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QOTD Thread: The End


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According to that, my color choice reflects "unrealistic/ wishful fulfillment, charm, and enchantment".

... Well then.

Red : “Force of Will” ex-centric, active aggressive, competitive, action, desire, excitement, sexuality


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Dark blue, it's the colour of my 3DS, affiliated with the ocean, colour of my first judo gi, and my favourite planet ever (Neptune) is a darker blue. Good times in general with it.

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I think I'm bigger into colour combos than individual colours though

Like you can have all my favourite colours in one place but if the specific shade looks off I'll still hate it although it's pretty hard to mess up blue/purple but it's doable black goes with everything though

I'm partial to darkred/gold (lol gryffindor) and cappadocian amber colour scheme for Ezio's outfits in Revelations

Hell his revelations outfits mostly have gorgeous combos, much prettier than most of the palettes he had available in 2 and bro imo

colour theory application!

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Who’s your favorite superhero?

Ummmmmm idk ;u;


What is your favorite quote(s) from a novel or novels?

This would have been one of those questions where I would have said Ahhhhhh too broad my mind comes to a blank ;A;

But in this case there is actually one quote I remember that really sticks out to me. This isn't one of those quotes I remember/enjoy because it's something I agree with or anything (even though I do sorta agree with it, it's just not why I like it~), it's just a quote that made me like this character =3 This was toward the beginning of the story too so it kinda helped frame my opinion on him and he's been my favourite character since.

"'To learn to handle a horse, and to use sword and bow, that is worthy enough. I would use these skills to defend myself, or my sister, or to aid my brothers in time of peril. But you must spare me your campaigning. I will have none of it.'"

Guess I should provide a bit of context? The reason I liked this quote so much was because this was a son speaking out against his father, who was... idk if they considered Chieftain/King or both... There was a war and their father was training their sons to become warriors, but he's kinda biased against their enemies (of course~) and while he's so focused on fighting over territory, their own lands are poverished and he's not contributing much to help it. As far as his son can see he's only abandoning his own people for bloodshed and he doesn't like it and so he doesn't get himself very involved in training with weapons. Leading up to his quote his father was asking why he wouldn't train. The father is pretty cold and harsh, ever since their mother/his wife died, so it took a lot of courage for their son to speak out. (I would actually include a lot more in this quote but then it'd get too long, so I just took the part that meant most to me I guess~)

But while I really enjoy that quote


I love this one too x3 So much~

What are some activities you do more now than when you were a kid?


Why did you join Serene's Forest?

I was looking at one FE site and then I saw a list of affiliates! And then I saw a cute badge with Leanne~! And it said the site was Serenes Forest. I really really liked the herons and I really really like forests and I really really like Serenes Forest!! So I got curious and wanted to visit the site~ I started using it a bunch because it had lots of info, and then one day I saw a forum button! I thought "Whoa I didn't notice that before!! Cool, I didn't know there was a forum here~" (turns out that was because that button really hadn't existed before, the forum was completely new x3) The forum I had gone to before was dying and I saw that there was more activity in this new place, so I decided to join!

New question! What is your favorite color?


I'm actually not super super fond of blue the way I am with brown and green but blue can be nice

Weren't expecting that now were you?

Edited by Freohr Datia
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The reason I liked this quote so much was because this was a son speaking out against his father, who was... idk if they considered Chieftain/King or both... There was a war and their father was training their sons to become warriors, but he's kinda biased against their enemies (of course~) and while he's so focused on fighting over territory, their own lands are poverished

I'm sorry for being anal but I feel fairly certain you meant to say impoverished.

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