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Which Awakening Character do you think you are?

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Definitely Nah. I'm the little smart mouthed one in my group of friends. No, seriously, everyone towers over me and makes fun of me for my big words and midget features...

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I'm some sick twisted love-child of Henry (because, quite frankly, if I'm not one-hundred percent on top of things, they spiral really fast, and so do I, hell, I nearly killed a guy with a bag of pretzels once), Lon'qu (because gynophobia and silence), and Brady (because he's a sarcastic, albeit thuggish at times, physically rubbish, and all around humorous person)

Good? Good.

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I guess I'm Cherche. My strength is underestimated because of my appearance, I'm domestic, and I find the weirdest things to be cute <3

I'd make an excellent waifu except for the penis, sorry

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I haven't played the game, but I do know about how clumsy Sumia can be... and I guess she messes a lot of things up all the time...

And I know I would definitely be Sumia...

When I had a cell phone I dropped it so many times that the battery cover became too lose and it would always fall off every time I dropped it. Eventually, the battery got a dent when it came out and I had to get a new one.

Then there's always how everybody in my family knows me for how much I do nothing but screw things up...

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Out of everyone, I'm mostly like Tiamo because I'm good at several things happens when you have Asian parents, dislike being called a genius and am a lousy runner. I also tend to blend in with the background for some reason so Kellam as well.

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I'm like Noire. I'm not very talkative IRL, but if I know someone really well, I can be a gigantic asshole to them if I want to.

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Aggghhh so difficult...I'd say Cherche. Minus the finding weird things cute part...to a certain extent ;): With maybe a dash of Lucina?

Edited by mewyeon
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