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Fire Emblem: Brewing Conflicts, IC Thread


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"Tara, is there any space for us to rest? We've been fighting and walking for hours now, and I can't speak for everyone, but I know I'd like somewhere to take the load off my feet." A nice break would be appreciated, though the camp looked a bit stacked with all the soldiers hanging around.

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"Speaking of space to rest," Xavier added once Ashok had finished, "is there anywhere special I should put Fare?" Xavier asked, pointing at his wyvern to clarify what he meant when he mentioned Fare. He figured he should probably ask since he'd prefer to tie her to a tree since she seemed to hate stables. Then again, so long as Fare fell asleep quickly enough, which was probably going to happen with all that had happened earlier, everything would be fine no matter where she was kept.

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kKCyIlc.gif"You should be able to just use the soldiers quarters, if you just say you're here with Captain Daryl, they'll let you in."

When Xavier spoke up, Tara responded.

kKCyIlc.gif"The new one, aren't ya? As for land, there's a lot here, but I would have to say you're gonna have to figure that one out yourself."

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Ashok sighed. "Xavier, if you'd like I can try to help you find space for Fare. I don't exactly know how good she is around other people but I can at least help you ask."

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"That's awfully kind of you Ashok," Xavier said as he picked up Fare's reigns. "I'd appreciate it very much. C'mon Fare, let's go find you a spot to rest," Xavier said as he tugged on the reigns.

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"No problem, just...tell me if she'll bite." He would've tried to get closer to the wyvern, a bit amazed by the beast, but he feared it not being tamed, having overheard some comments from the others earlier. He didn't want to lose his hand over one wyvern.

After a bit of searching, keeping at least 4 feet between himself and the wyvern, he came upon a small spot between two tents, with a tree near the end of it. "I realize this is a bit small, but would it be enough for keep her? You could tie her to the tree. She's strong, but I doubt she could uproot the entire thing."

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Xavier chuckled when Ashok asked if Fare would bite him and then proceeded to keep a reasonable distance from her. "So far she hasn't bitten anyone that I know of; however, she goes after me when I feed her sometimes. She's never actually got me but I don't think she'd tear my arm off if she ever did," Xavier said. "Although considering how she was when I first met her that's quite an amazing statement."

They continued searching in silence after he'd said that until Ashok pointed out a possible spot to keep Fare. "Yeah that's probably big enough for her. So long as she's outside she doesn't really care if she's cramped or not," Xavier explained. He took notice of Ashok's comment about tying Fare to the tree and decided to share something that had happened to him before. "You're right when you said she can't uproot the tree. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if the rope snapped instead, it's happened before. Hopefully no one will give her a reason to do it again."

After he said that he led Fare inbetween the tents and tied her to the tree. "You are such a nuisance sometimes..." he said with a sigh before turning to Ashok. "Thanks for the help, I appreciate it."

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"That's good about the space not so much about the rope. Have you ever thought of getting a chain or something, something more durable than rope? If it's happened before it'll probably happen again," Ashok said, getting a little bit paranoid. The beast was large, and if it had tried to bite its rider before, that didn't lend well to his thoughts about strangers. "It's not a problem, really. Though I am really tired. I'm probably going to retire to the soldier's tent. Maybe you can come along, and tell me more about yourself? It's always nice to get to know the ones you're working with.

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"I've considered it but I haven't really had to money for it recently," Xavier said somewhat sheepishly. "Besides, she's tired out from all that happened today so she'll be asleep pretty quick," Xavier said confidently. "And I'll take you up on your offer to tag along with you."

As they walked Xavier picked up on Ashok's unease when he mentioned Fare occasionally tried to bite him and felt the need to explain. "I suppose I should probably tell you that Fare hates people in general. The fact that she lets me ride her is almost unbelievable. Though it's probably because I've been trying so hard for so long to get her to accept me," Xavier said somewhat subdued. "It also probably helps that I spoil her a lot for no reason other than she's a wyvern."

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Sophia watched the pair wander off to find a spot for the wyvern, and turned back to Calden. "You seem like the kind of person that's good at seeing the way the wind blows, so to speak" He probably wouldn't have lasted this long as a con man if he didn't. "What do you think about this? Fighting as a mercenary in a war against Cabaria alongside a group as diverse as this one. It's not something I expected to end up involved with and I get the feeling that someone of your 'profession' wouldn't get wrapped up in this kind of thing if he had other options. ...Er, no offense, of course."

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"I suppose you could say that." Calden shrugged. My profession, huh. Hopefully she means merchant... "Fighting a full on war seems a bit mad to me too, but I'm thinking long term here. There has to be a country left afterwards for me to come back and sell in. Plus, being a war hero comes with it's advantage. There was once a tale of a knight who fought alongside his prince in a war against dragon-kind, and after he came home, he and his wife opened a really successful shop. Well... Until she left him that is." There always had to be a silver lining, he supposed. "Better to end this this thing quickly, so I can get back to co- selling my goods!" Phew. He caught himself. He didn't need the rest if the group knowing, at any rate.

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"Whew, well, we're finally somewhere." Helen said lazily, stretching her arms and dismounting her pegasus at last. The camp seemed fairly sizable, and their contract now seemed clearer than ever, she was happy that the group wouldn't likely be in the heat of the front-lines.

