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Fire Emblem: Brewing Conflicts, IC Thread


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Well it sounded like a stupid conversation was happening none too far away. Better chip in before the pegasus knight decided that this guy was a drug dealer to go with Lenora's apparent prostitute.

"We aren't bandits. I dunno who was feeding you drivel, but we're working under some Captain in the Eslonian military because the Cabarians apparently are planning to invade. We've even routed one of the bandit groups around here already."

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Hans suddenly noticed quite a large time had passed from his catnap. In fact, he was now standing in the middle of a road being attacked. Fantastic. How'd it come to this?

"I should probably be helping right around now!"

Hans said with impunity. He turned his ahead and noticed an anima mage, an easy target for him. He didn't like the look on her face, she was going to die.

[Hans stands in place and casts Flux on the mage [14,11]]

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Sophia overhears part of the conversation when moving to heal Helen. "Wait, bandits? How are we bandits?"

Sophia moves to 11,7 and heals Helen.

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Hans attacks the mage again, this time taking her out.

Hans vs Mage A
Hit: 99 + 15 (WTA) - 9 (Evade) = 105.
Hit roll: autohit!
Damage: 17 + 1 (WTA) - 6 (Resistance) = 12 Damage.
On kill, 20% chance to loot gold: rolled 27, nope.

Sophia Heals Helen.
Healing: 10 + 6 (Magic): Up to 16 healed.

Ashok Leser: 29/30

Lenora Herman: 23/23

Aiolos: 25/26

Calden: 23/23

Helen Vatter: 23/23

Sophia Hall: 23/23

Kristoph Jaeger: 27/28

Hans Chrosh: 24/24

Sturgulewski: 21/22


Knight A: -3/26

Knight B: 26/26

Mage A: -2/22

Mage B: -4/22

Mercenary A: -2/25

Mercenary B: 25/25

Myrmidon A: 23/23

Myrmidon B: 23/23

Nomad A: 24/24

Nomad B: 24/24

Monk A: 20/20

Monk B: -5/20

Fighter A: -3/26

Fighter B: 26/26

Rantin 30/30

Xavier: 25/26


Ryst: 24/24

Owen: 28/28

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Wait, the hell? Wasn't that the leader guy from a few days ago, that they'd defeated? Whoever the hell let him out was a complete idiot, but they didn't have time to deal with that right now. Calden moved to engage a swordfighter to the north who was threatening to slip through the group's defenses.

Calden moves to (14,9) and attacks the Myrmidon with Thunder.

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As Kris dug his sword out of the monk's chest and swinging the blood off, he picked up the conversation that everyone else was hearing. Bandits? Now that was a good one, shouldnt it have been obvious at this point that they were at least some form of trained unit based off their reactions to combat and skills.

"Bandits, are you serious? Kid we're with the Eslonian military, fighting off invaders to this country. I suggest you either fly off or drop your weapon, else you're gonna get cut down like the rest."

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Calden hit the Myrmidon with a thunder spell, dealing some significant damage.

Calden vs Myrmidon B
Hit: 104 + 10 (Personal Skill) - 24 (Evade) = 90.
Hit roll: 59, hit!
Damage: 16 - 2 (Resistance) = 14 Damage.

Ashok Leser: 29/30

Lenora Herman: 23/23

Aiolos: 25/26

Calden: 23/23

Helen Vatter: 23/23

Sophia Hall: 23/23

Kristoph Jaeger: 27/28

Hans Chrosh: 24/24

Sturgulewski: 21/22


Knight A: -3/26

Knight B: 26/26

Mage A: -2/22

Mage B: -4/22

Mercenary A: -2/25

Mercenary B: 25/25

Myrmidon A: 23/23

Myrmidon B: 9/23

Nomad A: 24/24

Nomad B: 24/24

Monk A: 20/20

Monk B: -5/20

Fighter A: -3/26

Fighter B: 26/26

Rantin 30/30

Xavier: 25/26


Ryst: 24/24

Owen: 28/28

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Seeing as the wyvern had landed right in front of him, Ashok heard the entire conversation, and wasn't quite pleased. "First you have the audacity to ambush us, and now you're claiming we're bandits!? If anyone's a bandit here it's you and your pathetic party! The nerve!" Before he riled himself up into stabbing the man he saw that Calden was leaving himself entirely undefended, and took a space in front of the mage.

