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Chrom and avatar

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I personally took it as Sumia has feelings for Chrom, but Chrom's feelings are entirely up to the player. Of course, that was merely my interpretation, and I'm sure others can take it differently. (As for Flavia's comment, I took it as a nudge mostly for the player character, but find that it would be perfectly within character for Chrom to not quite get it [again, my interpretation].)

I suppose it does take conscious effort to keep Sumia away from Chrom. That being said, my first male avatar file ended up with the village woman without me really doing anything about it. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized I hadn't supported Chrom with any of his marriage canidates (I'm oblivious like that).

In regard to Sumia's supports with Chrom... my problem with it isn't so much the pies, but the fact that it seems to flatten both of their characters. A similar effect might be seen in the other pie supports, but it hurts both of them more because they have limited supports anyway. (Also, iirc, it is also mentioned in the supports that Sumia wasted quite a bit of food to make the pies for Chrom, which irks me due to it being a blatant misuse of resources).

That being said, I do like Sumia, and find her supports with Male Avatar sweet. If I didn't fine her supports with Frederick better (I feel like it showcases both of their personalities well without flattening them into one thing), I would gladly have Male Avatar marry her. She doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as she is getting. Especially since most people hate her only for shipping reasons and try to justify it without taking into account other things. (ie, people cite her as a shallow mary-sure, but fail to take into account that she has horrible self-esteem to the point of viewing herself as worthless. Not taking into account at all that her flaw of clumsiness is shown to have actual side-effects and isn't used for the gimmick of 'how, I tripped into your arms'.)

...Man, I hope this all make sense.

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*cracks knuckles*

Time to white-knight a fictional character.


Main character only scene. Why the HELL would they put her there if not for that reason?

Same for that line by Flavia.

It was the "get ahold of yourself" slap that only close friends would probably be able to do.

She just messed up and it made it more hilarious.

Someone should re-read that *ENTIRE* thread, or the mainsite.

She is the highest priority for special case:

1. If she obtains 18 support points with Chrom, AND none of the females have a C support.

And she doesn't have a chance in hell of marrying him if the others have a C support with him and they're not married off.

Killing them also doesn't actually help. I killed Sumia off from Gangrel in that same chapter in classic mode and stuck Olivia to Chrom. He STILL married Sumia because Olivia didn't get 18 points with Chrom.

Other than that, if they have equal points and Olivia has not achieved the max 18 support points you can get within that one chapter, Sumia will always marry Chrom if she has equal points with all the other marriage candidates.

I didn't say it was hard. It was still a CONSCIOUS effort for you to not use her and keep her away from him. It's a hell of a lot easier to forget that they have the second highest support growth. I got screwed on support log grinding for Olivia x Chrom when I attacked an enemy with Chrom and Sumia next to each other on the chapter she joins.

You're forgetting that I don't play the Japanese version, so I couldn't have possibly known about that Flavia quote.

As for the priority, it's been awhile since I last looked at that thread, my mistake. But whatever, I still don't like how the pairing is shoved in your face at all.

EDIT: Kat: Actually, I think what you say makes perfect sense. Completely reasonable interpretation.

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You're forgetting that I don't play the Japanese version, so I couldn't have possibly known about that Flavia quote.



Slight implication is still there.

ie, people cite her as a shallow mary-sue

I remember a tumblr post doing that.

I literally headdesked.

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It's like one in a Dragon Quest game... where there was the choice between two girls for the main character, and one was the more "canon" choice.

However, at least Awakening doesn't take it to the level that said game took the "developer's choice". If you chose the canon girl, the other one would still live a happy life. If you chose the other girl over the "canon" one, the canon girl would work in horrible conditions, implied to be assaulted every day, and her grandfather, her only relative left, would die of illness.


Thankfully this is fixed in the DS version, although I never know how it goes

Although its a lose-lose situation.

Not marrying her resulted in that, Marrying her resulted in getting kidnapped, being practically molested for several years WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO REACT, kidnapped again, and is isolated for 5+ years

Being Bianca is suffering

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I think if they make a sequel to this game, it should have a feature similar to the memory link in Pokemon Black 2/White 2. That way, no one would have to complain about canon, and everyone could use their favorite pairings. But if there were canon, I think it would be Chrom/Sumia, MaMU/Tharja, Lon'qu/Olivia, Stahl/Sully, and Ricken/Maribelle. Although Virion makes a pretty fitting father for Inigo.

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I find it funny that chrom bangs the hell out of avatar who is grima. I think he just enjoys a avatar foreplay

... What on...

Now I'm SURE that they're a troll.

...lest I weeb weep for humanity.

I'm starting to think so as well.

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You as the player have to make a CONSCIOUS effort to keep Sumia away from Chrom to prevent her from getting that Falchion.

Mmm I also pushed Chrom/FeMU, as well as Chrom/Frederick and Chrom/Lissa for pair ups in the first chapters, with some Frederick/Lissa and Frederick/FeMU thrown in because I thought the group of 4 travelers together was really funny at the beginning, and...I just stuck with that for a long time :O That squeezed out time for Chrom's other options...subconsciously? Well, it just happened (without me thinking, or caring, much)...I mean, since I've discovered the shipping wars a while ago, it would now be a conscious effort, I guess.

Firstly, I don't count the punch in the face as a hint to the pairing

As far as what I can see, the only thing that punch in the face succeeded in doing was creating more hate for Sumia.