Leading her pegasus to the stables, she notices Ashok and Xavier on their own, apparently tying his wyvern to a tree. Well, things seemed just like she judged them to be, for once.

"Hello Ashok, Xavier." She greeted, turning her attention to the latter. "How long has your wyvern been trained for? It seems to me that it's kind of the one leading your actions in battle. I don't question a mount's instincts as far as small battles go, but couldn't that be a problem if your role in combat becomes specific?" She spoke, taking a look at the wyvern and the rope that tied it to the tree. "Hold me if I'm invading your business too much, but what's the story behind this. Afraid it'll rile up the stables or something?"

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"As long as someone's got a handle on her, that's fine by me. She's fantastic, but if she's not good with people, I think I'll keep my hands to myself. Wouldn't have minded petting her just once, though..." Ashok was disappointed, but that was conquered by how grateful he felt at his own reluctance. Ah well, there's sure to be more in the world. You can find another to fill that curiosity.

It was then that Helen jumped in, not that he minded. She was a nice enough person, when she wasn't getting the entire situation wrong. "I don't mean to speak for him, but that was the idea, yes. It wouldn't do to have her eating the army's cavalry before it ever gets to do anything, ahaha..." A nervous laugh was all he could add to his comment, the thought causing a lovely mental picture in his mind.

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Well, this place was certainly better than that blasted battlefield... luckily the arrows didn't appear to have left a scar, much to Lenora's pleasure. Of course, while she had managed to get out relatively unscathed in the long run, Daryl still did not appear to be at his best... hopefully that wound of his would not prove to be fatal... he was a decent enough fellow and had decided not to just skewer her in Anchorage, despite Tara's protests.

And of course, were Daryl to fall, it left the opportunity for said cavalier to become the leader of their entire little mercenary troupe... which was not the most pleasant thought that Lenora could come up with. The woman was brash, tactless, and headstrong at the best of times, and somehow Lenora doubted there was any sort of tactical mastermind hiding beneath her exterior.

Though all of this still didn't give the former freedom fighter... or perhaps even current as it were, all things considered, anything to do at the moment. In light of that, she simply opted to watch Ashok and the new guy attempt to tie a massive scaly beast to a nearby tree.

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"I... see, nice to know it's being taken care of, then." Helen said, a bit apprehensive after the imagery given by Ashok. She moves the hand holding her pegasus' reins behind her back, as if leading it away from the wyvern ever so slightly. "I wouldn't know the first thing about wyverns, sadly. But I think you should see someone to finish the training, eventually. Maybe you can find someone that'll help with that around? It is kind of a big army, after all.
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"Eh, not really... more bored than anything. Wondering how long it's going to take one of them to get bitten or thrashed trying to tie a wyvern to a tree." Lenora replied, her tone only half suggesting that she was joking.

"And yourself?"

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"I'm fine, thank you," Sturgulewski replied, setting his staff down. "And I would not put that past wyverns. In my age, you see quite a bit."

He shrugged. "I even get the feeling that Xavier might have the kind of wyvern who would do that..." He looked to Lenora. "He seemed to have a bit of trouble with that wyvern."

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"Well... I heard that not too long ago you messed with Ashok's mind over... selling yourself, was it?" Sturgulewski said. "It was something someone mentioned a little before we were ambushed. I remember that I was told that you were proud of it, but from what I've seen of you you're of a very different mind than that."

The old man shrugged, looking over to Lenora. "I mean... I assumed there was a reason you didn't want me to discuss what happened on that field of battle with the skirt and everything, right?"

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The amused look on Lenora's face immediately dissipated, as her formerly lazy hand on the hilt of her blade became a white-knuckled death grip within moments.

"That goddamn pegasus knight walks up to me out of nowhere spouting fucking 'so you sell yourself huh, how much money do you make?' bullshit!" Lenora roared, her hand leaving her sword and slamming directly into a nearby wall, causing a small shower of dust to fly from the impact, leaving a small mark, painted with the blood that was now spilling from Lenora's busted knuckles.

"Ashok wasn't even involved in that... I was just flirting with him a little, try to break the ice and maybe help us work better together... is that sort of bullshit rumour really going around about me?" Lenora asked with an aggravated sigh, as she repeatedly pulled her hand back and slammed it against the poor uninvolved wall... with progressively more force despite the increasing amount of blood oozing from the worsening wound.

"... and that... that's just me trying to preserve a little modesty, but I guess that'd be too much to ask, huh?" She finished, her rage falling off into melancholy as she ceased assailing the wall... or assailing herself depending on your perspective.

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Sturgulewski glanced to the side, cringing slightly at Lenora's rage about the whole issue. He had never seen anyone get that angry. "Well... I guess it might have worked too well..." he commented.

He sighed. "You know... if it makes you feel any better, you honestly never did strike me as that type of woman," he said. "You struck me as the kind who would make a person flustered to try to improve your friendship with others, but never to actually... you know." He glanced to the side. "I have seen some that were that kind of woman. Honestly, they were much more melancholic than this..."

He placed a hand on her shoulder calmly. "But you..." He shook his head. "Damn, I'm playing the concerned old man again. I apologize for that, I slip into that sometimes... Pay me no mind."

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