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Best/Terrible Children Hair Colors

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Best hair colors




Severa in any color





Olivia!Female Morgan

Lissa!Female Morgan

Cordelia!Female Morgan

Worst hair colors





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Kjelle with any medium to dark-haired parent


are the ones I like

I do not like Kjelle with light hair colours

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I'll list them by children. 8U There are some colors I like, even if I don't like the pairing.


Lucina: Twilight Gloaming, obviously. I paid $3 for that pack, Nintendo, let me keep it permanent for Lucina. ;A;

Cynthia: My Unit Pink, Chrom, Frederick

Kjelle: Stahl, Frederick, Lon'qu, Kellam

Noire: Vaike, Libra, Ricken

Nah: My Unit Pink, Gaius, Henry

Severa: Kellam, Frederick, Lon'qu, Vaike, Libra, Ricken

Owain: Kellam, Lon'qu

Inigo: Donnel, Chrom, Vaike, Libra, My Unit Pink

Laurent: Lon'qu, Vaike, Libra, My Unit Pink, My Unit White, My Unit Blonde

Brady: Vaike, Libra

Yarne: it doesn't matter to me

Gerome: Virion, My Unit Pink, Henry, Ricken

Morgan-M: Ricken, Henry, Yen'fay, Gangrel, Frederick, Chrom, Libra, Vaike

Morgan-F: Lucina, Olivia, Miriel, Anna, Cordelia, Say'ri, Lissa, Emmeryin


Lucina: Chrom, seriously, wtf, worsr color ever 0/10

Cynthia: Henry, Gaius

Kjelle: Donnel, Virion, Vaike, Libra, Ricken, Gaius

Noire: Gaius, Donnel, Kellam, Lon'qu, Frederick, Gregor

Nah: Gregor, Donnel, Vaike, Libra

Severa: Gregor, My Unit Red

Owain: Libra, Vaike, Henry, Virion, Gregor

Inigo: Henry, Gaius, Lon'qu, Kellam, Gregor

Laurent: no hair color is "worst" on him IMO

Brady: Kellam, Lon'qu, Frederick, Gregor, Virion, Ricken, Henry, Gaius

Yarne: it doesn't matter

Gerome: Kellam, Lon'qu, Stahl

Morgan-M: Walmart, Gregor, Priam, Stahl, Basilio

Morgan-F: Nowi, Tiki, Aversa, Cherche

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Not really sure on least favorites. I guess I'm not a fan of Yarne with light colors, since they contrast too much with his usual hair color.

Also, here's Purple-haired Robin!Cynthia. Since you can only get it through the Avatar, I saved it to a photo.


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Let's see...

In general I like the kids to have hair as close to their parents' as possible.


Owain: Vaike or Libra (blond)

Brady: Vaike or Libra (blond)

Gerome: Frederick, Lon'qu, Kellam (dark colors)

Yarne: anything dark, a bright-colored tuft looks funny.

Laurent: doesn't matter because hat

Inigo: Gaius (strange, but Gaius!Orange was my first Inigo and it's hard to picture him differently)

Cynthia: Chrom (blue)

Kjelle: Chrom, Virion, Donnel (blue and purple look good with her armor)

Severa: anything but blond

Noire: Vaike or Libra (or in my primary file, blond MaMU)

Nah: Virion, Donnel, Gaius (bright colors)

FeMorgan: Tharja (black), but no real preference

MaMorgan: no preference


Owain: Virion, Donnel (bright colors) or Stahl (ugly green)

Brady: Stahl (ugly green)

Yarne: bright colors look goofy

Gerome: bright colors

Laurent: again, doesn't matter because hat

Inigo: Lon'qu, Frederick (dark colors)

Cynthia: anything but blue or brown looks weird

Kjelle: Vaike, Libra, Stahl

Severa: Vaike, Libra

Noire: dark colors look strange, probably only because I am used to blond

Nah: dark colors.

