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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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What I can say is this: Either there's multiple vig shots in this game (which makes no sense, given the numbers), or there's multiple kills. Two mafias makes the most sense, given my role. SK is possible, but that REALLY makes it hard for the town to win.

don't ask how but i can confirm multiple vig shots

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also my pr was complain about rvs (which sux by the way, go night 0 starts!)

also i had excellen's inuit poem from the SFMM2 in my role pm so i went with hating on bbm and spanish as well, because they were all mentioned in my pm

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If there's multiple vig shots, then there's a chance that one of them hit Snike (since he wasn't looking A++ townie). This had better not be the second coming of eclipse's first showing of NOC, 'cause THAT was not a setup I want to see ever again.

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is this better roleplaying manix

so psych pls explain to me exactly how this is an excellen roleplay and then i'll believe you

like you responded to me after

psych that's a horrible impression, try harder

this, instead of just saying something like "oh i'm not roleplaying who you think i am", which gave me the impression that I was right to begin with


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don't ask how but i can confirm multiple vig shots

Wait. . .fuck, never mind, I get it. Assuming I was the N1 kill, you wouldn't be able to copy my role, right?

Guess what, we're back to the multi-mafia theory, 'cause I think I know what led Psych to that conclusion. . .and I'm positive it's my role (and only my role) that caused it. Having more than one town-sided killing role coexisting with me would be outright mean. I should take mental breaks more often; things make sense when I do.

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also for consideration: he's been around and hasn't answered that question for like, 2 hours anyway so inclined to say he didn't exactly have a good answer to begin with

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let me ask you a question psych: what was the point of outing, when you could have shut up about it and linked people together and they'd know a amnesiac/backup/whatever potentially existed? and when you would claim later, you'd have potential people that could clear you based on that? why out now?

he also never answered this

please tell me you see where i'm coming from here

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okay, questions time because paranoia is really starting to kick in

clipsey; why defend psych so much? ever since d1 you picked up on something and suddenly you "didn't want to lynch him, even no lynch would be better" (verbatim, but iirc that's what happened). what i want to know is exactly why?

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followup for clipsey (and this is to anyone who feels like answering as well): thoughts on what i've pointed out about psych? would you still think he's town after this or not?

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Yes, Manix, you're paranoid. The reason why I defended him was precisely because of my role, and with him saying what I quoted, I have another theory (which would involve even MORE details about my role). Suffice to say that WITHOUT that restriction, it would be impossible for Psych to be mafia (because mafia amnesiac with the ability to pick up a dayvig deserves a bastard tag, especially with the kinds of numbers we're dealing with). I picked up Psych's crumb in D1, which was why I was more reckless during the latter half of that day - I figured that if I hit someone important on D1, he could dig up that person and use that role. However, WITH what I quoted, I have reason to believe that Psych cannot take up roles that kill. This makes his alignment fuzzier. . .but also gives a possibility why Psych didn't pick up Haze's role, which would've seemed like the sensible choice. The fact that he stated the possibility of multiple vigs makes me think that it's the way his role is worded - given some additional thought, I decided that instead of taking Psych literally, he probably misinterpreted what his role said. That being said, we now have a shot on Snike unaccounted for. Given some other details (go look at your own numbers), do you think it's one large mafia and a SK or multiball? I'll give you a hint: We're probably NOT looking at multiple vigs in this setup.

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The reason why I defended him was precisely because of my role, and with him saying what I quoted, I have another theory (which would involve even MORE details about my role).

not going to pry, but i still don't like it.

Suffice to say that WITHOUT that restriction, it would be impossible for Psych to be mafia (because mafia amnesiac with the ability to pick up a dayvig deserves a bastard tag, especially with the kinds of numbers we're dealing with).

it's not like maf amn's that can take daykills are completely unheard of (new PoT, anyone?). so exactly why are you making such an assumption about the setup? we don't know what's in it: hell the fact that there was a hidden in this game makes it folly to consider trying to game the setup.

I picked up Psych's crumb in D1, which was why I was more reckless during the latter half of that day - I figured that if I hit someone important on D1, he could dig up that person and use that role. However, WITH what I quoted, I have reason to believe that Psych cannot take up roles that kill.

a dangerous assumption; it's entirely possible that he could have and didn't want to say anything about it or whatever, and also now that you've given him the idea straight up and given :/

The fact that he stated the possibility of multiple vigs makes me think that it's the way his role is worded - given some additional thought, I decided that instead of taking Psych literally, he probably misinterpreted what his role said.

that's an incredibly dangerous assumption to make clipsey; you're making a reason that may not have existed before now. making an assumption like that anyway is flawed logic. what if psych was being truthful about that? how does that impact your logic?

That being said, we now have a shot on Snike unaccounted for. Given some other details (go look at your own numbers), do you think it's one large mafia and a SK or multiball? I'll give you a hint: We're probably NOT looking at multiple vigs in this setup.

i have no idea which it is. i'm not god. the fact you're taking an earlier assumption about psych misinterpreting his role and specifically deciding to run with it when there's nothing supporting it isn't helping my thoughts any.

what do you think about him claiming like this anyway? there was absolutely no reason to, and some people still hadn't picked up on the crumbs (eg: me), so he could have easily avoided claiming until later anyway.

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