Ashok moves to 14,10 and attacks Myrm B!

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"Um, bandits? No, we're no-" She'd continue, but the thief distracted her a bit with some talk of her own. The pegasus' flapping wings didn't make it clear to her what Lenora was saying, so she went back to talk in the middle of whatever Lenora was doing anyways. "Uhhh, right... I'm saying we're not bandits. We... well, most of us are mercenaries, and an Eslonian commander hired us. I think I can tell bandits apart, mind you, and he has a more formal air and... is certainly more generous than a bandit. I don't think I'm being conned here--" She paused to wonder about her words ever so slightly, thinking about the last conning attempt that she suffered.

"Look, first of all, I'm not going to kill someone that's struggling to get their act together when there was a mage getting his tome ready to blast one of my companions here. Second, you're the ones ambushing us. And third, I'm no bandit, I'm not going to kill someone that's harmless. We're here to fight the Cabarian army because of some tension or another, so I think following army rules work better here." She paused, wondering if the rider even paid attention to her little speech's point. To be pretty honest, she kind of wondered if she got it herself. "So, uh, are you just going to stand there?"

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Ashok vs Myrmidon B
Hit: 97 + 15 (WTA) - 10 (Personal Skill) - 24 (Evade) = 78.
Hit roll: 31, hit!
Damage: 15 + 1 (WTA) - 5 (Defense) = 11 Damage.

Ashok Leser: 29/30

Lenora Herman: 23/23

Aiolos: 25/26

Calden: 23/23

Helen Vatter: 23/23

Sophia Hall: 23/23

Kristoph Jaeger: 27/28

Hans Chrosh: 24/24

Sturgulewski: 21/22


Knight A: -3/26

Knight B: 26/26

Mage A: -2/22

Mage B: -4/22

Mercenary A: -2/25

Mercenary B: 25/25

Myrmidon A: 23/23

Myrmidon B: -2/23

Nomad A: 24/24

Nomad B: 24/24

Monk A: 20/20

Monk B: -5/20

Fighter A: -3/26

Fighter B: 26/26

Rantin 30/30

Xavier: 25/26


Ryst: 24/24

Owen: 28/28

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"Uh..." was all Xavier could think of as a response to the numerous people attempting to claim they weren't bandits all at the same time. It was strange that almost all of them stopped what they were doing, potentially leaving them open to attack if he decided to go down fighting, just to disprove his claim. Ah what the hell he just wanted to survive at the moment and this was getting ridiculous. "Look uh, everyone, I'll... just take your word for it."

"I... don't suppose you'd trust me enough to fight with you guys now?" Xavier asked nervously. "If you could just point out the spot you want me to stand at that'd be fine too. I'm not too keen on the whole dyin' thing."

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"... you didn't listen to me at all, did you?" Helen scratched her head, wondering if it was even worth if to keep bothering. Especially when apparently everyone barged in and shouted some responses at the poor rider. So much for parley!

"If you want to save you skin and ours then uuuuh...." She started looking around and checking what the heck was the defense plan this time. "Look, go help these guys over the north, y'see that?" She raised her hand in the general direction of Ashok and the others, squinting her eyes a bit. "See the group holding off that mage and myrmidon... and some fat soldier? The group is ours, I think they'd like some help."

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"Uh, okay. Thanks I guess," Xavier said before urging Fare back into the air. Surprisingly she didn't fight him at all and it made him wonder. "Were you looking out for me just now?" he asked Fare as he flew to where the pegasus knight had directed him. Fare snorted in response, this time not as obnoxiously as before. "Heh, I guess you'll get the food I promised you afterall."