Gregor and Ricken tend to be in the "meh" zone for most characters, as it neither looks great nor terrible

Blue and purple look great on some kids and terrible on others.

Besides Noire, blond only looks good on kids with blond parents

Gaius has a very unique color that in my experience looks strange on all but the first kid to get it. Hence why so many people seem to prefer Gaius!Noire, because they probably paired Gaius and Tharja for optimization.

Edited by Chaotix
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this matters because....?

I thought you were saying that I only said Shadowofchaos married his female Avatar to Frederick because I happen to be a big fan of the pairing. My mistake, it was probably a ridiculous assumption. xP

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Also, here's Purple-haired Robin!Cynthia. Since you can only get it through the Avatar, I saved it to a photo.



If only Sumia could marry Donnel. That'd be my FE13 OTP.

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Not really sure on least favorites. I guess I'm not a fan of Yarne with light colors, since they contrast too much with his usual hair color.

Also, here's Purple-haired Robin!Cynthia. Since you can only get it through the Avatar, I saved it to a photo.


Cynthia's quote is my exact reaction to that hair color.

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Um. no. In that thread about characters blushing when they're paired with their spouses and you click their portrait icons, Shadowofchaos posted a screenshot of his female Avatar, Rei, and Frederick, both blushing, along side the one with his male Avatar and Olivia.

That can't be true. If it was, you'd be jealous. :P

Edited by Frosty Fire Sage
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That can't be true. If it was, you'd be jealous. :P

I don't know if you're serious or trolling.

*Digs it up*

Yeah it's in my photobucket, but that's out of bandwidth...



Edited by shadowofchaos
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Also, here's Purple-haired Robin!Cynthia. Since you can only get it through the Avatar, I saved it to a photo.

Cynthia looks very cool with that color!

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lol why would I be jealous? Just because I love my Avatar with Frederick doesn't mean I don't want anyone else to marry theirs to him. There's enough Freddy Bear for both Shadowofchaos and I, especially since he's not even a popular husband. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Stahl's shade of puke-green only looks good on Gerome, Noire and Pineapple Owain.

Virion blue looks unnatural with most children.

No one looks bad with Henry's hair.

Lon'Kellam black can be boring, but it looks decent on every kid.

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Some repeats, but hey, a lot of the kids look good in different colors :P I can't think of any absolutely horrible hair colors on the children... but i guess Henry!Morgan does look odd.

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I married Sumia to a male MU with light blue hair once. Cynthia looked awesome with that hair color. Too bad you can't actually get that color on anyone except with MU as their father.

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I personally don't care about the childrens' hair colors, as long as they're not the weird colors that the avatar can choose when you start a file.

I've always wanted Severa to have Cordelia's red, but no one has the SAME hair color.

So, then I just settle for Gregor.

Everyone else, I couldn't care less for.

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Question: can ANYONE with decent eyesight explain some comparsions for some of the more... similar hair colors? I keep trying to distinguish them myself and I'm just failing so badly.

I know the difference between Vaike and Libra's: Vaike is a brighter, lighter blond and Libra's is duller and darker but no one else's.

I think everyone with similar hair colors is:





Lon'qu/Kellam (I THINK I know this one, but I'm not sure. Kellam's is a warmer sort-of black... right?).

So... yeah, list go!



  • Male!Morgan looks amazing in darker colors, like Chrom's navy blue or any of the darker hair colors mentioned above. Priam's blue and Gangrel's red is absolutely STUNNING on him.
  • The exception to the dark haired rules is the Avatar's hair color 1, because marrying Henry/Henry's child gets you THAT hair color instead of Henry's beautiful platinum. If I could take decent screenshots, I would, but I do know my colors. Slight disappoint, but it's not a bad touch since Morgan looks so much like Henry I'm pleased he got SOMETHING from his default appearance mother.
  • Female!Morgan looks best in the lighter shades in my opinion. Olivia's pink is beautiful on her, as is Lissa and Maribelle's blondes and Tiki and Nowi's greens. Oh, and Sumia's gray/brown/whatever the hell that color is I don't even.
  • Exception to the light-haired rule is Say'ri's black and Anna's red.


