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I honestly doubt they'd nerf Morgana at all. They seem to have lowered her ult at level 1 by like 20 damage on the beta, but there's nothing you can do that won't hurt Mid Morgana. You can't touch Black Shield or Root, as her W and R rely on them, it's her whole combo. And if you change the duration, it hurts her damage due to her pool. Besides maybe it's width or speed, there's nothing they can really do. And they can't really do what they did with Zyra and Annie, because even though stuff like her Q base is insane, her rations are already sky high.

I don't think they'd care, since Mid Morgana is completely suboptimal at this point because the Support position gives you all the things Morgana is good for, while allowing you a better scaling mid in her place.

Plus, Morgana can't really kill anyone by herself mid unless she lands her entire combo.

It's Braum they really need to tone down.

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So I've picked up Warwick jungle and holy hell this is amazing in Silver, the only thing I'm kinda having trouble with is mapping out a proper jungle route to use. I prefer starting Red buff on him, taking Wolves, then doing Blue, Wight, Wolves, Wraith, Golem. Though after that it kinda falls apart depending on a few factors.

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Her kit isn't nearly as bad as other old supports like Taric, Soraka, and Alistar. She has plenty of counter-play which Riot loves, and there's nothing toxic about her either.

Alistar's kit is very well designed in comparison. Every spell has a real purpose and is useful in its own way. Alistar's Q is always able to provide CC and doesn't rely on his W (though it often is combo'd together with initiation). His W functions as peel or as a low CD Malphite ult. His heal helps keep up sustain in lane and with sieges, while he always has the option of disengaging. His ultimate makes him into a tank. I don't see how that's badly designed.

Sure, Soraka the heal tank is horribly designed but Taric isn't that badly designed. Morgana is arguably more poorly designed.

There is an illusion that counterplay = good design. However, what's more important is what type of counterplay that is. Is the burden of counterplay too high? Simply having counterplay doesn't make the design good. The utility of Morgana's pool is reliant on her binding. The reward for Morgana binding is far too high for the relatively low opportunity cost. Morgana's black shield gives her a strong CC shield that is extra effective against high physical damage teams that basically allow her shield to be a complete CC shield. There's a reason that Morgana has such a high win rate in both competitive and solo queue play. She has too many strengths for a champion simply because she has massive CC potential in the form of her Q and her ultimate, both of which are devastating forms of CC. She has strong teamfight. She has a powerful defensive shield that also translates into skirmish power.

Similarly bad designed champions are things like Thresh who simply has too much built into his kit at the moment which keeps him constantly viable. Soraka's sustain based design has made her very binary in being either completely overbearing or not worthwhile as a pick.

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Alistar's kit is very well designed in comparison. Every spell has a real purpose and is useful in its own way. Alistar's Q is always able to provide CC and doesn't rely on his W (though it often is combo'd together with initiation). His W functions as peel or as a low CD Malphite ult. His heal helps keep up sustain in lane and with sieges, while he always has the option of disengaging. His ultimate makes him into a tank. I don't see how that's badly designed.

Sure, Soraka the heal tank is horribly designed but Taric isn't that badly designed. Morgana is arguably more poorly designed.

There is an illusion that counterplay = good design. However, what's more important is what type of counterplay that is. Is the burden of counterplay too high? Simply having counterplay doesn't make the design good. The utility of Morgana's pool is reliant on her binding. The reward for Morgana binding is far too high for the relatively low opportunity cost. Morgana's black shield gives her a strong CC shield that is extra effective against high physical damage teams that basically allow her shield to be a complete CC shield. There's a reason that Morgana has such a high win rate in both competitive and solo queue play. She has too many strengths for a champion simply because she has massive CC potential in the form of her Q and her ultimate, both of which are devastating forms of CC. She has strong teamfight. She has a powerful defensive shield that also translates into skirmish power.

Similarly bad designed champions are things like Thresh who simply has too much built into his kit at the moment which keeps him constantly viable. Soraka's sustain based design has made her very binary in being either completely overbearing or not worthwhile as a pick.

