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I was in a bot game wearing the fullmetalSteel Legion Garen skin. Went to Q all over Cassiopeia Bot's face when suddenly she STONED me while I was in MIDAIR JUMP, so I was just floating about 20ft in the air for like 2 seconds in a truly, truly outrageous pose. It was probably the greatest thing I'd been a part of in a bot match, behind Ziggs Bot's Pentakill.

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Steel legion Lux is better ;p

now That sounds pretty epic, I've never seen Cass's ult do that before. I wonder what other champs have the same thing happen to them.

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Steel legion Lux is better ;p

now That sounds pretty epic, I've never seen Cass's ult do that before. I wonder what other champs have the same thing happen to them.

I did that to a Darius once, it was awesome.

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Dude that design looks amazing. I love the look of her.

I've been trying to get better at jungling in Normal drafts since I rarely ever play it at all but Jesus fucking Christ it's impossible to keep up with everyone. One failed gank or waste of time and now I'm two levels behind everyone else with no way to catch up. How the hell do junglers keep up with their team? Mad props to those of you that main this position, it seems like it needs the most skill.

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Huh that's interesting. So apparently the real Lissandra was murdered and replaced by this fake Ice Witch. I guess this isn't the one related to Ashe and Sejuani?

Also I'm interested in seeing her skin then.

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Dude that design looks amazing. I love the look of her.

I've been trying to get better at jungling in Normal drafts since I rarely ever play it at all but Jesus fucking Christ it's impossible to keep up with everyone. One failed gank or waste of time and now I'm two levels behind everyone else with no way to catch up. How the hell do junglers keep up with their team? Mad props to those of you that main this position, it seems like it needs the most skill.

being this new

le meme arrows

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Dude that design looks amazing. I love the look of her.

I've been trying to get better at jungling in Normal drafts since I rarely ever play it at all but Jesus fucking Christ it's impossible to keep up with everyone. One failed gank or waste of time and now I'm two levels behind everyone else with no way to catch up. How the hell do junglers keep up with their team? Mad props to those of you that main this position, it seems like it needs the most skill.

I find that as a jungler, one very underrated skill is being able to properly judge the likelihood of a successful gank. By success, I mean one of the following outcomes:

1. Outright kill the lane

2. Send the gank target(s) home

3. Force the gank target(s) to low enough HP to force defensive play

4. Force the lane to burn summoners, especially flash

Naturally, it's ideal to initiate ganks when an enemy lane has already burned summoners on a failed all-in against your teammates, as that will greatly increase your effectiveness.

I suggest that as a jungler you keep an eye out for any opportunities to land a successful gank and do your best to follow up/communicate with your team and set up an opening. Planning ahead for ganks oftentimes makes them a lot more effective than simply just waltzing into a river bush and idling there for 2 minutes while your team just farms, during which time you've lost a level or two and several hundred potential gold.

That being said, it's also very important to recognize your champion strengths, especially with regards to the amount of farm he or she needs to be useful in your team comp. For instance, if you're playing someone like Yi or Shyvana without double buffs, it's almost always a better idea to just farm your/enemy jungle for exp and gold while you wait for a good gank opportunity to present itself. On the other hand, somebody like Cho can be very effective with less setup due to their innate utility--CC, silences, and the like. My two cents as a plat 2 jungler.

Edited by Lux
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Oh my, Lissandra's story beats the crap out of Ashe's and Sejuani's lore. She also looks annoying as hell to lane against.

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I find that as a jungler, one very underrated skill is being able to properly judge the likelihood of a successful gank. By success, I mean one of the following outcomes:

1. Outright kill the lane

2. Send the gank target(s) home

3. Force the gank target(s) to low enough HP to force defensive play

4. Force the lane to burn summoners, especially flash

Naturally, it's ideal to initiate ganks when an enemy lane has already burned summoners on a failed all-in against your teammates, as that will greatly increase your effectiveness.

I suggest that as a jungler you keep an eye out for any opportunities to land a successful gank and do your best to follow up/communicate with your team and set up an opening. Planning ahead for ganks oftentimes makes them a lot more effective than simply just waltzing into a river bush and idling there for 2 minutes while your team just farms, during which time you've lost a level or two and several hundred potential gold.