  • Male!Morgan looks really odd as a blond - Vaike's and Libra is alright on him but it's definitely not as good as the others. Same with Virion's blue. The guys actually have more natural hair colors, so none of them legitimately look BAD, just not that good.
  • Female!Morgan on the other hand... I really do NOT like Cordelia's red on her. It's just so... bright. Also, a third-generation Morgan with Gaius' orange is... agh. Cherche's pink too - which sucks because I love Cherche, but it's really bright. The brighter colors only seem good on Male!Morgan, which is odd because they look so similar!



  • Inigo looks AMAZING with lighter hair. Vaike's blond is beautiful on him. I definitely won't mind a third-generation bright blond-haired Morgan if I get a ridiculously sexy Inigo in return. Henry's, once again, looks good on about anyone. Libra's duller ash blond is lovely, and that Virion slate blue is so full of win i can't handle it.
  • Exception to the lighter rule is of course, Chrom's navy. Hell yes. Oddly, Ricken's dull auburn is stunning. I love it. Also obligatory Lon'qu/Kellam/Frederick mention.


  • This is actually hard, because Inigo looks good with almost ANYONE. Including Stahl, since his outfit is blue and doesn't clash with the green (unlike a certain Tsundere). Seriously, nothing looks bad on him. Unless he gets like, Male!Avatar's pink or something. And he might even pull THAT off. Inigo, you are just that damn fine.



  • Gregor and Ricken's auburns, NATCH. Gregor has the darker, but brighter-colored auburn while Ricken's is a touch lighter, but duller. Even though it sort of enforces her "tsundere" archetype even more, it's still freaking adorable. Same with Gaius, whose crazy-bright hair usually doesn't look that amazing but makes Severa look adorable.
  • Severa with any sort of blonde as well - especially Vaike's. Teach got blessed with a beautiful hair color. Libra's is nice too and so is any dark brown/black. Once again, obligatory Lon'qu/Kellam/Frederick mention. I think I should add Vaike to this list.


  • Here lies the exception to Henry's godly platinum hair - Severa with white hair is... no. You can't see her hair decorations with it, for one thing, and it just sort-of clashes with the more natural tone of her outfit. Also it's a cooler color, that particular shade of white, which does NOT matcht the wamer colors in her outfit.
  • Stahl's hair is the exact same way, as is Virion's. Any of the greens/blues/purples don't really work, although Donny's is passable.



  • Henry, your hair reigns supreme here. Just... oh my GOD, it's gorgeous. And this is one of the rare times that Stahl and Gaius' hair don't clash since Gerome's wearing all black. Both look amazing.
  • I haven't mentioned Libra at all yet, but this is one of the better hair-colors for Gerome here. Vaike's is once again, gorgeous as all hell, but seriously Libra's looks amazing on him.


  • Just like your partner-in-philandering Inigo, Gerome looks good with anyone. The only hair color I actually don't like on him is Cherche's pink in his official art. That's literally it.



  • Any lighter shade on Owain is lovely. Henry's white does wonders on him, as does Vaike's and Libra's blondes. This is also one of the rare cases that Gaius doesn't look bad on him within the slightest, and Virion's slate is actually entrallingly lovely when paired with that yellow outfit of his. I was quite shocked, really.
  • Donnel as well - for the oddest reason, Donnel's purple does NOT clash with the pale yellow and white of his outfit. It's insanity. I also love Ricken's auburn for bias reasons, as Ricken and Lissa is my OTP.


  • See, this is why I don't understand - Donny is an exception to the "warm color/cool color thing" but Stahl isn't? Why?
  • And this is strange too: but I don't like Lon'qu's either. And I LOVE Lon'qu and Lissa. But... black-haired Owain is... agh. Dx Even stranger because Frederick's looks amazing! I think it's because Lonny has a cooler black compared to Frederick's warmer brown.



