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Fire Emblem: Brewing Conflicts, IC Thread


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There was a small army armoury that was available for anyone who wished to go, though the remaining equipment was fairly basic, not entirely surprising considering most of the soldiers had already been kitted out.

Iron Knife (350 Gold)

Iron Halberd (400 Gold)

Iron Staff (325 Gold)
Hand Axe (400 Gold)
Lightning (350 Gold)

Heal (400 Gold)
Antidote (350 Gold)

Vulnerary (300 Gold)
Antitoxin (250 Gold)
Pure Water (250 Gold)
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"Erm, what was that about conning stuff? Are you talking about me?" Calden did his best to look confused, all the while mentally cursing whoever told her about it, without their meddling he'd have probably been home free. The hell did they even gain from ratting him out, anyway? Maybe it'd been Ashok... he seemed to know about it, although maybe he could just pass it off as him being drunk and not remembering, if that was the case.

Edited by Essbee
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Helen's mood didn't get any better as Calden reacted, which made her push the matter again. "Yes, it was you that made all that fuss about the cursed ring after all, right? The ring wasn't cursed at all, apparently, and all you did was use it to help your own magic while making it look like something else for I don't even know what." She grasped what could be considered as the sheets from the bed she was sitting on, trying to overplay her annoyance as anger. "Seems like it worked just fine, didn't it? You felled that enemy wyvern rider in a single hit this last battle, even I could see that. What I don't see is why go the trouble to swipe it from me with a lie rather than just saying it'd help you more outright."

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"I just remembered!" said Ashok, springing himself off the bed and towards the door, "I was going to look into buying myself a more powerful lance. The iron one isn't going to hold up if we keep fighting. And it'd be nice to deal more damage!" He slunk out of the doorway before Calden or Helen could hold him there, and sighed a big sigh. He figured she was going to find out about it sooner or later, and he didn't feel right keeping the secret from her. Besides, it would be better if they settled any problems between them before any more fighting happened. "Just imagine if they started an argument on the battlefield? That would be deadly, for all of us..."

And so he blundered his way into the shop, taking stock of their wares, and doing a bit of window shopping before letting any coins fall.

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Taking Ashok's cue to slip out on the pretence of buying equipment, Lenora soon followed him out of the barracks, and found him to indeed be at the shop looking at wares, though seeming unimpressed.

"You don't seem the type for a halberd, Ashok... unless I'm wrong, it doesn't look like you'll find any new weapons to pick up, today." Lenora noted to the man, as she herself went up to the counter, and taking quick stock of their inventory, decided on her purchase.

"I'll take a set of those knives." She stated, sliding the listed price in gold across the counter from her pay.

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Sophia thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of Ashok's retreat to try and defuse the situation. "Well, maybe you can arrange something later? I've heard of items that increase the user's physical strength, or ones that allow them to use heavy weapons with ease" She gestured toward Helen's halberd, "If Calden finds one he could give it to you. If not that, I'm sure you can find something that you'll both agree on." As long as it keeps you from causing a scene in the middle of camp...

Edited by Alg
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"Er, hello, Lenora," he started, slightly jumpy from his quit retreat. He'd half expected it to be Calden or Helen, storming after him to drag him back into their argument. "I'm not, really. But a better weapon is what it is, and I don't get the chance to be picky while we're all at war." He put four hundred of his gold onto the counter with a sigh, "I'll take the halberd, please."

Ashok puts down 400 Gold for a halberd.

He turned himself to the thief as the armorer fetched his new spear. "So, if you don't mind me asking..." he started, awkwardly, of course, "what was earlier about? I couldn't really see from where I was standing. O-Of course if it's none of my business that's fine. I'm always up for any other conversation."

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"Oh... that..." Lenora replied, as the very last subject that she wanted to talk about came up, loud and clear. Her expression shifting to a noticeable grimace as Ashok began to backpedal into a predictable 'but you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to'.

"Nothing big... just involved some misunderstandings and some personal issues..." Lenora replied, inadvertently serving up her best slasher smile as she did so.

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"Ah, I see." He didn't want to press the issue, the smile a sure sign that she wasn't in any mood to talk about it. It was also slightly scary, but he'd expected these sorts of things.

"So!" he said, starting a different line of conversation, "what do you think about all of this? Working as a mercenary group in an army! I can't say I'd imagined it, even in my wildest dreams. It's...it's pretty wonderful, honestly. I mean, I know, any of us could die, but...I guess the pros outweigh the cons in my mind." He finally laughed a little, calming it down to a giggle. "I must sound ridiculous. Honestly, Ashok..."

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"I can't say I would call fighting for our lives 'wonderful'... but it is nice to be fighting on relatively even terms instead of at some crazy disadvantage like I'm used to... and the perks of a soldier without any of the duty or insane responsibilities isn't bad either... if you want to fight, this isn't a bad way to go about it." Lenora replied, glad for the subject change... at the very least, Ashok was a pro at that particular skill, Lenora noted, her visage softening as the topic strayed away from the earlier shenanigans.

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"That's why I said I was being ridiculous. I hate fighting, I really do, but I can't help but be happy. I've seen more in these past three days than I have my entire time working for that ferrying crew." It was a bit of a sad thought, but it was true. He'd met the most colorful assortment of people, more than he ever thought he would. He'd learned about foreign countries, participated in foreign affairs, and even been trampled by a wyvern! "Of course, the most recent development I could've gone without. Fare's breath smells something awful, let me tell you," he said with a laugh, "but meeting wonderful people like you has been worth it all."