That being said, it's also very important to recognize your champion strengths, especially with regards to the amount of farm he or she needs to be useful in your team comp. For instance, if you're playing someone like Yi or Shyvana without double buffs, it's almost always a better idea to just farm your/enemy jungle for exp and gold while you wait for a good gank opportunity to present itself. On the other hand, somebody like Cho can be very effective with less setup due to their innate utility--CC, silences, and the like. My two cents as a plat 2 jungler.

I suppose one of the problems I often have is judging a good gank that will be there by the time I get there. I'll forego the time that could be spent farming and lose gold and experience, and when I get there the gank will often be unsalvageable, so I'm either left running back to try and struggle to catch up or trying to gank in a bad position with a possible humiliating death. There's nothing more embarrassing in this game than ganking someone and being killed.

On a separate note, just got done playing on my little brother's level 3 account. I got to teach a newbie some pointers on the game while killing newbies. I feel like I'm cheating when playing against people that don't know how to play. V__V

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I suppose one of the problems I often have is judging a good gank that will be there by the time I get there. I'll forego the time that could be spent farming and lose gold and experience, and when I get there the gank will often be unsalvageable, so I'm either left running back to try and struggle to catch up or trying to gank in a bad position with a possible humiliating death. There's nothing more embarrassing in this game than ganking someone and being killed.

On a separate note, just got done playing on my little brother's level 3 account. I got to teach a newbie some pointers on the game while killing newbies. I feel like I'm cheating when playing against people that don't know how to play. V__V

Yes, you're a horrible person by smurfing like that. :P:

I'm also terrible at jungling. If you're having problems timing things, make a custom game consisting of yourself, and time how long it takes for your character to reach various points on the map. Do so with the appropriate runes/boots, and remember those times. That way, you'll have a better idea of whether or not you can make it in time.

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Yes, you're a horrible person by smurfing like that. :P:

Well I mean he got tired of playing so I took over and kind of bodied everyone. Master Yi at low ranks just feels immoral.

I'm also terrible at jungling. If you're having problems timing things, make a custom game consisting of yourself, and time how long it takes for your character to reach various points on the map. Do so with the appropriate runes/boots, and remember those times. That way, you'll have a better idea of whether or not you can make it in time.

Well, I can already run through it on my own no problem. It's just that the application of the human element screws me over. To me, at least, it just looks like when I'm watching all the other junglers like they're getting these lucky-ass ganks and capitalizing on them. I can't figure out a good flow like in other lanes and end up falling far behind. I have a lot of time spent moving back and forth just unsure of what to do next.

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I clicked Random vs AI, and got Amumu.

SO MUCH FUN. I want him. Definitely a great jungler and has good ganking potential.

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Yeah, being able to eyeball a lane and tell where it will be (and how) in the next minute or so as you work your way to it, that's invaluable and it also only comes by experience. What I used to do was call ganks a minute or so in advance and then watch as the laner did something to make the lane ungankable. Gave up on that after a while and just showed up in lane. It worked much, much better when I could plan and they didn't screw it over. Mind you, planning also involved taking a glance at the timer and predicting their jungler based on the same information. Or warding, that worked a sight better, but not every game I got good warding in their jungle.

That was, oh, a year ago? I went from about 50/70 w/l to 110/100 playing jungle and support in normal draft. Was fun. I'll do it again if/when my net starts being nice in about 2 months, I think.

Also, teaching event anyone? (Yes, this again. I'm also pleased to announce that I'm not the nicest person on the staff team any more!)

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Uh, Kiri. . .much as I'd love to join, I kinda forgot my password (for LoL University).

Wait, we don't have a lost-password function? I'll get webmaster on that. In the meantime, shoot me a forum-pm on SF with your choice of new password and I'll get it changed within 24 hours of your sending the PM. Barring catastrophe. Or just find me in LoL and I'll do it on the spot.



edit: we should play team Pentakill sometime! I LOVE THOSE GUYS TOO.

Also, Lissandra.

Edited by Kiriane
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