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QOTD Thread: The End


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Wow. I was wondering when someone would finally say this. It took an amazing 177 questions for that to happen lol.

Anyways! What makes you cringe? I don't mean out of an innate phobia or (preferably) anything relating to a previous question's answers. All the action or thing or whatever has to do is cause you to literally cringe - answers preferably should be SFW or at least don't link to porn or some crap because I'm sure there's cringeworthy stuff there. Answers can pertain to whatever but I'm sure there will be more internet related answers.

Honestly, while I don't fear it or anything, slapping people (and I mean in an serious matter meant to harm or express discontent as opposed to playful slapping) really makes me cringe. Maybe it's because of the personal feedback or just the fact it represents a societal double standard I hate. I'd probably also have to go with a classic groin kick or anything that clearly looks painful (slammed toes, etc).

Just for you

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Even Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff shirts :( ?

I'm fine with SBaHJ but I don't see how its related seeing as its a webcomic "created" by a character in Homestuck made to be intentionally bad, I was referring to shirts with things relating to "le me go derp trollface COME AT ME BRO TROLOLOL XD" and any other nonsense associated with it.

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Damage controlling, especially when it comes to companies.

Waifu/husbando talk.


Almost everyone around me in the real being casual. Yes, there will always be casuals, but it seems like that's all I see outside of a few events.

Edited by BLS
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