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Streetpass Messages


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So, has anyone made Streetpass teams yet? I haven't, but I will eventually, once my chosen members are maxed out and stuff. But if you do have a team, what are your messages? Or what will they be once you make your team? I've got all of mine already.

Team Name: Frederick's Army (I actually wanted "Frederick's Knights" but it was a bit too long. Why must all of these be so short?)

Greeting: I'm Fred's wife!

Challenge: Let's battle!

Recruitment: For my Freddy!

Obviously, Frederick is going to be on this team. XD

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I think mine's called something like 'shop' or something similar. It consists of 10 characters with weak defences, each carrying 5 rare items (all unique).

I think this is about the best thing I can do with my streetpass team. Not that I've ever picked up a streetpass (despite living next door to a kid who has a 3DS)

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Don't you mean Freddy IS the team?

Haha, no. XD

It wouldn't be Frederick's Army without an actual army. lol Kelli (Avatar), Morgan, Stahl, Cordelia, Severa (or Virion, whomever I like more as a Bow Knight) Inigo, Donnel, and Chrom will be the rest of it. I don't like Chrom too much, but this is Frederick we're talking about here. He wouldn't want his army to be without his lord. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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My "current" team

Name: "Tomestackers"

Greeting: "Wnt to play a game?"

Challenge: "It's on!"

Recruit: "Really?!"

Card: "MU x Lucina"

This is actually my "PvE" team, something I didn't allow PCC goers to get a shot at, but will be letting Sabo-goers...

My most "well known" team:

Name: "Squad Symphonia"

Greeting: "Ready guys?"

Challenge: "Colette..."

Recruit: "Leave it to me!"

Card: "Dwarven vow 108"

The biggest waste of time team ever, AKA "Bad Romance", AKA: I did this for con, never again.

Name: "Ike x Soren"

Greeting: "I wnt your love"

Challenge: "Love is revenge"

Recruit: "You and me can.."

Card: "Team name is bad"

Edited by Airship Canon
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Team Name: Sniper's Team - And there are no snipers in the team :awesome:

Greeting: Hey!

Challenge: Take That!

Recruitment: Gotcha!

Mmmm, some Ace Attorney here

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My team is a Shop Team, so people can buy stuff. 8U

Team Name: Bonus Market

Greeting: Need a Rift?

Challenge: Oh dear...

Recruitment: Charming.


  1. Chrom [Great Lord] @ Rapier, Noble Rapier, Arms Scroll, Reeking Box, Rift Door
  2. Lucina [sniper] @ Wolt's Bow, Towering Bow, Longbow, Glass Bow, Slack Bow
  3. Maeve [Grandmaster] @ Levin Sword, Glass Sword, Alm's Blade, Seed of Trust, Elixir
  4. Ricken [Dread Fighter] @ Bolt Axe, Glass Axe, Orsin's Hatchet, Dying Blaze, Wilderwind
  5. Morgan [sage] @ Celica's Gale, Katarina's Bolt, Micaiah's Pyre, Fortify, Catharsis
  6. Henry [sorcerer] @ Aversa's Night, Ruin, Nosferatu, Seraph Robe, Goddess Icon
  7. Frederick [Paladin] @ Tree Branch, Eirika's Blade, Eliwood's Blade, Energy Drop, Spirit Dust
  8. Sumia [Falcon Knight] @ Log, Ephraim's Lance, Sigurd's Lance, Speedwing, Secret Book
  9. Inigo [bow Knight] @ Inne's Bow, Underdog Bow, Leif's Blade, Dracoshield, Talisman
  10. Brady [sage] @ Superior Jolt, Recover, Hammerne, Rescue, Kneader

As you can see, they're not really designed for fighting. 8U I just sell character weapons, joke items, and stat-boosting items. My greeting, "Need a Rift?", is a pun based on that.

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Well, my messages are French, but I'll translate for you. o/

Name of the team : Legendary Heroes.

Greetings in French => Pikapi ! Ça va ?

Translation => Pikapi ! How R U ?

Challenge in French => THIS.IS.SPARTAAA ! ( Well, actually not really in French but it's what I settled. xD )

Recruitment in French => Excellent!Bravo.

Translation => Wonderful! Gg !

And my streetpass team is just badass. Than yours, obviously.

1. Chrom [Great Lord, Sword A, Lance A] & Skills & : Aether, Aegis, Luna, Rightful King, and soon Bowbreaker. @ : Exalted Falchion, Gradivus, Ragnell, Gungnir, and Noble Rapier.

2. Seoxys ( My Unit ) [Dark Knight, Sword A, Tome A] & Skills & : Life Drain, Counter, Vengeance, Ignis, Limit Break. @ Frostmourne ( Hero Sword forged to deal 13 damages. ), Thoron, Bolganone, Fimbulvetr, Mjölnir.

