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Nid spear is weaker than it used to be(lower damage, hitbox is half the width, though this is a nerf/buff since it's easier to thread through minions now)

but she's just so fun ahhhh her cougar form is so much better now

note if she gets items they still hit like a train just not like a train with a bus behind it

Edited by Ether
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it's 450 base damage with 1.2 AP if you can hit it max

600 AP nidalee is still going to hit like a truck

Edited by CT075
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Bots got a neat little buff~! Won a game on a smurf after an hour and ten minutes. . .of me making the worst possible Ezreal build (we needed a mid, and going AD with Fiora/Gangplank/Jinx seemed silly).

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AP Ez is scary if you build him right tho?

Nah, or at least I dont see it at all. It lacks teamfight power and lacks cc or AOE in general, its more like good lane phase and push. Not the worst of APs, but I would say is very situational and not a very good one, AD one is better even after the general nerfs he got since the Blue Ez stopped being viable.

Im hoping for Malzahar/Vladimir getting some buffs acording to current metagame and the already announced and posted Warwick rework. Now I basically see Nidalee´s and Lee Sin´s in all my games, and the usual bans are Yasuo-Skarner-Braum-KAYLE (SENSELESS press buttons to win champ).

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Im hoping for Malzahar/Vladimir getting some buffs acording to current metagame

Please no. IMO they're both fine and viable (I actually main Malzahar and Viktor atm @ diamond), I don't want to see them overpicked and nerfed (which is inevitable the moment something becomes popular).

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Please no. IMO they're both fine and viable (I actually main Malzahar and Viktor atm @ diamond), I don't want to see them overpicked and nerfed (which is inevitable the moment something becomes popular).

You may be good with X champion but that doesnt mean the champion itself is good/viable xDDD, this has happened to me with Vladimir and Warwick being both my mains since always.

The main problem about Malzahar is that his ultimate "ccs himself" and he is more like lane phase, but in teamfights he needs too much positioning, lacks scape and tankyness and doesnt "burst" that fast or easily, specially vs bruisers with dashes or target dashes to him, pretty sad xDDD.

Vladimir is just the lack of cc and well, he is just hard to balance, either he was op at first or gets 30 nerfs in a row like he got, plus now DPS isnt the thing and he lacks of burst or good AP ratios plus the worst early game champ ever.

Its just, champs are usable, but there are so many other and better options U.U

About the buff = Popularity? Yeah sadly that has always happened, Im getting ready for "my tantrum" once WW rework is done and everyone starts using/banning him all day

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Viktor is 100% viable - and Malzahar gets played in Korea, doesn't he? It's not me playing well, large parts of the community are just ignorant and avoid "new" champions/strats. Champions like Ezreal or Shyvana were shunned until someone "made" them viable.

Malzahar: He has great ratios and - while his damage doesn't come in half a second like a Q-R-W LB combo - deals a lot of damage in a short time. He is great in depushing and is able to kill tanky targets easier than most mages (high ratios and % max health damage). His ult has to CC himself as it's one of the few suppression effects - unaffected by tenacity, Mikael's and Cleanse.

Vladimir didn't need CC in his op days and doesn't need it now - he got sustain, tankiness and great aoe damage. His sustain damage is great, why does everyone need burst?

It's obvious that there are better and worse champs, but that doesn't mean your favorite champ has to be the best. You shouldn't want Vladimir to become the next Kayle with CC, utility, aoe damage and a high banrate.

I saw many of my former main champs rise to popularity. Morgana (one of my s1 mains), Vlad, Akali, Katarina and so on. That's just me, but I'd prefer if my favorite champions stay unpopular with undiscovered strengths (just look at Viktor, this guy is so strong) than getting nerfed to oblivion. Vladimir and Malzahar are still way better than weak picks like Sion (why do TF and Fizz get compensation for the LB nerf, but not Sion?) or Vel'koz.

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In fact I gotta agree 100% with you in this sentence:

That's just me, but I'd prefer if my favorite champions stay unpopular with undiscovered strengths (just look at Viktor, this guy is so strong) than getting nerfed to oblivion. V

I always wanted nobody used my main champs (Who had been mostly Vladimir, Warwick, Kennen, Skarner and Mundo) but they being good pick/viables/hidden strenght. In fact one of the reasons I was able to rise to Diamond Im sure it was because they were unusual picks by that time and people didnt know well what to do vs them.
But we
But well, people/pros usually find exploitable op ones, combinations or things and they just eventually come in the eyes of everyone because they are the best options.

