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WizardCrab also brought some bad news regarding Spirit Guard Udyr.

"We're working around the clock to try to get you guys the most awesome Spirit Guard Udyr experience that we can. It looks like it won't be this week but hopefully soon thereafter."


"I just said it won't come out this week and that I'm hopeful for it to come out soon thereafter. We want to see this skin out there just as bad as you guys. But we won't put it out until it's as awesome of an experience as you all expect from us."

Rather disappointed about that, but in better news, Damiya says we will be rewarded in an unexpected way for our patience.

Her post:

hey dudes,

If I could commit to or even comment on the release timetable, I would. I can tell you that everyone's excited to get it to you ASAP.

I am, perhaps, skirting the line a bit here but I'll say it anyways: your patience will be rewarded in an unexpected way. Hang in there :)

More info on his delay

He also provided a bit longer of a post on the Spirit Guard Udyr problems:

"Here is my summary about Spirit Guard Udyr. And this is literally everything I know on the matter:

We are sorry for accidentally messing with your expectations. We wanted to have him out by now. We've all been so excited about him, which is why we've been hinting about him and revealed him already. When Hippalus said he would be out in May, he meant it. That's when we thought he would come out. But things came up in development (what things I do not know, since I'm not involved there) and he had to get pushed back. And that has happened many times. We wish we could have put him out. I'm not lying when I say we want him out as badly as you do. This is not hype or some marketing ploy. We understand that the longer it takes us to get him out, the more you guys will get annoyed at us and our game, which we obviously don't want.

But people are working their butts off right now to try to get him to you. I know that won't placate you, but that's what's happening. And that's all I know. I'm sorry I don't know anything else."

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ashe is actually pretty good

This. The real reason she looks "bad" is because 90% of the playerbase doesn't know the first thing about positioning themselves in fights. You know, the guys that Arcane Shift/Rocket Jump/Valkyrie/90 Caliber Net right into the middle of the fight? Yeah, they have a hard time with Ashe.

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she's probably one of the most balanced adcs in the game right now

Sadly this is probably true. Vanilla design and all that...

Yorick top? Too bad, almost everyone with decent healing ability can rape Yorick, hard.

If I even see a Yorick in champion selection and it's the enemy team I will pick Nasus and laugh.

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How does morgana fare in the support role? Is she much better suited for mid, or is she a little more like Zyra who can go for both?

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How does morgana fare in the support role? Is she much better suited for mid, or is she a little more like Zyra who can go for both?

Yes she can, but you have to learn how to play her. I like to max Q first then shield, and then go Sighstone, Kage's, Zhonya. You want a tankier jungle/top if you have her as she doesn't really want to just buy aura items.

I suggest smartcasting shield. You also want to try and land Q's, which can really hurt, and then just go all in. She's a bit weird like that, but she counters Taric and Blitz the best, but also Leona and Fiddle. I wouldn't pick her into Thresh or Sona though.

If you have someone like Kog or Trist who puts out a lot of magic damage then W can help to lower resistances too.

Eve can also splitpush pretty well, and you can troll and just build sunfire and stand in waves killing minions and not being seen. Or you can just skirt on the edges of fights and go behind, and assassinate targets or clean up.

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Been playing alot of Eve lately, how can I overcome the fact that she falls off hard lategame if she's not fed?

Revert your League of Legends client to Season 2.

(I had to)

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Been playing alot of Eve lately, how can I overcome the fact that she falls off hard lategame if she's not fed?

There's really nothing you can do besides split push. She suffers very much from the general rule of assassins in that she's super binary. Awesome if she gets some early kills, extremely weak otherwise. This is doubly true if you jungle her, where you can't even really farm to make up for it.

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God....Ranked toxicity is sometimes so frustrating.

Had a match where enemy Jarvan was remarking in all chat (multiple times) about how Sivir built Tear and did no damage, essentially blaming her for the loss (this became more obvious later and later in the game). I then had to lecture myself blue to explain why he was being toxic.

Why he was toxic:

*If you want to remark about suboptimal item builds, there's team chat.

*The criticism wasn't even remotely constructive (at least judging from all chat). Just saying "you built X and therefore you suck" doesn't exactly explain anything at all.

Gods...I hope Tribunal thinks the same.

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God....Ranked toxicity is sometimes so frustrating.

Had a match where enemy Jarvan was remarking in all chat (multiple times) about how Sivir built Tear and did no damage, essentially blaming her for the loss (this became more obvious later and later in the game). I then had to lecture myself blue to explain why he was being toxic.

Why he was toxic:

*If you want to remark about suboptimal item builds, there's team chat.

*The criticism wasn't even remotely constructive (at least judging from all chat). Just saying "you built X and therefore you suck" doesn't exactly explain anything at all.

Gods...I hope Tribunal thinks the same.


Sounds like she was trolling to me.

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I was That Ashe - the one that barely contributes to things in teamfights, because I had problems getting close. How I managed the kills I got, I don't know.

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I was That Ashe - the one that barely contributes to things in teamfights, because I had problems getting close. How I managed the kills I got, I don't know.

Ashe in ARAM is strong. Collateral damage with Volley is OP.

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Oh I wouldn't like it either, but I wouldn't be a dick about it.

Edit: She wasn't. It was a ranked, for a start...

How can you know for sure? People troll in ranked all the time, and building a tear on Sivir in is not something anyone who belongs in gold would do.

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God....Ranked toxicity is sometimes so frustrating.

dw i'm on a pretty big tilt right now but half of my losses came from afks and dcs on my team, no lie.

but its whatever, i'll win my shit back. i always do

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dw i'm on a pretty big tilt right now but half of my losses came from afks and dcs on my team, no lie.

but its whatever, i'll win my shit back. i always do

You mean all 5 of those LP you lost?

How can you know for sure? People troll in ranked all the time, and building a tear on Sivir in is not something anyone who belongs in gold would do.

I see no particular reason why. Sivir seemed really serious about wanting to build one and no one but the Jarvan commented on it. Regardless, Jarvan's behavior is still toxic, either way.

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