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I just read through a good portion of the tweets. I saw a couple posts that were tangentially related to me, but I did not see any posts that I recognized as my own. I am disappointed. :(:

Tbh with all those Soul, Crash, Jarly, Anacybele, Luxford posts lying about it will be difficult to post something stupid enough to make it in without directly quoting Rick Santorum.

Or the alternative is trying to out-waifu Shadow of Chaos, which is probably equally unlikely.

Well you're pretty much the best SF member anyway, so don't sweat it.

d'aawww stop it you

Also please start posting the source too, I've just seen the Heather isn't gay one

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I'm pretty amazed that someone actually goes through the trouble of scouring the forum for posts just for this Twitter o:

Well, whatever makes them happy I guess.

actually, most of it looks like he's just casually browsing the forum and picking out things he stumbles upon that he doesn't like

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actually, most of it looks like he's just casually browsing the forum and picking out things he stumbles upon that he doesn't like

And a lot of it seems like it's coming for the Serious Discussion forum...

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Not sure whether I should feel bad for someone that goes out of their way to try to (shame? belittle? mock?) members from a community like this, or just laugh.

Edited by Raivix
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What is this supposed to be? I've been gone for a few days, and I'm given to understand that SF users post there anonimously (?).

Welcome back from wherever, whatever it was it certalinly wasn't a spelling bee :p

Edited by Mikethfc
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What is this supposed to be? I've been gone for a few days, and I'm given to understand that SF users post there anonimously (?).

Your understanding is completely incorrect. Whoever runs that twitter is copy and pasting posts from this forum.

They have yet to feature anything from me. :(:

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Not sure whether I should feel bad for someone that goes out of their way to try to (shame? belittle? mock?) members from a community like this, or just laugh.

Feel bad. And then laugh.

That's what I do.

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What you *ARE* supposed to do, is act like a deranged teenager high on sugar and swear on your grandpa's grandpa's illegitimate child's granddaughter's cousin's future grave that you will find the person running that twitter and exact sweet vengeance on them with your low 5 base skill.

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