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I've heard Talon is pretty damn good at stomping Silver with the whole assassination thing, might pick him up. My go to assassin/mage has always been Ahri though.

Play Ahri over Talon, and I say this as someone who likes Talon. The advantage Talon has is largely how few people are used to playing against him, but him being melee and fairly weak early gets him pretty abused.

He's incredibly mana inefficient.

You need to play assassins so you can 1v1 all in and splitpush whenever you can. Assassins carry Bronze and Silver games. Sadly assassins aren't my playstyle, not that I've given them much playtime to begin with.

Most assassins whose names don't end in -Asuo are pretty subpar in the current meta.

If you want an on-meta splitpusher you can play Aatrox, who can also teamfight. There's a few others.

Trynd isn't as ridiculous as he was but if you know how to play and trade with him you'll still drive people up the wall.

Jax was a surefire way to do it for awhile, there's doubt now.

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S'what happens when you give Yi a free lane. All Nunu could have been to you do was vaguely annoying, his individual kill potential is terrible, especially against someone who has a slow break.

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Lee was top pretty often, so our volibear ended up following him around whenever he get an eye on Lee, so when he came top, so did he.

Ends up with me being the only survivor. (Nunu's ultimate has nothing on dat meditate!)

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Everyone, spread the word.


That way, the rest of us that know better than to repeat people will realize that she's not as bad as everyone makes her out to be.

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By "not as bad as everyone makes her out to be", I mean "I am surviving things that I should've died to, and that's not counting all the kills I stole in the last game". It's bad when I'm support and wind up second in terms of total kills.

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E "oh hey this is a mini Medallion" into W "wait, did I just give out MORE HEALTH" into Q "no get back here fuckface" into Power Chord "whoopsies, it died". With the odd ult here and there. I really like the new passive on it - one level of her ult is two levels on her E~!

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i don't really know what to think of the new sona as i've yet to see a side by side comparison of old and new (anyone else thought it was weird that Riot never showed any numbers or even descriptions whatsoever comparing the sona changes?) but i have played two games with her and she's still good at doing what she's always done. i didn't play her that much before which i regret because she's actually a very strong support that makes a huge difference in a lot of teamfights. i was able to peel a riven off my caitlyn with my heals/speed/power chord slow/extra damage pretty easily which allowed us to win the game. the cooldowns felt less spammable however and that makes me sad because spamming her spells made her feel very strong before once you had decent cdr. i thought she felt strong at first but then i saw a lot of QQ that she was actually nerfed but as i haven't seen any real comparisons yet i can't really say, only that longer cd's and smaller auras are kinda detrimental but the whole team shield is nice.

meh, all of that doesnt affect the 5 man ult i got at one point in those games that won it for us so whatever :D

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i don't really know what to think of the new sona as i've yet to see a side by side comparison of old and new (anyone else thought it was weird that Riot never showed any numbers or even descriptions whatsoever comparing the sona changes?) but i have played two games with her and she's still good at doing what she's always done. i didn't play her that much before which i regret because she's actually a very strong support that makes a huge difference in a lot of teamfights. i was able to peel a riven off my caitlyn with my heals/speed/power chord slow/extra damage pretty easily which allowed us to win the game. the cooldowns felt less spammable however and that makes me sad because spamming her spells made her feel very strong before once you had decent cdr. i thought she felt strong at first but then i saw a lot of QQ that she was actually nerfed but as i haven't seen any real comparisons yet i can't really say, only that longer cd's and smaller auras are kinda detrimental but the whole team shield is nice.

meh, all of that doesnt affect the 5 man ult i got at one point in those games that won it for us so whatever :D

I think it's a combination of the higher CDs, and the tweaks to how her skills work, as well as the fact that her auras are no longer persistent. In other words. . .players have to THINK before spamming. OMG TOO MUCH NERF!

(in other news, she's still godly at peeling, and she can burst down squishies)

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Everyone, spread the word.


That way, the rest of us that know better than to repeat people will realize that she's not as bad as everyone makes her out to be.

Unfortunately she suffers from a terrible case of Not Braum.

Nami is arguably still a bit better at doing Sona things than Sona is, but I rather like Sona's new E.

I bet she sneaks back in once they nerf Braum and Morgana. (The former who is an overloaded kit of nonsense, and the latter who just benefits from the way the support role has evolved/the fact that she's become the new 'A Rhesus monkey could play this champion' support.

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I honestly doubt they'd nerf Morgana at all. They seem to have lowered her ult at level 1 by like 20 damage on the beta, but there's nothing you can do that won't hurt Mid Morgana. You can't touch Black Shield or Root, as her W and R rely on them, it's her whole combo. And if you change the duration, it hurts her damage due to her pool. Besides maybe it's width or speed, there's nothing they can really do. And they can't really do what they did with Zyra and Annie, because even though stuff like her Q base is insane, her rations are already sky high.

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So I just got reported for stealing a kill from a 24 kill Zed that had full build and elixers

He got a penta next team fight that I was oh so tempted to steal from him

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Honestly, I think Morgana is more or less in a need of remaking her kit.

As I do have knack for making champions concepts (That few of you may or may not have seen on the official forum's skin and champion concept subforum, with a new arrival on beta forum's subforum of concepts.) I could try and remake her for better or worse.

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Her kit isn't nearly as bad as other old supports like Taric, Soraka, and Alistar. She has plenty of counter-play which Riot loves, and there's nothing toxic about her either.

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