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I see two awesome people in the thread~! :):

On a different note, I found a damn good reason to GTFO the smurf account - some guy in gold was playing bots to get first win (doesn't really have time for much else), and that was the most fun I've had supporting anyone in a long time.

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Thanks to everyone who played with me tonight~! I'm still awful in Normals, and my single-digit win count is intact~!

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After some on and off playing this game I have acquired a slight amount of skill with Corki. All I need is a good support, then I can usually carry from then on.

Some scores


I suck so those are good for me but aren't generally good to be average, besides the one at the bottom which I'm proud of

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A win's a win, whether you carried the game or not. As long as you don't feed, you're still helping in one way or another.

A few weeks ago I played a game of top Aatrox, and I was against a Wukong. I was rusty with the guy, constantly under my own tower, and I was 0/2/0 by the time midgame came and people started wandering. I stayed in lane until I took the tower then started grouping with the team. I can't find my game from records but my final score was something like 5/2/8 or something stupid. Was pretty fun, even though I wasn't the one carrying.

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So I'm back doing two things:

1. Leveling another smurf for giggles

2. ARAMs on my main account

Sona only LOOKS squishy, yo! (okay, so I cheated and rushed a Banshee's Veil along with a Grail and the components for an Abyssal Scepter. . .not my fault that the enemy team was Maokai, Veigar, Twisted Fate, Nidalee, and Xerath).

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So I must have missed something, why is C9 in this tourney but not TSM, did C9 finally get the lead for first place NA?

Edit: NA confirmed for Saviors of Europe


EditEdit: For the love of god someone get some Burn Cream for EU

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The NA team was based off invitation. Funnily enough most of the qualified teams (teams that got seeded because they won a previous IEM this IEM season) have lost to the invited teams. iG is the only qualified team that won their first round.

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The pros (or ImaQTpie at the very least) seem to think he's not that great, and is better as a support than as a mid laner. Take that how you will really.

In the League of Apple Pie everything is possible

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I've really been wanting to do the rest of my placements but I've just been terrified to do so lately both because of the servers, and because of how crappy my internet is in general.

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I've been having problems with my connection, too. LUCKILY, it was a minor hiccup, and my team didn't suffer too much. The other guys were out a Fiddlesticks, which is a somewhat important asset in ARAM.

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Turret Health now scales with Ability Power at a ratio based on level (flat 0.05 Ability Power ratio from levels 1-8, increases by 0.035 per level from levels 9-18 ending at 0.40 at level 18)

I'm in a comatose euphoric state :awesome:


if it ever downloads the damn patch of course >_>

Edited by SlayerX
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