Xavier moves to 15, 9 and waits.

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"Much appreciated, gramps. I ain't missing anything for sure now!"

Aiolos moves to 15,7 and equips his hatchet.

The wyvern rider was separated from the others, like he was merely watching. If he got into the fight, it'd be a different story.

"Havin' fun over there with your lizard? Thought so, it don't look like much of a fighter."

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---Allies, Turn 2---

Ryst moved to 12,11 and stopped.

Owen moved to 12,8 and equipped his Iron Javelin.

---Enemies, Turn 2---

Rantin looked nervous. Though he was not close enough to the action to see exactly what was going on, he knew that it was not going well. He thought he wouldn't have needed to even lift a finger with the forces that he brought, and due to the element of surprise. Apparently not.

xY5QHqD.gif"That damn Xavier probably got himself killed, as well. I need to move out."

Rantin then noticed the axemen shouting up at him. Well, he wouldn't be laughing soon. He was well outmatched by Rantin's standards, and as long as he didn't get it range, he should be fine. Rantin threw his weapon from range.

Rantin missed the first shot by missing by a great margin, but after his wyvern got hit by the man's throwing axe, he connected with a second shot.
Rantin vs Aiolos
Hit: 89 - 15 (WTD) - 20 (Terrain) - 22 (Evade) = 32.
Hit roll: 99, miss! 

Aiolos counters!
Hit: 97 + 15 (WTA) - 22 (Evade) = 90.
Hit roll: 23, hit!
Damage: 14 + 1 (WTA) - 7 (Defense) = 8 Damage.

Rantin attacks again!
Hit: 89 - 15 (WTD) - 20 (Terrain) - 22 (Evade) = 32.
Hit roll: 24, hit!
Damage: 16 - 1 (WTD) - 4 (Defense) = 11 Damage.
A Knight clashes lances with Ashok, and they both hit each other, but just scrape each other's armour.
Knight A vs Ashok
Hit: 91 - 14 (Evade) = 77.
Hit roll: 5, hit!
Damage: 15 - 9 (Defense) = 6 Damage.

Ashok counters!
Hit: 97 - 10 (Personal Skill) - 8 (Evade) = 79.
Hit roll: 71, hit!
Damage: 15 - 11 (Defense) = 4 Damage.
The myrmidon attacks Ashok, and hits before Ashok stabs back. The myrmidon then unleashes a dangerous attack, though Ashok is still standing after it.
Myrmidon A vs Ashok
Hit: 114 - 15 (WTD) - 14 (Evade) = 85.
Hit roll: 17, hit!
Damage: 13 - 1 (WTD) - 9 (Defense) = 3 Damage.

Ashok counters!
Hit: 97 + 15 (WTA) - 10 (Personal Skill) - 24 (Evade) = 78.
Hit roll: 6, hit!
Damage: 15 + 1 (WTA) - 5 (Defense) = 11 Damage.

Myrmidon A attacks again!
Hit: 114 - 15 (WTD) - 14 (Evade) = 85.
Hit roll: 85, hit!
Crit roll: 2!
Damage: 13 - 1 (WTD) - 9 (Defense) = 3 x 3 (Critical) = 9 Damage!
One of the enemy spellcasters attempted to hit Lenora, but failed.
Monk A vs Lenora
Hit: 106 - 34 (Evade) - 7 (Support) = 65.
Hit roll: 67, miss!

Lenora cannot counter!
A horse archer managed to hit Sturgulewski with an arrow.
Nomad B vs Sturgulewski
Hit: 87 - 5 (Personal Skill) - 26 (Evade) = 56.
Hit roll: 24, hit!
Damage: 16 - 9 (Defense) = 7 Damage.

Sturgulewski cannot counter!

---Player, Turn 3---

Sturgulewski gains up to 9HP.


It starts to rain!

Weather: 43ClT.png

Current Objective: Defend Yourselves!

