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QOTD Thread: The End


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"If aliens of an unknown intention were to visit Earth and you met them, what would you do?"

I'd ask them stuff and then we'd hang out. And ask them more stuff and they'd probably ask me a lot too. And then we'd hang out some more. I'd also probably get some cool tech from them.

"What's your favorite board game?"


"What was a favorite childhood hobby that you rarely/never do today?'

I can't think of anything I did during my childhood that I don't any more.

"What kind of people do you really like?"

Cool people. Being cheerful and etc. is BIGGU PURASU though.

i like people in general, pretty much

Man, you're filled with so much love. I wish I could have as much sincere love as you. ;~;

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if you have a sense of humor I will love you 5ever

but no really that's the kind of person I like: humorous, down-to-earth and easygoing

I normally try to get along with everyone, although that's a little difficult to do :u

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People that are serious when they need to be, but tend to joke around all the time otherwise. Someone who can take jokes at their own expense. I also dislike hanging out with excessively dumb/stupid people, because they just...sometimes... :facepalm:

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Agh, behind on questions again! For the question about what I used to do as a kid that I don't do now:

As a kid, I read pretty good literature (I believe now). When school started, I slowly stopped reading.

This, really. I used to read for fun a LOT more than I do now, which I think is really unfortunate and a general trend with most people that I know. College, even high school, left very little time for me to read books other than textbooks/assigned readings.

I used to play violin.

Of course, this too. I used to be child pro, and those were some tortuous days. I haven't seriously practiced in years, but I do enjoy playing something occasionally. And since my brother isn't living at home, I'm the go-to musical accompaniment in my family's eyes.

And now for the general people I like question! I'm glad this was asked, although I think it's really tough to answer. Personally, I like responsible, honest, faithful, hard working, considerate, tactful/socially ept, easygoing and friendly people. And I'd really prefer it if they were at least somewhat lively. I can't stand people with watery personalities, if that makes any sense. Shy people are totally fine if they open up to me, but I can't understand overly shy people (i.e crawled in a corner refusing to talk to people because they're scared of humans or something) or why some people think it's cute. It's a major dampener for me.

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New question!

Did/Do you play an instrument? If so, which one? Singing with your voice counts as an instrument in this case.

I personally used to play a little piano and I played the flute for quite a time. I even have it still.

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I can play the flute, bass and alto clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, piano, and guitar. I'm semi-proficient at playing the piano and about as good as you can get at the guitar without devoting a career to it.

I also have mad kazoo game. :>

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I can play the flute, bass and alto clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, piano, and guitar. I'm semi-proficient at playing the piano and about as good as you can get at the guitar without devoting a career to it.

I also have mad kazoo game. :>

... Why am I not you.

Um... I used to play clarinet back in middle school. That was so long ago, I'm pretty sure I fail completely if I tried now.

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Someone who's mind is open, but not so open that their brain falls out. . .someone who finds joy in helping others, not at the expense of others. . .someone who's willing to work for what they want. . .I could go on and on. . .

Whaddya mean so open that their brain falls out? I'm just curious on this one.

People that I like? Well... .I don't like walking on eggshells around people in general since I hate faking/toning down my natural behaviour and I suck at sounding genuine when I do so. I like hanging out with people who wanna do some dumb-shit and crack many jokes. Hell I'd probably be great friends with pranksters because I love pranks lol. At least when you do it smart.

Talkative people are the best. I used to be a very quiet person until I went " Fuck it, I'll talk from now on. A LOT." So I get very pissed when I try to talk with someone and it feels like you're talking to a wall/they don't continue the convo very well. It kinda makes me feel at ease since it won't be one-sided.

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New question!

Did/Do you play an instrument? If so, which one? Singing with your voice counts as an instrument in this case.

I personally used to play a little piano and I played the flute for quite a time. I even have it still.

I've been playing piano for 13 years so I'm pretty proficient at it. I might be giving myself lesser credit but oh well. I consider myself to be at the intermediate level.

I've also been singing for the whole of my life lol (ok I've been singing for as long as I've played piano.)

I tried playing the guitar by going to guitar classes. Realized I could teach myself most of the things that were taught by the master. Got really bored afterwards.

EDIT: I've got two concerts I'm performing in next month. Looking forward to that.

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