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QOTD Thread: The End


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I was raised Jewish. But I don't have any particular belief - I just see religious and spiritual issues as a range of possibilities with little or no way to tell the difference between right and wrong. I do believe in some kind of supernatural force, however (not sure if I believe in something that seems to completely defy the limits basic logic would seem to place upon it, but I'm not even ruling that out). I guess that makes me a rather agnostic theist or something.

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i'm the atheisinest atheist you ever seen

just hearing about jehovah's witnesses brings back nightmarish memories.

Something about the fact that you're implying you used to be a JW and I used to be one and everyone thinks we're both obnoxious tells me there could be some linkage in those statements '3'

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Something about the fact that you're implying you used to be a JW and I used to be one and everyone thinks we're both obnoxious tells me there could be some linkage in those statements '3'

not even. even when i was a kid, i was already settled on the idea that i believe that all this religious stuff is not true, and that if the claims from the religion were in fact true, that earning everlasting life is far more trouble than it's even worth. living isn't living if you're miserable. of course, my abusive family forced that religion on me with no mercy.

and klok, please don't use that emoticon on me

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I'm Catholic, but not into the tradition and structure and more into the belief of love and God.

A more liberal minded Christian I suppose.

I'm pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. I honestly don't believe God is some big bully in the sky.

I take the lessons of love and forgiveness to heart and recognize God as not only my creator but my mentor through life as the perfect 'Father'.

Any sort of hatred that is associated with Christianity that isolates other people for their beliefs and such I do not agree with and do not practice.

"Take the bible figuratively, not literally" my religion teacher use to say, "it's the values that are important."

I could go on but I think that's enough.

Edited by Meibay
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I'm Agnostic, my sis is Wiccan, and the rest of my family is Christian~

I was raised as a Christian, but over time I found that I wasn't too fond of some of the teachings of Christianity. So that, coupled with me never being much of a Christian in the first place, caused me to kind of drift away.

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I suppose atheist would best describe me, but even then - I don't enjoy giving myself a label. While atheist is the closest to the truth of how I see things, it's impossible to entirely say one way or another, as bits and pieces of different religions make sense, beliefs are understandable, and some of which I agree with myself. Typically, I leave it to myself to figure things out day by day, instead of placing faith in something I can't necessarily prove. Until I can prove anything regarding religion, I put faith in nothing but time and human will.

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New question!

If you could describe happiness in one phrase, what would that phrase be? This question is inspired by this particular Peanuts comic:

tumblr_lla27mJLUY1qzhl9eo1_r1_1280.jpg (Obviously making a phrase much like this would be most sensible, but I'm not going to turn this into a damn project ;P)

My phrase: "Happiness is being devoid of sorrow able to rest fitfully ."

[spoiler=(One variant of this comic I enjoyed - maybe a lesson can be learned from this...)]pe111204.jpg

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My happiness

I think everyone's happiness is personal.

And he is mine.

He makes me smile everyday and feel infinite amounts of love.

No matter how sick, gross or unpleasant I'm feeling I know I can always count on him to cheer me up.

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world that I was blessed with such happiness.

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