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FE:A Final Smashes

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I thought this would be a fun/interesting topic to discuss!

If your favorite FE:A character was in SSB, what final smash would you want from them?

This thread is not to discuss who or not will make it into SSB4.


Grima + Ignis!


Masked Marth / Lucina - "Hope will never die!"

1-hit K.O. slash!


Might be a dumb idea but try it 8D

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I thought this would be a fun/interesting topic to discuss!

If your favorite FE:A character was in SSB, what final smash would you want from them?

This thread is not to discuss who or not will make it into SSB4.


Grima + Ignis!


Masked Marth / Lucina - "Hope will never die!"

1-hit K.O. slash!


Might be a dumb idea but try it 8D

The Avatar Grima + Ignis would be amazing, and I think I gave the Ignis idea.

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Nowi's is like Yoshi Dragon. Say'ri's is a brave sword Astra, alternativing between affected targets every 5 swings. Sumia's prevents players from being airborne and submits them to constant tripping.

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Olivia's turns the TV off so you can't look at her.


Frederick has Pick a God and Pray that summons THWOMP! to nuke the entire screen



Owain - "Can't control!!"

Astra! (Something like Link's final smash?)



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Omnidirectional Arrows fired in 5 directions by Virion, much like Pit's arrow of hugeness.

Die, with magnificence

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Their final smash would be summoning their Falchion and slash which is roughtly as powerful as Irony Sword

I thought the Parallel Falchion was stronger than a Silver Sword (and has the same power as Marth's Falchion, coincidentally)

You should see what the SSBU board thinks of that >_>

yes I know Lucina's chances are not good, but I can still dream right

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I thought the Parallel Falchion was stronger than a Silver Sword (and has the same power as Marth's Falchion, coincidentally)

Do you know why Lucina looks like Marth?

One day, Lucina look to a picture of Marth. And she think to herself, wow Marth is hot. Clearly Lucina played Marth's games after she watched FE3 Commercial. Falling in love with Marth, Lucina decided to play Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon after Horace told her to do so. Lucina made a playlog in Grust Forest, that she updated once every 2 month. Because Lucina is playing in Lucina Turn Count style, Lucina ended Warp skipping Shadow Dragon. Lucina founded a newfound hatred to Marth because Marth is 1 Panel short of seizing(how this happened when you warps skip is beyond me). But just like everyone who played LTC FE11 should be, Lucina instead falls in love with Sheeda

It should not be a surprise, Sheeda is a goddess. Sheeda comes close to being Marcus and it is rumored that Wing Spear is almost as powerful as Marcus Silver Lance. Lucina decided that she want to be like Sheeda, but she can't. So in order to make herself as Sheeda as possible, Lucina decided to make herself the reincarnation of Sheeda, also known as Shin Sheeda Tensei(lit. True Reincarnation of Shin, I mean Sheeda). Her attempt failed because having the name of Shin, the game bombed almost as bad as Wii U. Sad, Sheeda decided to relive her time and watched FE3 Commercial. However, this time, the Dragon does not get slashed by Marth. The Dragon proceed to destroy the world. This events resulted in the bad future of Fire Emblem Awakening

Suddenly a mysterious voice appeared


Lucina: Mommy Sumia I hate Olivia


Lucina: Huh?


Lucina: But why?

Marth: Because you are a terrible player

Lucina: Says the guy who is 1 pannel short of seizing

Marth: Your fault for being terrible at the game. Count your panel plz. And fuck you are warp skipping, how in the fucking hell can you miss ONE panel?

Lucina: But the world is now destroyed, what should I do

Marth: You should dress in a drag and go to the past in order to play Female Strategy Games

Lucina: Let me guess, In America right?

Marth: FOOLISH FOOL! Go to Japan because you can play my original game, named Fire Emblem Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light

Lucina: I don;t want to play a game where the lord is 1 panel short of seizing

Marth: Silly Lucina, back in my day people faps to my 11 Mov. Also I am basically the Sheeda of FE1, because everyone want to attack me for no reason, and I nuke everything with Rapier. I was overpowered but nobody know that because they are about as terrible as you are in Fire Emblem


Marth: So now go

Lucina: Can I marry Sheeda in that game?(yes, Lucina is les for Sheeda because I say so)

Marth: No, because Sheeda is Mai Waifu. Sucks to be you

Lucina: FUUUUU

Enraged, Lucina decided to dress like Marth and attempt to seduce Sheeda, ignoring the fact that Sheeda is also her ancestor, and the fact that Sheeda is Marth's Waifu. However, thanks to Grima's interference, Lucina ended up transported into Fire Emblem Awakening instead. This is why Lucina looks like Marth. Lucina is a Sheeda fangirl

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Cherche: Triangle Attack

Using all three fliers, a triangle attack!
Sumia starts it off, and then Cordelia, and finally Cherche delivers the killing blow.

Most people use this for their Lucina Final Smash, so:
Lucina: Apocalyptic Future
Lucina jumps into an outrealm portal as an onslaught of Risen arrive to destroy the rest of her opponents. After the Risen disappears, Lucina returns to knock out her opponents.

Anna: Five Anna Fire-Fight
Five-Anna Firefight: Multiple iterations of Anna appear around the stage, while Risen appear around them. Risen attack the opponents as well as the Annas. For every other Anna who isn't killed, the player receive 30 health. So the player can choose to save an Anna or two or go after the opponents.

Chrom: The Shepherds of Ylisse
Starts with all the knights attacking at once (Sully, Frederick, and Stahl)
And then the flyers (Cherche, Sumia, Cordelia)
Then the mages (Miriel, Ricken, Henry, and Tharja) (Lissa and Maribelle appear but just assist the others)
Then swords, axe, bow, and lance users (Lonqu, Gaius, Vaike, Donnel, Virion)
And finally Panne, Tiki, and Nowi appear for the final knock out blow.
Kellam appears behind Panne, Tiki, and Nowi, ready to strike. He's revealed after they transform back. Then the move ends.

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