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Uhhh... what. Every night/evening, although sometimes if it's the weekend or I don't have work due to Jewish holidays, it's the morning/afternoon instead of evening. I can't do morning showers because I'd just feel icky when I return home from work.

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Every second day, when my face is beginning to feel furry and requires my razor's attention after a nice, steamy shower to appease my pores.

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Guest meibum

yep. on the weekends i never go out or even go near anybody. i just stay isolated in my room using my computer. but on weekdays, i shower right before i have to leave for college in the morning so i can smell clean.

you're a dirty bird Boney

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Guest meibum

dirty bird sounds naughty

I'm going to remember that for later deviant use thx


if that's what floats your boat then

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I normally shower once a day, but I sometimes shower twice during the warmer months. I really can't stand going without bathing.

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Why did you join Serene's Forest?

I was bored and needed a new site to frequent. I think I was led here by a spriter from another forum who mentioned it.

New question! What is your favorite color?

Night sky blue.

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Okay new question! This one's going to follow up on the previous question.

When I've discussed showering with other people or noted how long it takes for them to do so, I've seen quite a disparity of time taken. For instance, my brother can quickly rush a shower in a matter of minutes and not even take the time to dry himself off because he's always going places. With that said, how long do your showers typically take? You can feel free to describe why your showers take a specific amount of time as long as it's not TMI.

I usually take a shower within 5-10 minutes. I hate wasting too much water on half-hour showers but it's just enough to clean myself up.

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