  • Since my Cynthia usually has brown hair, I have a BIT of a bias towards the color. But oh my GOD, Henry, why is your hair so beautiful? Cynthia is absolutely gorgeous with Henry's platinum hair, it's just... agh.
  • Chrom's hair is funny for me. It's like... look at the ruffles on her outfit. That's only a shade away from Chrom's hair color, and goes so perfectly with it, it's like it was intentional. In fact, in her in-game sprite it looks IDENTICAL. IS is shoving Chrom x Sumia down our throats again, rage.


  • Those ruffles are the only thing keeping Gaius' beautiful orange from being on the above list. Why did they have to the color of the opposite side of the color wheel, damn it?



  • DONNY. Her armor is has purple detailing, her eyes are purple and her hair is this beautiful dark violet. AGH.
  • Frederick/Lon'qu/Kellam. Actually, Kjelle is better off with darker hair than lighter, except for Virion's. Virion's slate is smashing on her - and here's another shining example of Stahl at work. Cooler colors, go! Chrom's navy and the auburns are nice too.


  • Lighter colors. Henry's is another exception here... it blends into her armor making this rather... strange... effect. And Vaike and Libra's blondes are the same thing in essence: far too light.
  • [/sigh] Gaius, your hair is blinding and clashes so badly with the color purple. Just... agh.



  • Alright, now I'm going to admit something: Gaius x Tharja is one of my OTPs. It's officially a part of my headcanon pairing set. So I see a lot of orange-haired Noire and I'm used to it at this point.
  • Noire looks so beautiful as a blonde I don't even. Vaike's is stunning, and Libra's adds this ethereal quality about it. Its duller color actually makes her look a bit sickly, which is oddly fitting. This is also probably the better choice for Stahl's hair color due to Noire's predominately green outfit.


  • The reds remind me of a Christmas tree. >_<
  • And ironically, because that orange is just so goshdarn BRIGHT. GAIUS. You hair color looks good on you and almost you only. But it's m headcanon, so I shall endure it. [/nods]



  • Nah looks good in any of the blondes, auburns and even Gaius' orange! Go Gaius!
  • Obligatory Frederick/Kellam/Henry mention. Especially Frederick, whose hair I haven't really mentioned but gods, that warm brown color is just lovely on Nah and Cynthia. Especially Cynthia who perma-gets it.


  • Nah has a significantly warmer color palette which contrasts Lon'qu's cooler hair color. Yes, THIS is the Lon'qu exception.
  • Same with Stahl, unfortunately. It's so difficult considering that his hair looks amazing on him due his entirely green outfit.


  • I put these two together because... it hardly matters. You can barely see Laurent's hair through his hat, and the only time he removes said hat is in his confessional. And Yarne's is just a little tuft - hell, any color looks good on the both of them. As for headcanon pairings-wise, this is where Stahl's finicky hair goes. Stahl!Yarne is adorable. And as for Laurent, I'll admit a preference for darker hair on him... like Kellam's, which I'm so accustomed to seeing that other colors confuse me a little. :)

... That was unnecessarily LONG. But, there. I didn't want to miss anything.

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Because I'm feeling especially bored this morning, I'm going to give my 'completely unbiased' critique for your definitely much better critique. I apologize; boredom is dangerous for people like me.... XD

Question: can ANYONE with decent eyesight explain some comparisons for some of the more... similar hair colors? I keep trying to distinguish them myself and I'm just failing so badly.

I know the difference between Vaike and Libra's: Vaike is a brighter, lighter blond and Libra's is duller and darker but no one else's.

I think everyone with similar hair colors is:





Lon'qu/Kellam (I THINK I know this one, but I'm not sure. Kellam's is a warmer sort-of black... right?).

