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QOTD Thread: The End


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Guest meibum

20 minutes.

I shampoo, than soap, than shave my legs and such, than conditioner, than body wash/body butter, than special face soap and that's it.

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In warm weather, 5. I'm efficient.

In colder weather, 15-20. 5 of which is spent on the actual washing. The rest is enjoying the hot water because otherwise I'm freezing to death my room's heater is not quite working right so it's really damn cold in there.

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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In warm weather, 5. I'm efficient.

In colder weather, 15-20. 5 of which is spent on the actual washing. The rest is enjoying the hot water because otherwise I'm freezing to death my room's heater is not quite working right so it's really damn cold in there.

Wow I always bathe with hot water it feels awesome I hate cold water baths.

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I swear though hot water bath after getting drenched in the rain feels good man. I wanna be in the bathtub forever.

Hot water bath in the evenings is even more awesome :3.

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With that said, how long do your showers typically take? You can feel free to describe why your showers take a specific amount of time as long as it's not TMI.

The longer my hair has grown over time, the longer they have been taking ;~;

They take about 20 minutes or more, though I don't really keep track anymore. This is from washing this long blanket on my head and conditioning, washing my body and shaving, and part of the time just enjoying the warm water~

But... 20 minutes isn't the worst of it~

Combining finding the new clothes that I'll wear for the day, finding anything else I might need for this shower, then starting up the shower and waiting for it to heat up before getting in, taking the shower, drying off from the shower, then putting clothes back on, and then drying all of my hair, it all takes about an hour or longer (maybe if I'm super quick it'll take shorter) combined. This is part of the reason why I don't find the need to shower every single day ;~;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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25 minutes.

I don't like to be cleaned only half assed.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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I wake up an hour before I need to be somewhere. The first thirty minutes is usually showering. It usually takes anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes. Showers for me are more commonly for warming myself up. When I'm only concerned with cleaning myself then I take ~5 minutes.

Ohhhhh man excuse me I'm going to go shower early it's kinda cold this morning

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In warm weather, 5. I'm efficient.

In colder weather, 15-20. 5 of which is spent on the actual washing. The rest is enjoying the hot water because otherwise I'm freezing to death my room's heater is not quite working right so it's really damn cold in there.

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I take around ten minutes to shower.

I for the life of me could never understand how people could take around 25 minutes or so to shower. I have hair past my rib cage and I manage to wash it thoroughly and condition it within roughly 7 minutes. Maybe I'm just fast.

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lol i shower like every other day on school days but during the summer i shower like once per week because i am a social recluse and my family doesn't give a fuck

~30 minutes

20 minutes of that isn't even actually washing, it's just me standing under the water

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