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Yep, I'm positive that he's great. I'm not at a level where I can make him great on SR. I shall get there, because he's adorable~!

(wait, did I just call a creature from the void adorable?!)

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I'm having a bad week in ranked, any hints or suggestions?

Take a break? I found that when I get super-frustrated, I do better if I stop thinking about League for a bit.

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i just had a game with trundle

went 0/5 in lane, but finished 6/8/2 after some effective TP ganks and such, and splitpushing like a mad cunt

it was fun

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Yep, I'm positive that he's great. I'm not at a level where I can make him great on SR. I shall get there, because he's adorable~!

(wait, did I just call a creature from the void adorable?!)

All void spawn are pretty adorable, ngl
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Why not? All creatures from the void are adorable.

As a Malzahar cosplayer I agree on this xDDD


As ranked advices? Well mostly these ones I have given to everybody (Not to sound cocky, but coming from a guy who has been 4 years playing this and reached Diamond):

-Attitude: We know how this game is filled with crap/scum/inserte more here. You cant let this to get you, you have to stay positive and avoid useless flaming and swearing, because it leads you nowhere. Its better to ignore or trying to stay positive, specially when always, BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEBODY, blaming/crying when things go bad or just got killed and they go in a tantrum or immaturenes 12 years old kid and ruin the team. Trust me, every game is winnable, if you are losing (Either you are feeding, someone else is feeding, they fucked X lane...) the longer the game, the more chances to win (Because eventually you will all have same items or you can always suprise kill one and upper hand for nash or push to death). Many games are lost just by a negative attitude.

-Champion: All champions are somewhat usable ofcourse, skill > champion, but there are ones who are obviously better in more situations, specially in the yoloQ. Try to get champions who are independent, who dont need help and can carry games, specially if you go to one of the solo lanes. Its not that the ones who dont shine in early/mid are good, but many games are settled at these points, either due lane phase or because the first drakes/teamfights go that way and then people dont focus or cant afford lategame. Regardless of this, always try to pick your best role and your best lane (Sounds logical xD)

-Teamwork: Yeah, this in YoloQ? Well yeah. Normaly the first team who starts going together gets the upper hand, the first "WTF 4 GUYS IN BOT?" killing you, the ones who start going together, pushing together, getting that early first and second drake... They usually win mainly because the others arent organized and then the flame and anarchy rumbles in the other team. Try to "lead" the group for objectives as soon as you can

-This isnt real life: Many people tend to play to death, specially when they have just lost a game and go "mad" again in the queue. You need to learn "when to stop" and if a game got you mad its better not to play for a while, or go play a random/more relaxing mode like Aram/Normal/Playing with friends for fun or go play tetris xDDD I dont know, but just relax. With this you can also avoid the classic troll/feeder/flamer kid you probably just got in your last game and made you mad, as he will probably instajoin queue again and you will avoid him that way. Besides many people that just lost a game are "wounded" for the next one, maybe getting a bit depressed or something like that, it will affect your future games if you are in that mood, take it easy and enjoy when you feel better.

And well the last but not the least:

-Gracious in defeat and humble in victory: I dont know if its the same there, but here in Europe MAAAAANY people claim "I am at X elo BUT I DESERVE MORE, IM JUST BRONZE/SILVER BECAUSE FUCKING TROLLS/AFKS ALL DAY IN MY GAMES" . Well, this may be true or not (Probably not) but people tend to claim higher elo they are and think themselves better than what they really are. Not just first because YOLOQ isnt much supposed to show how good you are in a teamplay (after all you are playing with 4 people you have no idea who they are or how they play), matchmaking is random sometimes and we all have had bad days/bad games even for a "long time" but seriously, this isnt the apocalipsis. In the end everyone tends to reach the elo they deserve, they stabilized around it at some point until they get better/metagame changes or whatever.

I know this because I used to be one of those people who claimed "I am a silver because I always have 1 afk/Trolls in my games" in season 1, but after that I kept playing and learning, I got gold in season 2, platinum in season 3 (At the doors of diamond) and I have reached Diamond in season 4. And I was highly pressured by my friends (Who started to play the same time I did) and they were always one step ahead (In fact some are even challengers).

