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So Ike really is the strongest Lord. Before Awakening anyway.

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FE Lords is useful for the most part besides the GBA Sword Lords not named Eirika, and FE11 Marth in the harder difficulty modes.

Or maybe Micaiah. I don't play Telius, but Micaiah seems to be considered terrible

They either ranges from broken to really good

Ironically the one the 2 Lord that everyone deems useless(namely Leif from Leif and Roy) is the closest to being "A Jeigan of his own" while still being balanced in his own game

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Sigurd absolutely destroys everything in his game. Having to use a more conventional lord(Seliph) after Chapter 5 takes some getting used to.

As for weaker lords like Leif, Roy and Micaiah, they are at least pretty good throughout. Leif for example is the only unit not affected by Fatigue in FE5, which makes him quite versatile.

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Roy isn't exactly "good throughout". He NEEDS to be fed kills, and he won't be able to keep up with his army after the midway point of the game since FE6 maps get so big, relegated to running in the back or riding in someone's saddlebags. His superweapon is amazing, but has like no uses and he's pretty much borderline dead weight for post Western Isles till his promotion, aside from Gaiden Chapters (which admittedly are very easy to feed him kills on, as well as Western Isles before anyway).

Unless you throw boots on him I guess?

FE7 has more tighter maps so it's at usually less of a pain to raise Lords on reinforcements or w/e chokepoints while your other units are rushing. The payoff sucks though, Eliwood and Lyn get mega slowed by their superweapons (did Eliwood break Durandal in FE7 so that its only 12 WT in FE6!??!), Eliwood is outclassed by basically every Cav/Paladin (maybe not Isadora), and Lyn is a swordmaster without crit bonus(ORKO on flier is cool, but any non Sword Locked unit would probably do that easily with an Axe/Lance anyway)... Hector and Athos with Nils refresh can probably kill the Dragon easily anyway.

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Isadora str is so shit and her con is so poor that I have difficulty really believing that Eliwood can't do better than that...her wpn ranks probably make her easier to use but otherwise...no way.

Some level of Eliwood favouring is needed on non Hector modes, and it's not hard to feed him a bit. He really should turn out better than Isadora in both offence and defence. Lyn if you did Lyn mode at least could have decent bases/lvl but even though I always use Lyn (I just like her), it's really such a waste of time lol, I kind of just use her over Guy since Guy is not getting much action lategame anyway (Raven and Harken get Sword Priority, SM crit bonus got halved in FE7), and Lyn is forced, so w/e.

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Eliwood need absurd favoritism, and become 7 Mov unit who has absurd amount of opportunity cost to use(Free 10k right off the bat after shopping in previous level? Go to hell, promotion)

Isa does not, and she have super fast support with one of the best character in the game

Isa > Eli

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Eliwood needs absurd favor in Hector Mode and I wouldn't bother there, I agree. But in his mode it's not really too far fetched, there are many opportunties to feed him some EXP beforehand, even if you are rushing, and you NEED to give him SOME favor on his mode. I have never had an Eliwood with as shitty def and str as Isadora, even unpromoted by the time Living Legend comes around anyway. Isadora's Silver Sword can keep her ahead (weapon rank), but that could be better used by many others, and without it she's very mediocre.

Isa is useful in the chapter she appears in, but is crap in next chapter, and is being seriously outclassed after that by basically anyone.

Also, Roy is definitely better than Eliwood, since both promote with just 3/4 chapters left (if we just assumed both were on "their mode" and being used), but Roy's superweapon is way better, and Eliwood is pretty much useless in Hector mode.

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yeah isadora is a pretty good unit... her durability could be better, but she's about as good as kent offensively.

the only units who would compete with her for the silver sword are raven (not mounted) and marcus (has silver lance/axe already).

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I dunno, horse is great but you have to consider that it's useless in 23 and there are only 8 slots in 23x, not high priority imo. As a filler unit she's more useful in the chapters after that but I'd probably just be filling ranks with her rather than actually killing anything. I guess from that standpoint she can at least carry Lords around which is probably more useful than Eliwood is being lol.

I think by that point it's not unreasonable to expect Kent to have potentially A rank swords as well, if you did Lyn mode. I'd still rather give it to Raven personally, as he tends to be the highest str non Marcus unit after Hector around usually.

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(brainfarted, forgot Canas wasn't counted for Kenneth)

I guess I can't really argue with that. I'm also giving an excessive amount of favor just by saying "do lyn mode and be on eliwood mode" as well anyway in this hypothesis, and he'd still be a pretty shitty unit no matter what anyway. I do agree that Isadora is way better in Hector mode, but I really just don't find time to use her on any runs I've done not in Hector mode, and even in Hector mode my Kent, Sain and Marcus are already doing their job anyway. Feeding Heath a bit is also usually up on my to do list.

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Kent is D in swords base and would probably have gotten better by the time he is in Hector/Eliwood mode if you did Lyn mode, which is what I suggested. He could reasonably be A there by the time Isadora joins thanks to GBA double WEXP on kill.

Also, Raven can feasibly get better than 10/1 without really being inefficient because in most chapters he's being thrown at nonessential enemies and just trying to get as much XP as possible. That also doesn't solve the problem that he's probably getting at least potentially 2 more chapters to squeeze some more xp out of before Isadora becomes particularly usable.

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Just came to correct something:

Eliwood isnt easier to train or better in his mode. He's better in Hector Mode because he doesn't need to be in saddlebags, can actually do some fighting on the sidelines and eventually gets a horse that can carry the lord of that mode. He also can promote faster than in his mode.

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Eliwood only has to seize in 4 maps by the time Isadora has joined, and all of those maps aside from the one where you recruit Raven (number eludes me) can reasonably allow him to get some hits in without really wasting turns.

He has very slightly more availability/forced use in his own mode, and has a reason to get experience before his Trial. Being able to promote faster is not a particularly favourable angle when he still would promote late compared to other units because of when the Seals arrive, and taking away what little earlygame advantages he has would make Isadora just outclass him even further for a filler Paladin/saddle unit.

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Are you assuming Marcus rigging Uhai? Raven should be able to get a lot of decent XP that chapter otherwise, I think I'm probably a lot less efficient on 17 and 18 than your standards if you do that.

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I like Isa because she's RNG proof and FE7 is not exactly Competent Enemies: The Game

It's not like she really has competition for the body ring either

Well to be fair about the body rings, it could help Eliwood wield durandal if he's speed isn't high.

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He'd still be eating a gigantic penalty even with the Body Ring (for a weapon that can only be used in one chapter anyway...forgot to list that as a + for Roy, at least he gets SoS for 3 full chapters). You're probably better off throwing it onto Raven or Heath (Heath is probably questionable, more like padding out fliers since flying is cool). Maybe Guy or magic user if you were really wanting to use them.

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