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Lets go!


As awesome as that mustache is, I just can't help but to notice that he said "sire"


I Deployed:








Tons of filler



The Armor Knight on the Seize Spot has Door Key

Merak drops Silver Lance


And finally


Lets get it on


Marth will get attacked by all those three Cavaliers for tons of EXP!

Next turn, cleans up the Archer and Pegasus. Wendell will approach Marth, so just move Marth to the village


I am going to use Hardin, so from these group, only Hardin and Wolf(the Horseman that have moved) will face combat this turn.

Sheeda, Jeigan, Kain, and Abel will assist the left side of the map

Anyway, Sheeda with Knight Killer is pretty cool for this chapter to handle 2 Cavaliers on the left

Not much to say, 4 Turn is possible by skipping Wendell and Fire Stone on the village

That being said, there are some interesting quirks that can be noted in this chapter


That is actually Merric

Merric can talk to Wendell, and recruit him. Wendell will chase after Marth and recruit himself, but Marth can't Talk to him

[spoiler=Teacher and Student]




Yes, you can actually seize without killing the boss thanks to the 2 panel Seize Spot

That being said, kill the Door Key Knight with Hardin and let him hold the Door Key. His deployment spot are useful for something in the next chapter.

And finally don't forget to give Wendell your staff from Wrys.

Although, really, just hold dat Key

- Character Overview:


Clutch for Rapier. I should note that in 4 Turn completion, Marth will still get to fight the 3 Cavaliers because they chase him


Kinda hard to catch up with that 6 movement compared to Marth's 7. Being level 1 is another strike to the nuts


Flying Utility is less useful here because of 8 Mov, but the ability to reach the destination quickly and strike with Silvers are pretty cool


Not much to say. Solid stats, and they can only get better with promotion


10 Movement, and an Extra Offense is never bad, considering your team is filled with scrubs


Standard foot unit.


He started to become irrelevant, thanks to being axelocked and that 6 mov


Say hello to the future Warp Bot. Im not sure if I can even get her into promotion considering Cleric gains exp by getting attacked


Benched from now on

As for the new recruits:



80 40 50 30 10 10



50 30 10 70 20 10 10

Looking back, Roshe's base stats does not look that bad, however there is a Knight Crest competition, and Roshe definitely need one to fix his speed considering that 10% growth.

Biraku is basically Matthis who joined later



70 50 10 60 20 70 20


90 30 20 30 10 10 20

Your two and only Horseman, and one of the (in)famously terrible character in the series.

Come to think of it, besides that Skill, and that abysmal speed, their growth, while is below average, does not seems to be that bad. Bows might be useful during Minerva's chapter, so I will use Wolf for some time

Also Horses


50 30 50 70 60 30 20

He is basically Kain with less HP, and the ability to wield Silver Lance at base. 4 more Wlv for Gradivus as well. If you are unlucky with the Wlv level up, he is pretty cool. Either way a Cavalier with good base and growth, alongside a mustache is always a welcome addition


60 10 30 70 20 40 10

That sexy base stats. That is all.

Definitely would be trained to get Starlight of course




Minimum TC:


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I have a Final Test of sorts at Thursday, and potentially even more for Friday

Combined this with the rather strict college schedule ,watching Dota, watching super sentai, pokemon, sleeping, procrastinating its kind hard to keep updating this and FE12 Run(which have been delayed for like 2 weeks)

Edited by JSND
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I have a junior high schedule that fills up half of the day studying, then 8 more hours of sleeping (COUNTING NAPS), and then 2-3 more hours of basic needs like eating, then probably 30 minutes of minor things such as time traveling from home to school, that leaves me with around more than an hour to less than one of free time. Yet I still go here quite a lot everyday.

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not too surprising if he's in vietnamese school

I have a junior high schedule that fills up half of the day studying, then 8 more hours of sleeping (COUNTING NAPS), and then 2-3 more hours of basic needs like eating, then probably 30 minutes of minor things such as time traveling from home to school, that leaves me with around more than an hour to less than one of free time. Yet I still go here quite a lot everyday.

okay but see

actually playing and maintaining a playthrough takes a ton of time.

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Actually most of the problem is me being lazy, considering that usually to set up one update, I need at most 4 hour to get the screenshot, post it on image sharing site(which is by far the most annoying of the process), and then writing up

...either way considering that I need to present my research tommorow, I should go away

Edited by Choujin Sentai Chesnaught
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