Of course there are basics everyone has to know, jungle mechanics, runes, masteries, timing ccs in ganks/teamfights, focus, last hitting/farming, some base damages/ratios and ranges are also good to know... But I think you learn that simply by playing, in fact this game is pretty easy, you just need experience, experience to see all the situations possibles and then "know" what its the best thing to do in every single of them, and you just need to keep playing for that.

So thats it guys, keep playing, keep improving and regardless you want to prove how good you are or just have a good time with friends or alone, enjoy the game and be respectful to others.

(I hope I didnt screw up xD, english isnt my main language and sorry if I had said anything stupid)

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What is this, apologizing for both sound advice and cosplaying as the second-cutest guy in League?! I don't mind it at all~!

That being said, LoL is near-unplayable at the moment, because I'm getting nasty FPS skips. Nothing like being a spectator for half a second while someone else dies.

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The client itself makes my Windows 8.1 really slow and shitty, taking up all my disk space. The game itself is separate from the client. Right now both are pretty stupid.

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Im looking forward the new Rift xD, that plus my precious Warwick rework is going to make my life in the game. The bad thing is everybody will start using him again, I really hate when people pick "my champions" xDDD. Mostly fan of sustian champs here, with Warwick and Vladimir I have more than 6000 games in total, those 2 are definetely what got me here, tho Vladimir due his bad set up at the moment cant do much :C Well he is the most nerfed champion in the game for a reason and very hard to balance, but I hope he gets some attention soon.

Meanwhile Warwick all day ;D because Solo top/Jungle is the life, away with that Bot lane that I hate xDDD (Bot lane = Bug caused by drake)

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well you don't really play ad tf for his ult

or his q

or his auto range

why do you play ad tf again?

I remember in season one it was all the rage... But it was painful because the ult could sort of make up for the shit auto range if you somehow left someone with 100 hp. As for why he's doing it, "why not?"


I'm having a bad week in ranked, any hints or suggestions?

Usually I see people stick to one champion to climb up to gold or plat. Generally, take a break or practice on a champion you are already comfortable with or good at playing.

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People played AD TF in the past because he had better AD ratios and the mana healing was devastating in lane with that. Thats why the changed his ratios and items, so he couldnt benefit that much in atk speed AD but rather went for liche bane and such.

I always hated TF and he became so popular in S2 due his ultimate and free gank 4 vs 2 carrying games in early, but after that thing got nerfed he went "meh" due his abilites are inferior to most mages he isnt tank and his main ace is the ultimate who got nerfed. Still usable and still good, but not op as he was before; and no real reason to play him AD anyways.

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There are a lot of things more "anti-fun" imo. LB at least took skill unlike Kayle, Kassadin or Yasuo - in addition she has a lot of counterplay.

On another note:

While the LB nerf is ridiculous, Skarner rework/buff/change/whatever (base damage and ratios got destroyed, but cc and mobility increased) works out great. You don't 1v1 everything easily anymore, but you still do your damage and your cc is finally decent again.

Nidalee rework is interesting at least. Some people claim it's op, I think it's fine so far.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Nidalee is absurd xDDD, they basically gave her a huge buff "for free" with no backwards. Its "ok" tho, but definetely she became a lot of better all of a sudden and the damage and pressure now its absurd xDDD.

Skarner went back to his old s2 op days, Im fine with it^^ . He recovered from much of his problems and since he stuns now he is no longer a lower version of the "new" Sejuani. Skarner is even worth a ban in rankeds now, and I can perfectly see why. He has recovered much of his loss. But beware when WW rework comes, according to the "revealed" things, he is going to be lord of the jungle once again (Getting dashes, his E works for neutral monsters, he causes fear and his ultimate is a skillshot so he can jump walls now and terrain with it).

Still im stuck in this Diamond DX win some, lose some. At least I want to get to DII or something like my friends, being stuck in D V isnt that funny.

How have been your games guys ?

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I feel like nidalee's spear is still going to be a problem though i haven't played in a while. What do you guys think?

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