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I have to play a ranked game within the next few days or I'll start losing LP.

Edit: So I played 2 ranked games tonight.

The first was going rather evenly for the longest time, buuuuut yeah, n00b bait Jax. coupled with a tanky "protect the Kog'Maw" enemy team filled with CC. Didn't end well.

The second was pretty smooth sailing. Bottom was losing slowly, but top and mid were rolling face. I helped secure objectives mainly. The enemy team surrendered at 20.

So yeah, sitting at Silver II with 46 LP. Aiming to get into Gold before the deadline for ranked rewards is over. I really want this year's Victorious skin, whatever it may be.

Edited by Raven
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I have to play a ranked game within the next few days or I'll start losing LP.

Edit: So I played 2 ranked games tonight.

The first was going rather evenly for the longest time, buuuuut yeah, n00b bait Jax. coupled with a tanky "protect the Kog'Maw" enemy team filled with CC. Didn't end well.

The second was pretty smooth sailing. Bottom was losing slowly, but top and mid were rolling face. I helped secure objectives mainly. The enemy team surrendered at 20.

So yeah, sitting at Silver II with 46 LP. Aiming to get into Gold before the deadline for ranked rewards is over. I really want this year's Victorious skin, whatever it may be.

I'll always get victorious skin from now on because I won't place below plat anymore. I'm skilled enough to climb now :3


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I legit want to know what I could have done here to win, because I tried everything I could but the game just wasn't coming together.

Looking at the match history someone posted, Orianna was doing very little damage. Whether it was getting no peel or her aiming for Lich Bane over Zhonyas, who knows. Depsite Galio/Fiora's scores, they were doing a ton of damage, I'd assume your team got caught out by the Galio ult + Fiora ult combo.

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Wow, that was nice!

Nautilus looks like a badass, Graves was useful, and Leona gives zero shits about tree branches.

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i can't get over darius just casually punching out rengar after being stabbed and leo ulted

Well yeah, he's supposed to be that badass.


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Didn't have time for Doom Bots, and now I've got a nasty cut on one of my fingertips. I really wanna play them, but I don't wanna screw my team over.

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You don't have much time left. Who cares about your team, it's about the experience of getting your face wrecked for the first 20 minutes, then making a comeback even after they've managed to destroy your mid inhibitor 3 times in a row.

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5 star doombots wasnt that different, i only played it once and won. basically the same thing youll die a lot because of snares flying every where and unexpected anivia egg baits XD but youll win anyway if you just push. kinda fun i guess, i just cant wait until they bring URF mode back. if youre worried about ping or something just play an adc, maybe antimages would be good too considering its always at least 4 AP champs

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eclipse, I will gladly doombots with you even if we get completely wrecked. It's all about the experience and having fun. Invite me along, I'll teleport Singed split top all day if I need to.

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Man I love team builder. I should play it more often.


AD Blitzcrank is real. Laning phase vs Lee Sin was quite rough (as you can tell by my CS), but come mid/lategame, our teamfight was far superior, despite the Teemo pick.

Match history of the game, if anyone is interested: http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1587737130/30008778

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