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This might sound insane but I kinda hate the new fans....

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I know this may sound pretentious, but I'm really sick of those newbies, I don't want to generalize as my topic would imply, some new fans are actually cool and I like hangin with them, atleast they don't underrate anyone not named Chrom or Lucina....

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I love the new fans. Not only does it bring me joy to read their posts (some because they're legitimately good, some because they make me giggle), but it's a fresh set of people coming here, which means I don't have to see the same people posting over and over and over again about the same shit all of the time.

The thing about being new to something is you don't know much about it. So, the job of a FE vet --who cares enough-- is to teach them, not get impatient with them. What's the point in being an elitist about it? (General rhetorical question, here.)

Also, this means that Fire Emblem will get bigger as a franchise. I can only be happy about that.

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what does bother me if anything at all is how lots of people say FE13 is the best game in the series(when all fe13 really did was use ideas from past games and add dlc), but a lot of these people are veteran fans anyway. it doesn't bother me that much, since my favorite fe is admittedly not as well designed or balanced as it should be.

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what does bother me if anything at all is how lots of people say FE13 is the best game in the series(when all fe13 really did was use ideas from past games and add dlc), but a lot of these people are veteran fans anyway. it doesn't bother me that much, since my favorite fe is admittedly not as well designed or balanced as it should be.

I don't understand.

Let's say a company builds one device that can only be used as a phone, and another can only be used to text. Then, a year later, they make a device that does both. Does this not make the new device better than the previous ones?

Changing what Fire Emblem is at the core is an absurd idea, so the next best thing is to take all those cool features from the past and put them into one game.

That being said, as you could guess FE 13 is also not my favorite. But I can definitely see why it would be the favorite of so many.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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So hold on a second...

Getting into the series from Elibe-Ok

Getting into the series from Tellius- Ok

Getting into the series from Smash Bros- Expected in the west and only gets annoying when asking if Marth and Roy are in this game.

Getting into the series from Awakening- OMG these noob hipsters are so annoying, thinking they are so cool what with their Avatars and pair ups.

I had meant to make a thread about why those who got into the series via Awakening are a bad thing but you beat me to the punch.

Joke`s on anyone who apply to the above except the 3rd, My first FE game was Shadow Dragon.

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Confused as to why new fans are a bad thing. New fans = more demand -> more games, after all.

And if they appear shallow? Why not point them in the direction of some of the other games or something?

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Well I understand your points and I'm willing to support the new fans( most of the fans that I'm talking about exist in Neogaf), as a fan of Fire Emblem I would love for the franchise to grow, but I don't want what happened to Legend of Zelda after Ocarina of Time, to happen to Fire Emblem, after OoT the Zelda fanbase became one of (if not) the most horrible gaming fanbase, back then in Serenes I loved coming here and talk to people who knew Fire Emblem for what it is...but now all these new fans make Awakening as if it was the first Fire Emblem to do all this....

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I can see why you guys would hate us because we're asking about stupid stuff that you guys think is obvious. It's natural, and I feel the same way whenever my cousins start to play games I'm good at. Anyway, I'm branching off into other Fire Emblem games, and I'm currently playing Blazing Sword and Shadow Dragon, as well as working on my Awakening No Dark-Magic Lunatic Run thing.

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Some of the new fans are alright but this game is like Final Fantasy VII in that it's brought out a new kind of a fan. Really, really creepy anime freaks who post shipping wars or draw creepy fanart or who post those stupid fucking tumblrs about the game (you know which ones).

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Can't hate on them for shipping wars, this fanbase has been doing this anyways long before Awakening.

Can't hate them for overrating a game, elitists already do this with either Blazing Sword or Thracia (I really should stop browsing GameFAQs).

Can't hate them for being new and ask seemingly obvious stuff, since I was one once myself.

I really see no logical reason for disliking the new fans, silly people saying Tharja/Owain should be playable characters in SSB aside because that's just being deluded IMO.

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I don't find them BAD, just a tad annoying at times. I'm not exactly one of the long timers here, but I've played long before Awakening came out.

