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How do you guys juggle between farming and ganking when jungling? I sometimes either focus too much on farming and my team becomes a ping and rage galore asking for ganks or I gank too much and tend to fall of in levels. There doesn't seem to be a nice in between for me.

I just had my first game as jungle Udyr... have no idea what I'm doing but the enemy jungler didn't either... I took his buffs so many times and his wraiths too... He just left the wraiths to never respawn... :S

Until someone who knows what they're talking about answers you, you'll have to do with this:

- Check your own level. You aren't going to be ahead of your mid, but if you're three levels behind the support, you are not farming enough. You should be about the same level as the support, assuming that bottom lane isn't being lame.

- Ganks are. . .uh, I'll try to explain the various situations. If your top lane has shown their SUPERIOR SKILLS by getting themselves killed six times in the first five minutes (and not because the enemy jungler is camped up top), they aren't worth ganking for - yes, the enemy top laner will be worth more gold, but your top laner will probably squander it. In that situation, you'll probably want to focus more time on your mid/bottom lanes. If your top laner decides to rage because you decided to play properly, mute them.

- If a lane is relatively even in terms of kills/CS/skill, it's more than two minutes in (i.e. not the beginning of the game), and the enemy jungler has shown face elsewhere, that is your cue to get over there and tip the scales in your favor.

- If it's a bad match-up for your guy, it's relatively early, and your teammate has shown that they are competent, give them a hand! An example would be several top laners versus Teemo (and not just because Teemo deserves to die).

- If the enemy jungler is camped out in a particular lane, you can either attempt to counter-jungle/gank him, or you can alleviate the pressure of two other lanes. Your choice.

Someone correct me, because while I'd love to jungle, I'm pretty sure I screwed up somewhere.

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Played an Aram. First time using Jayce. Got my first ever pentakill outside of vs AI. Still lost but whatever.

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Watching pros solo q is kind of depressing. c9 Hai went from unranked to gold 1 in less than 15 hours while I've been in gold for two months...

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It only took about an hour to upload but here's 30 second footage of my FIRST FUCKING PENTAKILL - with a champion I've never even used before.

If the quality's a bit shit just watch it on youtube on 480 or 720p.

Nothing special but it's my FIRST FUCKING PENTAKILL vs humans.

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Until someone who knows what they're talking about answers you, you'll have to do with this:

- Check your own level. You aren't going to be ahead of your mid, but if you're three levels behind the support, you are not farming enough. You should be about the same level as the support, assuming that bottom lane isn't being lame.

- Ganks are. . .uh, I'll try to explain the various situations. If your top lane has shown their SUPERIOR SKILLS by getting themselves killed six times in the first five minutes (and not because the enemy jungler is camped up top), they aren't worth ganking for - yes, the enemy top laner will be worth more gold, but your top laner will probably squander it. In that situation, you'll probably want to focus more time on your mid/bottom lanes. If your top laner decides to rage because you decided to play properly, mute them.

- If a lane is relatively even in terms of kills/CS/skill, it's more than two minutes in (i.e. not the beginning of the game), and the enemy jungler has shown face elsewhere, that is your cue to get over there and tip the scales in your favor.

- If it's a bad match-up for your guy, it's relatively early, and your teammate has shown that they are competent, give them a hand! An example would be several top laners versus Teemo (and not just because Teemo deserves to die).

- If the enemy jungler is camped out in a particular lane, you can either attempt to counter-jungle/gank him, or you can alleviate the pressure of two other lanes. Your choice.

Someone correct me, because while I'd love to jungle, I'm pretty sure I screwed up somewhere.

I sometimes find it hard to keep track of such things... I never seem to find the time unless I'm dead to check up on other people. Same with keeping track of jungle timers... I have too much of a tunnel vision >.<

It only took about an hour to upload but here's 30 second footage of my FIRST FUCKING PENTAKILL - with a champion I've never even used before.

If the quality's a bit shit just watch it on youtube on 480 or 720p.

Nothing special but it's my FIRST FUCKING PENTAKILL vs humans.

:o very nice. That Xerath over there tried to take your penta lol.

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You don't need to stare at the wraiths as you're wailing on them. Take that time to glance at the mini-map!

I try to but i sometimes forget to do so... Its not exactly second nature

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Like everything else, it takes practice! Kind of like me with Janna's ult (though in that last ARAM, I didn't even TRY for the knockback, and instead used it to heal, much to the other team's displeasure).

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Thanks for your tips Eclipse :D.

In other news i feel more and more reluctant to play normals without a friend.