Ashok Leser: 11/30
Lenora Herman: 23/23
Aiolos: 14/26
Calden: 23/23
Helen Vatter: 23/23
Sophia Hall: 23/23
Kristoph Jaeger: 27/28
Hans Chrosh: 24/24
Sturgulewski: 22/22
Xavier: 25/26

Knight A: -3/26
Knight B: 22/26
Mage A: -2/22
Mage B: -4/22
Mercenary A: -2/25
Mercenary B: 25/25
Myrmidon A: 12/23
Myrmidon B: -2/23
Nomad A: 24/24
Nomad B: 24/24
Monk A: 20/20
Monk B: -5/20
Fighter A: -3/26
Fighter B: 26/26
Rantin 22/30

Ryst: 24/24
Owen: 28/28

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The rest of the enemies seemed to have closed in quickly, and while they seemed to be holding the north and west fairly well, the man Calden assumed to be the leader was closing in on them, and dealt a hefty blow to Aiolos. He couldn't be left alone to harass the group any longer, so Calden took it upon himself to ground the overgrown lizard.

"How's the weather up there?" he taunted, before dropping a bolt of lightning that would hopefully knock him out of the sky.

Calden moves to (16,8) and zaps the boss with Thunder.

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Hans noted the group of enemies that were now closing in on the priest. Of course, he decided he would rather clean up the forces near him.

He did take time to assure the priest he would get over there eventually.

"Hang on pops! I'll lend you my hand in a bit!"

[Hans moves to [15,8] and nukes the knight from orbit. Where the nuke is a dark flux spell and orbit is the ground that is.]

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xY5QHqD.gif"That Xavier has joined up with the enemy, damn it! I knew I shouldn't have trusted a mercenary to join us!"

He then noticed the mage attacking him, and readied his throwing spear.

xY5QHqD.gif"I'll take you on, little man."

Calden barely hit Rantin with the thunder spell, but it send him spinning out of the air, crashing into the ground and left lying on the ground with fatal wounds.

Calden vs Rantin
Hit: 104 + 10 (Personal Skill) - 22 (Evade) = 92.
Hit roll: 92, hit!
Damage: (Effectiveness: 6 x 3) + 10 (Magic) - 5 (Resistance) = 23 Damage!
Hans destroys the knight with two Flux spells.

Hans vs Knight A
Hit: 101 - 8 (Evade) = 93.
Hit roll: 78, hit!
Damage: 18 - 1 (Resistance) = 17 Damage.

Hans attacks again!
Hit: 101 - 8 (Evade) = 93.
Hit roll: 16, hit!
Damage: 18 - 1 (Resistance) = 17 Damage.
//Will roll levels in OOC thread.


Ashok Leser: 11/30

Lenora Herman: 23/24

Aiolos: 14/27

Calden: 23/23

Helen Vatter: 23/23

Sophia Hall: 23/24

Kristoph Jaeger: 27/29

Hans Chrosh: 24/25

Sturgulewski: 22/23

Xavier: 25/27


Knight A: -3/26

Knight B: -12/26

Mage A: -2/22

Mage B: -4/22

Mercenary A: -2/25

Mercenary B: 25/25

Myrmidon A: 12/23

Myrmidon B: -2/23

Nomad A: 24/24

Nomad B: 24/24

Monk A: 20/20

Monk B: -5/20

Fighter A: -3/26

Fighter B: 26/26

Rantin -1/30


Ryst: 24/24

Owen: 28/28

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Sturgulewski hissed as the arrow injured him. "Damn it..." he said immediately. However, his wound closed itself up. Thankful that he had picked that skill up over the course of his travels, Sturgulewski looked at the enemy archer, before turning his attention to Hans.

"Don't worry about me!" he said. "I'll be all right." He then looked over to Ashok. "Let me attend to some of the wounded. Sophia, help Aiolos, I think he took a rather serious wound!"

He then ran over to Ashok and prepared his healing staff. "That was a rather bad hit you took there," he said. "Here, let me help you with that."