Anyone else a bit worried that Awakening is going to be tagged as one of those "weird" Japanese Anime type games? I'm not saying that they are all weird and that Japanese Anime isn't a bad thing in itself, but Fire Emblem hasn't been like it to this degree until Awakening.

And with the weird status come the people like Tyrant and Shady has been talking about..

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Some of the new fans are alright but this game is like Final Fantasy VII in that it's brought out a new kind of a fan. Really, really creepy anime freaks who post shipping wars or draw creepy fanart or who post those stupid fucking tumblrs about the game (you know which ones).

This game has had tumblrs before I don't mean this game, but others have had it, yeah.

only ones are people not even in the fanbase who go on and on about Tharja or Owain for SSB4

...who actually does that? Besides you with Owain, I mean.

My opinion on the subject: I don't think I dislike the newer fans. If anything, it might as well be some hipster preconcieved notion I've had that people are paying attention to FE NOW when it actually did have good games prior to this one. Much like the NIN fans here with their precious song (read the top comment/s).

Edited by Enkidu
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I can see why you guys would hate us because we're asking about stupid stuff that you guys think is obvious. It's natural, and I feel the same way whenever my cousins start to play games I'm good at. Anyway, I'm branching off into other Fire Emblem games, and I'm currently playing Blazing Sword and Shadow Dragon, as well as working on my Awakening No Dark-Magic Lunatic Run thing.

How are you feeling about Blazing Sword, by the way? Since it was my first Fire Emblem so many years ago, I've got a special bias for it. What's it like to go from Awakening to BS?

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This game has had tumblrs because. I don't mean this game, but others have had it, yeah.

...who actually does that? Besides you with Owain, I mean.

My opinion on the subject: I don't think I dislike the newer fans. If anything, it might as well be some hipster preconcieved notion I've had that people are paying attention to FE NOW when it actually did have good games prior to this one. Much like the NIN fans here with their precious song (read the top comment/s).

walk over to gamefaqs, or to a lesser extent smashboards

time to slash these bandwagon fools with Galaxia, that'll show them

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I can see why you guys would hate us because we're asking about stupid stuff that you guys think is obvious. It's natural, and I feel the same way whenever my cousins start to play games I'm good at. Anyway, I'm branching off into other Fire Emblem games, and I'm currently playing Blazing Sword and Shadow Dragon, as well as working on my Awakening No Dark-Magic Lunatic Run thing.

Well not really, these stupid question are actually the good side of the fanbase, and don't "us", aslong you branched of you are now one of us :), I just don't want to see those fans who are just in it because it's the the new hip.

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I frequent Smashboards, but I only really hang out at the Brawl Character section and the Competetive Brawl section. I remember the days when I could care for such things...

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I think it's a matter of numbers; the more fans there are, the more fan dumb there will be.

Personally, I don't care too much. Newbies or not, a lot of people like bashing Shadow Dragon, so whatever.

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I frequent Smashboards, but I only really hang out at the Brawl Character section and the Competetive Brawl section. I remember the days when I could care for such things...

hell yeah

(+evo forum)

Edited by shadykid
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Well, for me I begun Playing Fire Emblem with Blazing Sword, I was oblivious to the series before, I loved everything about it, the problem I didn't finish Blazing Sword because it turned out the copy I had was a bootleg, so I decided to wait for Path of Radiance, and when it got released bought in the first day and finished it in 2 weeks, then I found out that Fire Emblem had alot of games before Path of Radiance, and I made my ultimate goal to play and finish every single Fire Emblem game and I did :).

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I actually like the new fans, as I find it amusing to watch new players learn and discuss the games, and even try out the older FE games.

(And come on, we were all noobs at one point.)

Edited by Virion
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How are you feeling about Blazing Sword, by the way? Since it was my first Fire Emblem so many years ago, I've got a special bias for it. What's it like to go from Awakening to BS?

I really like it! It's not Awakening, but it's really fun. Most of the characters are awesome (Sain, Florina, Lyn, MATTHEW). Shadow Dragon and Sacred Stones aren't bad either, but Blazing Sword is the best out of the ones I've tried. I'm currently searching for a good ROM and patch for FE4, because it sounds really cool.

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