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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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Elie wasn't a strong town read of mine at all though, I was just mentioning it. I kinda knew you'd take it the other way which is irritating, I don't really feel like bothering with it tbh.

@psych I'm a little behind in content today because I keep falling asleep, why do you think it'd weird that I ignored scorri when there are other people I've ignored today too? (wrt manix, etc)

I don't really feel the need to respond to every single thing immediately

Well why did you mention it if he wasn't a strong town read? Mentioning something like that right after you say you may have been defending him carries a rather obvious implication imo.

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If the reason Levity defended Elie was that he was a strong town read, then why does this post imply that Levity finds some of Elie's behavior questionable?

yeah this right here

elie isn't a STRONG town read of mine in the first place, I never actually said that. if you thought I was implying it, I wasn't. you're putting words in my mouth by putting a statement I said together with my behavior towards elie and I don't like that.

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Well why did you mention it if he wasn't a strong town read? Mentioning something like that right after you say you may have been defending him carries a rather obvious implication imo.

I didn't mean to imply anything tho, I mentioned it because it's RELATED to my earlier behavior but that's about it.
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You said that Shinori wasn't finding scum with what he was doing. How do you know that he wasn't finding scum with his vote unless you know that whoever he had his vote on (SB I think?) isn't scum?

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Anyway sorry, I sound kinda irritable (I get that way when I first wake up, see: every mafia game ever). If you missed what I said about Elie before, I wouldn't call him a strong town read but he's not first lynch priority to me. If we ended up lynching him today then all right but I think it's :meta: that's not making me read him as scummy as the others

I have to go now because I'm having computer issues, be back later

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Also getting bad vibes from Manix right now. He seems to be spending a lot of his time arguing about theory. The only scumhunting-like things he's done imo have been asking questions of people. I do like asking questions to get someone to go on the record on something, but when it's done too much, it reads to me like scum trying to get their agenda pushed without it leading back to them by asking leading questions.

Manix's numbers claim was pro-town, but that's also the kind of thing Manix would do as scum to get towncred imo. In fact, I don't think there's much that Manix wouldn't do as scum to get towncred (which is good scum play btw).

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Anyway sorry, I sound kinda irritable (I get that way when I first wake up, see: every mafia game ever). If you missed what I said about Elie before, I wouldn't call him a strong town read but he's not first lynch priority to me. If we ended up lynching him today then all right but I think it's :meta: that's not making me read him as scummy as the others

I have to go now because I'm having computer issues, be back later


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is this better roleplaying manix

lolk guys i mean i'm infinitely more useful alive with someone else dead but k

bizz's post against my wagon does seem all over the place and i'd be tempted to assume there's a connection between her and elieson trying to just play off each other and seem like great townies

that's another thing, i don't understand why elieson feels like he's town leader and gets to decide who to look at and wagon and if we aren't following we're scum

eclipse <3 gimme like 15 minutes k

also shinori's latest posts are crap and are just defending himself and then WINFOM and he's getting really defensive and not catching scum at all, he seems really paranoid and i don't like it


##Vote Shinori


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even if manix was scum, there's a very low chance of him knowing hidden players, though i can't recall past games where mafia knew their hidden allies

course it could be viable to whip town into a maelstrom of "did we kill the mafia yet" but still

also lol you don't really know scumnix

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I ask questions because I want answers so that I can make a more informed decision about who is scum, hence scumhunting. Not hard. A number of people that I asked questions of in my larger post way back yesterday haven't even responded, soooooo

Furthermore... you completely missed the fact that I pushed on kirsche? Funny how that wagon started.

And tbh idgaf about towncred. I really couldn't care less because it's not what is a priority, scumhunting is. I could argue this for days. Numbers normally claims asap, there's no point in hiding it. Me claiming it isn't an alignment tell at all.

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yeah how's any of that a scum slip

I believe the issue is with you saying Shinori wasn't "catching scum." It could be seen as a Freudian slip from someone who knew SB was town. Personally, it's only a mild curiosity for me right now. Something to be filed away for later.