I will still stick to it, having my personality and using the champions I like regardless their status and not the "op atm ones". You are right, thanks for restoring/cheering my initial thoughts about these x3

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Nah, or at least I dont see it at all. It lacks teamfight power and lacks cc or AOE in general, its more like good lane phase and push. Not the worst of APs, but I would say is very situational and not a very good one, AD one is better even after the general nerfs he got since the Blue Ez stopped being viable.

Maybe biased because I'm an AD main but I agree that AD Ez is better, but AP Ez is more of a pick/poke champ. Not a teamfight champ.

Note: Teamfight power is NOT the be-all and end-all of a champion. AP Nid lacks all of the above, CC, AoE and teamfight power, and remained a strong pick until recent nerfs. (The nerfs have gone live right? I haven't played in a week or so.) Yes, AP Ez is an average to mediocre AP caster in regards to most AP casters. Can it still be scary? Yes. Yes it can. If it snowballs it can literally insta-delete any non-tanky enemy in one combo. And you don't even need to worry about body-blocks since a lot of the damage comes from the w, which incidently goes through units. And lane phase is how it snowballs.

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Thats why I said its situational, you need to make a team surrounding the "poke" idea, since Ezreal wouldnt work that well with a team that needs DPS or "goes in", but of course poke set ups work, Nidalee being the best example of this, but thats why if the champ works "properly" in less situations than others who play the same role, you say that champ is "less viable" than those.


f course you can do it and its fine, and like you said snowball usually leads lanes and games, but win lane =/= win game necesarrily xDDD so keep everything in mind.

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Since I have no idea how to build Ezreal as anything other than AD. . .yeah, it was bad. I think the only half-decent item in that mess was the Rabadon's.

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Lich Bane is core on AP Ez, and stuff like Rabadon, Zhonya, and Void Staff is good too

I prefer CDR boots over MPen for him and like grabbing a tear, considering you want to spam spells more and you don't have auto attacks to fall back on when they are down, as opposed to AD EZ

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I was a moron and went TF (which. . .actually helped me during midgame, because of the crit boost). Should've flat-out bought Lich Bane at the end, but I forgot. The other items were Void Staff, Zhonya's (guess who fed Lucian?), CDR boots (couldn't justify the other boots), and Twin Shadows (because I'm a movement speed freak). This wasn't a particularly great build, IMO, but eh, we won in the end. Would've grabbed Abyssal, but since Orianna didn't like me or something, and everyone else was AD, I figured it was sort of a waste.

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My favourite build on him AP is like, Lich Bane, Archangels, Either Zhonya or Rabadons, Void Staff, and the other one of Zhonya/Rabadon. And CDR boots of course.

If you wanna be a real pain and kite even better then you could drop something for a Rylai's. Dropping the Zhonya for a Rylai works well because while your w has the reduced slow from Rylai, you can spam it and q enough that chasers never catch up. Combined with your e.

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so uh

gragas is op as fuck

frozen gauntlet + no other ap items does 600 damage with w+auto (this was mid-lategame too; my other items were like randuins/visage/etc)

Edited by CT075
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That could be anyone.

I call Swain. :P:

Speaking of Swain, ran into someone who either screwed up a script or wanted to troll a bot game. We won anyway.

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I call Swain. :P:

Speaking of Swain, ran into someone who either screwed up a script or wanted to troll a bot game. We won anyway.

I ran into a caitlyn player in ranked a week ago.

she won bottom lane with her support (due to the opposing adc's support not being in the lane and instead roamed top lane which was my lane and won it for the opposing top lane much to my disappointment.)

I called caitlyn out on that as why she's not doing anything to cap on the missing support like taking dragon or denying opposing adc valuable cs. She didn't say anything but her support started saying that it was my fault for losing the lane not her, to which I said I wasn't blaming her, I was asking why she isn't doing anything to take advantage of the missing support.

Later, Caitlyn said she was using script bot to afk farm and complained that we lost the game without her.



I reported her for scriptbotting/afking. Wasn't bout to let her roam the community.

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The chances to activate tribunal are slim, but when it happens the predefined option is "Ban" xDDD because basically "everybody" punishes at the tribunal, very few cases go for forgiving xD

More or less true, though there are Rioters watching to make sure there aren't unjust punishes. They have happened in the past, so...

Also to be fair, given how infrequent reporting seems to be, maybe a lot of the punishes are justified.


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And the EUW tribunal is still nonfunctional. So there's no chance of anyone getting banned or whatever via reporting here anytime soon.

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