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I think I'm going to get back into Garen, and I'll be taking Riven seriously once she's reduced to 4800 IP.

Garen's my first champ, and probably my main. Know your roots.

I was the same way with Volibear. Played him my first game, played him the entirety of his free week, bough him with RP and then played a hundred games straight with him (I know, I actually went out of my way to commemorate the 100th game before buying a new champ. The sheer amount of IP I had was glorious). Unfortunately my matriculation from top to support has left me with little opportunity to play Voli, as sans Heart of Gold (RIP) support bear kinda sucks.

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I believe my first game ever was Miss Fortune, but the next day she wasn't free anymore.

So maining things for me I believe went Morgana, Soraka, Ahri, Pre-rework Karma, a period of sort of not maining anything, Zyra, and now I think I'm on Support Annie.

Though I will say MF is primarily my most played carried, followed by Quinn, but I enjoy Cait, Ashe, and Sivir a lot. Honestly I'd use Sivir so much, but I can't wait for her VU, she's awful.

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Raped Aatrox on top lane with Shen. Forced him to use his innate then killed him later, own the lane and still have time to go around. Later, only Veigar and Malza can kill me in team combat, other than that, I am invincible. Tryn tried to solo me but was forced to retreat because Shen was such a beast. Aatrox had no chance either. They thought they can push the lane with just two champs, big mistake.

But there is a bug, I believe. Once, I E Aatrox when he was chasing Ezreal but...he kept slashing and killed Ezreal. Ezreal's player sat right next to me and both of us confirmed that my E hit Aatrox...Aatrox has no item or skill that allow him to ignore Shen's E. What the...?

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Raped Aatrox on top lane with Shen. Forced him to use his innate then killed him later, own the lane and still have time to go around. Later, only Veigar and Malza can kill me in team combat, other than that, I am invincible. Tryn tried to solo me but was forced to retreat because Shen was such a beast. Aatrox had no chance either. They thought they can push the lane with just two champs, big mistake.

But there is a bug, I believe. Once, I E Aatrox when he was chasing Ezreal but...he kept slashing and killed Ezreal. Ezreal's player sat right next to me and both of us confirmed that my E hit Aatrox...Aatrox has no item or skill that allow him to ignore Shen's E. What the...?

If I had to guess I'd say it was in the timing. The game registered that you hit your E, and in the millisecond between it registering that and the taunt actually being applied his auto attack was registered, which may have wonked things up a bit.

Or I could be full of crap, but who knows.

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I think I'm going to get back into Garen, and I'll be taking Riven seriously once she's reduced to 4800 IP.

Garen's my first champ, and probably my main. Know your roots.

Garen wasn't even released when I started playing =P

Warwick was my first one, and god I hate him.

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What does Trundle like to build when he is in lane? Also, how do you CS when you are a melee champ and a champ such as panth keeps throwing spears at you when you go for a minion?

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What does Trundle like to build when he is in lane? Also, how do you CS when you are a melee champ and a champ such as panth keeps throwing spears at you when you go for a minion?

Couple of solutions:

- Build tanky from the start. You know that he's going to harrass you from far? Start with a Cloth Armour and 5 Pots. And build from there.

- If he's concentrating on keeping you from farming, he's not. Engage him early.

- Counter pick from the start. A Swain is going to keep an Udyr outzoned all game, no matter how Udyr builds. If there's a ranged guy in top, pick someone with a good gap closer. Stuff like Vi or Irelia keep long rangers wary since they can close the gap quickly and then dish on serious damage.

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I beat a Yorick in top lane as Vi. Final score 11/5/17, yay. Fuck you, tilt.

That Yorick must've been inordinately bad or something. Vi top isn't particularly strong.

if the udyr or trundle runs MS quints they can close the gap on ranged tops like swain

For Trundle the other alternative is Lifesteal quints. You can eventually reach "Nasus" point, where you simply do not die if you farm.

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Thanks for the tips :D. I think i'm going to get Trundle at some point in the near future. He seems quite interesting.

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To be honest ATM he's not that strong or he's just underused as hell. Not sure why, especially given his rework.

He's underappreciated. I don't particularly like him as a top laner in most cases, but his jungle is excellent, and he just doesn't die.

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Thanks for the games Raivix! ARAM was being quite the pest tonight!

Hehe yeah. Just the luck of the draw. Maybe we'll get luckier next time! :D

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He's either really strong in ARAM or I'm just that good at a champion I never play outside of ARAM.

Probably the latter.


His passive offers constant healing. Give him some life-steal runes and I assume he'll never go to shop lol.

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