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FE7 HHM Reverse Recruitment


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So I've been playing FE7 RR lately on HHM to try things out, and it's actually really enjoyable and interesting to see the HM bonuses that were distributed to certain units. First of all, here's the spreadsheet:


(a bit of a mistake at the end regarding Dorcas - Harken and Bartre - Karel, but it's not a big deal)

I'm currently on Chapter 22, and here's Kent (swapped places with Heath):


Not bad at all (though he's worse than Heath because at least he could fly). Now here's Farina (swapped places with Guy) from earlier:


She has some great starting stats, but unfortunately she's weighed down quite a bit. >_> And finally, here's Raven (swapped places with Legault):



Right now I'm training Athos, Karla, and Hawkeye as much as I can to go to Linus's version of FFO to see Priscilla's HHM bases, so yeah. Dorcas's will be quite interesting to see, as well.

And also, Hawkeye (swapped places with Lyn) is a pirate in HHM instead of a brigand. And he doesn't have the Wolf Beil. Pretty odd, but eh.

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lol at nino!rebecca.

anyway, this seems kewl :)

It really is cool, and I'm having quite a fun time. :)

Nino coming early on is pretty ridiculous, since she doesn't really change at all aside from, as stated, appearing early on (her growths are really good and she has tons of room to grow). Rebecca...she'll be lucky if she even survives in NoF. I'm planning on recruiting everyone except Eliwood, so whoop.

Jaffar must break the game so hard as Marcus's replacement... Too bad he has 6 move.

You're quite limited in terms of worthwhile mounted units I see, but at least you get an early dancer.

Jaffar's combat is amazing. It'll never get bad through the game, but his movement hurts him pretty majorly. He's not getting into the action as much as Fiora and Vaida (my main units/mounts), but he's still worth a deployment slot.

Yeah, I'd say this HHM is more difficult than vanilla FE7's (or at least Chapter 22 here). Buuuuut all the fliers you get come before this chapter (though Florina's irredeemable), so there's that. And yeah, Ninian helps out a ton.

Edited by Invader ZM
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Really? I haven't played HHM (or rather, AHM) RR, but at least in normal mode I found it easier than vanilla. Early dancer, several strong earlygame fliers, good earlygame mages, a very good archer, a couple good myrmidons, and a lord that's basically Hector with swapped Def/Res stats, who hits Res and has a 1-2 range Prf.

Vaida is good, with high STR/DEF stats, but her low SPD is probably even more of an issue in HM than it is in NM. Heath is better (IMO), and Farina certainly is after HM boosts. She's basically a flying Oswin. Good, certainly, but I don't think she'll serve so well after a certain point.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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Yeah, the good thing about vanilla Vaida is that she comes with usable bases without you having to train her.

Wouldn't Isadora be worthy of an investment though?

I wonder how RR turn counts would compare to vanilla ones on HHM.

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yes, vaida's move and defense serves her well, but vs magic users or swordmasters i don't believe she'll be good.

heath should serve you better near endgame in hhm, with his better speed and same mov.

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Yah, the only thing holding nino back is her movement.

also vaida that early..lol

Nino's still rather awesome in the earlygame.

Vaida early's pretty broken. Her DEF is ridiculous.

Really? I haven't played HHM (or rather, AHM) RR, but at least in normal mode I found it easier than vanilla. Early dancer, several strong earlygame fliers, good earlygame mages, a very good archer, a couple good myrmidons, and a lord that's basically Hector with swapped Def/Res stats, who hits Res and has a 1-2 range Prf.

Vaida is good, with high STR/DEF stats, but her low SPD is probably even more of an issue in HM than it is in NM. Heath is better (IMO), and Farina certainly is after HM boosts. She's basically a flying Oswin. Good, certainly, but I don't think she'll serve so well after a certain point.

I might be judging AHM's difficulty by the fact that you don't have many mounts with solid durability here (Farina's great DEF base helps her out, but her growth in that is pretty low, and Fiora doesn't have the best durability, either), but eh. It's not too bad if you know what you're doing. I just beat Chapter 22, and now I'm going into the desert. Serra should be alright. ANM is definitely easier than HNM, though, I agree.

