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What exactly happened to Virion's country?


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All I remember is that it was taken over during Walhart's conquest. Also why did his people hate him when he returned in his ending?

For running away, basically.

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The hatred is because he fled in chapter 12, when Rosanne was first seized by Walhart. The countrymen branded him a coward for that...

I believe he took it back after Walhart's defeat, of course...

Of course, I now wonder where the actual hell Rosanne is on the map.

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Of course, I now wonder where the actual hell Rosanne is on the map.

Speaking of which, where are all the country boundaries in Valm? I really would have wanted to visit Chon'sin

EDIT: I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the southernmost area

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The hatred is because he fled in chapter 12, when Rosanne was first seized by Walhart. The countrymen branded him a coward for that...

I believe he took it back after Walhart's defeat, of course...

Of course, I now wonder where the actual hell Rosanne is on the map.

He fled before the game got started- that's why you find him in Chapter 1.

Chapter 12 was the point where NOTHING in Valm remained un-conquererd, and Walhart made his move to invade Ferox.

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Virion fled Rosanne to kill two birds with one stone. Save his own ass (which was paramount) and also to spare his people from getting butchered, because Virion himself, would have rebelled had he stayed. His people looked down on him for this action because it was craven. Instead of sticking around (and getting killed), he bolted and took Cherche with him. I guess Rosanne would have preferred their highest lord to die as a hero or something.

Virion's ending suggests that upon his return, Virion was branded a craven or just outright ignored. (unless he's married. Then his wife helps win over the people.)

He fled before the game got started- that's why you find him in Chapter 1.

Yes, but he did arrange to rendezvous with Cherche and she followed him after the time skip.

Edited by Florina Stark
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Virion fled Rosanne to kill two birds with one stone. Save his own ass (which was paramount) and also to spare his people from getting butchered, because Virion himself, would have rebelled had he stayed. His people looked down on him for this action because it was craven. Instead of sticking around (and getting killed), he bolted and took Cherche with him. I guess Rosanne would have preferred their highest lord to die as a hero or something.

Virion's ending suggests that upon his return, Virion was branded a craven or just outright ignored. (unless he's married. Then his wife helps win over the people.)

Yes, but he did arrange to rendezvous with Cherche and she followed him after the time skip.

So why didn't Cherche appear with Virion in chapter 1? Wasn't she checking out the country to see how things were moving?

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Cherche did not flee the same time as Virion, it was somewhere in the time skip where she fled.In Virion's support with Panne he said he fled because if he stayed, his people would fight to the death to protect him and they would likely end up dead. He got branded a craven and fled for the sake of protecting his people.

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I'm not sure because I don't remember reading the English version, but in the Japanese version, I remember Serge/Cherche saying he fled WITH his people to Felia/Ferox and Serge/Cherche alone was left to watch over and see Rosanne fall to the empire.


Nope, it's the same thing:


More or less, yes. While milord hastily gathered his valuables and guided his people to safety... I alone remained to keep an eye on the Valmese crisis. I was there as Rosanne was swallowed up by Emperor Walhart's overwhelming forces. In the end, I, too, fled here to Regna Ferox seeking asylum.

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To toss a bit of speculation into the mix, Walhart likely looked down upon the people of Rosanne for their leader's cowardice, which might in turn explain why he is so disliked by his own people - they would thus blame him not directly for losing a hopeless war, but for causing their new leader to utterly disrespect them.

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