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Talrega Division Final: Jill/Sigurd/Tiki/Elincia


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dat pink hair, dat red armor in FE10, funniest character, and a great unit too!

You know you love her, so vote Marcia today!


Edited by PKL
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Voted for; Lewyn, Ike, Boyd, Titania and Caineghis.

Lewyn > Tiltyu cause of Holsety. And I really liked his character to. Sarcastic as fuck, and he really, really doesn't give a damn about ANYTHING in the second generation. Depsite wanting to tilt Tiltyu's tiltyus, she just doesn't do it combat-wise. Believe me, I tried (and often failed miserably).

Ike, cause he's my favorite Lord. Strong as fuck, gets Axes. What's not to love? The last character that did the Blue Haired Sword Lord thing right. Besides, I never really thought Marcia was all that awesome. Cute? Yes. Pretty? Also yes. Intressting character? Quite. But I still like Ike.

Boyd, cause I always use him. The first Fighter who'd grow in Speed quickly in PoR. He always was my first character to promote, and often I had to NOT use him in later chapters cause he already hit 20/20. Awesome unit. And to me, still the best Reaver in Radiant Dawn. Not the best bases, but often less risky to train than Nolan. Boyd might get Speed screwed, but Nolan has Strenght issues, and Speed can have trouble to. Easy choice for me.

Titania cause she's a good Jagan, and I don't exactly like the others.

Caineghis cause Lion. King of fucking Lions. Dat mane, dat theme, dat power... Awesome character. Probably one of the strongest playable characters in Fire Emblem in general. Almost voted Sothe, but then I saw THIS BEAST. He's just pure murder. And being all regal and royal about that shit to.

Edited by Diddy Kong
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