Lissa, Maribelle, and Emmeryn are all varying shades of blonde; IMO Maribelle is the lightest near Vaike's color and Emmeryn is darker near Libra's color. Lissa just looks barely a shade darker than Maribelle. Gregor and Ricken have the somewhat same color, but Gregor's seems a shade or two lighter than Ricken's, though its hard to tell with Gregor having so little visible hair and most of Ricken's being covered by that hat. Say'ri and Tharja......not sure why, but I feel like Say'ri has a little more dark brown in hair than Tharja's dusty black. Anna seems to have a warmer red over Cordelia's cooler red. And same thing with Kellam's warmer black and Lon'qu's cooler black.

So... yeah, list go!



  • Male!Morgan looks amazing in darker colors, like Chrom's navy blue or any of the darker hair colors mentioned above. Priam's blue and Gangrel's red is absolutely STUNNING on him.
  • The exception to the dark haired rules is the Avatar's hair color 1, because marrying Henry/Henry's child gets you THAT hair color instead of Henry's beautiful platinum. If I could take decent screenshots, I would, but I do know my colors. Slight disappoint, but it's not a bad touch since Morgan looks so much like Henry I'm pleased he got SOMETHING from his default appearance mother.
  • Female!Morgan looks best in the lighter shades in my opinion. Olivia's pink is beautiful on her, as is Lissa and Maribelle's blondes and Tiki and Nowi's greens. Oh, and Sumia's gray/brown/whatever the hell that color is I don't even.
  • Exception to the light-haired rule is Say'ri's black and Anna's red.


  • Male!Morgan looks really odd as a blond - Vaike's and Libra is alright on him but it's definitely not as good as the others. Same with Virion's blue. The guys actually have more natural hair colors, so none of them legitimately look BAD, just not that good.
  • Female!Morgan on the other hand... I really do NOT like Cordelia's red on her. It's just so... bright. Also, a third-generation Morgan with Gaius' orange is... agh. Cherche's pink too - which sucks because I love Cherche, but it's really bright. The brighter colors only seem good on Male!Morgan, which is odd because they look so similar!

Good. Its Morgan, so lots are awesome.



  • Inigo looks AMAZING with lighter hair. Vaike's blond is beautiful on him. I definitely won't mind a third-generation bright blond-haired Morgan if I get a ridiculously sexy Inigo in return. Henry's, once again, looks good on about anyone. Libra's duller ash blond is lovely, and that Virion slate blue is so full of win i can't handle it.
  • Exception to the lighter rule is of course, Chrom's navy. Hell yes. Oddly, Ricken's dull auburn is stunning. I love it. Also obligatory Lon'qu/Kellam/Frederick mention.


  • This is actually hard, because Inigo looks good with almost ANYONE. Including Stahl, since his outfit is blue and doesn't clash with the green (unlike a certain Tsundere). Seriously, nothing looks bad on him. Unless he gets like, Male!Avatar's pink or something. And he might even pull THAT off. Inigo, you are just that damn fine.

Good. Especially the ash blonde.



  • Gregor and Ricken's auburns, NATCH. Gregor has the darker, but brighter-colored auburn while Ricken's is a touch lighter, but duller. Even though it sort of enforces her "tsundere" archetype even more, it's still freaking adorable. Same with Gaius, whose crazy-bright hair usually doesn't look that amazing but makes Severa look adorable.
  • Severa with any sort of blonde as well - especially Vaike's. Teach got blessed with a beautiful hair color. Libra's is nice too and so is any dark brown/black. Once again, obligatory Lon'qu/Kellam/Frederick mention. I think I should add Vaike to this list.


  • Here lies the exception to Henry's godly platinum hair - Severa with white hair is... no. You can't see her hair decorations with it, for one thing, and it just sort-of clashes with the more natural tone of her outfit. Also it's a cooler color, that particular shade of white, which does NOT matcht the wamer colors in her outfit.
  • Stahl's hair is the exact same way, as is Virion's. Any of the greens/blues/purples don't really work, although Donny's is passable.

Good. Especially the light blonde.