They really don't like Alistar's heal for some reason. And they seem to want to rework Soraka into a sort of "give my health to you in order to heal" cleric. Morgana's bind has a very high cost actually, as the rest of her kit is useless without the binding. Sure you have a CC-immune shield, but your damage is literally going to be nothing without landing a binding first. It's also a very slow moving skillshot and has a long cooldown at least early game.

And Taric is really simple. He's got invisible power auras Riot doesn't like and reworked Sona because of, and his stun is point and click which they don't like either. Other than his heal which gives a slight interesting choice I wouldn't be surprised for a full kit rework when they VU him.

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Old school champions are badly designed.

See - Original Forty, and everything released before the middle of season 1.

They're all nightmare champions that cause problems.

Every single of them needs remake.

I means, hell even the sole champion whom has zero gap closer or crowd control demolished the entire ranked because he was too powerful with the kit and how his shield functioned that riot had to cut his regeneration down. (Mordekaiser)

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They really don't like Alistar's heal for some reason. And they seem to want to rework Soraka into a sort of "give my health to you in order to heal" cleric. Morgana's bind has a very high cost actually, as the rest of her kit is useless without the binding. Sure you have a CC-immune shield, but your damage is literally going to be nothing without landing a binding first. It's also a very slow moving skillshot and has a long cooldown at least early game.

Relatively low opportunity cost. Relative to how much reward Morgana's binding gives is way high. Compare to Blitzcrank who has to give up a huge amount of mana and provides absolutely nothing. Also please tell me you're joking. The only part of Morgana's kit that is reliant on her binding to any degree is tormented soil (but not for support Morgana who can just get a wave push with that). Blitzcrank expends a huge amount of mana, has a high cooldown, loses a huge amount of utility from the rest of his kit without his grab. Morgana temporarily can't use her binding and can't get reliable W damage. That's a relatively low opportunity cost.

Support Morgana doesn't require damage, this is because her ultimate is simply that powerful. Also your goal as support Morgana is not to deal the damage in lane. It's to provide a lock up, CC immunity for your teammates, and massive teamfighting potential. How you visualize Morgana is more like a mid laner which she was originally designed as. However, support Morgana is far too strong in comparison to other supports hence her ridiculous win rate.

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Support Morgana's ult is usually used to engage where she'll have a Zhonya's and is fed but that's another problem, or is used to peel and can be broken by disengaging which is what she wants. If you're aiming for more damage on her, you're giving up other things like a Locket and Mikael's. Her pool is also leveled last and worth nothing all game practically.

Another thing is the fact Morgana is only very strong right now due to the other supports in meta. Thresh, Braum, and Leona were used due to the desire to pick a kill and snowball the lane, and Morgana stops that. She actually loses pretty hard to poke mages like Karma and Zyra and Vel'koz, which simply aren't popular due to the pro's wanting good picks and CC rather than poke. Tank supports also benefit from the current support budget way more than mage supports since durability is a lot easier to afford.

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Support Morgana's ult is usually used to engage where she'll have a Zhonya's and is fed but that's another problem, or is used to peel and can be broken by disengaging which is what she wants. If you're aiming for more damage on her, you're giving up other things like a Locket and Mikael's. Her pool is also leveled last and worth nothing all game practically.

Another thing is the fact Morgana is only very strong right now due to the other supports in meta. Thresh, Braum, and Leona were used due to the desire to pick a kill and snowball the lane, and Morgana stops that. She actually loses pretty hard to poke mages like Karma and Zyra and Vel'koz, which simply aren't popular due to the pro's wanting good picks and CC rather than poke. Tank supports also benefit from the current support budget way more than mage supports since durability is a lot easier to afford.

Support Morg doesn't build Zhonya's, and she's not there to initiate with Shackles.

Binding is the new old Blitz hook, essentially. You just keep popping it out and eventually she'll catch something off it.

Old school champions are badly designed.