Vaida's SPD is pretty problematic, but at least she has a competent 40% growth in it. She has 14 SPD right now, and she's doubling quite fine. Heath's growths are superior, so he'd turn out better in the long run, and Farina would be amazing since she statistically has the best growths out of the three pegs. Fiora, though, is turning out rather well for me.

Yeah, the good thing about vanilla Vaida is that she comes with usable bases without you having to train her.

Wouldn't Isadora be worthy of an investment though?

I wonder how RR turn counts would compare to vanilla ones on HHM.

Isadora's pretty great. She's kinda like FE8 RR's Amelia, and has similar growths, too.

RR probably would have lower turncounts, thanks to early Ninian.

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RR definitely has lower turncounts. Any turns that might have been lost by an unmounted Jeigan are more than made up for by earlier and better fliers, and an earlier dancer who doesn't leave you for 5 chapters.

And yeah, Bishop Serra is an NPC.

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Serra's an NPC like Pent was. She has 13 AS (has 18 SPD at base) with her Divine tome, 19 LUCK, and 18 RES, so she should be alright.

EDIT: Here:


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Serra's decent, but not as good as vanilla Pent. She suffers WTD against the Mages there, so IIRC in NM she has hit in the high 70s/low 80s, and is liable to miss every now and then, which is pretty annoying. Her AS hit from Divine also does a number on her AVO.

Hmm, whenever I used Vaida, she had lower SPD. Possibly she got unlucky, idk. The thing is, Farina is better than her early on due to not very much lower STR and much better SPD (she mostly makes up for less concrete durability with better avoid), and Heath beats her later on with the highest STR cap of all the fliers and a SPD cap that's still sufficient.

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too bad her magic isn't as good as pent's. oh well, she has better res so w/e.

She still 1RKO's the wyverns, which is all she should worry about.

Serra's decent, but not as good as vanilla Pent. She suffers WTD against the Mages there, so IIRC in NM she has hit in the high 70s/low 80s, and is liable to miss every now and then, which is pretty annoying. Her AS hit from Divine also does a number on her AVO.

Hmm, whenever I used Vaida, she had lower SPD. Possibly she got unlucky, idk. The thing is, Farina is better than her early on due to not very much lower STR and much better SPD (she mostly makes up for less concrete durability with better avoid), and Heath beats her later on with the highest STR cap of all the fliers and a SPD cap that's still sufficient.

Wyvern riders have a 35%-37% displayed hit on her, so she has a fairly reliable chance at dodging them. If she does get hit, though, it takes a good chunk of her HP away, which kinda blows.

Vaida has a 2 SPD base, and a 40% growth isn't the best. At least she's better off than Bartre in vanilla FE7 (who was in a similar situation), since Vaida has flight, a better STR base for crazy good chip, and great durability. Farina's definitely better off (though her CON and durability suck), and Heath is definitely the best out of all of them.

Here's Lyn:


Really good stats, and she's usuable right from the get-go. And er, how do you change names? Lyn having Hawkeye's name and Hawkeye having Lyn's kinda bothers me.

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@Jprebs: Perhaps after a playthrough and people are interested in the idea. It'd be fun, definitely.

And yeah, what BBM said.

lol SB.

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Definitely Priscilla. If she doesn't get to Warp in time, though (she has plenty of time, since she starts with B staves and Chapters 26 and 28 are defense chapters), Serra.

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This really isn't an efficiency run, though. I'm just going through AHM to see how the bonuses are.

If this were LTC, I wouldn't even use Hawkeye or even Karla too much, and Farina, Heath, and Isadora would've seen more use. Priscilla (and quite possibly Erk) wouldn't even be considered for the run, and Serra would've been my warper (Nino if time permits).

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According to Horace, Canas is a potential Warper in LTC context (and I imagine Luna crits would be useful in maps like CoD) and should be one in RR as well, but I don't see why you wouldn't go for Nino considering how quickly you could turn her into a monster. She can probably own the desert too with some help from Ninian and the staffers (just Renault I guess?).

Sierra's base mag in RR is kinda tiny and her combat is worse than Pent's (can't tank physicals very well at all) so increasing her staff range to more than 7 would be tough.

Map 28x is when you want at least B staves, and you'll want Warp by map 30.

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