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On my NA account I won 6/10 and got placed into Silver V. There's obviously other factors that determine placement, then.

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yes. towards the end of it. On NA.


hey guys let's go support mundo

said some fucking retarded cunt who fed hard and lost us a 5v4 game

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Bronze 1 sigh. I wonder how long it will take to climb out of this fucking cesspit.

I have a 100% win rate with Garen in ranked. I think I'll be using him to get out.

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Number 1 rule: if you suck, dont pick top champs, dont pick ad champs, dont pick jungler. Let the others who know what they are doing pick these champs instead. Or even better, stick with bots for the rest of your life. You are just team's deadweight.

Number 2 rule: if you suck, admit it. Fiora top is stupid and weak as hell, yet you still managed to not only let her roam free and also killed you not once, not twice but three times. Fiora at 15:00 minute with berserker boot, tiamat, BF sword and a scepter...how the ^$^#$ can we take her when her ulti is more than enough to finish half of the team? And yet, you still say that you are just testing champ? We have bots for that, sucker.

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I know the feeling. Just had a Singed do that (it's a norm, but he was first time).

So I gave him some advice and to go to bot matches to get used to Singed since he did some failflings (literally getting people killed).

He was like "nope" and left. I feel sorry for the people who have to play with him now.

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I'm writing myself some sort of spreadsheet of ranked games I play in in an attempt to help me climb out of Bronze a little faster.

Played three games since getting placed into Bronze I:


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He scales better than the pre-rework version.

If he snowballs, good luck...if you don't have Zac.

Also, I lost 2 ranked lately for 10 and 12 LP respectively

I then won a ranked for 28 LP. That MMR logic.

Played with my bro, guess how I'm doin' now? =P


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It's much less time-consuming to keep notes of games rather than watch replays of past games. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Really, my timeframe for any League I play is between 6pm and 11pm-12am - so really 5-6 hours in a day which I may well spend doing other stuff too, such as eat, play other games, go outside for some reason and general internet browsing.

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That's true. I usually have the time to look over a game or two every once in awhile (like once every 2-3 weeks). It's helpful since matches record in spectator mode and you can see what the enemy team did.

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Yet another stupid noob...I insta picked and locked Mundo yet he still picked Jax and screamed "solo top". So I have to go sp in bot...yet! Yet he still managed to let the top Nidalee kill him 2 times while I and Ashe were dominating bot with 2 kills. Later, I started to understand why, he totally sucks, no sense of tactics, no skill or whatever yet he is here, in rank, what the hell!? He even said "This team sucks", yeah, he was right about that. Everyone except Mundo were stupid feeders who love to solo enemy champs (even when enemy champs were a lot stronger), who love to chase enemy ass back to their territory and get ambushed, who dont even bother to buy ward. How could I tank, defend tower and ward at the same time? I didnt even have time to farm, 64 creeps after the match...At 40:00, Nidalee had over 640 AP and Liss was nearly as tough as a tank, not to mention Thresh who...oh God! That's why I hate rank, it's just like normal pub with bonus despair over the lost matches.

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Is it just me or is the new Yi incredibly strong?

Yeah, overall improvement. Q-CDR on autohit and cd resets without active ultimate are incredible strong.

And finally AP Yi is dead. Not like it was alive, it wasn't viable at all (except with DFG pre nerf - but this item made even AP Pantheon and AP Rengar "useful")

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