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These kids were in the in-game chat, bitching about Aatrox and Tryndamere being "noobchamps for noobs," and the likes. So fun.


I love baiting bratty kids. Maybe they'll get kicked off their computers for screaming and shouting like the spoiled fucks they are.

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These kids were in the in-game chat, bitching about Aatrox and Tryndamere being "noobchamps for noobs," and the likes. So fun.


I love baiting bratty kids. Maybe they'll get kicked off their computers for screaming and shouting like the spoiled fucks they are.

strange, because I had a game with the exact same thing with the exact same champs

aatrox and tryndamere that is

Edited by Psych
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These kids were in the in-game chat, bitching about Aatrox and Tryndamere being "noobchamps for noobs," and the likes. So fun.


I love baiting bratty kids. Maybe they'll get kicked off their computers for screaming and shouting like the spoiled fucks they are.

Lol, its funny how they mention the Lol forums. Thats probably the worst place to go for anything serious game wise.

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I would've told him I don't bother with the LoL forums because it's infested with little shits like him, but he'd already left the room.

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I don't know what an Orianna is. All I know is that it was a hell of a lot of fun, and once I get the hang of her, she's replacing Anivia as my go-to mid.

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I don't know what an Orianna is. All I know is that it was a hell of a lot of fun, and once I get the hang of her, she's replacing Anivia as my go-to mid.

get a tear and 40% cooldown, nashor's isn't bad, grail is good too

max W first for burst but then you can do either she's also a good support

combo is q in w instantly

put ball on initiator ult watch the magic happen

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These kids were in the in-game chat, bitching about Aatrox and Tryndamere being "noobchamps for noobs," and the likes. So fun.


I love baiting bratty kids. Maybe they'll get kicked off their computers for screaming and shouting like the spoiled fucks they are.

Making people rage as Darius is funny too. Easiest Triple Kills ever.

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There is nothing better than having some asshole on your team while playing Nunu, and just walking into his lane and eating his cannon creep every cannon wave. Such good stress relief.

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I'm more excited for Lucius than SG Udder.

When it's released I'm going to have a field day eating all the people who can't use him but only have him just for the great skin.

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Welp. Those were some fun games Slayer and BK. Let's do more sometime =)

Those were pretty fun XD. It was kinda late though, you guys should stop being such vampires and live before 12:00 AM though.

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That damn leblanc does so much damage. I hate having her as my enemy. I was laned against her as Heimer. Scarred for life.

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I have nearly all of them at this point. Gonna probably get Nautilus soon because I need to add him to my repertoire.

I guess then we can do some draft pick. My bud was really frustrated with the matchups he got lol (and hopefully he'll let me do top lane, since that is by far my strongest role).

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