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QOTD Thread: The End


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Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

omgizzles one of the public bathrooms in my school has only 3 urinals

they are spaced such as if any of the fellows are wider than me (note: i am tiny) they will literally rub elbows or potentially hips while pissing

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s- so beta and adorable

h-hey :o

flip it over on them. when they start their business, lean over and remark, "nice watch."

they won't know what to think.

But what if they have a nice watch and they think "man that guy was nice I should stare at him so he can't pee"?

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Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

one of the public bathrooms at my school has fucking walls between every urinal it's so beautiful

i take the extra time to go to that bathroom specifically

As for the question:

I'm afraid of heights, kinda. Sometimes I'm okay and other times I'm just like "oh god I'm going to die help me."

I'm afraid of big rats and roaches too, one time a rat crawled over my foot in the dark and I screamed like a little girl.

Edited by PKLucas531
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Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

are you me

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Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

You know what sucks even more?

Ever been to a public bathroom with those giant troughs that serve as "urinals?"

Fuck those.

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are you me

it depends is original tart yogurt with gummi worms in it not the best thing on the planet

the answer is no either way btw

You know what sucks even more?

Ever been to a public bathroom with those giant troughs that serve as "urinals?"

Fuck those.

Those are there all the time at beaches around here. They tend to be made out of steel or something for maximum I-can't-hear-tinkling-what-are-you-doing-standing-there effect.


this is stahly's fetish. :S

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No joke womens' bathrooms were the fucking worst man. I did maintenance work for a year and a half and on the nights when I would get saddled with bathroom work most of the time spent would be solely on those.

Every night there would be like a fucking truckload of paper covered in food, period blood, shit, etc. just everywhere. Who are these moat people that leave this shit (literally) behind?

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I don't know man

I mean some people just have no courtesy at all why the fuck would you leave your blood-stained toilet paper on the fucking floor urgh

And people who don't flush after shits

There were so many times where I walk into a stall and then walked out immediate after because it was unbearably gross

My condolences to having to work there I have the utmost respect for those who clean bathrooms and they don't deserve to have to deal with rude fuckers not cleaning up after themselves

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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if there's one of those one person only bathrooms with only a toilet and sink at a restaurant or something with those arbitrary gender signs, i just ignore those and go into the one with less people in line. or whichever is closer, because yay less effort

fuck you i don't care if you're a man you don't get priority in line because i was there first and who knows i could be like transsexual or something

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One of the cafeterias at Google NY had a unisex bathroom

They had much securer doors on the stalls and was really clean

Also they had programming tips written on the door for you to read as you bathroom

That was really nice I think they should put some programming tips in the CS building in my school too

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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I don't know man

I mean some people just have no courtesy at all why the fuck would you leave your blood-stained toilet paper on the fucking floor urgh

And people who don't flush after shits

There were so many times where I walk into a stall and then walked out immediate after because it was unbearably gross

My condolences to having to work there I have the utmost respect for those who clean bathrooms and they don't deserve to have to deal with rude fuckers not cleaning up after themselves

I guess it was good life experience or something. Maintenance work will often make you hate people for doing everyday things though. Like for example, any time someone touches stainless steel I want to throttle the shit out of them. You know those metal strips on on each side of the escalator in between the stairs and the glass? The ones you'll sometimes see kids sliding down and think "wow his mom should tell him not to do that, that's dangerous"? Yeah we had to buff the shit out of those. And nine times out of ten we'd have to do it with the stupid escalators off. We really just had to buff every square molecule of steel in the damn store, only to see huge seven-year-old handprints all over them a couple hours later. Or, oh, when people in parking lots hike their carts up in those little islands where the trees are? Instead of just putting them in the corral that's like ten feet away? Or god forbid they curiously decide to flip the goddamn thing over for one reason or another.

It's a hate-fueled job. Pure undiluted hatepoison was fuel for the day. Also ten pounds of caffeine.

if there's one of those one person only bathrooms with only a toilet and sink at a restaurant or something with those arbitrary gender signs, i just ignore those and go into the one with less people in line. or whichever is closer, because yay less effort

fuck you i don't care if you're a man you don't get priority in line because i was there first and who knows i could be like transsexual or something

I love one person bathrooms so much. One of my friends is one of those hogs that sits in them for like a half hour though. So I guess even they have their problems. :x

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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One of the cafeterias at Google NY had a unisex bathroom

They had much securer doors on the stalls and was really clean

Also they had programming tips written on the door for you to read as you bathroom

That was really nice I think they should put some programming tips in the CS building in my school too

my dorms had unisex bathrooms. worked out fine. i hate the "no urinals" rule, though.

luckily, my 3 roommates and i had our own bathroom. :smug:

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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