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work on dying less

i feel like your farm should be about 50 higher in each game except the thresh one

ew hydra trundle

I think I had learned that lesson the hard way by the time Mundo game rolled around.

Agreed. Should focus harder on CS for the golds. That's one of the important things I'll be working on, next to dying less.

I personally see nothing wrong with a Hydra on Trundle, against certain matchups at least. It was very helpful when we were a full team of 5 and I was splitpushing hard. What are your reasons for disliking it?

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Can you guys share some advice for climbing the ranked ladder? Basically I've been stuck at relatively the same spot in ranked for the entire season, dropping from tier 1 to 5 of my tier at one point and now fluctuating between divisions 3 and 4, and I'd like some advice from better players about how to get better. I've tried practicing in normals for a while until I could hard carry every game, and it worked for a while and translated over to ranked, but then, for some reason recently I've been playing terribly again and I've dropped a division.

TL;DR I would like some advice on how to improve as a player efficiently, should I continue to mindlessly spam ranked games, practice in normals, find a 1 v 1 training partner, watch replays etc.

Edited by Xander
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Record yourself in normal games, and watch those (or post them here, and see if the others can give you feedback). Also, is your ping/FPS spiking? It's been a nuisance here for the past few months.

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I think I had learned that lesson the hard way by the time Mundo game rolled around.

Agreed. Should focus harder on CS for the golds. That's one of the important things I'll be working on, next to dying less.

I personally see nothing wrong with a Hydra on Trundle, against certain matchups at least. It was very helpful when we were a full team of 5 and I was splitpushing hard. What are your reasons for disliking it?

didn't see this till now whoops

Hydra isn't bad on trundle, and with Q he gets like 2 auto resets basically so he can do a lot of damage, but I prefer Bork. It's up to preference since Hydra can help with clear, but Bork is better for dueling with Trundle which he already is good at with his kit so it makes it harder to be fought. It makes him even harder to escape too.

Honestly I'd probably get both or something and then the rest would be defensive items.

bork synergizes well with his attack speed boost for more procs too

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get both

well shit

First thing I suppose should be focused is BotRK, particularly if the enemy is a tanky laner, for that % HP damage. Then some boots. Into Tiamat if you're ahead, or a relevant defensive item if even or behind. A Tiamat can be picked up later to help with the splitpushing. Then full ar/mr.

@Eclipse: I read something on Reddit about changing your machine's MAC address when you're experiencing huge ping spikes. Something to do with packet loss caused by your ISP, and that changing the MAC address of affected machines can temporarily fix this problem. It might not affect you but it's worth a try, and harmless even if it fails.

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Can you guys share some advice for climbing the ranked ladder? Basically I've been stuck at relatively the same spot in ranked for the entire season, dropping from tier 1 to 5 of my tier at one point and now fluctuating between divisions 3 and 4, and I'd like some advice from better players about how to get better. I've tried practicing in normals for a while until I could hard carry every game, and it worked for a while and translated over to ranked, but then, for some reason recently I've been playing terribly again and I've dropped a division.

TL;DR I would like some advice on how to improve as a player efficiently, should I continue to mindlessly spam ranked games, practice in normals, find a 1 v 1 training partner, watch replays etc.

play osu, it will increase your mechanics by an entire league (it did for me anyway) within like a week

spam a few to one champion, this isn't saying become a one trick pony, this is legit advice on learning the game. when you master a champion, you realize what it means to be skilled at a certain champion and be able to win most matchups and carry games with that champion. nearly every pro player and challenger was more or less a one trick pony at one time before branching into other champions.

watch good players. watch what they do and try to subconsciously do what they regularly do

be good at fighting. learn to dodge and react to stuff and kill the opponent in the shortest time possible. dominion helps a little with this

i stopped practicing in normals a long time ago and just improved by spamming ranked. even if youre losing more than youre winning youre learning more playing ranked than by playing troll normals. at a certain point normals are about as useful as bot games.

a friend to 1v1 with is a great help if you can find one thats about your skill level. its lots of fun too i recommend skyping with them so you can talk about the duels.

when all else fails and you just want the freelo spam Vi jungle. max Q and don't miss it and you can now wreck every game up until your opponents figure out how to dodge it (idk where you are on the ladder) SOTEL>triforce>tank p much always works, forget about golem. now you can enjoy the freest of los.

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well shit

First thing I suppose should be focused is BotRK, particularly if the enemy is a tanky laner, for that % HP damage. Then some boots. Into Tiamat if you're ahead, or a relevant defensive item if even or behind. A Tiamat can be picked up later to help with the splitpushing. Then full ar/mr.

@Eclipse: I read something on Reddit about changing your machine's MAC address when you're experiencing huge ping spikes. Something to do with packet loss caused by your ISP, and that changing the MAC address of affected machines can temporarily fix this problem. It might not affect you but it's worth a try, and harmless even if it fails.

yup pretty much

trundle can go for a second offensive item due to his ult's steriod in fights

between that, the resets from hydra, the shred from bork, and all that life steal, healing, and attack speed from his W and stuff, he's really scary to duel

also get spirit visage cause it's so good with W and all this life steal

like yeah you should always build differently according to the game, but sometimes you have a build that is just really good and I would only ever shuffle the item order

Merc Treads



Spirit Visage


and then you have a 6th slot that's situational but this gives trundle everything he wants and makes him a real menace

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Hydra isn't bad on trundle, and with Q he gets like 2 auto resets basically so he can do a lot of damage, but I prefer Bork. It's up to preference since Hydra can help with clear, but Bork is better for dueling with Trundle which he already is good at with his kit so it makes it harder to be fought. It makes him even harder to escape too.

Hydra doesn't reset the auto-attack timer. The active uses the auto attack animation, but that's it.

It's not bad on Trundle, but SV, Randuin and BotRK are way more important. IMO - unless you need the lifesteal or waveclear - TF is the better choice as second damage item.

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Or you could just keep it as a Tiamat - exactly the same passive and active minus the extra 35 AD and 12% lifesteal, meaning you can put that 1,400 Gold towards other needed items instead.

Although I'll agree the IE is also good; that extra movespeed on top of all the slows/buffs provided by his kit, and botRK active. Can't really run from all that.

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That new S4 Worlds theme though.

Not disappointed. Imagine Dragons are great.

Also the Worlds group stages start TODAY, in 1.5 hours. Live stream (preview show is prerecorded from 10 hours ago):

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And that's why Imp is the best ADC in the world not Deft. Deft got so overrated due to Blue's weird ability to takedown White despite White being a more complete team.

They're very, very, very similar.

Fnatic just wins games at Worlds, and Blue played way too cocky.

i'll be continuing to fly the flag of apple pie and FREEDOM until the finals at which point i'll be rooting for kabum the dream is alive, i swear

C9 all the way.

Kabum's midlaner is actually rather good. Their AD carry sits and spams taunt at people though, so I enjoy when he gets wrecked - He's clearly used to being big fish in a small pond, but when you're playing in the same tournament as people like Imp, Deft, Rekkles, Uzi, etc. You should not be a cocky AD.

I could see Kabum taking their next game off Alliance unless Alliance shapes up.

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They're very, very, very similar.

Fnatic just wins games at Worlds, and Blue played way too cocky.

Imp and Deft are quite different. Imp's aggression is smarter but Deft's teamfighting is more on point generally speaking. That game was a mess of him eating skill shots.

1-3 right now though. Games is plural :P.

Edit: EU confirmed < NA

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