See - Original Forty, and everything released before the middle of season 1.

They're all nightmare champions that cause problems.

Every single of them needs remake.

I means, hell even the sole champion whom has zero gap closer or crowd control demolished the entire ranked because he was too powerful with the kit and how his shield functioned that riot had to cut his regeneration down. (Mordekaiser)

No, they were designed for a different game, with different parameters. They're meant to operate in a game that no longer exists. You can't blame champs designed for 2009 era LoL not working in 2014 - The two games are worlds apart.

A lot of new school champions are legitimate terrible design. Braum and Elise are travesties and should have never been allowed the kits they have.

If Mordekaiser had release shield values now, I don't think he'd even be the threat he was then because he'd just get obliterated by hyper mobile monstrosities.

Also this not so just in - Play Maokai top until it gets reverted/nerfed. Riot spent three years refuting people who wanted Vengeful Maelstrom to be a self cast spell centered on Maokai because it - a) gave the ability too much mobility and b) removed decision making on ult placement.

Well, guess what, now it's too mobile and too protective and it takes zero thought to actually use, so you can just build RoA->SV->Mogs->Locket/FH/BVeil and be an unkillable godbeing peel tank with a fantastic initiate.

I love Maokai - He's been one of my favorites since his release, and I remember RoA+Trinity Chu8 building my way through midlane, but this is just disgusting and not how it should be.

Edited by Siuloir
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That's true what you said, but remember. That is that, this is this.

And since we all know this will stay this, the champions designed for that should be remake now to blend in with this.

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That's true what you said, but remember. That is that, this is this.

And since we all know this will stay this, the champions designed for that should be remake now to blend in with this.

They can start with Tristana.

Cause right now this meta plays to all her stupid traits.

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Support Morgana's ult is usually used to engage where she'll have a Zhonya's and is fed but that's another problem, or is used to peel and can be broken by disengaging which is what she wants. If you're aiming for more damage on her, you're giving up other things like a Locket and Mikael's. Her pool is also leveled last and worth nothing all game practically.

Another thing is the fact Morgana is only very strong right now due to the other supports in meta. Thresh, Braum, and Leona were used due to the desire to pick a kill and snowball the lane, and Morgana stops that. She actually loses pretty hard to poke mages like Karma and Zyra and Vel'koz, which simply aren't popular due to the pro's wanting good picks and CC rather than poke. Tank supports also benefit from the current support budget way more than mage supports since durability is a lot easier to afford.

Err I just made a whole paragraph about how support Morgana's purpose is not damage... I don't see how this is relevant. Also the fact that you even admit one of her skills is useless is hilarious if you're trying to defend Morgana as an example of good design.

She loses laning to those champions, not the game. Also poke supports lose out heavily in teamfights compared to her still. Morgana is not just strong because of the meta, the meta only makes things easier on her. She is still strong even if the meta were to shift. Teams that pick Morgana are not bound to a 2v2 lane because Morgana is still useful outside of laning. Poke supports on the other hand, not so much unless you manage to set up a siege which is harder if you're not ahead. Granted they still provide some damage, but Morgana is still more useful than them.

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Err I just made a whole paragraph about how support Morgana's purpose is not damage... I don't see how this is relevant. Also the fact that you even admit one of her skills is useless is hilarious if you're trying to defend Morgana as an example of good design.

She loses laning to those champions, not the game. Also poke supports lose out heavily in teamfights compared to her still. Morgana is not just strong because of the meta, the meta only makes things easier on her. She is still strong even if the meta were to shift. Teams that pick Morgana are not bound to a 2v2 lane because Morgana is still useful outside of laning. Poke supports on the other hand, not so much unless you manage to set up a siege which is harder if you're not ahead. Granted they still provide some damage, but Morgana is still more useful than them.

Never was I defending Morgana as an example of good design (she's adequate, but not bad), and her W deals decent base damage.

