days later, she drifted to shore. The knowledge she gained helped her to survive long enough to get to a village. When they asked her about who she was, she said that she'd been in a shipwreck (well, it WAS true). No one wanted to take the strange girl in, so in the dead of night, she raided their stores and fled. She did this to village after village, until one was willing to let her stay. When she did a shopping run at a nearby village, a mercenary group visited. She quietly listened to their stories from the shadows before going home. Not long after they left, she was out gathering wood when she saw smoke rise from the inn. She hurried back, only to see the one place that accepted her go up in flames. With nowhere else to turn, she wandered to the village with the mercenaries. Maybe they would know who was responsible for the fire. . .

POINTS LEFT: 20 (I trust you Snike)

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Gender: Female
Age: 51
Race: Human
Class/Level: Knight 1/1
Appearance: Tall, rather fat woman, in ill-fitting, archaic-looking armour that looks like it was taken from dead men richer than her of various sizes over the course of thirty-odd years. Same deal with the spear. Warm face, grey eyes, greying-brown hair.

Occupation: Mercenary
Nationality: Republican
Personality: Cheerful veteran with an exuberant personality. Slaps people on the back a lot. While she tends not to worry about the cause she fights for, she has scruples, and is ... particularly willing to fight more of the possessed. Not the greatest spearman in the world, but the most enthusiastic.
-Resistant Spear C

-Defensive Armour C

Raw Stats: HP: 10 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 3 LCK: 2 DEF: 9 RES: 5

Simplified Stats: HP: 30 MT: 7 HIT: 6 AS: 3 AVO: 4 DEF: 14 (17) RES: 10

Backstory: Bertha has fought anyone, anywhere. Not necessarily for the right reasons, or under the same banner. She'll cheerfully tell you all the war stories you want to hear, while carefully leaving out inconvenient details like 'whose side I was on'. Generally they focus on whores.

220-50-70-30-30=40 points

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