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How can one improve map awareness? I notice I tend to focus too much on cs when I'm laning and lose sight of enemy champions, resulting in death from ganks.

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How can one improve map awareness? I notice I tend to focus too much on cs when I'm laning and lose sight of enemy champions, resulting in death from ganks.

Pro Tips:

1. Condition yourself to looking at your mini-map after every cs you take.

2. Play with unlocked screen and remember to peek at the nearest river entrance with after cs you take.

3. Ward like a motherfucker.

Roxas Tips:

1. Make your mini-map huge, like REALLY HUGE. REALLY REALLY HUGE.

2. Get a second monitor to display the bottom-left corner of your League screen.

3. Use Ashe e every time it's up.

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Another question this time regarding bot lane. What's the best way to farm against a poke lane? I notice I usually have good cs numbers unless I'm against an ad/support combo with a lot of ranged poke and pressure, since I tend to miss cs in lane due to having to back off from being pressured so hard.

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Poke champions has to give up a cs or two just to poke you, so take advantage of them csing to cs, and if they attempt to poke, do your best to poke back unless they have a sona/soraka. (If you have leona, work with her as much as you can, she's one of the best anti-poker support since she can make them lose hp in nearly instant forcing them to burn more mana to recover their hp and have to recall the next time.) So to counter poke team, have a Leona-class support and a good early engager adc (like graves). Or ask your jungler (Unless the said jungler is a farming jungle) for help if they're pushing with their poke since it means they're vulnerable to ganks.

Edited by Fateborn
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What's with the obsession diamond players have with complaining about lower divs? Does their superiority complex physically prevent them from just ignoring it, or what?

I am the diamond! I have been in hell! I have destroyed many noobs! So you noobs have to listen to me! - said by pretty much all of the diamond players, except my friends...they dont dare to talk shit to me especially when I sit right next to them.

Edited by Magical Amber
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I am the diamond! I have been in hell! I have destroyed many noobs! So you noobs have to listen to me! - said by pretty much all of the diamond players, except my friends...they dont dare to talk shit to me especially when I sit right next to them.

I don't think this way, I don't even speak in game generally unless someone else on my team provokes me in some way (i.e. being toxic, intentionally feeding etc.). Anyway I realize that not all silver/bronze players are toxic and that a good amount of higher ranked players are (though I think there are a higher percentage of toxic players in lower divisions).

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(though I think there are a higher percentage of toxic players in lower divisions).

if this is true (and it probably is) it'd be more because the lower divisions have way more people in them anyway than some function of "being bronze"
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once again

Also, people in Silver raging and talking shit has less to do with the fact that they are in silver and more the reason they are in silver. Do you understand what im saying? You have cause and effect mixed up. Obviously there's tonnes of toxicity in higher elos too but i'd say it's more prevalent in lower elos (as it usually comes with this whole shitty mentality that obstructs progress)

the entirety of the lol community is toxic though, and it really doesn't do any good to say "lower elo isn't toxic, higher elo is!" or "no, i'm high elo and we aren't as toxic, low elo is toxic." it's silly and useless. the truth is that at any division you'll find people who will flame and rage and tilt and throw.

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i actually think toxicity gets worse as you climb the ladder and the pool of players narrow down. plat+ is filled with kids on ego trips and once you hit diamond you start getting matched with the same people frequently. i get 2-3 minute queue times on peak hours somewhat frequently even on the lower end of diamond such as D5-D4 and i see familiar faces on occasion. as a matter of fact, yesterday some guy intentionally afked and announced in chat that he did it for the sole purpose of losing my D4 series because i played poorly in a previous game with him a few days prior.

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Does anybody else think that League gets kind of boring during the competitive offseason?

I kinda miss LCS

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Can someone explain to me why when I encounter Rioters they consistently feed their lane, condescend towards their teammates and then try to give up. I don't understand how these people who supposedly work for the company have such a poor attitude towards the game. I just played with Riot Riscx and he is certainly not the first Rioter I've seen with this attitude.

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I'm a part of OCE, one of the most toxic League communities from the three I've been a part of and all the Rioters I've encountered (around 6-7?) have all been genuinely nice people. Guess it varies from rioter to rioter.

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How in the world are you supposed to play adc, I've been practicing it for weeks straight and it's still by far my worst role...

go ham or go home

Yo anybody want to make an SF Fantasy League?

i dunno if it's transregional but sure. i think you can't create a league right now though?

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i dunno if it's transregional but sure. i think you can't create a league right now though?

It's not. :(

Although you can always just make an NA account just for the purposes of playing in Fantasy LCS lolololol

And I think it starts next week (the week before the season starts).

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So, thanks to friends and now Rito's good behavior mystery gift, I'm now the proud owner of every poppy skin except lollipoppy

this bothers me more than it should

(note: i don't play poppy)

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