  • Henry, your hair reigns supreme here. Just... oh my GOD, it's gorgeous. And this is one of the rare times that Stahl and Gaius' hair don't clash since Gerome's wearing all black. Both look amazing.
  • I haven't mentioned Libra at all yet, but this is one of the better hair-colors for Gerome here. Vaike's is once again, gorgeous as all hell, but seriously Libra's looks amazing on him.


  • Just like your partner-in-philandering Inigo, Gerome looks good with anyone. The only hair color I actually don't like on him is Cherche's pink in his official art. That's literally it.

Good. Special mention to Virion's blue though; its one of the few places where it really works and doesn't seem horribly out of place.



  • Any lighter shade on Owain is lovely. Henry's white does wonders on him, as does Vaike's and Libra's blondes. This is also one of the rare cases that Gaius doesn't look bad on him within the slightest, and Virion's slate is actually entrallingly lovely when paired with that yellow outfit of his. I was quite shocked, really.
  • Donnel as well - for the oddest reason, Donnel's purple does NOT clash with the pale yellow and white of his outfit. It's insanity. I also love Ricken's auburn for bias reasons, as Ricken and Lissa is my OTP.


  • See, this is why I don't understand - Donny is an exception to the "warm color/cool color thing" but Stahl isn't? Why?
  • And this is strange too: but I don't like Lon'qu's either. And I LOVE Lon'qu and Lissa. But... black-haired Owain is... agh. Dx Even stranger because Frederick's looks amazing! I think it's because Lonny has a cooler black compared to Frederick's warmer brown.

Bad. Dark haired Owains'look cool, but Lonny!Owain especially is so full of win because the hair and the outfit make him look like a younger, wilder, and happier version of Lon'qu. Which I adore! But I'll respect that opinion and forgive you since you love Lon'qu/Lissa anyways! XD



  • Since my Cynthia usually has brown hair, I have a BIT of a bias towards the color. But oh my GOD, Henry, why is your hair so beautiful? Cynthia is absolutely gorgeous with Henry's platinum hair, it's just... agh.
  • Chrom's hair is funny for me. It's like... look at the ruffles on her outfit. That's only a shade away from Chrom's hair color, and goes so perfectly with it, it's like it was intentional. In fact, in her in-game sprite it looks IDENTICAL. IS is shoving Chrom x Sumia down our throats again, rage.


  • Those ruffles are the only thing keeping Gaius' beautiful orange from being on the above list. Why did they have to the color of the opposite side of the color wheel, damn it?

Good. Brown haired Cynthia is always the best Cynthia, but I'll admit Henry's hair looks awesome on just about anyone.

*Insert obligatory ChromxSumia rage here* :rolleyes:



  • DONNY. Her armor is has purple detailing, her eyes are purple and her hair is this beautiful dark violet. AGH.
  • Frederick/Lon'qu/Kellam. Actually, Kjelle is better off with darker hair than lighter, except for Virion's. Virion's slate is smashing on her - and here's another shining example of Stahl at work. Cooler colors, go! Chrom's navy and the auburns are nice too.


  • Lighter colors. Henry's is another exception here... it blends into her armor making this rather... strange... effect. And Vaike and Libra's blondes are the same thing in essence: far too light.
  • [/sigh] Gaius, your hair is blinding and clashes so badly with the color purple. Just... agh.

Good. I feel like Stahl's hair color works best here; its hard to get right on a lot of the kids...



  • Alright, now I'm going to admit something: Gaius x Tharja is one of my OTPs. It's officially a part of my headcanon pairing set. So I see a lot of orange-haired Noire and I'm used to it at this point.
  • Noire looks so beautiful as a blonde I don't even. Vaike's is stunning, and Libra's adds this ethereal quality about it. Its duller color actually makes her look a bit sickly, which is oddly fitting. This is also probably the better choice for Stahl's hair color due to Noire's predominately green outfit.