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You got quite some advantages as "pro" - don't compare yourself to someone known, you have different prerequisites.

also, you get inflated gains/losses on a fresh account to help you get to your true rating faster. but even then, you are where you belong for the most part. and also, even though he's shown as "gold 1", his mmr is probably at diamond already anyways.

example: after a really bad two weeks in ranked i tanked my MMR all the way from playing with high plats/low diamonds(1900-2000 MMR) to gold 3s(1500 MMR). this week i started playing well again and i'm already on my series for diamond 4(for the third time today by the way). so in less than a week, i basically climbed my mmr all the way from 1500 to about 2000-2100(i get matched with plat 1s to diamond 3s now) and this is without the inflated gains as well.

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It only took about an hour to upload but here's 30 second footage of my FIRST FUCKING PENTAKILL - with a champion I've never even used before.

If the quality's a bit shit just watch it on youtube on 480 or 720p.

Nothing special but it's my FIRST FUCKING PENTAKILL vs humans.

Nice. I'd say "lol ARAM penta" but I'm not one of those guys.

[spoiler=One of the sweet posters I nabbed at a Riot booth]TViXktd.jpg


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don't go liandry's on her that's basically the only thing wrong

and put the ball on your initiator

(ps i like tear and chalice on her but you don't have to do it though she does like 40%)

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Liandry's was mostly to troll Tryndamere (he was being stupid with his dives, so I figured I'd make him pay for it). I'll think about replacing it with a later Void Staff. Also, when did Tear do CDR?

(and that still doesn't say how many times I've played her, including that screenshot) :P:

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No I'm saying Ori has severe problems with mana and likes to spam so you can either go tear or chalice, though i like taking both and going a bit light on damage for more utilty/safety. She enjoys a large amount of CDR though.

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Since it's ARAM, I'm a tad less concerned about mana issues. I'll keep it in mind once I'm well enough to get myself back into Summoner's Rift (for reference, I was starting to fade out towards the end of that game). I probably should've grabbed a Tear over a Chalice, but I really like Manafront!

(still no numeric guesses) :P:

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honestly that team had no chance. 4 top notch aram pokers (blitz counts because his pull is basically an instagib if done right) on one team and their team is basically all melee

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From this screenshot, tell me how many times I've played Orianna.


Support Ori is op =D. I tried Ori for my first time about a week ago and was frustrated by Command: Attack's range =(

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I thought the screenshot above would be the most hilarious game I'd play today. . .how wrong I was. . .

Quick, who wins the following:

Janna/Lee Sin/Sion (AP)/Quinn/Yi vs. Karthus/Soraka/Gangplank/Zed/Corki

The second team, and I STILL have no idea how we won, because Karthus and Gangplank were fighting the entire time. I was on Soraka, and I was damn lucky that the person who was playing Zed traded me, or we would've lost, BADLY. Moral of the story: If Karthus is charging into your team like an idiot, use a Sion stun and run past him.

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Tryndamere in aram is fucking hell vs a full poke with heavy cc team. and everyone expects you to be the initiator just because you've got invincibility for 5 seconds. it's a fucking useless 5 seconds if you spend it getting stunned rooted and shat all over. sometimes fuck aram

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Tryndamere in aram is fucking hell vs a full poke with heavy cc team. and everyone expects you to be the initiator just because you've got invincibility for 5 seconds. it's a fucking useless 5 seconds if you spend it getting stunned rooted and shat all over. sometimes fuck aram

That's an example of your team not being a team. Two of the most amazing comebacks in ARAM, ever, were thanks to someone competent on Tryndamere. . .and that's because EVERYONE followed him (so it didn't matter if he exploded, we still managed to capitalize on it).

EDIT: Would you believe that Gangplank was the one that kept charging in, with Karthus following him, cursing all the way? I lagged a wee bit behind, ulted, spot-healed as necessary, silenced whoever was closest, and facepalmed because QUINN JUST STOOD THERE.

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if your team has multiple pokes and/or heal, you're basically set. aram is basically just whittling down health until you can all-in and if you can't heal or harass then you're fucked. the only reason some games are even close is because no one understands this, or they just dont go after towers either

aram is full of idiots but it's ok because i usually fuck around anyway

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Poke: Uh, Zed tried? Sion kept stunning him, which made my job hard. Karthus? "LOL I'M GONNA STAY IN BUSHES AND FARM MINIONS WITH Q!" Corki also tried, but good luck trying to harass past Janna. Gangplank was too busy trying to YOLO, which left me to patch everyone up (usually Zed and Corki, for being the most agreeable). On the other side, Janna was very good about sending tornadoes down the lane, with Quinn on her heels. Lee Sin was doing a hell of a job initiating, Sion went AP so his stuff hurt like hell, and Yi is Yi. I think part of the reason why we won was because most of the enemy team stood in Karthus' Defile. Seriously. The two times they didn't, we were aced badly.

Heal: Luckily, this Janna player didn't use my tactic of "ping backwards twice and heal the entire team before the team fight". Otherwise, we would've lost.

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