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Talrega Division Final: Jill/Sigurd/Tiki/Elincia


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What pokemon type can Lincy be? Fairy/Flying?

Jill fits the Dragon/Flying type, dat 4x effectiveness from Ice.

Also, shadykid, consider fimbulvetr and rexcalibur (fe10) :smug:

I just said those don't count, still wind magic :smug:

(also Nullify) :Kappa:

Edited by shadykid
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i mean wat


Canadians following American politics better than nearly half of Americans here

with my flawless sample size of 9 Americans+1 Canadian

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Not sure what exactly being in favor of the shutdown means.

Is it shutdown > repeal of ACA? (or the other way around)

can't vote so sad

Also rally Soren.

Edited by Euklyd
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Not being American is considered cool these days, so I just wanted to join the in-crowd.

hipster Red Fox has posted

also Micaiah seems to be stopping Soren's "rise to heaven" trends from round 1 and 2 so far

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What happened to all the Micaiah hatred? I always liked her but she was never popular, certainly not more than Soren.

wait, when was Soren actually popular

and I assume Miccy's just more well-liked here, probably because we're not all "OMG IKE BEST LORD EVER!!!!111"

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