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I wouldn't have gotten anything out of picking the Koreans though. I'd already lost 100% in the group stage picks, so I had literally nothing to lose lol

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So I just started playing this like 5 days ago before the "season" ended and the only champion I can play is Jinx. Gonna learn some more soon. Unranked seems to be all blowout games so far. If I get like 2 early kills i become unstoppable.

I have a lot to learn with this game but it seems like it might get boring eventually with their being only 1 main map and no voice chat (unless my friends are on). Counter Strike doesn't ever bore since their's like 6 main maps and voice chat with randoms when friends can't play.

Probably gonna pick up Vladimir next. Let me know if anyone has any tips for new players and what I should be doing. My roommates said to wait till like level 20 to mess with Runes

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So I just started playing this like 5 days ago before the "season" ended and the only champion I can play is Jinx. Gonna learn some more soon. Unranked seems to be all blowout games so far. If I get like 2 early kills i become unstoppable.

I have a lot to learn with this game but it seems like it might get boring eventually with their being only 1 main map and no voice chat (unless my friends are on). Counter Strike doesn't ever bore since their's like 6 main maps and voice chat with randoms when friends can't play.

Probably gonna pick up Vladimir next. Let me know if anyone has any tips for new players and what I should be doing. My roommates said to wait till like level 20 to mess with Runes

You're not even level 30 yet so an account's full potential is not available until then.

Runes. You will want to buy and use tier 1 runes, at least for the first 20 or so levels.

Tier 2 unlock at level 10 and beyond but they're so expensive for the given stats, it's not even worth it.

Tier 3 has a cheap cost for the most essential runes: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/starter-t3-runes-permanent-discount-2-weeks

So once you hit 20, you can pick these up for cheap and use them. More specialised runes are a bit more pricey.

As for champions to pick up and use, Ashe is always advised. But maybe some other champions that are also less mechanically complex would work too.

If you want to stick to ranged champions (marksmen), then Ashe, Tristana, Sivir. Other marksmen are either a bit more mechanically complex or more expensive.

Cheap, generally easy champions to pick up and play would be Garen, Annie, Mister Yi, Dr. Mundo, just to name a few. If you're willing to fork out 4.8k IP early on then I'd suggest Wukong, or 6.3k for Jinx if you really want to stick to her.

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You're not even level 30 yet so an account's full potential is not available until then.

Runes. You will want to buy and use tier 1 runes, at least for the first 20 or so levels.

Tier 2 unlock at level 10 and beyond but they're so expensive for the given stats, it's not even worth it.

Tier 3 has a cheap cost for the most essential runes: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/starter-t3-runes-permanent-discount-2-weeks

So once you hit 20, you can pick these up for cheap and use them. More specialised runes are a bit more pricey.

As for champions to pick up and use, Ashe is always advised. But maybe some other champions that are also less mechanically complex would work too.

If you want to stick to ranged champions (marksmen), then Ashe, Tristana, Sivir. Other marksmen are either a bit more mechanically complex or more expensive.

Cheap, generally easy champions to pick up and play would be Garen, Annie, Mister Yi, Dr. Mundo, just to name a few. If you're willing to fork out 4.8k IP early on then I'd suggest Wukong, or 6.3k for Jinx if you really want to stick to her.

I already got Jinx and I'm doing really well with her. Probably going to get Vladimir next.

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I already got Jinx and I'm doing really well with her. Probably going to get Vladimir next.

That's fine, but still - there are like 10 different champions available each week for people to try for no cost to IP. Vladimir is also one of the easier champions to use, although I don't have much experience using him personally. Give every champion you like the look of a try and just go from there. My 3 go-to champions are Jinx, Riven and Vi, but I do enjoy a bit of Garen and Trundle depending on my opponent.

If you're interested in learning new stuff, this place is pretty good to read up on things and are very receptive to questions from newbie players: https://www.reddit.com/r/SummonerSchool

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  • 3 weeks later...

Starting to add Riven and Sona to my roster of champions on top of Jinx and Vlad. My Riven win rate is like 25% because I was so bad with her first. Sona is like 90% due to sheer luck with finding good teammates and Jinx is roughly 66%. Vlad is like 30%, very bad with him

I've just been using guides on Mobafire to learn how to use new champions as well as asking my experienced roommates. works pretty well so far

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So like, how the fuck do I build Jinx now? These pre-season changes have gone to shit for me.

IE and Shiv are core, either of the LW upgrades, rapid firecannon for broken range rockets, GA, and boots

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IE and Shiv are core, either of the LW upgrades, rapid firecannon for broken range rockets, GA, and boots

Personally I'd replace GA with Bloodthirster (one dedicated AD item doesn't cut it for me), but otherwise that's a pretty solid damage setup.

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Personally I'd replace GA with Bloodthirster (one dedicated AD item doesn't cut it for me), but otherwise that's a pretty solid damage setup.

yeah but you're jinx dude. You can afford to trade off extra damage for extra survivability

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So this game is actually really cool and good despite me not thinking I'd take to it, holy shit

what have i been missing for like five years

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i dont care enough about the champs i dont own, so i just bought him full price

the ones i dont own are all 6300 anyway

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Well that's because Jhin is the new champion so he has the least nerfs and if you know how to play him he can be really dangerous, and he's also the second teemo

Still haven't tried him though.

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well I've finally played against a Jhin in bot lane and you mostly have to watch out for his 4th shot and poke him while he's reloading if you can

Though his mushrooms, i mean lane mine mines can be kind of annoying but not as damaging as Teemo's 'shrooms

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I've played jhin 3 times. two in bot lane.

He's pretty fun to play actually, his ulti feels lackluster though mainly because of delay to shoot the first shot and between shots considering it's meant to be an execute, the first shot should feels more impactful and rewarding so you can slow someone down the moment you set up. Just me though.

Side Note: Lux is cancer now.

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Lux with a mejai's soulstealer is an unstoppable force i've seen one of my friend use it a couple times and even in a game where we done fucked up he still got godlike

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