3. Morgan (Female) [sorcerer, Tome A] & Skills & : Tomefaire, Ignis, Pavise, Astra, Limit Break. @ Nostenferatu ( Aversa's Night with 20 damages. ), Falaflamme, Mjölnir, Holsety, Naga's Book.

4. Maribelle [sage, Tome A, Staff A] & Skills & : Rally Res, Rally Mag, Galeforce, Tomefaire, Life Drain. @ Excalibur, Thoron, Fortify, Physic, Godess Staff.

5. Lon'qu. [Assassin, Sword A, Bow A.] & Skills & : Swordbreaker, Pass, Lethality, Astra, Swordfaire. @ Ragnell, Mistilteinn, Hero Sword, Hero Bow, Parthia.

6. Sumia [Falcon Knight, Lance A, Staff A] & Skills & : Renewal, Galeforce, Luna, Pavise, Lancefaire. @ Blessed Spear ( Blessed Lance forged to deal 16 damages. ), Spear, Killer Lance, Fortify, Restitution.

7. Cordelia [Dark Flier, Lance A, Tome A] & Skills & : Bowbreaker, Galeforce, Tomebreaker, Life Drain, Lancefaire. @ Fulgur ( Thoron forged to deal 19 damages. ), Silver Lance, Luna, Gaè Bolg, Spear.

8. Lu**** [G**** L***, Sword A, Lance A.], & Skills : & A*****, Swordfaire, Lancebreaker, R****** ****, Aegis. @ X***-F*******, Levin Sword, Gaè Bolg, Spear, Hero Sword.

9. Owain. [swordmaster, Sword A.] & Skills & : Vantage, Vengeance, Swordfaire, Tomebreaker, Life Drain.

10. Vaike. [Warrior, Axe A, Bow A] & Skills & : Counter, Sol, Wrath, Axebreaker, Axefaire.

I don't tell the stats, 'cause slarckness.

Edited by Godot
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My Streetpass Team is called the "NUNS WITH AXES" despite there being no War Cleric/Monk present on the team.

I cannot recall my phrases but I'm pretty sure they all have to do with some form of "BUTTS" or "BOOTY".

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Team Name: Galeforce One

Greeting: Good day to ya♪!

Challenge: L-Lemme prepare!

Recruitment: Hee!

Though to be honest, no one in my team's setup with Galeforce haha.

My friend named her team Counter Boys after I made a quip about "her counter boys approaching" while fighting her team in Streetpass. I found that highly amusing xD

Edit: Ah, another funny thing! My other friend's greeting is set to "I saw your face..." and when you meet her, the quote makes absolutely no sense. But then you fight her and the challenge quote is "... and WOW!" xDDD

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My Team name is the same as my username.

Greeting: "Serenes Forest!"

(Yes, I'm trying to make this site more popular. And I can't think of a fitting greeting.)

Challenge: "...Draw!"

Recruitment: "Guide my blade."

The other stuff about my team is pretty long, so I put it in a Spoiler.

[spoiler=Other information]


Alexander (Avatar)

Lv 20 Grandmaster


HP 80 + 5

STR 51 + 2

MAG 49 + 2

SKL 54 + 2

SPD 50 + 2

LCK 52 + 2

DEF 52 + 7

RES 50 + 7







Limit Breaker


Book of Naga 25/25 [Equipped]

Mt 15 – Hit 80 – Crit 15 – Rng 1-2 – Effective against Dragons

Def/Res +5. Timeless magic.

“Cyclone” 20/20 (Forged Celica’s Gale)

Mt 9 – 80 Hit – Crit 14 – Rng 1-2 – Effective against Fliers

Ancient wind magic. Allows the wielder to strike twice.

“Animus” 30/30 (Forged Brave Sword)

Mt 14 – Hit 80 – Crit 9 – Rng 1

Allows the wielder to strike twice.

“Veritas” 10/10 (Forged Alm’s Blade)

Mt 20 – Hit 75 – Crit 19 – Rng 1

An ancient weapon.

Elixir 3/3

Fully restores the user’s HP.


Lv 6 Great Lord


HP 80 + 5

STR 52 + 2

MAG 41 + 2

SKL 55 + 2

SPD 57 + 2

LCK 57 + 2

DEF 49 + 7

RES 49 + 2





Rightful King


Limit Breaker


Ragnell 25/25 [Equipped]

Mt 15 – Hit 70 – Crit 0 – Rng 1-2

Def + 5. A timeless weapon.

Gradivus 25/25

Mt 19 – Hit 85 – Crit 5 – Rng 1-2

One of the Three Regalia. Use it to fully restore HP.