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my scummeta since CMV has kinda changed; sure i still like my bussing but i'm not as compulsive about it. i get deadly apthetic during the game, that's a better tell than anything else.

and i think i lost my fakeclaim touch so shrug

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I'm not used to people knowing the numbers in closed setups, so I have no idea about the customs surrounding that.

As for the kirsche thing, isn't he mainly being pushed for that post about being drunk and gay and tired? Seems more lazy than scummy to me and it could be something that scum would jump on to get an easy wagon.

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my scummeta since CMV has kinda changed; sure i still like my bussing but i'm not as compulsive about it. i get deadly apthetic during the game, that's a better tell than anything else.

and i think i lost my fakeclaim touch so shrug

Yeah, I love bussing as scum. It's not used nearly enough where I'm from. As for apathy, I feel that. Could be a bit of burnout.

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@wombat: actually I was pushing him (kirsche) well before that issue; and strictly i'm taking whatever he's saying from that point with a grain of salt, however much i still don't like it.

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@BBM: Basically my opinion on Elie is that while some of his logic is bad, bad logic =/ scumminess and I felt like he had town intent with trying to move the game along (he probably just had some time on his hands and tried to use it). He hasn't really posted anything since so my opinion hasn't really changed on him.

If we want to see rhetoric though, a lot of Wombat's posts have less content and more fluff. A lot of the posts are more along the lines on game theory than the actual game. He's making points and has opinions on players though, so my opinion on him may change depending on more information.

The little Scorri vs. Psych thing right now looks pretty stupid on both sides. On one hand, scorri is pretty much ignoring everything else that has happened in the game to nitpick a little comment Psych made (which I'm not really sure is a scumslip, I thought it was more of an attack on Shinori's "scumhunting") and pushing it. Imo there's a lot better material out there to focus on so I don't really see why you'd vote Psych out of all people.

Then Psych goes and votes Scorri for voting him basically (he said she was being hypocritical but can I get some clarification as to why you feel that way pls?), even though imo he actually seems to find Wombat scummier (at least there looks to be more evidence that way).

I'd like to see a retaliation post from Nags in the future. My main problem with him right now would be his lack of content and that he's unmemorable, but that's obviously subject to change if he actually makes some nice posts in the future.

I wouldn't mind switching from Shinori to Kirsche but a) Shinori hasn't really done anything to make me change my mind about him, b) I don't know if Kirsche being under the influence has anything to do with his last post and c) I think some of the votes on his wagon are ehh (Snike didn't really give a reason for his vote, Excellen's is decent since he already showed a dislike for Kirsche but he hasn't given any of his own reasoning). Kirsche seems all over the place right now and it doesn't seem like he really had a reason for voting Levity over Shinori to begin with. And then instead of changing his mind and voting Shinori...he votes Elie? He did mention Elie in one post but it was more like he found one thing Elie did scummy and never talked about it again. Just find it weird he mentioned Shinori more but voted Elieson instead (and that's not even mentioning how his hop from Bizz to Elie was bad in the first place).

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@wombat: actually I was pushing him (kirsche) well before that issue; and strictly i'm taking whatever he's saying from that point with a grain of salt, however much i still don't like it.

Ok. I'll go back over it and have a look. For now, I'ma let some other people post. I have too many posts and I'm tired as balls. Good night SF.

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Ok, wow, yeah that Bizz wagon built up quickly. And since my original vote on him was for... well... nothing, I'mma do this.


As for where my vote is going next... Well, I've been rereading now for a bit and have a few ideas. Kinda. I'm mostly still really lost, but lets see if I can get what few thoughts I have out in a comprehensible state.

-Well, I don't like the way Wombat connected Elie and Bizz with scummieness, but apparently that's viewed as not as scummy from where he's from? I dunno. I still think that it's not a good thing to be doing because it can cause screwing of other people's reads if they were finding one scummy but not the other and then he comes along and is like "Oh, I think these two might be scum buddies" then they might start thinking that and then I dunno. Words.

-Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. THINGS! Shinori has an excellent point on Psych where he says that Shinori isn't catching scum at all. Scumslip? MAYBE!

-This caused me to take a closer look at Psych. And, well, there's not much there. What little is there is very sparse (yes, i know, pot meet kettle, etc.) but when you take a look at what little content there is, it's not very good. He calls what Shinori did an OMGUS, then when pointed out that it wasn't really one, he was just like "well, shinori's just bad at that then lol" and then he's voting Shinori for his posts being crap which seems pretty hypocritical to me, and I'm going to vote here for now.



Gentle reminder to not get modkilled while I'm gone.

bolded part helios

i mean she says i can be scummy for it so i feel it applies to her too

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good morning time for mafia

so addressing the major points that are sticking in my head, it seems people think bizz was sheeping/opportunistic for being second onto a wagon with different reasoning to the first vote, four minutes later, and now she has a wagon. that's pretty dumb, I think.

shinori's response to his wagon reads to me like a more ragemad version of how I played toonami D1, and the overreacting is pretty consistent with how his SB vote turned out in the first place. while I don't think a "how dare you attack me" attitude is especially helpful, I imagine it's a lot harder to be offended by people's accusations when they're right about you. guess I'll step off.

I think all the thought being put into kirsche's post is a little bit silly. like, how well do you really think you can read someone when they're drunk, gay and tired? I was wary of anyone who would vote him for that post, so I typed up a little analysis and it turned out to be 100% clutter. I don't see any especially suspicious behaviour on his wagon yet.

soooooo back to bizz's wagon to see who looks bad there.

Voting SB for missing a joke is super dumb, Bizz is worse though for sheeping. ##Unvote ##Vote:Viata

this vote and the defense of it that followed just look bad to me, I understand where the kirsche scumreads are coming from. I really can't see how this case works, and with it starting out pretty much entirely "wow sheeping/opportunism so scum" with anything resembling insight being gradually introduced in subsequent posts makes it look like you were just making this case up as you went along. then you suddenly show up shitfaced and unvote because suddenly even you don't understand your case. looks to me like you've been bullshitting quite a lot, and it goes without saying that town has no need to do that.


##Vote: kirsche

I kinda missed RVS due to work, so I'm gonna be serious! SB said something stoopid, but Shinori and Levity's doubleteam on SB doesn't look good, especially since Shinori's initial reason didn't look good. Still, Levity looked really opportunistic, so that's worse.

#Vote: Levity

obviously I can't build a case on somebody over one post but this is pretty bad too. it just... doesn't look like you thought this through at all. like "hi guys I'm here, gee I'd better vote someone, hey this'll do, ##vote, /out". I know as well as anyone that the pressure to contribute + not really caring at the time can lead to posts like this regardless of alignment but I'm keeping my eye on you.

aaaa~aaand since I started writing this post, two more pages have popped up. you people post way too much, especially you wombat, holy shit. imma go get something to eat and watch SGDQ. looks like the mega man block's on.

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Psych: Except I wasn't calling you scummy for lack of content. I was pointing out the fact that what content you do have is basically empty content. Just you saying words without actually doing much scumhunting.

Helios: I was largely looking for an answer from Psych. And with the reaction I got (a lolnou OMGUS vote) was interesting enough that I'm perfectly content leaving my vote here.

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Gotta agree with Helios about Psych's "scumslip". I don't think it means much of anything. It looked to me more like a badly worded criticism of Shinori's scumhunting than saying that Shinori literally wasn't finding scum.

It's not just bad logic on Elie's part, his scumhunting is incredibly lackluster. His Wombat case is bad and his Shinori vote is based on a misrep.

It makes me uncomfortable when people change their minds in the middle of their post, even when they admit it. This isn't realtime mafia. If your opinions change in the middle of writing the post, you can just take out the parts you changed your mind on. Keeping it in just to completely change tracks is unnecessary and just inflates your post. That was wrt Nag's last post.

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