She'll get nerfed because constantly whine about her, despite the fact that Braum is x1000 better and even if he loses lane to Morgana it doesn't matter. Morgana is completely manageable and fine to play against so long as you can a) dodge Bindings with some degree of competence and b) Bait out her black shield early.

Poke also sucks in this meta because it's so easy to just laugh at it with the stuff that's popular now. If a Braum Fissures, or Maokai flash-Twisted Advances your carry, well, your poke is completely meaningless because now they're on top of you now and you're fighting, and disengaging from the stupid level of mobility that permeates the game now more and more difficult.

Edited by Siuloir
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Never was I defending Morgana as an example of good design (she's adequate, but not bad), and her W deals decent base damage.

She'll get nerfed because constantly whine about her, despite the fact that Braum is x1000 better and even if he loses lane to Morgana it doesn't matter. Morgana is completely manageable and fine to play against so long as you can a) dodge Bindings with some degree of competence and b) Bait out her black shield early.

Poke also sucks in this meta because it's so easy to just laugh at it with the stuff that's popular now. If a Braum Fissures, or Maokai flash-Twisted Advances your carry, well, your poke is completely meaningless because now they're on top of you now and you're fighting, and disengaging from the stupid level of mobility that permeates the game now more and more difficult.

Was responding to Psych :P.

Sure, Braum is better in a lot of ways but no, Morg is still disproportionately powerful in her utility to the majority of supports. It's easy to say something is manageable with theory but as evidenced by not only solo queue numbers, but competitive numbers, it's evident that it isn't completely manageable. It's not about dodging bindings with a degree of competence, it's about dodging bindings 100%. Same thing with old Nidalee, it didn't matter if you dodge with a high degree of competence even. The power provided by one successful Q is extraordinarily high.

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Same thing with old Nidalee, it didn't matter if you dodge with a high degree of competence even. The power provided by one successful Q is extraordinarily high.

This is the point I was going for, I apologize if I wasn't clear.

There's little risk and huge reward. Blitz Hook 2.0

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1. Lane Sona exists.

2. I never want to do that again.

(somehow, I got cheated out of a support position by a Cho'Gath. First, don't ask. Second, thank goodness it was a bot game on a smurf!)

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Jungle Ahri is a lovely way to spend your day. Horribly impractical, but lovely.

Why don't you try Jungle Mordekaiser?

It's more fun.

No one can touch you once you get going.

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I'd like to brush up on my Jungle Riven.

Because the toplane meta, coupled with the nerfs she received throughout the year, has basically bullied her out of it.

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Why don't you try Jungle Mordekaiser?

It's more fun.

No one can touch you once you get going

I would recommend not doing this unless you're up against a jungle who is so herbivore their middle name is Bovine, because not only can you not gank, but someone popular like Lee, Elise, etc. al will walk into your jungle and kick your teeth in repeatedly.

I will say that anything involving Morde is always hilarious though, so if you're just derping about, he's great fun/comedy/both.

I'd like to brush up on my Jungle Riven.

Because the toplane meta, coupled with the nerfs she received throughout the year, has basically bullied her out of it.

The jungle meta is pretty unfavorable to her, as well, since she can't duel say, Lee.

Basically, Lee Sin dictates who can and cannot be used in the jungle (on a competitive/serious level), as stupid as it is.

Fortunately there are many bad Lee Sins.

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Vi is my go-to jungler anyway. Regardless, if I'm first-pick, Lee is always top of my ban list.

Along with Jax, and Kassadin if he's not already banned by the other team.

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Vi is my go-to jungler anyway. Regardless, if I'm first-pick, Lee is always top of my ban list.

Along with Jax, and Kassadin if he's not already banned by the other team.

My jury is out on banning Kassadin anymore - He's been getting weaker and weaker, but he's still annoying as all get out.

I ban Yasuo and Maokai now (Unless playing them, since Mao's been one of my favorites since release and Yasuo is super fun). Yasuo is just too infuriating for skillshot champions because of perma-dash, and Maokai is stupiidly tanky with his ult change/his engage is amazing.

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