Elixir 3/3

Fully restores the user’s HP.

“Fleur” 25/25 (Forged Noble Rapier)

Mt 13 – Hit 85 – Crit 19 – Rng 1 – Effective against Beast & Armor

Lords only. Sharp and commanding.

“Durendal” 30/30 (Forged Brave Lance)

Mt 15 – Hit 85 – Crit 0 – Rng 1

Allows the wielder to strike twice.


Lv 12 Great Lord


HP 80 + 5

STR 54 + 2

MAG 15 + 2

SKL 51 + 2

SPD 52 + 2

LCK 56 + 2

DEF 51 + 2

RES 49 + 2





Rightful King


Limit Breaker


Exalted Falchion

Mt 15 – Hit 80 – Crit 10 – Rng 1 – Effective against Dragons & Dark Dragons

Chrom only. Use this to restore 20 HP.

Gradivus 25/25

Mt 19 – Hit 85 – Crit 5 – Rng 1-2

One of the Three Regalia. Use it to fully restore HP.

Seraph Robe

Permanently increases Max HP by 5.

Energy Drop

Permanently increases Str by 2.

Spirit Dust

Permanently increases Mag by 2.


Lv 15 Dancer


HP 80 + 5

STR 40 + 2

MAG 40 + 2

SKL 51 + 2

SPD 51 + 2

LCK 55 + 2

DEF 39 + 2

RES 39 + 2





Special Dance


Limit Breaker


Brave Sword 30/30 [Equipped]

Default unforged stats

Elixir 3/3

Fully restores the user’s HP.

Secret Book

Permanently increases Skill by 2.


Permanently increases Speed by 2.

Goddess Icon

Permanently increases Luck by 2.


Lv 23 Dread Fighter


HP 80 + 5

STR 58 + 2

MAG 47 + 2

SKL 52 + 2

SPD 49 + 2

LCK 56 + 2

DEF 54 + 2

RES 52 + 2







Limit Breaker


Hauteclere 25/25 [Equipped]

Mt 21 – Hit 70 – Crit 5 – Rng 1

Use this to fully restore HP. A timeless weapon.

Mercurius 25/25

Mt 17 – Hit 95– Crit 5 – Rng 1

One of the Three Regalia. Devastatingly powerful.

“Root” 10/10 (Forged Soothing Sword)

Mt 13 – Hit 85 – Crit 9 – Rng 1

Restores 10 HP every turn.

Elixir 3/3

Fully restores the user’s HP.


Permanently increases Resistance by 2.


Lv 13 Berserker (temporary class)


HP 80 + 5

STR 62 + 2

MAG 23 + 2

SKL 48 + 2

SPD 57 + 2

LCK 57 + 2

DEF 42 + 2

RES 36 + 2






Rightful King

Limit Breaker


“Stormherald” 30/30 (Forged Brave Axe) [Equipped]

Mt 17 – Hit 60 – Crit 9 – Rng 1

Allows the wielder to strike twice.

“Wrath” 15/15 (Forged Hector’s Axe)

Mt 20 – Hit 75 – Crit 24 – Rng 1

Str/Def + 2. A heroic weapon.

Helswath 25/25

Mt 18 – Hit 60 – Crit 10 – Rng 1-2

Def + 5. A timeless weapon.

Elixir 3/3

Fully restores the user’s HP.

Arms Scroll

Raises the weapon level of all equippable weapons and staves.


Lv 11 Swordmaster (temporary class)


HP 80 + 5

STR 50 + 2

MAG 24 + 2

SKL 59 + 2

SPD 58 + 2

LCK 53 + 2

DEF 37 + 2

RES 31 + 2







Limit Breaker


“Sass” 30/30 (Forged Brave Sword) [Equipped]

Mt 14 – Hit 95 – Crit 0

Allows the wielder to strike twice.

Sol Katti 25/25

Mt 8 – Hit 100 – Crit 50 – Rng 1

Myrmidon classes only. Res + 5. A plainsman’s blade.

Elixir 3/3

Fully restores the user’s HP.

Rift Door

Calls a merchant to the World Map. Wares vary by location.

Tiki’s Tear

Grants Max HP +5 and all other stats +2 for one battle.


Lv 13 Grandmaster


HP 80 + 5

STR 53 + 2

MAG 50 + 2

SKL 57 + 2

SPD 53 + 2

LCK 54 + 2

DEF 51 + 2

RES 49 + 2







Limit Breaker


“Vasilis” 10/10 (Forged Alm’s Blade) [Equipped]

Mt 20 – Hit 75 – Crit 19 – Rng 1

An ancient weapon.

“(Blank)” 30/30 (Forged Brave Sword)

Mt 14 – Hit 80 – Crit 9 – Rng 1

Allows the wielder to strike twice.