  • The reds remind me of a Christmas tree. >_<
  • And ironically, because that orange is just so goshdarn BRIGHT. GAIUS. You hair color looks good on you and almost you only. But it's m headcanon, so I shall endure it. [/nods]

Bad. You forgot the obligatory Henry platinum! And its not just because I love his color or because I ship Henry/Tharja. I personally do feel that its the only color that looks right on her. She looks cool with black, but.....I dunno, maybe I'm just too used to Henry's godly color on her. And I'm sorry, I know its one of your OTPs, but orange on Noire looks......wrong. Especially wrong. Please don't kill me.... But yeah, its reeeeeeaaaaaaallllyyyyy BRIGHT......



  • Nah looks good in any of the blondes, auburns and even Gaius' orange! Go Gaius!
  • Obligatory Frederick/Kellam/Henry mention. Especially Frederick, whose hair I haven't really mentioned but gods, that warm brown color is just lovely on Nah and Cynthia. Especially Cynthia who perma-gets it.


  • Nah has a significantly warmer color palette which contrasts Lon'qu's cooler hair color. Yes, THIS is the Lon'qu exception.
  • Same with Stahl, unfortunately. It's so difficult considering that his hair looks amazing on him due his entirely green outfit.

Good. It was probably included in the auburns, but red is so especially gorgeous on her.


  • I put these two together because... it hardly matters. You can barely see Laurent's hair through his hat, and the only time he removes said hat is in his confessional. And Yarne's is just a little tuft - hell, any color looks good on the both of them. As for headcanon pairings-wise, this is where Stahl's finicky hair goes. Stahl!Yarne is adorable. And as for Laurent, I'll admit a preference for darker hair on him... like Kellam's, which I'm so accustomed to seeing that other colors confuse me a little. :)

Agreed. These do enter more headcanon pairings because of it. I will say that Gregor tufted Yarne looks cute, but I'd imagine its not much different from the others. Kellam Laurent is definitely what I'm most accustomed to as well, but I'm sure he'd look good in any darker color. He'd look horrendous as a blonde though..... >_>

... That was unnecessarily LONG. But, there. I didn't want to miss anything.

I hope you don't totally hate my comments. This is why I should never get bored...

And I do believe you forgot Brady! :o:

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I always thought male Morgan's face looked the most like the one I chose for my female Avatar (I've compared others using online screenshots), though it's coincidence in my case. I picked that face cause I liked it the best. lol Anyway, I also noticed that with Frederick's dark brown, Morgan's hair also looks a lot like his, what with cowlicks and bangs divided into three sections and all. So I ended up with a pretty damn good combination just out of coincidence! XD

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I think I like having black on most characters that aren't like... well, I don't like dark-haired Inigo (although it can work- Chrom!Inigo looks great, for example), nah and brady

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Personally, I think both Morgans look the best with darker hair, the lighter shades don't really cut out for them. I really like Lucina!Morgan or Tharja!Morgan. Chrom!Morgan or Lon'qu Morgan are pretty nice too. As for the other kids, Vaike!Owain and Donnel!Gerome look the best to me. Terrible pairing choices, I know, and the other kids I feel indifferent about. Dark haired Morgans. Hooray!

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I wish I could have a blonde Inigo, but I'm a ginger, Vaike is needed elsewhere, and don't even get me started on how much I hate Libra x Olivia. It's like my reverse OTP. But, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with Virion's blue.

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Because I'm feeling especially bored this morning, I'm going to give my 'completely unbiased' critique for your definitely much better critique. I apologize; boredom is dangerous for people like me.... XD

I hope you don't totally hate my comments. This is why I should never get bored...

And I do believe you forgot Brady! :o:

Oh, no it's fine.

And I liked your input to my very long analysis.

I mean, I honestly have no idea why I don't like Lon'qu's black hair on Owain... I think it's the leather straps, which was a warmer dark brown and not black. I'm so nitpicky, I swear. I mean, Frederick's looks lovely on him, and so does Kellam's, but they're both warmer colors so I guess it's fine then but not otherwise.

And I agree on you with Noire's. And it's my headcanon too! But forgetting Henry's absolutely amazing platinum? Shame on me. >.<


I'll write his too!

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