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Yes I tried Botrk but I value Gauntlet over Tri-Force. If you want to play Ezreal, the only thing that ever distinguishes him is the ability to build IBG without being awkward. Otherwise I would just pick a different ADC. Never mind the fact that I already will anyways.

The problem is he's outclassed by others who simply use Botrk better.

Essence Reaver is stupidly useless without Muramana, that means you have to build tear which means Essence Reaver must be built alongside Tear for any effectiveness. Tear provides no combat stats and the extra gold means you are competing against Botrk in terms of being useful. All of Ezreal's "strong" late game builds require awkward pathing that sacrifices too much strength at various points in the game.

Ezreal is not broken by design because this is comparative. If Ezreal is broken by design so are multiple other ADCs who have some form of repositioning. As a result, Ezreal falls in line by design and therefore isn't broken by design.

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Yes I tried Botrk but I value Gauntlet over Tri-Force. If you want to play Ezreal, the only thing that ever distinguishes him is the ability to build IBG without being awkward. Otherwise I would just pick a different ADC. Never mind the fact that I already will anyways.

The problem is he's outclassed by others who simply use Botrk better.

Essence Reaver is stupidly useless without Muramana, that means you have to build tear which means Essence Reaver must be built alongside Tear for any effectiveness. Tear provides no combat stats and the extra gold means you are competing against Botrk in terms of being useful. All of Ezreal's "strong" late game builds require awkward pathing that sacrifices too much strength at various points in the game.

Ezreal is not broken by design because this is comparative. If Ezreal is broken by design so are multiple other ADCs who have some form of repositioning. As a result, Ezreal falls in line by design and therefore isn't broken by design.

Not to mention he will lose lane against everyone popular unless his support is solid.

Lucian, Twitch, Caitlyn, Corki...

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Let it howl


At least in this server people is starting not getting ignite, mids taking heal, supports taking exhaust and top laners taking Teleport, good for me xDDD. Does that happen in your server as well ?

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Ignite doesn't stop Warwick. I got a bit bored of Warwick/forget about him sometimes but the amount of sustain built into his kit is insanely stupid. There's massive sustain on his passive, on his Q. His passive sustain synergizes with his ultimate and howl. Any additional LS (I commonly built BoTRK) is just pushing it into insanity even more.

I liked to go DBlade -> Chalice -> BoTRK -> Randuin/Frozen Heart/Spirit Visage. The amount of damage built into his kit is simply insane.

Also I did some number mashing. On AD characters with significant base damage and scaling on skills, LW is simply ridiculous. IE -> LW is very viable on Cait for example and I'm fairly sure it's better than IE -> PD. Also a faster power spike. Calculations stemmed off me hating the Legolas build on the Reddit front page (it's horrible).


Doran’s Blade x2 + IE + Zeal + Cloak of Agility (6510 Gold)

Doran’s Blade + Vamp Scepter + BF Sword x2 + Last Whisper (6640 Gold)

Level 12 Caitlyn (I’m pretty sure this is once again an underestimate). Base AD at level 12: 83. Base AS: .625, AS per level: +4%. IE AS: 1.05 AS, Legolas AS: .925. Reasonably close so AS has not become a major issue but PD itself is a spike so this is heavily in favor of Legolas. It’s an extra attack every 8 seconds but can work into an extra attack in some circumstances or break even in others.

Stats (IE): 177 AD, 50% Crit, 20% AS, 5% MS

Stats (L): 240 AD, 35% Ar Pen

2 shots average to represent IE: 619.5

DPs (IE): 309.75, DPS: 325.2375

DPs (L): 240, DPS: 222

Difference in AD: 63 in favor of Legolas

Difference in DPs: 69.75

No Ar Pen factored in below, but I will explain how Ar Pen functions below.

Difference in Piltover Peacemaker (Max DMG): 81.9

Difference in Piltover Peacemaker (Min DMG): 40.95

Difference in Ult (AiTH): 126

So LW’s passive is effectively an increase in damage by %. On a 100 armor target this entails a ~20% increase in physical damage ignoring other sources of armor penetration (extra sources are in favor of IE because of diminishing returns). This decreases effective difference in each auto to 21.75. It also skyrockets the damage of skills.

Max Peacemaker (100 Armor Target, LW): Relative Damage - 590.4

Max Peacemaker (100 Armor Target, IE): Relative Damage - 410.1

Min Peacemaker (100 Armor Target, LW): Relative Damage - 295.2

Min Peacemaker (100 Armor Target, IE): Relative Damage - 205.05

Needless to say, the disparity in ultimates is fairly significant. On a 100 Armor Target, the breakeven point is too high and LW comes out on top.

Numbers for Peacemaker is slightly reduced if you go IE -> LW but the disparity is so huge that it doesn't matter.

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Let it howl


At least in this server people is starting not getting ignite, mids taking heal, supports taking exhaust and top laners taking Teleport, good for me xDDD. Does that happen in your server as well ?

Warwick has always scaled insanely well with items. His late game is actually terrifyingly good - It's simply his other issues that keep him from getting off the ground.

He's a good infuriating top laner to pick against people who don't really know the game.

Top laners taking teleport is just them copying LCS - If you take teleport when your opponent has Ignite, you're pretty much setting yourself up for a lane loss. Granted, until recently, it didn't matter - you could just teleport back to tower and not miss a single creep. Now it's a little more like it should be.

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Warwick has always scaled insanely well with items. His late game is actually terrifyingly good - It's simply his other issues that keep him from getting off the ground.

He's a good infuriating top laner to pick against people who don't really know the game.

Top laners taking teleport is just them copying LCS - If you take teleport when your opponent has Ignite, you're pretty much setting yourself up for a lane loss. Granted, until recently, it didn't matter - you could just teleport back to tower and not miss a single creep. Now it's a little more like it should be.

Take TP on lane bullies or people who don't need ignite as much. Warwick doesn't lose to people because they took ignite but he certainly has more presence if he takes TP.

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Doom Bots are beyond broken.

That;'s the entire point of Doom Bots.

Take TP on lane bullies or people who don't need ignite as much. Warwick doesn't lose to people because they took ignite but he certainly has more presence if he takes TP.

Warwick is worth taking TP on because TP->Infinite Duress is a strong combo, and it's really hard to bully Warwick anyway.

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On PBE, BT and ER have the exact same path, but with Vi at least, the CDR and mana regen is too good to pass up, IMO.

But then again, BT's LS increase from 15% to 20% (unique, so no stacking. Riven is sad.) is pretty huge.

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You rarely stack it anyways - GA, Hydra, LW, TBC, Scimitar, MoM, boots etc - normally you have no slots for a second one. This idea is way better than the retarded 10% ad passive.

Essence Reaver might become good with these changes - 60 ad with a mediocre passive isn't great for late at least.

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FOR THE LAST TIME, no double-posting in here!

That being said, I'm quite happy with how today's smurf of the day went - Lulu's great at bailing my team out of sticky situations~!

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If this Lucian nerf goes live I'm saving my 6300 IP for something else. That's worse than Graves' range.

He was seeing more plays than any of the other ADC, so these nerf were warranted. He's just broken in how much dps he can deal over a fixed duration than any other adcs that he might as well be ad caster than adc.

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