“(Blank)” 30/30 (Forged Killing Edge)

Mt 12 – Hit 90 – Crit 45 – Rng 1

Increases the likelihood of critical hits.

Book of Naga 25/25

Mt 15 – Hit 80 – Crit 15 – Rng 1-2 – Effective against Dragons

Def/Res +5. Timeless magic.

“Whirlwind” 20/20 (Forged Celica’s Gale)

Mt 9 – 80 Hit – Crit 14 – Rng 1-2 – Effective against Fliers

Ancient wind magic. Allows the wielder to strike twice.

[Empty Unit Slot]

[Empty Unit Slot]

Edited by Ƶerker
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This is the team I set up for AX last month. It's basically just made up of the families I liked the most (and Robin). If it wasn't for the character limit, I would have named it Team "Take Your Family to War" Day. :V


Greeting: "Family funtimes [musical note]" (no idea why I mushed fun and times into a single word lol)

Challenge: "im all alone :(" (Robin was the third wheel to all the families :V )

Recruitment: "no"

Stats, skills, and items for anyone interested, the images are a bit big though.





I tried to put in as many asshole skills and weapons as possible. (◡‿◡✿)

As an aside, I came across a neat Streetpass team, for fans of "Tales of" game. Someone made a team modeled after the party members in Tales of Xillia 2. He included nice little touches that reference the characters' play styles and such. Here, for anyone curious.

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"Luna Saints"

<Everyone has Luna>

Greeting: "Full moon out."

Challenge: "The moon wanes."

Recruit: "I'll see to it."

Card Message: "Evening!"

Basically, cheesy Luna related messages. Maybe I should make them into moon puns. That might be tricky.

EDIT: @Dekodomo

Props for Maribelle/Lon'qu! ♥

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I haven't made this yet but here's my streetpass team anyway! :D

Team Name - Knights of Lunar

Greeting - Hello.

Challenge - Say goodnight! (I like this line ...)

Recruitment - As you say.

Also! Here's my team -

[spoiler=My Streetpass Team]Moira (Avatar) - War Cleric
Skills - Luna, Astra, Lethality, Pavise, and Renewal
Weapons - Hector's Axe (named Atropos), Tomahawk (named Lachesis), Killer Axe (named Clotho), and Helswath

Chrom - Great Lord
Skills - Aether, Luna, Aggressor, Ageis, and Rightful King
Weapons - E.Falchion, Brave Sword, Brave Lance, Regnell, and Gungnir

Avatar!Lucina - Great Lord
Skills - Aether, Astra, Swordfaire, Pavise, and Rightful King
Weapons - P.Falchion, Ragnell, Killer Sword, Brave Sword, and Brave Lance

Chrom!Morgan - Hero
Skills - Luna, Astra, Swordfaire, Aegis, and Rightful King
Weapons - Sol (Sword), Brave Sword, Brave Axe, Tyrfing, and Balmung

Donnel!Nah - Falcon Knight
Skills - Sol, Lancefaire, Bond, Patience, and Iote's Shield
Weapons - Luna (Lance), Brave Lance, Gungnir, Gae Blog, and Physic

Kellam!Brady - War Monk
Skills - Luna, Pavise, Defence +2, Healtouch, and Aggressor
Weapons - Three Bolt Axes, Brave Axe, and Physic

Frederick!Cynthia - Falcon Knight
Skills - Luna, Pavise, Lancefaire, Renewal, and Iote's Shield
Weapons - Two Brave Lances, Gungnir, Gae Blog, and Gradivus

Lon'qu!Laurent - Sorcerer
Skills - Astra, Vengeance, Aggressor, Tomefaire, and Lifetaker
Weapons - Waste, Book of Naga, Celica's Gale, Goetia, and Mjoliner

Tharja - Sorcerer
Skills - Luna, Pavise, Hit Rate +20, Lifetaker, and Anathema
Weapons - Two Wastes, Two Mjolinirs, and Forseti

Priam - Hero
Skills - Luna, Sol, Resistance +10, Agressor, and Swordfaire
Weapons - Four Regnells, and a Brave Sword

You know, looking at the other comments made me see how bad my quotes are... >_>;

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Now that two of my friends have Awakening, my streetpass team is seeing a bit more use, although none of them can beat my team yet.

Team name: Ylissean Guard (I dunno what to change it to)

Greeting: ... What?

Challenge: Oh, great ...

Recruitment: I'd rather not.

Or something along those lines.

My team consists of Chrom, Robin, Olivia, Lucina, Inigo, Miriel, Laurent, Morgan, Gerome, and Owain. Although I am debating whether I should make an all-Avatar army or not.

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