Sturgulewski moves to 14,9 and heals Ashok.

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"Got it." Aiolos at least didn't look like he was in any immediate danger.

Sophia moves to 14,7 and heals Aiolos.

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Sturgulewski heals Ashok
Healing: 10 + 9 (Magic) = Up to 19 healed.
Sophia heals Aiolos
Healing: 10 + 7 (Magic) = Up to 17 healed.

Ashok Leser: 30/30

Lenora Herman: 23/24

Aiolos: 27/27

Calden: 23/23

Helen Vatter: 23/23

Sophia Hall: 23/24

Kristoph Jaeger: 27/29

Hans Chrosh: 24/25

Sturgulewski: 22/23

Xavier: 25/27


Knight A: -3/26

Knight B: -12/26

Mage A: -2/22

Mage B: -4/22

Mercenary A: -2/25

Mercenary B: 25/25

Myrmidon A: 12/23

Myrmidon B: -2/23

Nomad A: 24/24

Nomad B: 24/24

Monk A: 20/20

Monk B: -5/20

Fighter A: -3/26

Fighter B: 26/26

Rantin -1/30


Ryst: 24/24

Owen: 28/28

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Xavier watched as his new allies, or whatever they were at the moment, did battle with his former comrades/employers. It was clear that despite the ambush and lack of leaders they currently held the advantage. "I guess you'd have to be more than bandits if you're this strong and organized," he told the nearby lancer. After he said that he looked back to see where Rantin was only to see him get zapped out of the sky by a thunder spell. "Well there goes any chance of getting paid for this mess. Might as well help these people..." he said to himself. He noticed that the nearby sword fighter was wounded and decided that they were an easy target.

Xavier moves to 13,11, spears Myrm A, and waits.

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Well, with the whole wyvern rider confusion out of the way, it was about time for Helen to start paying attention to the battlefield again --and what timing, the mounted archers were right at the corner...

"Ergh, yet more of them, huh. I'll leave the archers to you guys!" She said with not so much conviction, deciding to charge the light mage first. Both to hopefully open the way and because she felt he was the less threatening.

Helen moves to (11,9) and attacks the (10,9) Monk, pulling back to (13,7) afterwards.

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Xavier fails to hit the myrmidon and instead gets slashed for minimal damage back.

Xavier vs Myrmidon A
Hit: 92 + 15 (WTA) + 10 (Personal Skill) - 5 (Personal Skill) - 24 (Evade) = 88.
Hit roll: 95, miss! 

Myrmidon A counters!
Hit: 114 - 15 (WTD) - 21 (Evade) = 78.
Hit roll: 46, hit!
Damage: 13 - 1 (WTD) - 9 (Defense) = 3 Damage.
Helens injures the monk as he fails to counter.

Helen vs Monk A
Hit: 88 + 10 (Personal Skill) - 5 (Halberd Personal Skill) - 23 (Evade) = 70.
Hit roll: 67, hit!
Damage: 16 + 1 (Halberd Personal Skill) - 3 (Defense) = 14 Damage.

Monk counters!
Hit: 106 + 5 (Halberd Personal Skill) - 23 (Evade) - 10 (Personal Skill) = 78.
Hit roll: 86, miss!

Ashok Leser: 30/30

Lenora Herman: 23/24

Aiolos: 27/27

Calden: 23/23

Helen Vatter: 23/23

Sophia Hall: 23/24

Kristoph Jaeger: 27/29

Hans Chrosh: 24/25

Sturgulewski: 22/23

Xavier: 22/27


Knight A: -3/26

Knight B: -12/26

Mage A: -2/22

Mage B: -4/22

Mercenary A: -2/25

Mercenary B: 25/25

Myrmidon A: 12/23

Myrmidon B: -2/23

Nomad A: 24/24

Nomad B: 24/24

Monk A: 6/20

Monk B: -5/20

Fighter A: -3/26

Fighter B: 26/26

Rantin -1/30


Ryst: 24/24

Owen: 28/28

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