I personally took it as Sumia has feelings for Chrom, but Chrom's feelings are entirely up to the player. Of course, that was merely my interpretation, and I'm sure others can take it differently. (As for Flavia's comment, I took it as a nudge mostly for the player character, but find that it would be perfectly within character for Chrom to not quite get it [again, my interpretation].)

That being said, my first male avatar file ended up with the village woman without me really doing anything about it. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized I hadn't supported Chrom with any of his marriage canidates (I'm oblivious like that).

Agreed! And lol no Kat that's totally understandable! Guess I'm not one to talk though since I almost did the same thing XD

And I have a question, no judging, just an honest question: Is there a particular reason why some fans just can't accept that no pairing is officially canon? I'm at a loss.

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I pushed FrederickxAvatar from the beginning, even before I unlocked supports or pair-up (you can't use this until the chapter Sumia shows up in normal mode) lol. They kicked butt together even then. ^^

Hardly needed Chrom. Lissa was needed to heal injuries though, of course. I trained up Chrom anyway for obvious reasons though.

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Robin appreciated the magic boost that Miriel gave him in their pair ups, since he's +mag anyway. I usually stick Chrom and male avatar together until Miriel shows up, since Chrom's +duel attack is nice, and activates a lot if I get lucky (like in my latest draft).

Anyway, I have to agree completely with what Kat said about Sumia, and don't have much to add because she said pretty much what I wanted to say. Sumia's still not anywhere near my favorites, but I don't hate her. I wish she had more depth and stuff to her character than "falling on her face and messing everything up and being good with animals", but her support with male avatar was sweet.

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And I have a question, no judging, just an honest question: Is there a particular reason why some fans just can't accept that no pairing is officially canon? I'm at a loss.

Canon gives more 'weapons' in the shipping wars. And most people prefer just pulverizing the hell out of others for the sake of their beliefs, same as any other war. Not everyone can take the idea of total pacifism, after all.

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My Avatar is +str and -def, so she appreciates Frederick's defense boost, and Frederick became insanely strong from her strength boost. She also gives him some speed and a bit of res, which he likes as well. :D

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Missed this part before.

You as the player have to make a CONSCIOUS effort to keep Sumia away from Chrom or kill her off in her joining chapter (to erase all supports gained in that chapter) to prevent her from getting that Falchion.

Eh, I don't know. On my first run I wasn't sure who I wanted my Avatar to marry, so I just played and went with the first one that came: it was Chrom. I was also using Sumia in that run. I wasn't pushing any pairs especially, so I managed to keep Sumia away from Chrom's Falchion without making a conscious effort.

And like, the only real way Sumia's priority might actually be a problem is if you want Chrom to marry Olivia or Maiden. If you're going for specific pairs, Avatar, Sully, and Maribelle are no-brainers as long as you have the slightest clue how the support system works, and if you're going for Maiden you probably know what you're doing. So Olivia is really the only one with a Sumia problem.

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I dunno, I've always felt that people exaggerated the amount of difficulty in pairing Chrom with someone besides Sumia (or with Olivia). Granted, I don't always use Chrom's other marriage choices so that might be one thing, but even if I were using them ... how hard is it to use them and not view their support?

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I unlocked supports or pair-up (you can't use this until the chapter Sumia shows up in normal mode) lol.

Supports get unlocked in Chapter 2.

how hard is it to use them and not view their support?

Viewing their support doesn't matter. It's "points".

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Supports get unlocked in Chapter 2.

I know that. I never said they didn't. I meant to say that I started having Fred and Kelli battle together from the Prologue onward.

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Viewing their support doesn't matter. It's "points".

This is true, but if you don't view the C supports with any of the girls and have Chrom and Olivia fight three paired up battles together, then don't Chrom and Olivia take precedence over everyone? I did an initial experiment on that (although not in as great detail as you and VincentASM did). I just never found that too difficult to do, personally, although it is kind of annoying.

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This is true, but if you don't view the C supports with any of the girls and have Chrom and Olivia fight three paired up battles together, then don't Chrom and Olivia take precedence over everyone? I did an initial experiment on that (although not in as great detail as you and VincentASM did). I just never found that too difficult to do, personally, although it is kind of annoying.

VincentASM did an entire thread on this I believe...

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VincentASM did an entire thread on this I believe...

He did. I also did a very barebones experiment where I got all of Chrom's possible wives to a C support, viewed none of them, and then had Chrom and Olivia paired up together in chapter 11. As long as one doesn't actually view the supports and Chrom/Olivia get the required points (which I believe was 3 paired up battles), they take precedence.

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He did. I also did a very barebones experiment where I got all of Chrom's possible wives to a C support, viewed none of them, and then had Chrom and Olivia paired up together in chapter 11. As long as one doesn't actually view the supports and Chrom/Olivia get the required points (which I believe was 3 paired up battles), they take precedence.

What I don't get is why they didn't just have her join like Lucina does and put her in the party at the end of the last chapter and selectable on the prep screen.

...I mean the tutorial for dancing isn't THAT important, is it?

Lampshading the marriage with Liz/Lissa explaining what happened in the next chapter isn't the smartest of ideas.

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What I don't get is why they didn't just have her join like Lucina does and put her in the party at the end of the last chapter and selectable on the prep screen.

...I mean the tutorial for dancing isn't THAT important, is it?

Lampshading the marriage with Liz/Lissa explaining what happened in the next chapter isn't the smartest of ideas.

Lol, I do have to agree with that. It also sucks that you can't get Cherche before the preparations screen in chapter 12, since she (unlike Henry) at least popped up before the actual battle starts.

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