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New question!

What gender character do you like to play as? When playing games that allow you to customize your character, some players opt to choose to play as a gender that is not their own for all sorts of reasons. In addition to this, in static games where the gender of the playable character(s) is/are determined, there may be some sort of preference based on gender. Though there's certainly more complex reasons to favor playing as certain characters besides their gender, that may be material for a question already asked or to be asked later. Oh also, no flaming based on preferences.

Personally, I don't really have a preference. I play as both male and female characters for all sorts of reasons (whether as a difficulty toggle like in Mount and Blade: Warband, or for sheer aesthetics if I have the choice).

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I mostly play as guys, although in some of the Pokemon games I'll pick the girl simply because the male character for some reason just doesn't appeal to me (like, I'm talking every gen after 2, not counting remakes). Actually, I should list it out!

Animal Crossing Wild World- Boy, although tbf I picked girl once just to see what the character model looks like and it's VERY HARD to tell the difference.

Dragon Quest IX- Also Guybrush (Threepwood), I need my Goku lookalike!

EarthBound- In my most recent game which is currently ongoing, I named Ness "Refa". :p

Etrian Odyssey II- I think I was a guy although I forgot because there are like 5 initial party members.

Fire Emblem- Dudebro, but again, doesn't really change much.

Fire Emblem 12- I usually pick girl because the guy model bores me, but in my current Lunatic playthrough I have a MAN MU named Hanko (the best name FYI).


Metroid- MAN (trolololol).

Pokemon HeartGold- I don't like Lyra much at all, so this one was an easy choice.

Pokemon Platinum- Male character isn't bad, but I like Dawn way more, sooooooo....

So that's 7/2/1! There are probably others that I'm forgetting (oh, I just remembered Maple Story...I wish I didn't...dude...), but too lazy to try and remember them! Monkey Island was awesome!

Edited by Refa
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I play as the male character just about every time but in reality the character's gender is insignificant. I'd choose one over the other if it seems more interesting, like how I chose my first MU in FE12 to be Female when everyone and their mother was talking about how Fighter and Knight were the best options for MU.

Edited by Sirius
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Prefer female, because we fucking kick ass.

This is on condition of: Armor/gear has reasonable-looking options (then again I likely wouldn't even play a game where men get full plate and women only get chainmail bikini to start with), and has access to a class that hits really hard physically (if it makes sense for the game. Obv doesn't apply to Pokemon). I'd like to make her really muscular but that seems too much to ask of most customisable games these days :c

Basically let me play as she hulk pls

I'll play as dudes sometimes though

like I've done both male and female in FE12 and 13

Pokemon's purely female, especially since XY has more customisation options for women like hell I'm going to play a dude with that

I don't think I really play anything else with a customisable character. Marvel Heroes lets you put skins on your heroes but they're still set heroes, and I play as both male and female there (Main Thor because he's my favourite person ever, has Natasha)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I alternate between playing as either a male or female character in games. If there are multiple save files, I'll make a save for each gender. However, I might abstain from playing as a certain gender if their customization options are limited or if they suck.

EDIT: Oh, if there's a beast-race or reptilian-race I usually go for those first. I especially tend to choose BIG MCLARGEHUGE beast guys.

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The best part is her special attack is basically a Hadouken.

But yeah, it's a pretty good RPG that actually doesn't take that long too beat (ha...for an RPG I mean. I think it's like 20-30 hours, I dunno) although I haven't actually beaten it so take that with a grain of salt. Since I'm too lazy to come up with a half decent written recommendation, all you get is a link to a (pretty good, FWIW) LP that got me interested in the game in the first place.


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Alright. Cool. Will check out when I get free time. Bookmarked for now.

Oh yeah I played as dude in Torchlight because Destroyer is my fav of the three classes to play

Come Torchlight 2 tho where we could actually pick the gender for classes I went femZerk because duh me

Still wish she was bulkier-looking tho

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If both gender options give the same gameplay options, (story doesn't usually vary enough for that to be a factor), then I'll usually go for female. Simply because nearly every non-customisable game seems to have a male as the lead - sometimes I just like a change, and I'll admit, I detest how most works of fiction give men all the heavy lifting and women purely seem to be the support roles. I thought this was the age of gender equality!

But if (back on topic), as FE11 and 12 do (yes, I know FE11 doesn't have an avatar, but the reclass option makes things pretty biased), females are always limited to the 'light' classes like Mage, Myrmidon or (shudder) Cleric, then I'll pick Male. I'm not sacrificing enjoyable gameplay for cosmetic reasons, and enjoyable gameplay for me is wading into the melee with a broadsword, or not being stuck as a glass cannon with a rubbish pistol and a situational sniper rifle.

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generally chicks because looks, but not always

i had a man shepard in mass effect (master race) for example, and my first guild wars 2 dude was a ...well, dude (subsequent alts including my replacement main were chicks though)

saints row bosses are canonically chicks though (actually the same one)

EDIT: if the art style of the game involves girls not being cute at all (dark souls f'ex) i'll almost always roll a dude

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For pre-determined stuff, I go with either dudes or chicks based on a variety of stuff (personality, looks, fighting style if there's any fighting, etc.). If there's character creation involved, it's a duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude always.

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