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"It makes sense, doesn't it? You signed up for a job that, at it's core, is just labour and travel... anyone with a little insight could tell you that it was probably because you wanted to experience more of the world... either that or it was the only place that would take you, but that didn't seem the case." Lenora replied, opting to lean against the counter as she spoke.

"What do you expect from a half-wild carnivore who's owner gives it whatever he happens to come across for food? He doesn't look like he's got enough of a reign on that thing to actually clean it's mouth without getting eaten himself, so of course it'll smell bad." Lenora continued with a chuckle, before turning to face the soldier again.

"Wonderful people, huh? Sure it's not too early to be making that kind of judgment?"

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Sturgulewski snuck out after Ashok and Lenora, reaching the merchant tent. He saw Lenora and Ashok engaged in conversation. He had just managed to catch the last thing Lenora said. "Well, I wouldn't know about that, Lenora," he said. "So far, this group looks rather pleasant."

The old priest then looked at the staff selection. "Hm..." He then gestured to the Antidote staff that was visible. "May I have one of those, please?"

Sturgulewski buys an Antidote.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck 2.0
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"Well, I don't know about...no, who am I kidding? That's pretty much it. And it worked, in the end, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here." Whatever Gods there were in the world, and whatever fate they'd strung together to get him to where he was, he thanked them. As long as he made it out alive, this would've been worth it.

"I don't hold it against him, though. It's probably ridiculously difficult to train a wyvern. Maybe it'll help it to be so close to other people. Or maybe it'll sneak into my tent tonight and finish what it started today! Who's to say?" He made himself laugh again, hearing Lenora laugh as well.

"I wouldn't say so. Besides," he said, leaning on the counter himself, "how could such a cute laugh not be wonderful?" He gave her a smile, and a quick wink.

The elderly priest came in suddenly, and he waved to the man "Ah, Sturgulewski, how fares things on your end?

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"They fare rather well, thank you," Sturgulewski replied. "These old bones are still showing that they have a bit of life left in them after all, so that must count for something..." He gave Ashok a kindly smile. "And you? What is this business of you being... besieged by a wyvern earlier?"

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"I suppose you're right... though it depends on what exactly it was starting... either it was trying to kill you or trying to make the world's first human-wyvern hybrid abomination baby... I dunno which one's worse." Lenora replied, as Ashok made a quick comment about her laugh, and Sturgulewski gave his two cents.

"Looks rather pleasant it may, but... appearances aren't everything. Maybe I'm just too damn paranoid, wouldn't surprise me." The thief commented, her brow shifting slightly as she spoke, before turning back towards Ashok to address his... comment.

"As for you, mister... were you trying to put the moves on me? I didn't think you had it in you."

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"If that's the case, I desperately hope it doesn't come back tonight. I'd rather have a normal family, if it came to it, thank you. Well I guess that depends on your definition of normal, but mine does not include wyverns." A chill ran down his spine, wondering what possibly would've happened if the wyvern had continued. It was a mental image that he barred from his mind as soon as it tried to enter. "Hopefully nothing, Sturgulewski, nothing but an overprotective wyvern. I've no wounds from the conflict, so there's nothing to worry about.

He flushed a little bit as Lenora spoke to him, laughing slightly. "You wouldn't be mad if I said yes, would you?"

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"I guess I'll just have to realize along the way, won't I?" He smiled, turning his head towards the door the armorer had disappeared into. He sure was taking his time fetching that halberd...not that Ashok minded, at this point.

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"Not as coy as I thought, perhaps... else you might just be feigning a front whilst your thoughts lie aquiver... you're an interesting one, Ashok." Lenora commented, her interest roused. Ashok certainly didn't seem the romantic type, let alone in the heat of a war... perhaps he merely wished to rid himself of a lingering virginity before he bit it? Lenora had no way of knowing, at this junction.

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"I don't know about that, but I'll take it as a compliment," he gave a grin and stretched, "and then I'll say, for better or worse, you're pretty interesting yourself. I guess we'll have to see what becomes of either of us as this war drags on."

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"Well... interesting isn't the worst word that's been used to describe me, so I'll take it." Lenora replied with a smirk, which soon gave way to a sly smile.

"Try not to die now, Ashok... who knows, if you can keep yourself around long enough... when we aren't quite so prone to being offed the very next day, I just might take you up on those words... I hope you'll be ready for me if I do."

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Sophia thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of Ashok's retreat to try and defuse the situation. "Well, maybe you can arrange something later? I've heard of items that increase the user's physical strength, or ones that allow them to use heavy weapons with ease" She gestured toward Helen's halberd, "If Calden finds one he could give it to you. If not that, I'm sure you can find something that you'll both agree on." As long as it keeps you from causing a scene in the middle of camp...

Helen sighs at the intrusion. "That's not the point, I know myself that he would make better use of the magic ring than me if he needed the power. I wouldn't be all against giving him the ring if he explained it with no lies." After saying this, Helen took a breath, putting a palm over her face when noticing the rest of the group escaping there one after another. "Apparently it was something obvious enough that even Ashok could notice, just like he told me. But I'd rather trust the people I'm risking my neck with, because, you know, it is kind of important if we want to live through a harsher battle." At that moment, Helen was pretty fed up of the atmosphere there herself, standing up and reaching for the door. "If you want me to not trust in any of you, don't let this pass like normal. I hate groups where people think of themselves to this point. Last I had to deal with the worm just up and fled in a rough time and let me and our escort under attack by bandits, I almost died, almost." After speaking, Helen just up and left the room, leaving the door open, figuring the fresh air outside might do her better right now.
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